Eilyen's story: Chapter 1: Nuts and Milk
Manny years ago a buff anthro red dragon fell in love in Paris with a small black bunny and they were married, they had plenty of young one of which this story is about. We fast forward several generations where we find a 15 year bunnydragon named Lièvre Eilyen Noir. Shi was born a herm but most of the dragon has been breed out, shi has long floppy ears and black fur. The bottom of hir hands and feet are bare of any fur showing the red scales underneath. She's about 250 pounds but doesn't look very fat, shi hasn't really gotten to the point where shi has hit puberty so she is rather flat chested and attends a private high school with school uniforms. Shi hates having to wear a blouse and a skirt all the time. Shi is just a normal girl; her mother is half dragon and half rabbit, standing at 7 feet tall and weighing almost 600 pounds and has 4 breasts and large wings looking more dragon than rabbit and speaks with a little bit of a French accent. Hir dad is just your average floppy eared black rabbit who is plump as well. This morning starts like any other. It's 7am and Eilyen's alarm goes off and she grumbles and fumbles around and shuts it off. Hir room is pretty big decorated all around with posters of muscular male fur, mostly equines. Shi gets up and yawns stretching out and rubs her brown eyes trying to wake up. She mumbled to herself "Ugh, great. Another day of school. I hate school." She gets up; the plush light pink carpet feels nice and warm under hir feet. Sie undresses and heads into her bathroom located just across the hall from hir room on the upper floor which has all sorts of fur care products and brushes for hir fur. Sie brushes her teeth and thinks they might be getting a bit long and she might have to wear them down again "Ugh just what I need, more time having to wear these teeth down." She finishes brushing and steps into the shower and turns on the water and sighs washing over her chest and wonders how long it will be until she gets breasts. Shi notices something different today that shi hadn't noticed before. She rubs over some bumps on hir chest "Hmm? What do we have here?" she rubs over them and finds 4 small bumps on her chest "Bumps? Maybe It's getting time for me to have breasts after all, but why 4?" she thinks about this as she washes hir male parts and shi finally remembers something "Wait a moment; mom has 4 breasts, oh great so I got to inherit that and not the height? Great. And I get these stupid tiny wings to. What use are wings if you can't use them?" shi growls and tugs at her small wings and sighs and washes her long black hair and fur and steps out of the shower and dry's off. She puts on white panties as required by her schools dress code even though she has male parts as well as female ones they register her as female and she really hates it, she puts on a bra like piece of clothing made to hold her wings flat against her back since she students are not allowed to have their wings out at school and she always wears it anyway as shi really hates hir wings.
She puts on her school blouse which is most white with a blue beck and a blue short skirt, she resembles a Japanese school girl like this and even the bag for school seems to be modeled after Japan. She hmms and rubs her 4 nipples though the blouse as her mother calls out for breakfast. Shi calls back "Coming mother, just about done getting ready" her mom calls back "Don't take too long I don't have time to take you if your late" shi rolls her eyes and finishes brushing hir hair and then grabs hir book back and walks out for breakfast. A large salad is placed in front of hir as sie sits down at the dining table. "Here you go dear, your favorite this time, biscuits and carrot salad" Shi smiles and hugs her mom "thanks mom, you always know how to brighten my most miserable of school days" she smiles "I'm your mother it's my job to cheer my only daughter up." Her dad smiles as he reads his newspaper as Eilyen starts eating "Did you sleep well dear?" he asks and she stuffs her mouth and mumbles an "mmhmm" her mom smirks "you know better, finish eating before you speak" Eilyen grumbles and swallows "I slept fine, just like every other night dad" her mother speaks up "Don't talk to your father like that" shi sighs "Sorry, I got a big test today and I'm a bit stressed over it. It's a major part of our grade and yes, I have been studying every chance I get. I don't want to flunk out first year. I still have a year to wait until I'm 16." Her mom smiles "Don't be in such a hurry to grow up Lièvre. Enjoy it while you can." She growls "Don't call me Lièvre, call me Eilyen. You know I hate it when you call me that. Her mom shakes her head "why is it you hate it? I have called you Lièvre for 14 years and now your 15 and you want to go by your middle name?" she nods and finishes her salad and grabs a bisect and starts to head to the door and puts on her socks and dress shoes "Yes so please call me Eilyen." She waves and heads out the door to go to the bus stop to catch the bus to school. Shi gets there and meets some of hir friends and the girls start talking about boys and such. The bus arrives a few minutes later. They giggle and gossip all the way to school but one thing Eilyen hasn't told anyone yet is shi is a herm and has somewhat above average male parts but the skirt hides it and she doesn't anyone to know shi might have 4 breasts, which isn't rare, it's just unusual and society doesn't really look favorably upon 4 breasted species. Shi gets to hir first class and once school starts the teacher comes in with a new student, a 6 foot black and red dragon. He's wearing the school uniform for boys, grey slacks and a white dress shirt with a red tie and a grey blazer over the shirt. "All right students I want you to meet a new transfer student. His name is Dorango Fireclaw. He will be studying here for the rest of the school year." He bows politely and smiles "It's a pleasure to meet you, let's try to get along" the teacher clears his throat "Please site behind Ms. Noir there in the back." He smiles and walks over and sits in the desk and Eilyen blushes a bit under her fur. "All right, now students clear off your desks and get ready for your test. "The class groans and gets ready for the test. The school day goes by and she find out Dorango has a locker right next to hers "Hello there Ms. Noir" shi blushes some and nods
"Hello, how has your first day been?" he smiles and chuckles "It has been rather interesting. I never expected to find a Dragon mix with a rabbit. I have not heard of such mixes before" Eilyen nods "Yeah, my mom is half and half and my family seems to have a habit of breeding rabbits and dragons together. I'm only 1/3 dragon and if I can help it I will marry some nice good looking rabbit guy and try to breed more of the dragon out. There's no point in being part dragon if you can't get any of the benefits." Dorango smirked "Yeah, I can see what you mean, I would imagine your wings bust be as sore and cramped as mine are in this school uniform." Eilyen smiles "A little but there so small there worthless, and I don't want wings anyway. Rabbits don't have wings" Dorango hmms and nods "Well you seem like a nice girl. Would you like to meet up this weekend? I could use a tour around town I just moved in and I don't know my way around." Eilyen blinked and blushed "Um, uh, th, this weekend? Uh, I, I, I will have to ask my p, parents. I can tell you tomorrow if th, that's ok" Dorango smiled and nodded "Sure thing, I understand. I hope they let you out." The school bell rings and they close up their lockers "Well there's the bell. See you tomorrow." He smiles and heads off, his tail swishing behind him as Eilyen watches and gets a hold of herself thinking "Oh great job there Eilyen, you totally sounded like a dork back there stuttering" shi heads off to hir next class. Later in the day it was time for Phys Ed and the gym clothes consisted if just red panties like shorts and a white t-shirt. Unfortunately for Eilyen being a herm this made it painfully clear that shi wasn't just a female. Thankfully none of her friends where in this class so they wouldn't know. Being so heavy set she hates gym class and tries hard but the teacher just seems to pick on her because she's well padded. Finally after all her classes where done she packs up her stuff and head to the bus still thinking of Durango. Shi chats about him and school with her friends, they all gossip and giggle. The bus stops at their stop and they all hug and say goodbye. Eilyen makes her way home and walks in taking her shoes off and her mom call out "Welcome home Lièvre, how was your day?" Eilyen grumbles "Mom, I told you to call me Eilyen" her mom smiles and chuckles coming out to give her a hug and says "I'm sorry dear, I'm just used to calling you Lièvre for the past 14 years. Give me some time and a hug for your mother" Eilyen sighs and puts her bag down giving her mom a hug
"I'm sorry mom I couldn't have snapped. But please try to remember not to call me Lièvre." Her mom smiles and nuzzles her daughter "So tell me about your day? Also would you like a salad? I will be happy to whip a carrot salad for you?" Eilyen smiles and nods "Sure, thanks mom your salads are the best. As for my day it was ok, a new student arrived in my class before the test. He's a good looking dragon and he asked if I could meet him this weekend. He just moved in to the area. He's cute and got a nice tail but don't get the wrong idea mom I don't want to have him as a boyfriend. I want to marry a rabbit." Her mom giggles and serves up a fresh salad "Here you go dear and I'm sure you will find the right one eventually. Whatever species he may be. You know whatever species you pick I will support you all the way dear. So tell me who this dragon with the nice tail is hmm?" Eilyen giggles as shi eats hir salad "His name is Dorango Fireclaw. He's 6 feet tall already. He's a 1st year student like me. He's very nice. Would it be ok if I met him this weekend? I want to show him around town." Her mother thinks and pets Eilyen some "Well I guess it's ok but you know your Dad is going to want to meet him. Heck I want to meet him. Have you told him you're a herm yet?" Eilyen shakes her head "No, I haven't. I told you I am not interested in him like that mom I just want to be nice to him" her mother smiles and grins "All right dear if you say so. You started thinking about what you're going to wear when you go with him? I saw the most lovely dress today and think you would look adorable in it" Eilyen finishes hir salad "Mom! You know I hate dresses; I haven't worn a dress since I was like 6. I will find something good to wear." Her mother smiles "All right dear, can't blame a mother for trying to help her only daughter look good" Eilyen smiles and hugs her mom "I know, thanks for trying though. I am going to go start on my homework so I can call my friends." She heads off to her room after picking up her book bag and closes the door and looks around the room at all the posters on the wall of different species, all rather buff and male. She smiles and sits on her bed which has my little pony theme on it making it stand out in the room. She opens up her bag and gets working on hir homework but hir thought s keep drifting back to Dorango.
Shi ponders what he looks like under that school uniform and giggles. After a while her dad comes home and shi comes out to greet him "Hi dad how was your day?" he chuckles "well, hello there. What do I owe the honor of you coming out to greet me?" shi smiles "Oh so now your own daughter can't come out and greet you?" He smiles and they both laugh and hug "Well I met a new student and he just moved into the area..." Hir dad speaks up "Oh? So now you met a cute new guy and you want to go out on a date hmm?" Eilyen blinks and blushes "Dad! No! I want to show him around town as he just moved into the area. I promise I will bring him by so you and mom can meet him. His name is Dorango Fireclaw and he's a dragon. He's real nice. You don't mind if I go and show him around this weekend do you?" He hmms and pets her "All right love, just make sure to bring him over early enough so you don't forget" she hugs him tight "Thanks dad I promise I won't forget" The rest of the week passes quietly, Eilyen and Dorango chat now and then finally it's Saturday. The alarm doesn't go off so she gets to rest and doesn't wake up until about 8:30 in the morning. She Yawns and rubs her eyes and opens the blinds on her window looking out from her 2nd floor bedroom over her neighborhood. Shi is very excited about today. She walks out and down stair still in her night gown with slits in the back for her wings. She looks around and her mom is outside in the back working on the garden since she likes to grow her own food, and her dad is reading the paper. "Morning dad, how's the world today? Going to end anytime soon?" Her dad chuckles and looks over the paper "Morning Eilyen, sleep well? And no the world won't end for your date." Shi smirks and sticks hir tongue out "Very funny dad, and I haven't forgotten I will bring him back here to meet you and mom" shi digs around the fridge and starts making herself a salad and munches on it watching some TV and then washes her dishes and give her dad a kiss and heads back upstairs to her room and closes the door so she can undress and looks at her naked furry body in the mirror and looks down at her scaly sheath wondering why shi had to be born a herm and not just a normal girl. She rubs it a little felling the scales over her own hand scales and then goes to the shower to wash her fur and hair. Shi ponders what to wear for her date. After she's done with her shower shi wraps her ears and hair in a towel and her body before she brushes her teeth. Shi looks at them noticing some pointy teeth starting to come in and wonders why since she's not a meat eater. Shi shrugs and starts to dig through all hir clothes and after an hour or so of rummaging she finally picks out an outfit. She brushes hir hair and finally heads out telling her parents goodbye and heads off to the mall to meet Dorango. She got there about 5 till 11 and waited at the fountain in the center of the mall.
