The Climb - an Illustrated Horse TF Story

Story by K9Lupus on SoFurry

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Download the story with the link below:The Climb

This story is one of my most extensive short story projects and touches on a lot of themes that carry over into some of my other stories. It's my hope with transformation-based writing like this that I can help show that transformation writing has a wide range of applications beyond being used to solely describe sexual encounters. Transformation is something we all experience in our own way as we react to the events of life, and I am proud to share this story with all of you.

If you'd like to gain early access to more work like this and other stories/illustrations, please check out my Patreon page at the link below where you'll gain access to exclusive content and story updates before they are publicly released by choosing to support my work:

K9Lupus Patreon