Life Changes: Chapter 1 : The Night Draws Closer
This Is My First Story So Please Read And Review Thanks : DJ Hak
..."I love you". He pulled me close and we shared a long romantic kiss by the lake. I stared into his eyes as he spoke softly "Hector...Hector....". He was speaking in a low calm voice.
"BRRRAAAWWWW" I yelled and fell out of bed as I felt cold water on my bare chest. I opened my eyes and looked up to see that it was my dad with a cup in his hand.
"Hector wake your ass up its 6:30!! I shouldn't have to wake you up that's why you have a alarm clock"
I was too tired to even argue so all i did was growl and shruge my shoulders. I got up and headed to the bathroom,brushed my teeth,took a shower and headed into my room to get dressed. I was hungry but there was no time to eat breakfast so I hurried downstairs and started walking to school.
Oh I Forgot To Tell You! I'm Hector. I'm 17 And A Lion. Junior At AAS.
"Hey Hector Slow Down" I turned around to see who it was but before i could turn around she jumped on my back. It was Arielle one of my good friends and my sister's mate. She's a black panther and the cutest one girl at the school. She had really soft fur and if she wasn't with my sister i would make a move!
"Geez can't you ever give me a heads up before you jump on my back?" I said to her while laughing lightly.
She and said "No you should be ready for are you going to the dance on saturday night?"
I looked up into the sky as i remembered about the dance that was being hosted this saturday at the hotels dancehall. Dances were never my thing and i didn't wanna go but my plans have been ruined.
Taking deep breath I said "I really don't want to go but love muffin told me that I wasnt going to stay locked in my room anymore so he paid for my ticket so I guess I am going."
"That's the best thing he's done for you so far" She laughed and messed up my mane. "So is the whole crew going with you?"
"Yeah" I said "Isa,Mailyn,Gabby,Akeila, I heard John was going,Emanuel and a couple others."
I felt a little better about going to the dance because i would be going with my sister and a few friends would be there too. Before we knew it we hit the front of the school. Arielle jumped off my back, gave me hug and ran off with her friends. I did the same where i met up with Kimber. Kimber is a brown bear she's chubby but a good friend. Her and my sister don't get along what so ever but, that doesnt stop me from hanging out with her.
The bell rang and everyone went to their class. While walking to spanish i saw him. I don't know his name but something about him catches my attention everytime I see him. He's a black lab with a white mohawk, carries his iPod on his arm and wears shirts with the sleeves torn off. He was cute but i don't dare tell anyone. As far as the school knows i'm straight. Im bi but i lean more towards guys. As I passed the mysterious lab i got a sniff of him, he was wearing cologne and it made me want to hug him and never let go. Passing him I took a glance back and noticed he was staring back at me. I quickly turned around .
School went by faster than usual. After the last bell rang I went to my locker,grabbed my sweater and walked out the school. "One day left" someone said. One day till the dance. As I walked home those words were stuck in my head....One day left"....
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To Be Continued-------------------------------------
Well This Is The First Ever Story Ive Ever Written Out Of The Top Of My Head. Im Planning Of Making This Into A Series If I Get Good Reviews. Leave A Comment And Dont Forget To Vote~