She's wearing blue jeans but ones made for males since shi find it better suited for hir build showing only a moderate bulge in the front. Around it was a shiny black belt and her top was a short sleeve blouse with a low neckline and a blue toon dragon with a white belly holding a big wooden hammer on it. She is carrying a black purse that looks like it was made with reptile skin having scales. She is also wearing Sneakers for boys as well since hir feet feel better then the smaller girl ones. Shi doesn't have long to wait as Dorango comes up wearing a rather regal red silk Chinese outfit. He has his large wings out now, no longer bound in his clothes, they look to be quite large at least double the size of his body. He is wearing dress shoes as well. He walks up behind Eilyen who is looking at her cell phone for the time "Eilyen?" Shi jumps a little and looks behind hir "Oh hi Dorango. I didn't think you would be here before the time." Shi looks at him and notices he now sports long whiskers usually found on aisen dragons. Shi blinks and looks a bit puzzled as shi stands up facing him and he looks hir over "That's certainly a nice outfit, although not what I was expecting." Shi giggles "Oh? And what where you expecting? I long flowing dress and high heels? What about you? That's some fancy outfit you have there and since when did you have whiskers?" He hmms? And looks a bit embarrassed smiling "Well, actually yes. I hope you don't think ill of me for saying so. I guess I am just used to meeting more fancy women, but I mean no offence. You are quite lovely like that" His eyes look over hir body and notice the bulge and realizes the other part of the question "Oh! Sorry, the whiskers? Yeah I am half aisen dragon though all I really got was the whiskers, but I know some magic to be able to hide them when I'm at school. I got teased allot when I was young" Eilyen nods and pats Dorango "its ok, I think they make you look even more interesting. Well, have you already looked around the mall yet or would you like a tour before we go on the town?" He hmms "Umm, I really don't want to be rude but can I ask you something?" he asks looking rather embarrassed trying to find the right words to say. Eilyen smiles showing her rodent buck teeth "Ok then ask away. You have me curious now." Shi says already having a good idea what he wants to ask but shi wants to see him squirm. "Uh, are you... uh..," shi grins and giggles "Am I what? Spit it out Dorango, I want to hear this" He fidgets "Um, Are you a guy? Please don't hate me for asking but I couldn't help noticing." Eilyen laughs "Oh that was so worth waiting for. No I'm not a guy, but I'm not exactly a girl either, I am what you call a Herm. I was born with both genders." He looks rather surprised
"Really? I have never met one before I am sorry for asking something so personal" Shi giggles "Don't worry saves me the trouble of figuring out how to tell you, anyway want to check out the mall or go hit the town?" Dorango hmms "Well I already saw the mall so let us see this town. I am going to be staying here so it is most important I learn my way around." Eilyen nods and takes Dorango out one of the entrances and shows him around the town. From the movie theater to the large pet and toy store. "I always liked checking this toy store you never know what sort of things you can find. I like looking for dragons." Dorango chuckles "Oh? You have a thing for dragons do you?" Eilyen grins "Not like that, I just happen to be interested in my heritage. I mean I may not like being part dragon but that doesn't mean I have to dislike everything dragon. If I did why would I be here with you?" Dorango grins "Ok ok, shall we check to see what they have?" Eilyen nods "Ok let's go then." They head into the store and look around and shi finds a rather large dragon figure and it's very detailed but very expensive, she looks at it "My, this is the nicest one they have. But its 65 bucks and I don't have that sort of cash. But it's very pretty to look at in here. After all I am just a 1st year student. I prefer buying clothes and shoes hehe." Dorango hmms and picks up it looking at it "Hmm, it is rather nice. You really want it?" Eilyen blinks "Wha? Yeah but like I said I can't afforded it and if you got it there's no way I could pay you back." Dorango chuckles swishing his long thick tail "It's quite all right, think of it as a way to thank you for taking the time to show me around the town." Eilyen looks very surprised since shi's always wanted it but it's always been out of hir price range but while shi is quite thrilled at getting it shi also is wondering if this gift will come with a price later on. They browse though the rest of the store and Dorango has gotten several more dragon figures and even a large plushie. Eilyen isn't quite sure what to think of all this. "How are you going to afforded all that?" He chuckles "I guess you could say I have a large allowance hehe." The cashier rings up all the items and it comes to $247. Eilyen goes all wide eyed. Dorango smiles and takes out a credit card and charges it all and signs the receipt. "So then would you like this stuff delivered your place now?" Eilyen blinks "Wait, what? Delivered? B, but I haven't even told you where I live yet." Dorango smiles "It was in the student directory" Eilyen blinks and grins "Oh, I forgot all about that hehe. Yeah, I guess ya can deliver it since that's allot of stuff to carry" He smiles and nods getting out his cell phone and calls for a pickup and several minutes later a delivery truck pulls up and Dorango smiles goes up and talks to the delivery driver and then all the stuff is packed up in the truck and taken off. Dorango walks back "Now then, shall we go see the rest of the town?" Eilyen nods some still a bit confused as to why he's going through all this trouble to impress hir. "Ok then let's go to the theater next shall we?" he smiles and bows "Lead the way milady" shi giggles at this "oo aren't you a fancy talker" they walk across town and chat as they head to the movie theater and Durango notices something else he hadn't before "I hate to ask more personal questions but I am just curious why you don't have your wings or tail out?"
Eilyen smiles "My aren't you a curious dragon. I told you about my wings earlier this week, they are too small and useless to be freed. Same with my tail, if you can even call it a tail. It's just this piece of fluff so I just keep it in when I can. It's not like your tail, which you can't keep in." Dorango smiles and nods "I hope you don't mind all the questions, I just am a curious dragon." Eilyen smiles and nods "Indeed oyu are, so now it's my turn to ask the questions. So let's start with how you can afford all those toys? And don't give me that allowance bit again." Dorango smiles and chuckles "Very well, I come from a rather wealthy family and I thought I would just be nice and repay you for taking me around town. I know it was a bit much but not many take the time to show me around new places." Eilyen hmms "Ok but no doing stuff like that again, I don't want you spending so much money on me, I'm just a fat bunny dragon." He nods "You are not fat; you just have more meat on your bones." Eilyen laughs "Oh that's a new one. I am fat and that's all I have to say about that. I'm not big boned, pleasantly plump, or anything else. I am just fat." Dorango looks a bit puzzled but nods "Very well, I did not mean to offend you, I was just trying to be polite" Eilyen smiles "It's a nice thought but you don't need to sugar coat it. I'm fat and that's that hehe. So the theater should be coming up here soon, you like seeing movies?" Dorango thinks for a moment "I don't believe I ever seen one in a theater before. I was never really allowed to go out." Eilyen blinks and looks back at him "Seriously? You never have seen a movie in a theater?" Dorango nods "Yeah, when oyu have tons of money you can just watch them at home even before they come out. You should see my collections, I have most every movie ever mode and all the movies in theaters now and set to be released. "Eilyen hmms and walks up to the theater with Dorango "Well be that as it may, there's nothing like seeing it on a big screen with surround sound. Trust me, when it comes to audio I think I know what I'm talking about" sie says with a grin. Dorango laughs "Well how can I argue with logic like that? Would you like to see any movies? It is still rather early in the day. "Sie hmms looking at the list of movies "Well there is a new action movie I want to see but you probably already seen it. You sure you want to see it again?" Dorango nods and smiles "I don't mind at all. After all I have never been inside a theater to watch it so I shall see it again for the first time." Shi smiles "All right but this time I'm paying it, I can't let you have all the fun" Dorango chuckles and nods "Very well, I will let you lead the way" shi smiles and goes up and gets 2 tickets and leads Dorango into the theater and they chat a bit waiting for the movie to start "If I may, perhaps I can help with your wings. You say they are so small they cannot be used. There are ways to help the growth of them. The simplest way is though massage and pressure points. I am sure it sounds rather strange and old fashion but it does work at least on dragons. I can't guarantee it would make them full size but they could be bigger and possibly useful" Eilyen thinks about this "You said ways as in more than one, what other ways are there?" Dorango hmms and thinks "Well, there are potions or spells but they can have unknown effects for someone of your mixed heritage. Most things are made for pure blood dragons, there is no sure fire guarantee that anything might work." The light in the theater dim and the previews start and eventually the movie starts and 90 min later they walk out of the theater and Eilyen smiles "Well then how did you like it? Was it better than sitting at home?" Dorango smiles and nods "Indeed, that was a much different experience then what I usually have. Where would you like to go now?"
Shi looks at her cell phone and checks the time "Well this is a good as time as any to go check all the stuff you sent me. Besides my parents told me to bring you over so looks like we are heading back to my home I hope you don't mind." Dorango shakes his head "Not at all I would be honored to meet your parents" They head back and head into Eilyens house "Mom I'm home, I brought Dorango" Her mom peeks out of the kitchen "Welcome home dear, make yourselves comphy, would you like something to eat?" Eilyen looks over at dorango "We have some meat if you like; mom likes meat more since she's half dragon." Dorango smiles "I would like that ma'am. Thank you." She smiles and goes in and starts making the food and they go to the living room with her dad "Eilyen, where did you get the money for all of that stuff that was delivered?" Eilyen blinks and looks a bit nervous but Dorango speaks up "I paid for it all for, I just wanted to show my appreciation to hir for showing me around the town. I hope I didn't do anything wrong" Eilyen nods "It's true, He insisted on getting me all that stuff. I was as surprised as anyone. I did pay for us to see a movie though." He nods "Well then Dorango I hear you and Eilyen have been getting to be friends at school. I hope things are going well between you both" Eilyen blushes and Dorango smiles and nods "Yes sir, shi is very nice and quite helpful at knowing about this town."It will make it easier to find my away around. At least from the ground. But with Eilyen's help leaning about the various feachers I will be able to understand things better from the sky" Eilyens mom comes out with a tray holding a carrot salad and a steak and serves Eilyen and Dorango "Yes, this place does take a bit of learning when you have to learn from the ground and are used to being in the air. It took me a while when I moved here and met Eilyens Father. I had just moved out from my parents home so I was completely lost since I had grown up flying around the city so having to learn from the ground was annoying and frustrating at first but thanks to my husband here I finally learned my way around and made a good friend. Oh listen to me carry on I'm terribly sorry about that. Tell me Dorango, what do your parents do?" Eilyen glares at her "Mother, that's not something you should be asking." Hir mom smiles "What? We are your parents and have a right to know." Dorango chuckles as he eats "It's quite all right; my parents are not around anymore. They went out one day on business and never returned. That was about 10 years ago. I have been raised by my servants. It was some time ago so I don't mind talking about it." Eilyen's parent's looks shocked and sadend "I'm so sorry to hear that, I must say you have grown up quite well." Dorango nods "Thank you ma'am" the meeting with Eilyen and hir parents and then Eilyen shows Dorango around the rest of the town and by sundown the pair separate and they both head to their homes.
Dorango gets home just after dark and is greeted by a tall slender and very busty dragoness "Welcome home master Dorango." He looks a bit different now, his domineer has changes and he looks a bit darker "Eh stuff it, I had to spend all day making nicely nice with that girl. Worse yet I had to meet her parents." He starts to undress and after a few moment s he's completely naked and goes into the main den and sits down in a throne and sighs looking down at his sheath as another maid or maybe the same one in the same short skirt and very revealing top "May I get you anything master Dorango?" he looks rather mean now "Just get me a beer you slut, I'm so sick of being stuck in this young body. I can't wait to get what I need from that girl. After the school year is up I can go back to myself" the maid bows and walks out returning with a glass of beer and offers it to him "You're drink master" he looks at the glass and growls and smacks the maid in the face making her drop the glass shattering it and spilling the beer over the carpet "You stupid slut, I give you a simple order and you fail miserably, clean that mess up and get me a real beer, as in a bottle or do I have to have you replaced?" she cringes and nods "I'm sorry master, it won't happen again" she picks up the broken glass and wiping up the beer and heads out and comes back with a beer bottle and opens in right there in front of him before handing it to him "that's better slut, now go into the playroom and I will be there after I finish this beer." She nods and bows heading out and Dorango grumbles and watches her leave getting rather aroused. He drinks his beer and snarls heading out to the beer with the maid. The next day she is very beaten and bruised but doesn't seem to mind as she continues to serve her master with the other maids. The weekend goes on smoothly for Eilyen. Shi is delighted at the gifts shi got from Dorango. Shi has the big plushie displayed on hir bed and has started to put all her dragons on display including the new ones shi just got. The weekend ends and a new school week starts as Eilyen heads to hir usual bus stop and hir friends are there and they all want to know what Dorango is is like and shi tells them of how nice and polite he was and the gifts. "Oh you had one heck of a time girl." Says one of her friends "Yeah, he is one hunk of a dragon, you are so lucky Eilyen. You got to be in a dark theater sitting right next to him" Eilyen laughs "It's not like we held hands or anything. I even had to take him to meet my parents, not exactly what you would call a good time." The bus arrives as they talk about Dorango and that's all they talk about on the way to school. In fact the whole school is abuzz with all the girls gossiping about it and the guys go up to Dorango and want to know why he picked Eilyen
"Hey Dorango why would you pick a fat ugly chick that instead of someone like Britney, I mean she's the head of the cheerleaders, and is already filling in her uniform nicely." Dorango smiles and says politely "Looks are not what interest me fully. It is true your Brittney may already have developed breasts and is quite athletic but she is just not someone that interests me. Now if you will excuse me I must be getting to class I do not wish to be tardy." The boy moves out of the way "Hey Dorango, you need to be educated in how things are done here. Meet us in the gym after school." Dorango just smiles and heads to class and meets up with Eilyen along the way "Oh hello miss Eilyen, how was your weekend? I hope it was enjoyable. I had a good time while we were out" Eilyen smiles and nods "Yeah, I had a good time to thanks. I really am grateful for the things you got me." Dorango smiles "I am glad you enjoyed yourself, and thank you for letting me experience the theater, it was quite a change from how I usually see the movies" they get to the class room and sit down and soon school starts as the teacher walks in. "Ok class it's time to hand out the results of last week's test." He hands out the tests row by row, one by one. He gets to Eilylen "Ms. Lièvre, I thought you would have done better" he hands Eilyen hir test which reads at a 30 and shi is stunned since shi worked so hard to study for the test. "Mr. Dorango, a perfect score." The class goes food and eventually the rest of the day passes but Eilyen is still stuck on getting such a poor score after she studied so hard for it. Shi heads home not knowing about what Dorango is about to get into. Dorango walks into the gym and is confronted by the jocks and the more muscled boys. "We weren't sure you were going to show up. See in this school we decide who dates who. You're new so you didn't know so we are telling you now to stop being so nicey nice to that fat hore and go out with Britney. Her family is wealthy and yours is to. So will you dump that fat freak or do you have to be convinced more?" Dorango smiles "I am afraid who I socialize with is none of your business. I will not do what you say so if that is all you wanted to say I bed you good day and I will be off." The doors are locked and Dorango is surrounded by a group of the biggest most muscular furs "Last change, dump the freak or you're going to regret it" Dorango's expression changes to a really crazed look but still happy but a touch of evil "Oh I was so hoping you jerks would do this. Now then who wants to die first?" The head fur growls "That's it, you had your chance. Get him!" The group rushes at Dorango and he moves light lightning and strikes all of the furs who stop moving and collapse and Dorango's eyes look like that of blood lust
"Huh, I guess this young body has saved you, normally that would have gutted all of you. So you still want to tell me what to do? I be happy to keep trying until I kill all of you." The remaining furs all look terrified and run away while the head fur screams at them to get back and show them what men are like. Before he can react Dorango rushes up and smacks him hard sending him flying across the gym and into a wall. "To bad I am stuck in this young body I would have loved to seen all your blood splattered across the walls and floor. I am getting so sick of this life at this school. I want what I came here for." He grows and heads out and fly's back to his home. The next day Eilyen notices allot of the boys are rather beat up and the one leader who happens to be a Kangaroo hops up to Eilyen and says quietly "Your boyfriend really messed up. Next chance you will take it for him" he hops off and Eilyen looks rather confused as shi goes to hir locker and wonders what all that was about. Shi heads up to class and Dorango is already there as sie sits down and notices Eilyen's puzzled expression "Is there something wrong Eilyen? You look rather puzzled. Is it about the test? I would be happy to tutor you for a makeup test to help you get your grade back up." Eilyen smiles "Um, thanks. I wasn't thinking about that though, I had a very odd conversation with a kangaroo. He said something about my boyfriend doing wrong and to watch out as I am next. I don't have a clue what he's talking about." Dorango hmms and knows just what it's about "Don't worry about it, I am sure things will take care of themselves." He tells hir to reassure hir and plots what to do and grins having an idea "All right Dorango, I will see if my parents will let you help me with school work. They seemed to like you so I don't see any reason for them to say no" Dorango smiles "Very well; I hope I can help out. I would hate to see someone like you have poor grades." The rest of the day goes by quietly but Dorango keeps a close eye on Eilyen so shi doesn't get hurt and nothing happens but once school was over the roo was following Eilyen with a knife and Dorango saw this and swooped in and took to the air dragging off the roo to him home and takes him into his home and soon after screams of pain can be heard from within as it turns into a roar. Some hours later a dragoness leaves the house very beat up and cut, also very naked. She moans rubbing herself as she walks off and Dorango chuckles sitting on his throne naked with a beer "That will teach him not to mess with hir. If he survives he will certainly have a different point of view on females like hir hehe" Eilyen talks to hir parents about being tutored and how bad shi did on the test.
"I don't understand how I could have gotten such a bad grade. I do all my homework and you know I studied hard for the test. Yet I got such a poor score. I think Dorango will be able to help but I would have to go to his place to study. He says he has a big library and will make it easier to study. You all seem to like him and im not dumb I know he's a boy and might want to do things, I have a the same parts and I am starting to understand some of the desires boys want. I will be very cautious around his home and have my cell phone on me and turned on at all times and I promise to be back at sundown" Hir mom smiles and nods chuckling some "My you certainly are growing up fast. I think you are trust worthy enough to go there if you know all of that stuff. You can go over but only on Fridays and Saturdays. I know you would rather spend more time but you know you have to get up early on Mondays for school" Eilyen nods "All right I understand I will make arrangements for Dorango to take me over there. Or if you don't mind I can just go with him after school Friday and call you when I get there. I will be safe I promise, Dorango is very nice and he hasn't done anything to show he isn't as nice as he appears." Hir mother nods and smiles "I'm sure he's a keeper dear, I just want you to take any relationships slow. You have a lot of time left to find the perfect guy for you." Eilyen rolls hir eyes "Mom! I am not interested in him like that I just need help with school and he's offered to help" Hir mom smiles and giggles "All right , all right. I get your point. Just do be careful dear, you're my only child and I would hate to see anything happen to you" Eilyen smiles and munches on her salad "thanks mom. I have been wondering what he's after myself. He seems very protective of me. I don't quite understand it myself but I am definitely keeping my guard up around him." Hir mother nods and hmms "You sure you want to go to his place if he's like that?" shi finishes hir salad and nods "I need help in school and he's offered to help so it's worth a shot. Anyway I'm going to go do some homework and get ready for bed. Also have to work on getting these teeth down to size, you have anything to help mom?" hir mom thinks and gets up and rummages through a drawer in the kitchen and brings out a wood carrot. "Found it! I hot this some time ago for you and forgot about it and you said you didn't want anything. Its carrot flavored to and bio safe and junk so just keep at it and it should help out before you know it." She walks over and gives it to Eilyen after a hug "Thanks mom, you really know how to help out" she giggles "I'm your mother; I'm supposed to help out." Eilyen smiles and heads off to hir room and starts undressing and looks at her naked body in the mirror and rubs over her sheath some.
Shi thinks about something and rubs a little at her nipples. Shi rubs hir sheath a little more and thinks to hirself "I wonder what I am going to do. I seem to be thinking more like a guy would. I still like guys but I think I'm starting to like girls more." She gets to doing her homework and gnawing on the wood carrot. Shi evenly goes to bed and the next day shi tells Dorango about going over to his place Friday and Saturday to study. He is quote happy to hear this and says he will start to make preparations for hir to come over. He also makes sure to make himself intimidating to the males who were threatening him and Eilyen. Since there leader disappeared they are not as tough as they were. Later on during lunch Dorango meets up with Eilyen wich is a bit of a surprise for hir since there lunch schedules don't meet up like this "Dorango? Since when did you have lunch 2? I thought you were on Lunch 1?" Dorango chuckles and smiles "Well I got lucky I guess. May I sit here?" Eilyen nods "Uh, yeah, sure. Go ahead." He smiles and sets his tray down and sits next to her "I hope I am not intruding. I thought it would be nice to see you while there was time." Eilyen shakes hir head "Interrupting what silly? I'm just having a salad as always. Not that the food here is any good. School food is always horrible." He smiles "It just makes you appreciate your mothers cooking all the better does it not?" Eilyen giggles "I haven't thought about it like that but yes, I guess it does, nothing beats my mom's carrot salad that's for sure. While you're here Dorango I was wondering if we could try to do something about my wings when I come over. You have me curious to see if you can do anything to get them bigger. "Dorango is a bit surprised by the question but nods "Sure, we can try it or whatever else you might like. I must say this is a surprise, I did not expect you to ask about that so soon." Shi smiles "Well I'm going over there anyway so I thought why not give it a try though I don't want a slow solution I want something that get them usefull quick." Dorongo chuckles and smiles "Impatient are we? I will see what I can come up with though I can't guarantee what might happen if you take the short cut but it will be interesting to see you with full pair of dragon wings." Eilyen grins "I think everything will be just fine, though I'm not telling my parent about this at all. This is between us only ok?" Dorango nods "I understand I won't tell this to anyone." Eilyen nods "Good, I will be interested to see what you can come up with. Maybe you can even teach me more than just school work, perhaps a little bit of your dragon magic maybe?" Dorango smiles and grins "Well I am not sure I can just teach you magic that easily but I will see what I can do to help you get started." The bell signaling lunch is over sounds as Eilyen finishes hir salad "Well, that's it for lunch now it's time to work it off in phys ed class. I hate that class the most." Shi gets up and pets Dorango with a smile "I see you tomorrow hon, we can discuss more before class."
He smiles and nods "Very well, do take care. I think it will be a good idea to plan out more when we can." Dorango grins watching Eilyen walk away and notices some of the jocks who gave him a hard time and glares at them making them cringe and hurry out of his way making him chuckle. He goes home and strips naked once again "Ah, that is so much better. What a stupid rule having to keep my wings pinned under that uniform. I can't believe they even had the nerve to turn me down when I offered to pay them good money to change the rule. Once this spell wears off I will destroy that place and the staff." One of his maid stands nearby and bows "Very good master. Would you like your armor for that? Or do you plan do go feral?" he hmms and looks at the maid with a smile "That's not a half bad idea slut; I think I will go feral. Though I think this town is a good place to stay. I can rebuild the school with the money and make it how I want. I will give you a treat tonight. But that's for later." She bows "Yes master, thank you master. Would you like me to fetch you a beer?" He ponders this for a moment "Na I think I will go to the library. I am expecting company this weekend and I need to find a spell to make their wings bigger and stronger. I will take one later so make sure I have several in stock and ready." She bows again "Yes master, I will go make sure your beers are all ready when you want them." She bows once more and she leaves the room swishing her dragonic tail and her chest shifts and heaves witch each step. He leaves as well going to the huge underground library. It's so vast it is probably bigger than the whole high school. He looks out over the huse collection of books and thinks for a few minutes before he fly's down to a computer and turns it on. Once booted it shows his clan crest and all the text is written in dragon. He starts typing away looking for books cine it contains information on every single book in the library and what's in them. He stays there for the next few hours and finally prints out a 2 page list of books and a map so he doesn't end up lost and starts hunting for the books which takes him just over 2 hours and gets about 10 different books and takes them upstairs and sets them by his throne. He pushes a button in the arm and soon one of his maids comes in "You rang master?" he nods and says "Get me a beer and a small table so I can read through these books. Also give me a good light as well."
She bows "Yes master" and walks off. She returns shortly with the beer and the table with the light and sets it in front of her master and hands him the beer and then picks up the books and sets them on the table for him "Is there anything else you need master?" he shakes his head and motions her off "No that will be all slut" she bows "Very good master." And leaves as he study's the books well into the night occasionally calling for a new beer and getting thoroughly drunk by midnight and get one of his maids into the playroom and have his way leaving her very sore and beaten the next day. When he awakens he is still in his throne and naked but has a hangover. "Ugh, great. Just what I need during school. A lousy hangover. The one thing magic won't cure besides that blasted conmen cold." He grumbles and washes up and gets his school work his maids did for him as usual and gets dressed and heads off to meet Eilyen at school arriving just before shi does. Eilyen spots him and goes running up "Dorango! Hi there! You look horrible. Did you spend all night with homework?" He laughs "No no, I had a long night of trying to find things for this weekend. I have a big library and finding what you want isn't easy and then finding the right spells isn't that easy either. But I have the rest of the week to find it. Though who knows what will happen since there is no spell to actually grow ones wings so I'm having to improvise." Eilyen looks curious "That sounds a bit dangours, you sure you know what you're doing?" Dorango smiles as they head to their lockers to get some supply's "Don't worry I been doing this since I was a little hatchling. These spells will only be temporary to so there no risk of anything bad happening that won't undo itself." Eilyen looks relived at this "Good, my parents would be very suspicious if I came home with big huge wings. I don't know how I could explain that away hehe." He chuckles as they start back up to the class room "Heh yeah. That would be a bit odd. I should warn you that all these spells are made to be used on dragons and not mix breeds, no offence." Shi nods "None taken, I know I'm an odd mix and not ashamed of it." He smiles "that's good. At worst these spells might bring out more dragon in you but I can't guarantee anything really. Magic can be very unpredictable when you're working outside what it is meant for but you will be compliantly safe." They take their seats and waits for class to begin. As the day wears on Eilyen can't help but think about how shi would look with full sized wings and how much fun it would be to go flying in the sky. This time though Dorango does not get out to join hir for lunch but she gets a even bigger surprise after lunch in her P.E. class after shi changes into gym clothes and goes out with the other girls to line up with the boys.
Who should come up behind hir and say hi but Dorango "Hi there." He says with a grin. Shi blinks "D, Dorango? How did you get into this class?" He grins and stands next to hir "I just got in today. Let's just say I asked nicely to get in and since I have such good grades so far they let me in." Shi looks at him funny "Good grades? You only been here a few weeks. Wait a minute, you bought your way in here just to be in another class with me?" He chuckles "Guilty. I thought it would give us time to talk more." Shi laughs "Boy did you ever join the wrong class." The gym teacher blows his whistle "All right you slowpokes. You're on my time now and we are going to start off with 10 laps around the track. You have 10 minutes to do it. Every minute late is a full letter off today's grade now move it!" all the kids start running around the track and of course since Eilyen is the heaviest if all the students get in decent times from A to C times but Eilyen doesn't get done till over 15 minutes. "That's an F for today Rabbit. You need to work harder or your going to fail this whole class hehe" Eilyen pants and gasps trying to catch hir breath and grumbles. Dorango comes over to help hir out "get back in line dragon. You don't have permiton to break formation." He looks at the teacher "But shi obviously isn't doing well and should be helped to catch hir breath" the teacher growls "Nonsense, if she can't handle basic training she should drop out or lose all that extra weight and if you don't get back into formation soldier you will have an F like her." Eilyyen waves Dorango off trying to tell him it's ok but he's insisting on helping hir to a bench to rest and as he does he notices just how big her male pachage it now that shi's wearing regular female panties witch really shows off the size of things but he doesn't say anything as shi finally catches hir breath a few minutes later "Th, thanks." Shi says still panting some and he nods "Yeah, your most welcome. I can't believe he is that cruel." Shi grins "welcome to my daily hell." He blinks "You mean you have to do this every day?" shi nods as the class finally ends "Ugh saved by the bell, but I'm not going to get a passing grade at this rate he's failed me every single day since day 1. I hate this class. But we better go get changed or we will be late for the next class. See you tomorrow. Unless you managed to buy yourself into more of my classes."
Shi looks at him curiously "You haven't gotten into any of my other classes have you?" he laughs "no no, this is the only one. I will see you tomorrow I guess take care" they both head off to get changed back into their uniforms. After school they both head home and Eilyen sighs and sits down at the table and grumbles and lays her head down on the table and closes hir eyes and next thing shi knows hir mom is nudging hir awake "Eilyen? Hon? Time to get up." Shi yawns and stretches out "Ugh, huh? Oh hi mom. Sorry about that, long day in gym class. That gym teacher hates me. 10 full laps around the track in 10 minutes." Hir mom nods and hugs "That is a bit tough but you tried your best right? Isn't that what counts?" shi scoffs "not to the coach. He grades you on time, 10 min is an A and every minute after is 1 letter grade off. Of course I was the only one to end up with an F since I am fat and had to catch my breath. Dorango came in and tried to defend me but the coach gave him an F for helping me." Hir mom looks surprised "It's really that bad? Have you talked to the principle about this?" shi nods "Yeah, I talked to the principle and vice principle but apparently there are no other complaints about him and he's an old army buddy of one of the people who contribute allot of money to the school so they can't fire him." Hir mother hugs Eilyen tight "I'm so sorry hon, I will see if I can talk to the school and let your grade in gym slide as long as you do good in all your other classes ok?" shi smiles and gives hir mom a kiss "Thanks mom that means allot" meanwhile over at Dorangos mansion he is back to studying the magic books and pushes the button to get one of his maids "I need a break from this so go to the playroom and I will be in there in about 5 minutes." The maid bows and walks off to undress to greet her master in the room. The rest of the week goes by and is fairly uneventful. Dorango spends allot of time studying the books trying to find the right spells but is having a hard time since there's very little on wings. Finally Friday arrives and Eilyen gets up rather excited thinking about going over to Dorango's home finally to study and maybe get hir wings bigger. Shi washes up and gets dressed heading down for breakfast. Hir mom smiles "Well, someone's up early. I bet your all set to head over to Dorago's house yes?" Shi giggles and nods sitting down at the table "Yeah. I am just curious to see what his home looks like. Besides I need help with my school work after failing that test. Since it was a major part of my grade and I studied so hard for that test to." Hir mom smiles and serves up a carrot salad "Here you are dear I hope you have fun but do be careful." Shi smiles and nods hugging hir mother "Thanks mom, I will be safe don't worry. I will be home about 10 if that's ok. I promise I will have my cell phone on me at all times.
"Hir mom smiles and nods petting hir a little as Eilyen starts to eat the salad and hir dad nods "All right dear. I trust you enough to stay out of trouble. But please try to be home by 10 all right?"Shi smiles and nods while eating hir salad. Once shi is done shi hugs hir dad happily and thanks him "You're the best Daddy!" He smiles and hugs back "Anything for my lovely little girl" Shi is quite excited and gets all hir stuff ready and brushes hir teeth and double checks all hir supplies. Shi has hir cell phone which is off for now since shi would get in trouble for having it on at school even if it was on vibrate. Shi gets hir digital camera and makes sure it's all charged and the memory card is empty so she can take plenty of pictures. Shi gets so busy checking shi looses track of time and hir mom calls up "Lièvre! It's time to head out." Shi blinks and is about to call back to stop calling hir Lièvre when shi looks at the times and blinks rushing down and puts on hir shoes "Thanks mom I was so busy getting ready I lost track." Shi hugs hir mom and she hugs back "It's ok, I thought that would get your attention. Stay safe and have a good time at Dorango's all right?" shi nods "I promise I will be fine mom. I gotta go. Wish I could skip gym though. Anyway I'm off see you later!" shi heads off to the bus stop to meet hir friends and they talkj about Eilyen going over to Dorango's home all the way to school and once off the bus shi starts looking for Dorango as shi heads to hir locker and finds Dorango waiting there "Well hello there my lady." He says with a grin. Shi giggles as shi opens up hir locker and gets hir supplies "Hello yourself handsome, you all ready for me?" He smiles and nods "All set, everything is ready. I will explain more about it on the way there since it's kinda hard to talk about it here." Shi smiles and nods and they head off to class and the day goes by so slowly for Eilyen since shi wants to see Dorangos home. During lunch shi starts picturing how shi would look with full dragon wings and giggles and after lunch it's time for Gym and the nasty teacher. But at least Dorango will be there. Class went a by a little better than usual but the teacher still gave hir a failing grade but Dorango compherts hir and tells hir it's almost time and soon it will be time to head to his place. Shi smiles and gets changed back into hir school uniform and goes though the rest of hir classes and finaly school ends for the week and shi meets up with Dorango at hir locker and he's smiling "Ready for some studying?" he says with a toothy grin and shi giggles and nods getting hir bag and heads off with Dorango walking along "So what are we going to do first?" Dorango thinks for a moment "Well why don't we get the wings done first and then if it works I can then show you around the place. I even got a special treat for you." Shi looks up at him and smiles "Oh? What sort of treat is it?" he smiles and pets hir
"It's a surprise. Now come my dear, for now my home is your home. So to speak hehe" they both chuckle at this and a little while later they arrive at his large home and Eilyen blinks looks up at it just from the front gate "It's huge! I didn't know you have a place this big and all this land to. You must have over an acre I guess." He chuckles "Actually it's about 5 acres. Shall we go in? I know it's a bit of a walk, sorry. It's really designed around us dragons. My parents thought it would be easier to keep people away if they had to walk so far to the front door. I would fly you but, and I don't mean to be rude, your too heavy for me to fly. I can maybe lift 100 pounds if I'm lucky. I'm terribly sorry." Shi smiles and nods "its ok, no offence taken. Besides I could use the exercise. After you Sir it is your home." They head up to the mansion which takes another 20 min or so and by the time Eilyen gets there shi is quite exhausted and Dorango helps hir in and calls for some of his maids "Help my friend into the chair in my den so sie can rest." He hands hir off to the maids and they set her in his throne as shi catches hir breath for the next few minutes as he goes over his notes for the spell and thinks about it. After about 10 minutes shi seems ok and looks up at him "Whatcha readin?" he looks back "Hmm? Oh, just stuff for the spell. It was easier to write what I needed on some extra paper since I took stuff from several of the books and wrote a new spell just for you." She blinks and stands up "You can write a new spell?" he smiles "Don't worry, like I said anything that happens will only be temporary. Also I have your surprise here. Since we don't really know what if anything is going to happen I got you something." He smiles and takes out a red outfit. Just a top and pants "Just so we don't accidently ruin your uniform and there holes in the back for your wings and tail. Just in case. There is a bathroom you can change into. I got your size from your gum clothes sorry. I didn't want to have to guess. Don't worry I only got the size and nothing else." Eilyen looks very surprised at him and the outfit "Wait, what? You got into my gym locker and looked at my clothes?" I am terribly sorry I wanted it to be a surprise. I only did it once. I have no other reason to do anything with your clothes." Shi looks at him funny and takes the outfit and walks off and changes and steps out a few minutes later "Why red though?" he smiles and bows "I like red, it matches your scales." Shi smirks "Oh really now? Well what should I do now?" he smiles "Please stand in the magic circle. And then I can get the spell started." Shi nods and walks over and stand in the circle and he goes over with his notes and looks at hir with a smiles
"Now I can't begin to imagine what will happen or what you might feel. It might be nothing or it could be painful. You can back out now if you want but once I start we have to see it through to the finish. Breaking a spell in progress is ever more dangerous." Shi nods "Let's do it, if we don't try it isn't as fun." He nods and starts the chanting the spell and the circle starts glowing and Eilyen just stands there for a few moments and nothing happens and Dorango keeps chanting, a few moment later Eilyen grunts and growls some as hir eyes starts to turn blood red and hir hair starts growing longer but also starts turning white. The fur on her hands and feet start to fall out and hir claws start to grow larger. Shi growls and starts growing taller loosing allot of the extra weight but something else is happening. Hir muzzle is growing longer; hir tail also seems to be changing shape growing out from a bunny tail looking more canine. Hir ears are shrinking as well and rather quickly as shi passes 5 feet already and hir growls turn to shouts of pain as hir body keeps changing, hir fingers use into 2 thick dragon clawed fingers and a clawed thumb and hir toes also become 3. Hir small wings are growing larger more powerful and hir hair is now all white and gown down to the ground and still growing. Hir weight has changed from plump to becoming muscular. Hir muzzle is looking like a canine and hir ears are down to half their original size. Soon shi clutches hir head as a large pair of white dragon horns grows out from hir head. Dorango wants to look but he has to keep the spell going until it's done or it might hurt Eilyen or worse. Large spikes grow from hir knees tearing though the fabric of hir outfit, hir belly is now exposed as shi reaches 6 and a half feet tall, appearing to be a 6 pack of abbs. Smaller spikes grow out from hir head growing down hir neck and all the way down hir back growing largest in the middle and taper to hir tail which is as long as a dragons bit looks like a canine. Finally large spikes grow from hir forearms, sie can feel the bones in her arm changing and growing pushing out against the flesh and fur piercing through out into the open as they become 4 large spikes. Finally the circle stops glowing and the creature stands looking like a cross between a wolf and lets out a loud howl and looks around a bit puzzled
"Eilyen? You ok? You look... a bit different." Dorango asks looking at the large wolf dragon. The wolf's hair extends well past the floor appearing to be at least twice as long as it's body and looks like a rather large muscular male "I, I am all right. The pain is gone. I feel strange though." Its voice is now deep and growl like. Eilyen feels over hir new body and muzzle with large pointy teeth poking out of the muzzle and flaps the wings "I don't feel like a herm anymore I feel like a guy like you. It feels rather good actually. But what just happened? Why am I a wolf now?" Dorango looks at the wolf dragon rather puzzled "Yeah, um, I told you magic can have weird effects. Mind you I never expected this to happen. You sure you're ok? That's one heck of a change you went through, you aren't the same species and may not even be herm anymore, I am glad I made the spell temporary though I had made it to last tell about the time you go home." Eilyen smiles and nods checking out the new body. "One moment I want to see just what I look like and I am not undressing here" sie head to the bathroom and rips the sleeves off the short and undresses fully checking out this now muscular body and indeed sie is still a herm. Sie dresses back up and heads back out swishing hir long tail "Well I am still herm and I am one good looking herm with really really long hair hehe. I admit it's a bit of a shock but I really like it now. Is there anything you can to do change my voice back when my mom calls to check in?" Dorango smiles "That's easy, I can do that when the time comes. Um, do you want a hair cut instead of dragging all that hair around?" Eilyen giggles "Naw I'm fine. Mom would never let me have this long of hair so I wanna enjoy it while I can" Dorango looks a bit puzzled but shrugs "Well, I guess I should show you around my home." Eilyen smiles and nods "Also for some reason I want to be called Xul like this. I can't explain it it's just a name that is in my head." He hmms and ponders "Well, Xul. Please follow me and I will show you around." They spend the next few hours exploring the mansion. The main den, the servants' quarters' which looks pretty nice, nicer then hir own bedroom with very nice beds. "I always try to provide the best for my maids. They do so much work it's the least I can do to give back." Eilyen smiles and looks around "That's quite nice of you. I bet the staff just loves to have you around." He chuckles "Oh yes. They are quite happy to serve me." Eilyen talks with the maids and they all say how nice and kind he is. And how they love to serve him. Shi doe notice something. When they leave to look around more sie asks "How come they all look alike and have the same outfit and collar? It looks like it was locked on them and I didn't see any way to take it off or unlock it." He smiles "Don't worry. It's just a little thing they wear to show they are part of the family. It's more of a symbol to show you work here. As for them all looking alike I noticed that to when I was growing up. My parents picked them out. Apparently like liked tall busy dragonesses in skimpy outfits. To be honest I do to." Eilyen chuckles "I certainly wouldn't mind having my way with one of them" Eilyen stops and blinks "wait a minute, did I just say that out loud?" Dorango laughs "Oh very much so, you really want one my maids that badly? I don't think I ever heard you mention your preferences before." Eilyen blushes deep "Oh god, I can't believe I actually said that. I mean I was thinking it while I was with them wanting to take one but I can't believe I actually said that. It's weird since I became like this I think my sex drive has been amped up. I honestly think I have the drive of an adult male wolf. Maybe more I don't know how long I can keep these felling in check. I seriously don't want to offend you though." Dorango smiles
"Don't worry if worse comes to worse you can ask one if they would like to play. I'm sure they won't mind I mean if my parents picked maids like that I'm sure they had in mind something besides serving hehe" Eilyen smiles and nods "Um, ok then. Well where to next?" "Well, we seen most of the upstairs, let's go to the library and get studying. How about it Xul?" Sie nods "All right may as well. You have a good sized library?" he chuckles as he leads hir down a long set of stairs and finally after a few minutes they arrive and he turns on the lights and row by row the massive library is illuminated and Eilyen just blinks and is amazed at the huge scope of the library "That's huge, it would take you ages to walk through it all." He smiles and nods as they stand way above the floor "Yeah but you forget we are dragon and we can fly. You should be able to now. Why not go fly around there's plenty of room." Eilyen looks down "Um, I would rather not. I don't know how to fly yet. How am I supposed to fly with wings only gotten today?" He smiles and takes hir and starts flying "Trust me you know how." He smiles and drops hir and sie falls for a bit screaming in terror but not too long sie opens hir wings and fly's down to the ground and Dorago joins hir shortly thereafter. "See? I told you ya could fly. Sorry about dropping you but sometimes that's the only way to get one to use their wings." Eilyen is still a bit shaken from that but nods "Well, if we are lucky your wings will start growing after you change back. It won't be a quick process but it should allow you time to get accustomed to them. Well I already set aside the books we will need for studying so we don't have to trek all over this place." Eilyen smiles following him "That's quite thoughtful of you. Well I guess there's nothing left to do now but get to work." They spend the next several hours studying but oddly after a while Eilyen starts growling and shifting some and Dorango notices this and asks curiously "IS something wrong Xul?" sie growls and blushes "Um, I'm afraid that thing we talked about earlier? I think we might have to do it as I don't think I can control myself much longer." Dorango smiles and grins with a chuckle "Well if you really need to do it that bad we can take a short cut back up via the elevator." Sie blinks "You had a elevator and we had to walk down all those stairs?" He laughs "You never complained about being tiered though, you seemed to enjoy it." Sie smiles "Fine you win that one but if you don't mind I would like to ask one of your maids or I might lose control and jump you." He blinks "Um, yeah... let's go to the elevator, it's not far." He takes hir by the hand and notices a rather large budge in hir pants and smiles a little and takes hir scaley hands and leads hir to the elevator and up to the maid chambers and leaves hir alone.
He heads to another room and turns on some monitors and grins. He can see Eilyen and one of his maids make out. He watches quite closely from several angles and listens to the audio looking rather impressed at how rough and feral shi is doing it. This lasts quite a long time and by the time it's all over Eilyen is back to hir normal form though very exhausted. Dorango chuckles "My that one certainly has stamina, I hope that carry's over, sie will be quite fun." He heads out and goes back to the library before Eilyan and instructs the maids to bring hir back down when sie is done. A good half hour goes by before sie finally come down wearing hir school uniform again and Dorango looks surprised "Xul, I mean Eilyen, you changed back. Where you going at it for that long?" Eilyen blushes and looks embarrassed. "Heh, yeah. That wolf dragon really had been pent up apparently. I hope you don't mind but its late now and I gotta get home. I will come over again tomorrow. Plus all that, um, exercise really wore me out." Dorango nods and smiles "It's quite all right. We did get plenty of studying done and apparently you wanted to study sex ed." They both laugh at this "Yeah, firsthand experience, though it's certainly not what I was expecting. I will see you tomorrow about 10am?" Dorango smiles "Sure thing. 10 is fine with me, you still have that red outfit? I can try to redo the spell again tomorrow if you want to see if we can get it better." Sie smiles "I have it and I will keep it but I think I had enough of the magic. I just have a strange felling that that wolf isn't gone yet." Dorango looks curious "Oh? The spell was only temporary and should have removed it all together after the time limit was up. Well I guess we can only see what happens. If it does come back I can see what I can do to remove it." Sie yawns and nods "Ok, I see you tomorrow then." Sie heads back up the elevator and heads home trying to stay awake enough to get to hir room. Sie finally makes it home a few minutes late and hir mom is waiting. Sie looks up "Hi mom, sorry I'm a bit late. He lives a bit further than I thought so it took me a bit longer to get home when I realized the time. "She smiles and hugs Eilyen tight "Mom! Let go! I was only gone for the day! What's with the smothering?" She smiles "I was worried about you. You've never gone to a boys house by yourself before." Shi giggles hugging hir mom back "All we did was study and walk around the house. It's a very big place and im tiered so I'm going up to my room to sleep. I will see you tomorrow mom. Tell dad I love him to."
Shi heads up the stairs and undresses and is about to put hir nightgown on but for some reason shi decides to put on the red outfit again though it's a bit torn in the knees where the boney knee spikes came though and sleeveless shi heads to bed and falls asleep almost imdietly falls asleep but has some pretty wild dreams. Shi is the wolf dragon again but sie is naked and completely male this time. He is surrounded by busty females who seem to be throwing themselves at him and he's all to happy to mate with them and then for some reason his expression become allot more vicious and growls and starts tearing into the females with his claws and teeth tearing them to shreds getting all bloody and lets out a large howl. It feels so good and real. Eilyen wakes up with a gasp looking around and looks hirself over and for some reason sie's back to being the wolf dragon. Sie blinks trying to figure out how this happened and hears hir mom call out "Eilyen? You ok? Me and your dad are going out for breakfast and won't be back for a while. There's a salad if you want it in the fridge." Sie hears them leave and breathes a sigh a relief "Boy is Dorango ever going to get an ear full when I go there today." Sie takes off hir outfit and starts washing up and hadn't counted on having to wash all that hair. Sie finally gets done and sighs drying off and heads downstairs to the kitchen and gets out the salad and start's munching but it isn't more than a few bites in sie suddenly starts feeling sick and can't eat the salad anymore and is totally disgusted at the veggie food. Shie gets out some of hir moms meat and licks hir lips and is just about to gobble down some of the raw meat when sie hears hears hir parents drive up back home and puts it away and quickly scribbles a note saying shi went to Dorango's and quickly heads up to hir room and opens hir bedroom window. Once hir parents come in shi heads out the window on to the roof and is about to jump down to the ground but instead shi finds hirself flying and is most surprised. "Huh, well this is certainly different. Should make it easier to get to Dorango's but what time is it? I said I would be there at 10." Shie fly's around town and sees a big clock reading 8:45am. Shi growls "OH great, im stuck as a big wolf and it's still over an hour before I can get any help. I could get my hair cut but I don't have any money. I guess I will just try out flying some more. Shi finds it's rather fun to go flying high up and finds some places high up and feels the wind in hir fur and hair and it feels very good. "I could get used to this, but I rather be myself. Would be a bit awkward trying to go to school as a grown up." Sie says out loud to hirself and a voice says
"I agree, that would take a bit more explaining then I would like." Sie yelps and jumps into the air and turns around growling flying and trying to hover and see's it's Dorango. Sie come s back "Gah! Dorango! Don't do that! How did you find me anyway?" He chuckles "Sorry about that. Though you did fly by my house several times, you didn't think I would notice a big wolf dragon in red flying around?" Sie grins and giggles "Ok you got me, but why am I a wolf again? I was supposed to go back to normal like you said." Dorango nods and shrugs "I really have no idea honestly. I promise that no matter what I will get you back to normal." Sie nods and hir belly growls loudly and sie looks rather embarrassed "Heh, I never got to eat. The wolf like meat and hates salads. You mind taking in a poor lost puppy and feeding hir?" sie gives him the sad puppy face and he laughs "haha my your good at that. Of course I will feed you. Let's head back to my place. I will find a way to get you normal." They fly back to his place "you have gotten allot better at flying over night I'm impressed." Sie smiles "Thanks, I don't know how I did it. I just kinda did it. I like flying though it's allot of fun." They reach his home fairly quickly and lands at the front door and head in. My kitchen and maids are at your disposal. Don't worry I told them it would be ok with me if you had to mate them again." Sie blushes as hir belly growls "I think I will just eat first and worry about the other thing 2nd." Dorango nods and heads to the library and Eilyen heads to the kitchen and can already smell the raw meat and just starts drooling, hir eyes become vertical slits and shi sniffs around for the meat and find it in the fridge and just starts eating all the meat raw like a wild beast getting blood all over hirself and around the kitchen, Sie eats quite allot of meat before sie is full. Sie went though nearly half the meat in there before being satisfied and there's enough to feed Doranago and his maids for several months. Sie is quite satisfied now and rubs hir belly and grins licking hir lips growling a little and goes to join Dorango in his throne room. As sie walks in he is sitting on the throne smiling "Ah there you are my dear, have a nice meal? I need to scan you magically to see what's causing the problem with your form, so if you don't mind please step back into the magic circle so we can start." Die nods and steps forwarded onto the circle and stands there with hir arms crossed looking rather imposing with a bit on a snarl over hir lips. Dorango starts to chant and the circle glow once again as Dorango reads strange characters that appear around Eilyen. It doesn't take long before it's all over and Dorango stands up. "Well, this is certainly interesting." Eilyen looks down and growl "What? What did you find out?" Dorango smiles and pets the large wolf "It seems there's a bit of wolf in your bloodline. A very long time ago mind you but it's there and when I tried to bring out your wings it grew with your dragon half. Now the question is how to reverse itr before it takes over you fully. You might have noticed that those urges you had last time aren't going away right? They are getting stronger aren't they?" Eilyen nods looking a bit embarrassed "I was afraid of this. If we don't fix this soon I think you might wind up a very horney wild wolf. So I will have to try to reverse what I did and it isn't going to be easy or pleasant either, your new wolf side will fight it and it won't be easy but it should fix your problem. You want to go through with it?" Eilyen nods "
Yeah it beats ending up a feral horny wolf dragon." He nods and aver the next few hours the slow progress of getting her back to normal goes on. It's quite painful and the wolf tries fight back and by a little after 2pm shi is back to normal but thoroughly exhausted as sie collapses right into his arms. He grins and calls a maid to take hir to the guest bedroom. Dorango sits back down into his throne and has one of the maids bring him a fresh bottle of beer. He is a bit tiered to "Stupid wolf, why did you have to go and botch things up, though perhaps I can turn this to my favor. Shi is too stupid to know that the wolf is all gone. I could give hir more 'treatments' and shi will fall for me allot sooner. I could move my plans ahead faster. "He smiles and drinks his beer chuckling to himself. He waits till shi wakes up passing his time by checking some more spells and by the time shi awake he has his plan all ready. Shi walks in and Dorango is sitting back on his throne "Well hello there, you feeling better?" Shi nods. "Yeah, thanks. I feel like myself again though I kinds miss the wings." He chuckles and pets her don't worry it's over for now but I will need to do follow up sessions in order to keep the wolf away. It shouldn't take to many more sessions but I will have to do them about once a week to keep the wolf gone. I am sorry about that. It won't hurt though I promise. It will just be a few minutes and then you would be done for the week." Eilyen hmms and nods "All right, I don't think my parents will suspect anything if it's not to long. But I can't go home like this, my mom and dad would be suspicious of a tattered and torn outfit like this. I don't suppose you have anything for me to wear do you?" Dorango looks a bit embarrassed "I um, I really don't sorry. Why Don't I take you shopping and you can pick out the clothes you want, how about that? My way of making up for the trouble you had to go though." Eilyens face just lights up "Sure I would love to go shopping. Can I really get ANYTHING at all I want?" Dorango chuckles and nods "Yes you can have whatever you want. You know I can afford it. Shall we go?" Shi smiles and gives him a big hug "Oh thank you thank you thank you!" they head off to a rather high end store and Eilyen loves the selection. She finds a very detailed and lovely shirt of a dragon spreading its wings roaring.
She also picks out a pair of top of the line designer jeans and a roughed up denim jacket to go along with it. Shi also gets some new means underwear and goes into the changing room and tries on the outfit while Dorango waited and after several minutes with all the clothes "I can't believe you actually know a store that sells things in my size. I have the outfit I want thank you Dorango. I guess it's time to check out." Dorango smiles "Well since I gotten to know you I looked around town and found a place that sells in plus sizes. I thought you would like it here allot." He smiles and pets hir as they head to the check out and pay for the clothes and head back to his place via the limo one of his maids drives him around in. "We will go back so you can change clothes and then we can do some studying if you like. May as well put some of the time to good use right?" Eilyen nods and giggles "Yeah, if I do well on all my other classes mom won't so upset if I fail gym. They guy really has it in for me. I really wish I had a better teacher, He runs class like a military camp. You're in the class now to, it's frustrating." He just nods "Yeah, I know. I had an easier time in basic training." Eilyen blinks and looks up at him puzzled "Basic training? Since when did the military let in little kids like us?" Dorango blinks and realizes his slip up and thinks fast. "I, uh, I meant my last school. It was a military academy. We had to go though basic training allot over there. But that was easy compared to that guy. I try not to remember that military academy. It wasn't as fun as our school." Eilyen looks at his suspiciously not believing him but shrugs it off "Heh I imagine Xul could do real well in gym class. Heh that would show him." He chuckles and nods "Yeah, if you could control your urges long enough I am sure Xul would be more than able to keep up with anything he throws at you. Though with my help you won't have to worry about that wolf again." After a few more minutes they arrive back at the mansion and they go to the library and start studying again "With as much stuff as you have here you probably put all the libraries within 20 miles to shame." He laughs at the comment "I don't know about that but I do like to have allot of knowledge at my claws. I been working on putting it all in the computer but it's a long process with all these books and all the different languages. I even have books in ancient dragonic. A extinct form of dragon speak used ages go. There's a modern form now and most dragons have long forgot the original form. That's the hardest to put into the computer. It's just so old and complex. But that's a story for a different day. I think we should be more concerned about getting you ready for midterms coming up. I would hate to see you get another failing grade after all your hard work."
They study for the next several hours until the sun starts setting and Eilyen checks the time "Wow it's getting late. I better be going home. Thanks again for helping me I love this outfit. Well I will be heading home I will see you Monday at school. "Shi gives him a big hug "thanks again I am gonna walk home to enjoy this outfit." He smiles and nods "All right, you take care. I will see you soon." Eilyen walks home just loving hir new outfit and arrives home on time this time and explains the new outfit to hir parents and sits down for dinner. Though shi never really mentions the wolf or the change in species. As far as anyone else knows the day went just fine with plenty of studying. The rest of the week goes fine. Gym class is still a living hell but the rest of the class's aren't as bad. Finally Friday arrives and Eilyen meets Dorango at their lockers "You ready for today? You will be able to get home on time I promise." Shi smiles and nods "Yeah anything to keep that wolf away. He's got a great body and wings but all those spikes are a bit much and he's a bit to old for me. Hehe." He chuckles "Ok, meet me in the boy's locker room after school. No one uses it after school." Shi nods as they head off to class and Dorango has an evil grin as they walk into the class room and sit down but as soon as Eilyen looks back his expression goes back to normal. The day goes slowly for both of them and finally after school they meet in secret at the locker room. Eilyen looks around and makes sure no one is watching them and goes in "Ok so what do I need to do?" Dorango smiles and directs hir to the middle of an isle of lockers "Just stand there while I work on this. I had to improvise without a magic circle so the lockers should help out but there might be some small side effects but if we keep this up they will go away in time with the wolf. You ready to begin?" Eilyen nods "Yeah, let's do it." Dorango stats chanting and the lights in the room start flickering and energy starts swirling around Eilyen for a few minutes and soon it's all over "There, we just need to repeat this for a couple more weeks and all will be good. I see you Monday Eilyen take care." Shi blinks "That's it? I thought there would be more." He chuckles "Yep that's it. You better hurry or your gonna miss the bus home." Eilyen blinks
"Oh nuts that's right. See you Monday!" shi rushes off in a hurry to catch the bus before it leaves and Dorango grins "Stupid slut, you have no idea what is really going on, one way or another you will be mine before the end of the year." He grins and walks out and fly's home. Over the next several weeks the treatments continue and Eilyen's arousal seems to be growing stronger. Hir dreams are becoming more vivid. More arousing. Hir dreams are being filled with sexy curvy busty females just throwing themselves over hir wanting them to have hir take them. Sie wakes up panting hard and wants to relive the pressure that's being built up but finds that it just won't work. Sie is having a hard time keeping hir urges under control at school. Every female sie sees shi want s jump and mate them, willing or not. Shi hasn't said anything to hir parents or Dorango yet but it's getting to the point where if it keeps up shi won't be able to control herself and will end up doing something sie regrets. Sie doesn't really know what sie would say to hir parents so the only one sie can trust is Dorango. But it's a weekend and sie has to go visit an all girl's collage to please hir parents. What's worse is sie has to stay there over night and wear a dress. Sie is changing right now and sie finds hirself very aroused and not easily calmed down and having to wear a formal dress is just so hard. Sie manages to suppress the urges but just barely so sie can wear the dress. Sie walks out with her hair all done up, high heels, a dark red dress, and gloves. Hir mom calls up "you ready dear?" Eilyen grumbles as sie walks down the stairs looking all pretty and has to keep her wings out as the dress is an open back. "I don't see why I have to go to this school dressed like this." Hir mother smiles "Well you have to learn to be a proper lady soon or a later. This will let you see what sort of college you want to go to next. "You mean what college YOU want me to go to." Hir mother sighs "Just give it a try Lièvre; it's only for the weekend." Shi growls "You know I hate wearing dresses and stuff and stop calling me Lièvre I use Eilyen." Hir mother sighs "I know and I'm sorry but schools only use first and last names from your hatching certificate I couldn't put anything other than what I named you love. Just try this place out and if you don't like it we will let you pick one. How about it? It's just for a weekend."
Shi sighs and thinks about how aroused shi's feeling and so wants to jump someone. Shi had planned on going to Dorango's but when sie got home from school sie imdietly was made to go freshen up and given a dress to wear. "Ugh fine. But I will hold you to that." They head to the car and drive up to the woman's collage and head to the head office. The head principal is a rather large alligator snapping turtle standing about 7 feet tall. She smiles and welcomes them in "Hello Ms. Noir. This must be your lovely daughter Lièvre." Eilyen just nods "Yeah that's me." Hir mom baps hir with her tail and Eilyen gets a glare from hir mom and curtsies reluctantly "It's a pleasure to meet you ma'am." The head mistress smiles and chuckles "A pleasure to meet you Lièvre, I hope you will enjoy your stay this weekend. We have your room all set up and a list of all the classes you will be attending over the duration of your stay here. Most of the classes will be required if you come here but I talked with your mother and found some extra classes we thought you could try." She hands Eilyen a list and map to help hir get around. "I promise you Mrs. Noir, Lièvre is good hands. In fact her first class is about to start here soon, please head to your designated class Lièvre, you don't want to be late." Eilyen opens up the list and map and sees what's first. It's a speaking class on how to speak like a proper lady. Eilyen rolls her eyes at this thinking it's a waste of time but goes off to try and find it after hugging hir mom "See ya mom. I gotta go try this; I will see you on Sunday." Sie heads off and hir mom smiles waving goodbye. Sie gets to the class on time and finds a seat in the back to watch the class. All the woman around her of various species and sizes are really driving hir arousal through the roof, its taking most of hir concentration to keep hirself from jumping everyone. Eilyen goes in and out of classes for the next several hours. Each class makes hir the center of the class which is rather embarrassing considering what's going through hir mind. Finally around 11 at night hir classes are over but shi groans seeing hir next class is at 5am. Sie heads to hir room and is glad shi has the room to hirself. Sie takes off her dress and notices how hard shi is and has to think of a way to hide it as even after a cold shower it isn't going down. "This isn't good; I gotta hide this somehow before I'm discovered." Sie wraps it in a towel and puts hir dress on over it though it's not perfect unless anyone really knows they shouldn't be able to notice it. Sie settles into the bed and falls asleep still in hir dress since one of the rules is you have to stay in your dress at all times and not get it wrinkles or dirty, the weekend goes incredibly slow and agenizing for Eilyen.
All the classes make hir the center of attention and the classes are incredibly strict. Making matters worse is hir arousal; it's really having a toll on hir body and mind. When sie wakes up on Sunday morning sie has a odd felling in hir mouth, shi yawns and goes to the bathroom to see what's going on and sees hir tongue has changed, it's much longer and more dragonic, it's quite long and rounded tapering off. Sie blinks and wiggles hir tongue around thinking this certainly isn't what sie was expecting. Sie tries to get used to talking with it but sie only has a few short minutes before hir next class and rushes off to class. Hir final class isn't until 10pm and sie doesn't get out until 11. Sie is exhausted and very tiered. When sie gets out the head mistress is there to greet hir. "Hello Lièvre, I hope you enjoyed your time here. Your mother will be here in an hour to pick you up. Come with me to my office I would like to discuss some things with you." Sie blinks "Uh sure thing ma'am." They head back to the head office and there are some videos. "I want you to see this Lièvre." The video plays and it's Eilyen in hir room and in the shower from lots of angles. Though it seems the main focus of the video is hir trying to hide hir arousal. "As you see all students here are watched over 24 hours a day. Apparently you aren't female and therefore unless you get that unsightly thing removed you will not be allowed back. Only woman are allowed here. We where unaware of your handicap when you arrived." Eilyen growls "Look lady, I aprtiate you taking the time to humor my mother and letting me stay here over the weekend and letting me attend classes but I don't think you have any right to call me handicapped just because I am a herm. I am just as good as anyone else. I am not defective, a freak, handicapped or anything else. I don't mean to be rude ma'am but I don't like being called something I'm not. By the way I hate being called Lièvre, my name is Eilyen. Thank you again for having me but I don't think I will be coming back. Is that all there is ma'am?" She looks rather shocked "Well, talking when you are not needed is a most grievous offence. Miss Lièvre you are certainly not welcome back here. You have broken most all the rules. Please wait at the entrance and I will have to talk to your mother about this." Shi shrugs "Ok whatever." Shi heads out to the main entrance and finds there are no seats and sees a sign saying "Proper lady must stand while waiting" and it's not even 11:30 yet.
Shi waits there and waits checking out hir new long dragonic tongue trying not to think of how much she wants to mate someone. Over the next hour sie comes up with an idea to solve hir problem but it's taking forever, but finally hir mom arrives and sie tells hir the head mistress wants to talk. Hir mother lets Eilyen wait in the car. Eilyen is thrilled to get off hir feet as sie is very tiered.sie sits in the car and dozes off and by the time shi wakes up it's 1:30 am and hir mom is nudging hir awake "come on dear it's time to go home." Sie blinks and looks around and there sitting in the driveway of their home. 'Huh? Wha?" I had a nice long chat with the head mistress. We will talk about that tomorrow after school. For now you have to get to bed and get ready for school in a few hours." Eiylyen sighs and grunts getting out of the car dragging hirself up to hir room and takes off the dress and groans seeing sie is still as aroused as ever and it's not a pleasant feeling. Sie decides sie can't take it and put on hir jeans and a shirt. There's a very noticeable bulge in the pants now and tries to sneak down stairs but hir parents are still up talking about the girls school and how they can get Eilyen admitted into it. Hir mother is determined to bring hir up as a proper lady but hir dad disagrees and wants to let Eilyen decide what sie wants to do. Sie is trapped and grumbles and heads to bed but sie can't sleep. Sie gets ready for school when the time comes and hopes no one notices hir problem. The next day doesn't take long to arrive and sie acts as everything is normal though it's killing her to do so. Once sie gets to school sie quickly finds Dorango and tell him that sie needs his help again like what happened with the wolf and he chuckles and nods "All right, after school you can take your pick of my maids. I wish I could help you now but not with school." The school day goes well and Eilyen is barley contating hirself. Dorango has to step in several times to keep hir from pouncing some of the girls. By the end of the day Eilyen is acting more like a feral beast. Dorango has to practically drag Eilyen over to his home. Once there he has his maids strip down and strips Eilyen of hir clothes and then licks hir in the maid's chamber with them letting the beast loose on the maids and what a beast shi is. Shi litarly pounces the nearest maid and forces hirself on her. Dorango goes to his viewing room and watches the beast that Eilyen has become have its way with his maids "Well, this certainly isn't what I had in mind when I used that spell. That stupid slut was supposed to need me to mate hir not mate those other sluts. That ruins the plain to make hir mine. What else can I do to make hir mine?"
He watches Eilyen go from maid to maid and notices sie seems to be fascinated or obsessed with the dragon maid's wings. He starts to get an idea and grins "That just might work. But will sie relaly fall for it a seconded time? Why not? Sluts like hir are easy to trick." He watches Eilyen for the next few hours and calls hir parents and tells them that Eilyen was so tiered that he took hir to his place and sie's fast asleep. He promises to return hir as soon as shi's rested. It's not until a few hours later, after Eilyen has mated every maid in there twice over or more does shi finally starts to come back to normal. Shi wakes up on one of the beds completely naked on top of one of the maids in a rather provocative position and blushes when shi realizes what shi's been doing since after school. Shi sits on the edge of the bed as the memories of all that mating starts to come back. Dorango thinks this is a good time to try and knocks on the door to the maid chamber "Hello? Anyone awake? It's aufley quiet now." Eilyen looks up and calls out "Dorango? Yeah I'm awake but I don't have any clothes, actually no one has clothes. You happen to have my clothes?" Dorango smiles "Yeah there out here I will get them for you." He walks off and smiles getting hir clothes and opens the door and hands them to hir all neatly folded up but not looking inside to make hir think he isn't peeping at hir. Sie thanks him and gets dressed and steps out "Thank you for helping me, I really don't know things would have gone so well. My mom's gonna kill me for not telling her about coming here." Dorango smiles "Don't worry I called your parents and told them you where asleep. I have my limo waiting to take you home. I will also apologize to them in person. You all ready to go? I am sorry it came to that. It wasn't supposed to make you that aroused. If you had told me sooner I could have let you relive that pressure sooner." Shi nods "I was gonna tell you last weekend but my mom made me go to a women's college. Ugh, that was a wasted trip. They don't accept herms and the priciable even called my male parts a handicap. I rather like them." Dorango nods and they head to the limo and drive to Eilyens home and they both get out and Dorango apologizes for keeping Eilyen at his place and not calling sooner. Eilyen vouches for him saying nothing happened and that shi didn't really get much sleep between getting home and having to get up early for school. Shi says shi was in the guest room when shi woke up and nothing happened. Hir parents believe them and thank Dorango for taking care of hir. Dorango heads back home and Eilyen and hir mother have a rather heated discussion about the women's college.
"You should seriously think about doing something about your extra parts Lièvre. You can't be both male and female. You should pick female and go to a women's collage like that one you blew your chance at by being so incredibly rude to the headmistress. If it ws just that you might still be able to go but thanks to your extra parts you are banned from it." Eilyen growls "Rude? She called me handicapped because of my extra part like I was some sort of special needs fur. I have both parts I like my parts and stop calling me Lièvre." Her mom glares "It's your name. Lièvre Noir, you can't keep calling yourself by your middle name. I won't have my only daughter acting like a tomboy anymore. You will start wearing for feminine clothes, no more of your jeans and pants. I tiwll be dresses and skirts from now on." Eilyen fumes "I don't think so, so you're going to go back on your word that you would let me pick out any place I wanted to go to college." Her mom shakes her head "of corse I was series. You can go to any women's collage you want to become a proper lady." Eilyen growls and stomps off up to hir room and slams the door to hir bedroom. Sie is quite mad and flops onto the bed and looks at the colander noting a 3 day weekend coming up and decides to spend it over at Dorango's home so sie can get away from hir mother. Sie can't figure out why her attitude has changed so suddly, she's ever been so forceful at trying to make her pick a gender to be. Shi just fumes and trys to relax. The next day at school shi tells Dorango sie plan to stay at his place starting right after school. Dorango is quite surprised for once he had not even realized there was a holiday coming up nor was he expecting hir to be with him alone that long. "Sure, I don't mind. I think I also have something you might like but that's a secret un till the weekend. I am sure you will like so much you won't ever do without it again hehe." Shi pokes him "Aww come on Dorango tell me. Please?" he chuckles and fuzzles hir "Nope, not till Friday. I promise you it will be worth the wait." Eilyen doesn't want to wait but shi doesn't have any choice. Finally after a long week of avoiding hir mother and finally Friday arrives and Eilyen has an extra bag of clothes to wear for the weekend. Shi sneaks out the bag and heads to the bus stop and meets up with Dorango. "I'm already Dorango, I got enough clothes for the weekend." Shi puts the bag in hir locker and goes about hir regular school eagerly awaiting hir long weekend. "This is going to be a weekend you will never forget Eilyen that I promise you hehe." Eilyen chuckles "Now now, that's just mean making me all excited this early in the morning. Come on I don't want to be late for the first class." The day goes slowly for Eilyen and dorango just has a big toothy smile on his face all day. Even gym class wasn't so bad for Eilyen though still the coach makes it a living hell for hir. Finally the end of the day has arrived as well as the end of the week. School is over as Eilyen heads to hir locker to get her extra bag with hir clothes. Sie smiles and locks it up and heads out to meet Dorango as they walk back to his home "So what is this surprise you wanna give me scaley? It's Friday and you been teasing me all week, won't you tell me now? If you don't I will get the big bad wolf to make you tell me." Dorango laughs
"Haha, ok ok you win! Just don't bring out Xul. Well you remember the collars my maids wear? I was gonna let you have one. Though it's not as simple as just letting you have one. There's a ritual that we need to do in order to accept you into the family." Eilyen looks curious "A ritual? Just for a collar?" Dorango thinks for a moment "Well think of it more as an ancient ceremony. Just for formality. This way if anyone questions you about it you know how to reply and will be accepted as part of the family. There's not a whole lot you need to worry about. I already have note cards ready with what your supposed to say since you have to speak Dragonic. Just be glad it's not ancient Dragonic that's just a pain to get right. You up for it Eilyen?" Shi smiles and nods "Yeah why not? I never done anything like this before. Is there anything special I have to wear?" he shakes his head as they start on the long path from his gate to the front door. "No you can wear your uniform; I would like to get this done soon as we get there if you don't mind. That way we have the rest of the weekend to do what we want without having to worry about it." Eilyen nods "Ok, I wanna get this done and get the collar myself now." As they get in the door he smiles "I almost forgot to tell you that if you take the collar it will definitely make your wings grow. It's a side effect of the ritual anyone who accepts the collar in the ritual will get a full size pair of wings. How does that sound?" Eilyen's eyes light up "Seriously? That would rock! I want to do this even more now. Wait till I show mother that collar." Dorango chuckles as they head inside "It's a good thing we take breaks on the way up here, that first time you where completely exhausted, we wouldn't want you to pass out during the ritual." Shi giggles and nods as Dorango leads hir up to his main room with the throne. He goes to sit on the throne and all the maids are lined up creating a path to the throne. One of the maids hands her the numbered note cards and Eilyen stands at the end facing Dorango and the ritual begins. It's a rather complex one but Eilyen reads off the note cards in reply to Dorango and shi knees in the magic circle in front of his throne with hir head down. Dorango chants something and the circle glows but Eilyen isn't worried at all since shi is mostly thinking about how neat it will be to have full sized dragon wings. Dorango gently puts the collar and then locks it on hir. Shi feels a rush of energy sweep through hir body as the circle glows brightly for a few moments before it stops. Eilyen feels a bit odd but normal at the same time. "Arise Eilyen you are now part of the family" Eilyen smiles and stands up and looks at Dorango. He looks different to hir somehow. He's still the same but looking at him makes hir happy and something tells hir that he should always be trusted no matter what. "Thank you master" shi blinks as shi calls hir friends master and his expression changes to a much more evil and sinister grin "You are most welcome my new slut. From now on you will not speak unless spoken to. In fact I have grown tired of your voice, I command you not to speak again until I tell you to." Eilyen blinks and tys to talk but it's like some force is making hir obey him. What's strange is there's a part of hir that actually likes it.
Shi starts to panic and try's to take the collar off but it's securely locked on there and there's no way to take it off. Shi looks up at hir new master with her desire to please him slowly growing. Shi wants to ask him so many things but shi can't bring hirself to even make a noise let alone talk "You must be wondering what's going on. It's a simple answer my new slut. Your collar there is making you into one of my maids. The ritual you went through was to give up your old life and serve me for the rest of yours. It has to be done voluntarily though so I had to win your trust, you sluts are all the same, so easy to manipulate into doing what I want. Now then, I want all of you naked right now. But before you strip my new slut I want you to remove my clothes first." The maids all quickly remove their outfits and as much as Eilyen hates it shi can't help but find hirself wanting to see hir master naked. Shi unbuttons his shirt removing it off him and then into his pants and his under garments and the wing harness until Dorango is fully naked before hir. After that shi starts removing hir own clothes and stands with the other maids completely naked. It's such a strange sensation to have to do everything he says. Right now shi would like nothing better to ring his neck but it's becoming more like shi's ending up a prisoner in hir own body. Dorango walks up with that evil smile looking so smug and reaches down and gropes hir male parts and sie stands perfectly still not reacting a bit though this really annoys hir. "Well then, since all my other attempts to mate you have all backfired this is my last change to mate your slutty little fat form before you turn into one of my maids for good." He smiles and smacks her across the face "Oh that feels so good. You like it don't you little slut? You want more don't you?" Shi wants to scream out and run away but to hir horror sie finds hirself nodding "Take the new slut to the play room and chain her up, I want to enjoy tourchering this freak while I can." Eilyen is taken off to the playroom; shi never knew this was here before it's always been locked. Shi is chained up by the other maids. They don't seem to show any expression t all, and not that shi thinks about it, shie can't either. Shi just blankly looks ahead as shi thinks to hirself "How could I have been so stupid. He was so good and I was so stupid for believing him. That military thing and all those gifts should have been a clue!" shi waits as Dorango comes in "Hello there my slut. Let's just get those chains as tight as we can. We wouldn't want you to be comphterable now would we?" he tightens the chains and shi realizes now shi is on a rack as the chains tighten and hir arms and legs are stretched tightly. It hurts so much but hir expression has not changed at all. Dorango grins "Does that hurt little slut?" Shi wants to scream out but shi still can't make a sound but what's odd is shi shakes hir head in reply to the question. He chuckles "Would you like me to make it really hurt my pet? You want to feel pain right? It's such a turn on for you huh?" Shi nods witch really freaks Eilyen out. Shi is getting terrified here. Shi can't believe Dorango is so evil. Shi's strapped to a rack and stretched tight and completely naked, shi can't talk or make any sounds and shi can't stop obeying Dorango.
The big dragon proceeds to start roughing hir up. A few slaps across the face to start and then it starts getting worse as he starts punching hir. First it is just in the chest but he soon expands it to all over. Sie is just in so much pain and the beating lasts for over an hour before he stops "Well that was fun wasn't it slut?" Eilyen nods but in hir mind shi's crying out from the beating. He finally gets around to mating hir and as he does he tells hir something "I will let you in on a secret, being one of my slaves, means no matter how roughed up you are, you will heal completely by tomorrow." Even his mating is rough and painful but sie is starting to fell hirself enjoy it. Sie wants to be beat up by him even though it's wrong. Shi can't convince hirself that this is wrong since it is feeling so good. After several hours it's all over and as much pain as shi is in it felt unlike anything shi's ever felt before. So good and so bad at the same time. He releases hir and shi slumps to the floor quite bloody and beaten. The big make dragon grabs hir head and makes hir look up at him "Oh that felt so good. I am sure you are very upset right now, that's ok because by the time Tuesday starts you won't have any memories of ever being this fat little freak of nature. Though I still have to wait till the end of the school year to resume my true form. Oh I am a dragon I am just bigger and allot older than I look. You see when I learned there was some slut hybrid here I wanted to purify you and make you mine. I could not go after your mother as she is already well past mature. Though she was easy enough to manipulate into forcing you to that woman's collage. Yes that's right my little slut I made it so your mother was forcing you to be female. It was to drive a wedge between you and your parents to get you to be mine though I never expected you to come to me so quick. I only had a week to set the ritual up. Usually it takes a month and takes longer but I don't think a little slut like you is worth the full ritual. By tomorrow you should start becoming a pure dragon. I set it up so I could keep you like this for a few hours. I will let you head for now so go stand beside by throne for the next 2 hours, you are not to blink once or move." As much pain as shi is in shi normally would barley be able to move but shi gets right up and walks out and stands beside his throne as commanded and just stares blankly out not blinking. He sits in the throne and has one of his other maids bring him some beer and while shi stands there Eilyen tries to keep hir mind focused but as time goes by it's getting harder and harder to remember hir life.
Shi has already forgotten where sie lives. Other things are slipping away to like the faces of hir friends. By the time the 2 hours is up sie can barely remember hir own name and the faces of hir parents. Sie knows something bad is happening but sie can't really remember what. All sie knows is that sie is Dorangos slave and it's been that way since sie was born. There is nothing more in hir life shi wants to do than serve hir master. Hir body is still rocked with pain but it is such a turn on for hir making hir very aroused. After the 2 hours is up sie still stands there and he looks at hir and thinks "You know fur is such an ugly thing. I want you to get a razor and shave off all of your fur and hair right here in front of me. Sie nods and goes and gets an electric razor, which oddly shi knows exactly where it is and walks back and stands in front of him and just before sie starts he stops hir. Hold on. I think this would be more interesting if you were not so bruised. "She chants something and suddenly all of Eilyen's wounds are healed. "Now you will remove all that nasty fur and hair. I want to see what you're hiding." Sie nods and turns on the razor and starts with hir arms shaving off the fur making sure to get as far down as sie can. Then sie works over hir chest and face and those long ears and finally hir lower half and legs. She turns off the razpr after she's completely shaves off every last piece of fur and hair standing completely naked facing Dorango. He smiles and gets up looking hir over. Sie is scaley all over. Sie even has black belly scales. He rubs over hir body grinning "Heh, who knew you were already scaley under all that nasty fur. I think I will be nice to you slut, I will give you back some of your memories tomorrow so I can watch you suffer though the change into a full pure blooded dragon though I think I will make sure you never remember how to speak. I have grown weary of that awful sound. Tell me slave would you like to go back on the rack or something more painful? If you want the latter just give me some pleasure. Sie nods and by now most of hir memories have faded away leaving only thoughts of being with hir master. The night goes on with lots more torture to hir witch only makes hir feel so good. By the end of the tight she's battered, beaten and bloody with plenty of broken bones. Dorago looks most pleased with himself leaving hir chained up "You are very fun, almost a shame to turn you into a dragon but a slut mix like you would only destroy the purity. Don't worry you will be all healed by dawn and you will have enough of your memories back to know who you are and what you are but of course that's only temporary. "The night goes on Eilyen falls sleep and dreams of pleasing hir master.
Sie also dreams of having his baby but sie is still a bunny dragon but is still completely shaved. By the time shi wakes up shi is fully healed, all hir bones have mended. Sie feels great and solely sie starts remembering things about hir past though just enough to remember hir personality though the new on is still there. Sie has enough of hir old self to act close to hir actual self. Sie blinks starting to remember and looks around finding hirself chained up. Shi knows sie can't speak since sie was born mute in hir mind. Sie rattles the chains and a few hours later dorango comes in with a grin "Hello slut, sleep well? If you behave I will let you go and allow you to wander your home. But you may not leave the house nor will you hide. You will stay out in the open at all times. Do you agree?" sie sighs and nods and stops struggling. He smiles and releases hir "Have fun slut, enjoy your time before the change." Sie looks at him puzzled but walks past him and finds a mirror and looks hirself over never having seen hirself without all the fur before.sie rubs hir black belly scales looking rather curious at them wondering why shi has scales. Soon after she looks hirself over the light starts getting aufly bright and hir head starts aching. The pain increases and sie if forced to shut hir eyes and cover them. Hir eyes feel like they are of fire, sie wants to scream out in pain but sie can't make a noise, it takes several more minutes for the pain to finally subside and shi opens hir eyes slowly readjusting to the light in the room. Everything is the same but for some reason it looks different. All the colours seem different but still the same. Sie looks at hirself in the mirror and as sie reexamines hirself and notices hir eyes have become golden. That's not all though. Sie notices hir irises are now vertical slits like a repiles. Sie now has dragon eyes but sie has no idea why though. Shi looks hirself over again in the mirror and rubs over hir chest and notices that it seems to have grown a little, swollen some and hir lower nipples seem to have disappeared. Shi knows shi used to have 4 but the lower ones are gone. Nothing else seems to have happened other than hir eye changing so sie decides to walk around the house and explore hir new cage. Sie spends several hours examining things on every floor. Though as time goes on shi starts feeling a little strange. Normally shi has the need to gnaw on things all the time to keep hir rodent teeth down but sie realized sie hasn't had any such desires or even been hungry or thirsty since sie woke up, which is odd since sie would usually be starving after all that walking around. Sie walks by a mirror again and at first sie didn't think anything of it but sie stops a few feet away and blinks backing up to the mirror and looks at the reflection.
Sie seems to have lost some weight while sie was walking around; shi looks at the reflection and rubs hir hands over her scaley body as shi's dropped almost 100 pounds in the past few hours. Sie admirers' hir new curves and figure thinking this is very strange. Si shouldn't be able to drop that much weight in such a short time. There's definitely something very strange happening to hir and sie's starting to get worried. Sie goes to hir masters' throne room and knocks on the door for permition to enter. Sie can't help but being nervous and humble around hir master. Sie would not want to offend or disappoint hir master. As sie knocks in the doorway he looks up with a bottle of beer in his hand "Ah, come in my new little slut. Let your master look at you." Sie enters and walks up to him bowing politely in greetings and looks curiously at him. "You are looking better then you where this morning. You have lost allot of weight. You always wanted to be shapely didn't you slut?" his words echo through hir head as new memories pop in of hir always hating being fat and overweight wanting to be thin. Sie hold hir head for a moment as sie regains hir composure and nods. "What do you want slut? Speak up, I can't hear you" he says with an evil grin knowing full well sie can't talk. He just laughs and dismisses hir "I have no use for you right now slut, be gone from my sight until I call you." Sie nods and bows respectfully and heads out and tries to hang out with the other maids who all but ignore hir. They go about their duities. They clean they was and everything else. Sie sighs and just sits and watches wondering just what sie is supposed to do. As sie watches the maids sie lays hir head down and dozes off and is awaked by a sharp n over hir rear in hir tail and jumps up and rubs over pain what would have been hir fluffy bunny tail but finds a small stump if a tail instead. Sie obviously can't see it so sie tries to ask a maid for a mirror but they won't even acknowledge hir. Sie shakes hir head and goes off to find on hirself witch takes a good 10 or 15 min to find one down there but sie does find a mirror sie notices that hir tail isn't anything like a bunny tail now it's more like a very short stumpy reptile tail. Sie rubs the stump and it seems to be larger than before. It's like it's growing but slowly. Sie thinks for a moment and decides to check out hir teeth and runs a finger inside and feels around as she watches in the mirror and finds more teeth for eating greens, there only sharp pointy teeth in there now. Shi snarls and grits hir teeth in the mirror finding this a rather turn of events. It's like something is changing hir body little by little but into what? That is the question sie really has on hir mind, sie heads upstairs and opens the front door but sie can't step through, it's like there's an invisible leash around hir neck.
Shi closes the front door and locks it knowing sie will never be allowed outside. Sie goes back upstairs to the attic with eh mirror and notices hir chest is starting to feel heavier as shi goes. By the time sie reaches the mirror shi has a large B cup breasts and they still seem to be growing at a steady rate. Si has never imagined this is what it would be like when sie finally developed. Sie rubs them curiously as they swell under hir hands, sie watches in the mirror as they grow more in size and weight. Sie tries not to fall forward as sie adjusts to the new weight on hir chest. They don't stop growing until they reach a rather hefty DD in size. Se holds them up feeling the weight and wondering why this is happening to hir. Sie is so occupied with hir breasts sie doesn't notice while hir chest was growing in size so was hir tail. Sie now has a long thick reptilian tail swishing behind hir. It's not till sie stops examining hir chest and looks at hirself again as a whole does sie catch a glimpse of it in the mirror. Sie turns around and looks at hir profile with hir new chest and tail. Sie rubs hir hands over the tips of hir breasts noticing that it wasn't just those that where extra large hir nipples had gotten rather thick as well like a baby bottle. Sie wonders why sie would ever need anything so thick and long. Sie reaches and holds on to hir new reptilian tail, holding and feeling its thickness. It's definitely a part of hir as shi can feel it move and hir own touch over the tail. Sie releases hir tail and practices using it but in the back of hir mind sie's terrified of what's happening to hir. This isn't a normal part of puberty that shi's ever heard of. Sie is scared about losing any more of hirself if these changes keep continuing. Sie walks around getting used to the extra weight in front and the thick heavy counterbalance tail behind her, is a very strange feeling having such heavy things on such a slender and curvy body. Sie practices walking around the attic getting used to the new weight distribution. The long swishing tail that counters each of hir movement and the bouncy chest aren't something one just gets used to after walking around a while though. It's still a bit hard to walk but sies slowly getting the hang of it. Dorango is just leaving the playroom at this time grinning thinking about what's happening to Eilyen as he walks to his viewing room "That stupid slut has no idea what's happening to hir. Sie's probably confused and scared by now. I wonder how I should deal with it, first I need to see what all has happened. I wouldn't want to miss he grand finale hehe. Once she changes fully sie will be as mindless as all my other sluts, mine to do with as I please. As it should be with all sluts. Good thing I'm still controlling that slut's mother. Having her check in all the time was very annoying. Maybe I should make her like the slut she is. Make her a hoar that can't get enough hehe. That would be fun to watch as she goes insane." He gets to the viewing room and looks around to see where Eilyen in and finds hir in the attic walking around still feeling hir new body parts. He grins watching hir and ponders "Perhaps this would be a good occasion to break out the blood wine. Especially the one from all those centuries ago. It will make hir final change all the more sweet." He grins and calls one of his maids to fetch him the bottle and put it on ace with a glass to be set next to his throne. He watches and grins as he watches Eilyen "This is taking too long. At the rate sie is changing it won't be finished till late night. I think it's time we sped things up. Besides seeing hir suffer makes it more worthwhile. Summon the slut to my throne room, it's time to finish this and break in my new pet. "The maid bows "Yes my lord" and walks off to get Eilyen as Dorango heads to his throne and sits as the maid gets to the loft and finds Eilyen rubbing hir large heavy chest "Master Dorango wishes to see you in the throne room." Sie looks back surprised a bit to hear he maid and nods follows her down stairs to the throne room and as Eilyen enters the maid closes the doors behind hir and it's just Dorango and Eilyen in the room, Sie walks up to him and stands in the magic circle before his throne and bows to hir master and looks curious since sie doesn't know why sie was summoned. Dorango just grins and snaps his claws making the magic circle glow such starts something happing to Eilyen, hir body feels like its on fire.
Pain shoots through hir body focusing on hir fingers and claws. Shi wants to cry out in pain but still shi can make no noises. Hir claws grow larger and thicker pushing out from hir fingers, long black dragon claws grow out and curve becoming very sharp. Soon after hir wings start growing out bigger and more powerful but it's like they are on fire the whole time as they grow. Sie starts to get a headache bit it just gets worse and worse focuses on cretin parts of hir forehead as sie drops to hir knees as long black horns push out from hir head pushing right though the scales still covered in blood. Soon after the horns grow to their full length the pain shifts to her little bunny muzzle which starts to stretch out causing a huge amount of pain as the bones and muscles grow out, the muzzle grows longer and wider becoming a full dragon muzzle full of lots of very sharp pointy teeth along with hir already dragonic tongue witch hangs out as hir muzzle grows and reshapes. From there hir neck cracks and burns like mad as new bones are added as hir neck becomes a long sninuous dragon neck. Hir legs suddenly crack and snap as the bones in them break apart. Sie wants to scream out in pain as the bones all but shatter. Dorango just sits on his throne smiling and laughing drinking his wine while Eilyen is in such pain as hir body keeps changing becoming more and more dragon. Hir legs start to reshape becoming more digitgrade legs with strong power muscles. Hir changes don't seem to finish with just making hir a dragon sie seems to be growing taller and more muscular; soon sie feels a burning between hir legs as hir male gender starts to shrink away until only hir female one is left. Finally after 30 long minutes of pain sie stands up at an impressive 8' tall, DD sized chest and modestly muscled all over looking like an exact copy of all his other maids. Hir find is rather fuzzy as during the changes hir memories where changed once again to that of all the other maids. Sie only knows that is the property of hir master Dorango and sie wants nothing else to obey his every command. Sie also knows sie has never been able to speak but sie kneels before hir master "Very good my slut, you have changed fully now and are officially part of the family now. No more of your old life, you are mine for good now. Once you reach 21 you will be my salve permanently like all the others. Now then my slut, make love to me to show me just how much of a slut you really are." She nods and over the next few hours they mate hard and heavy with Dorango giving her his usual beating while they mate. They continue this until nightfall. Eilyen exits the throne room all beaten and bruised returning to the maid's quarters and puts on hir uniform and then joins the other maids cleaning up the house.
The rest of the day goes by and sie's quickly accepted as one of the maids. If it wasn't for all the bruised she would look like all the other maids exactly. There's little rest for hir though as maids are only allowed a few short hours of rest. She is on her feet 20 hours a day and only allowed to rest for the short 4 hours with the other maids. Sunday for her is just like any other day as far as Eilyen is concerned. In her mind she's been a maid in the service of her master since she was hatched with the other maids. She was breed to be highly fertile for mating along with the other maids to produce an offspring for her master. She knows only about cleaning and pleasing the master. She spends all of Sunday cleaning all the worst places in the house but she doesn't mind at all as long as it pleases her master. Dorango keeps a close eye on hir making sure the change went well. He orders hir around every chance he gets and sie happily obeys everything he wants. Sunday ends but Dorango has to mate with her some more before she is allowed to go to bed for the night. This lasts several hours and once again she is beaten and battered by the end and finally allowed to go to bed. Overnight sie heals as always but something seems to happen in the few hours of rest she gets. She has some very odd dreams of being a big male dragon and tourchering Dorango very badly. This greatly upsets her when she is awakened with the other maids. She also feels very strange like something is happening with her body. She goes about her daily chores but as the morning wears on she seems to change. She's put on some weight making her outfit very tight. Dorango notices this and knows something isn't right but isn't sure yet. He figurers it's just a temporary effect and leaves the house to scout for more females. As Eilyen goes about her duties her dragon features slowly fade back into her normal bunny features, and with the return of hir body came most of hir memory though for some reason hir memory of her speaking hasn't returned, nor has any memory of her parents, Shi's back to hir old body though now hir muzzle is a little longer and filled with plenty of sharp pointy teeth, some of witch where poking out of hir muzzle along with hir normal rodent teeth. Hir memories where jumbled at best, Sie knows sie is supposed to be a maid for Dorango and a dragon but sie also knows sie's supposed to be a bunny dragon. Sie looks around all confused. Shi doesn't know what to think, on one paw she wants to be a dragon and serve Dorango loyally for the rest of hir life but on the other hand sie knows being a dragon is wrong and someone or something is waiting for hir, missing hir. Sie is very frustrated as sie walks around holding hir head trying to remember. So many conflicting memory's in hir mind it's hard to know what is real and what isn't. sie wanders and finds the room that sie know sie shouldn't enter but although sie knows it's wrong sie can't help but look in, what sie finds is his watching room with tons of archives. Sie searches though the archives trying to figure out what's going on. Sie searches and find s one marked with a recent date named
"New Slut" sie seems drown to this and watches it. It has all hir visits to his home and even the time's sie mated the maids. Sie watches and listens to the playbacks and slowly hir memories start to clear up, most of them anyhow, sie knows who sie is and that sie isn't meant to be a dragon ot have all hir fur shaved off. Sie is starting to remember now what all has happened to hir, what's been said and done to hir. Sie starts to get mad at him for disgracing hir and humiliating hir while turning hir into a slave. Sie just fumes and watches more and more of the archives, Hir anger builds and builds and when Doango gets back home sie hears him and something in hir mind just snaps, hir eyes go from brown to golden becoming reptilian looking, hir claws also grow out into sharp dragon claws. Hir stance changes to, looking more feral and even moves like a feral beast. Doango comes up and sees the open door "Who is there? Who would dare defile this dragons' home." He barley gets halfway to the door when Eilyen steps out and wiggles hir clawed fingers glaring at him. "Hw blinks seeing Eilyen back to normal still shaved. "How did you get back to that discussing form slut? You should have stayed as my slave." He looks hir over and notices hir sheath and male parts seem to have grown larger in size. Before he can think about it sie lunges at him and he ready's himself for an attack but sie stops just inches away trying to claw and bit him but it's as if something is holding hir back. Dorango chuckles and punches hir in the gut "Heh, I had forgotten about that failsafe. None of my sluts have very broken free from there change." Sie drops to hir knees and looks up at him with hateful reptilian eyes as they change back to brown just before sie passes out. Dorango picks hir a few times out of frustration "All that planning and hard work getting close to you, becoming that slut's friend. Even bribing the teacher to fail hir on that important test. Even the ritual and collar, all to waste on you. Now I can't use you as a slave. I can't even take the collar back; once it's sealed it won't come off until you at least reach maturity or become a dragon again." Suddenly Dorango roars in pain and looks down and sees Eilyen has taken a big bight out of his leg. Sie gets up still sore from the punch and a bit winded but manages to run off towared the front door "Ow! You stupid whore slut! You actually drew blood; no one has ever drawn my blood before. You are not allowed to leave hear alive now. I will kill you myself." He's really missed and the maids are after hir as well. Sie makes it to the front door and opens it and stands there unable to leave. Sie wants to run but something is holding hir there still. Soon sie is surrounded by the maids. Sie is terrified now for hir life. The maids close in as Dorango is tending to his leg and yells to his maid to kill hir. Sie is stuck now, sie either has to face the maids or try to fight the programming. As the maids close in on hir, sie starts crying and curls up but a few moment s later sie stops shaking and stand up with the golden dragon eyes and claws again. Sie rushes towared the maids and easily takes them down, each hit sending them flying off. It seems hir strength has gone up to that of a dragon. Dorango grows watching from the upper level as Eilyen takes down the last of the maids
"Fine, since I can't kill you myself and I can't keep you now I have no choice. You may leave but you may never set foot on this land again. Sie glares at him for a few moments and then walks out the door into the late afternoon sun still completely naked and squints as hir dragonic eyes have never seen this bight light before. Sie walks down do the locked gate and easily pry's the heavy metal gate right off its hinges and throws it at the hose, it hands with a heavy thud half way up the path. Sie then leaves and gets all sorts of stares from passersby who were watching. Sie finds the nearest alleyway and ducks in to get out of the sun. not too long after that sie collapses to the ground and wakes up a few minutes later sie wakes up and jumps up, looking around in a panic since last thing sie remembered was being at the front door surrounded by the maids. Sie doesn't remember anything between that and waking up in the ally. Sie wants to find hir mom and dad but without any clothing sie's to embarrassed to go out and sie knows it's against the law to. How would sie explain all this, no one would ever believe hir and sie still can't talk. Sie watches people pass by from the shaded alleyway and since sie has plenty of time sie checks hierself over to make sure sie is hirself again and as sie does sie seems to think hir shoulders have grown a little broader and definitely knows that hir male half has grown but not hir female half, sie takes it as a sign that sie's meant to be male and not female. Sie has to wait till nightfall to leave the ally, though the streets aren't as crowded as they once where sie still had to try and get from ally to alley without drawing to much of a crowd. With all hir hiding in ally's and dodging people sie doesn't get home until about 11:30 at night, Sie rings the doorbell as sie looks around making sure no one is after hir. Hir mother opens the door and Eilyen rushes in and slams the door behind hir. Hir mother looks over the figure before her for a moment and almost didn't reginize her daughter without all the fur. "Eilyen? Is that really you? What in the world happened? Was it that dragon you been seeing?" Eilyen nods and starts crying and hold hir mom tight. Hir mother hold hir and pets trying to compherte hir and gently pets over hir "I must apologize to you my dear about the whole woman's collage thing. I don't know what came over me. I just suddenly had this idea that you were going to be a proper woman no matter what it took. That was a horrible thing for me to do my dear. I don't know if you can ever forgive me but I hope you will."
She notices the collar around Eilyen neck but doesn't say anything about it right now. She takes Eilyen up to hir room as they both sit on the bed "I been worried about you ever since you never came home on Friday after school. You never said anything but after the whole collage thing I don't blame you. I think you need a day off from school or so. I will call your school and tell them you're not feeling well. I can't imagine what it's like to have gone through whatever it is that happened to you but just remember that your Father and I are here for you." Eilyen nods and hugs hir mother eventually crying hirself to sleep. Hir mom pets over her gently and lays her down in the bed and ticks hir in giving hir little bunny nose a kiss "Goodnight sweety, I hope you will feel better in the morning." She smiles and turns off the light and closes the bedroom door letting hir sleep. Sie tosses and turns while sie sleeps. Sie has dreams of being a slave again. It feels so good to have a master and not haven't any worry's other than pleasing hir master but sie also has some rather disturbing dreams. Dreams so vivid it feels like it's really happening. Sie is hunting something, sie can't really see it well as its dark but sie can smell it. Sie is in a dense jungle tacking it. Sie doesn't really think about doing anything sie just acts. Soon sie has caught up to the beast and pounces it ripping it to shreds with hir bear paws. Sie's covered in blood and goes to find some water to wash off. Sie looks at hir reflection and see's hir normal furry self only there's no fur on hir paws or feet and hir claws are huge like dragons, there's spikes allover hir head and sie notices they run down hir back to hir tail and large spikes from hir forearms and knees. Sie even had reptilian looking eyes. Then the collar comes off and sie turns back into the slave sie was crawling back to Dorango to please to be his servant again. Sie wakes up scared out of hir mind panting hard, sie would have screamed is se could still make sounds. Sie looks around in a panic and realizes sie's in hir room. Sie gets out of bed and looks in the mirror at hir scaly body and so wants to scream and punch the reflection but sie controls hirself and puts on a nightgown and comes downstairs and see's hir mom in the kitchen and walks up and gives her a hug. Hir mom jumps a bit "Oh! It's you Eilyen. You certainly are quiet today, you felling any better today love?" Si nods a little and just keeps hugging hir mom as hir mother pets gently over her floppy scaly bunny ears "It certainly is a change seeing you without all that fur. You fell up to telling me what happened?" Sie looks down for a moment and looks up at hir mom and tries to talk but not a sound comes out as sie points to hir throat. Hir mother looks puzzled "you can't talk dear? You have a sore throat that is keeping you from talking?" sie shakes hir head and motions for something to write on. Hir mother goes and rummages through a drawer and comes back with a pencil and paper "Here you go love I hope this will clear things up for you to tell me what you want to say" Sie takes the pencil and paper and quickly sits down and starts writing on it. Sie writes some strange characters that are definitely not English. Sie quickly fills both sides of the paper and then hands it to hir mom who looks at it rather confused for a few moment as she tries to figure it out just what it is her daughter wrote. She thinks for a minute "Oh! I know where I seen this before! It's Dragonic. How in the world did you learn this? I never taught you and I know you never learned it in school. Why didn't I pay more attention to grandma when sie wanted to teach me dragonic? Let's see here, ugh I can't remember enough. I'm sorry love let me call your grandma. I know she will be able to figure it out." She picks up the phone and calls her mom and together they talk a whole and finally get it all translated "Grandma says she can come over and help. Let me see what you wrote here" she reads over the note and blinks "Oh my, that's not good at all. I'm so sorry for what that dragon did to you dear. Maybe your grandma will know what to do. While we wait would you like something to eat?" sie looks up and nods "Ok then one salad coming up!" sie shakes hir head and opened the fridge and gets out a big juicy steak and hir mom blinks "Meat? But you get sick every time you eat that stuff. Are you sure you meant me to cook this for you? I don't want you getting sick while you're getting well." Eilyen nods and gets a plate for the steak "Well, if you want it that badly I will make it for you. I never thought I would make meat for you." She turns on the stove and starts prepping it and then starts cooking. While it's cooking the smell starts to fill the kitchen and Eilyen licks hir lips getting very hungry. The door bell rings
"Eilyen, would you get that please? That would be grandma, would you get it please? Your food will be done soon." Eilyen gets up and walks over to the front door and standing there is a rather tall impressive looking female dragon at 8 feet tall with long grey hair and sie cranes hir long neck down and adjusts hir glasses "My! Your mother wasn't kidding about your scales, you look lovely still Eilyen it's nice to see you again I am sorry we couldn't meet under better times." Eilyen nods and leads hir grandma in to the kitchen "Hi mom! I am just cooking some food for Eilyen hir note is on the table. I can't really make much out. I am sure you can." Eilyen's grandma picks up the note and looks it over "I am impressed my granddaughter wrote this considering you never paid any attention to your dragonic study's and wouldn't let me teach Eilyen, but this is indeed Dragonic. Let's see... Oh my. Oh dear this definitely not good. It says that the dragon made hir into his slave and beat hir and made out. It seems the collar made hir completely obedient. Sie had forgotten how to talk for a few days and sie still doesn't remember how to talk but sie knows sie used to." Eilyen's mom blinks "Really? Is there anything we can do?" she servs up the steak to Eiylen and sie smiles licking hir lips and starts eating "When did sie start eating meat? Last I heard from you it made hir sick." Hir grandma asks as sie pets over Eilyen and she looks over "Last time we all ate together last week sie was eating salads as normal but today sie asked for a steak. Did you ever switch diets mom?" sie shakes hir head "this isn't normal. But I can help hir start talking again but it will be a long process. I have to find a way to break the hold on hir first then the rest is up to hir. Si will have to get talking on hir own." Eilyen isn't paying attention as shi is devouring hir steak hungrily. "Well Well, My grandauger has a healthy appatite still." Eilyens mom pets hir a bit and brings hir grandma out ot another room and tells hir about the whole fight and woman's collage. "Is that why sie was gone for the weekend and you never noticed? I think that dragon is more powerful than he appears. I believe him to be older than he appears. There are spells and rituals to make yourself young but they do not last long usually, I suspect his transferring in the middle of the school year was not luck. A dragon who is much older than out own ancestor could have a knowledge and power to create an aging spell and do all the things Eilyen has said." I will have to go check out the great dragon library to find out how to beak his hold but I'm afraid the seal on the collar can only be undone by the one who placed it there. There's no way to every remove the collar." Eilyen mom nods "Will hir fur grow back at least?" Sie smiles and nods "In time yes, it should since shi only shaved it and hir hair off. She will be furry again in no time. But for this week let hir stay home and then start going back to class next week. It's important that sie stay with hir family for a while to get over the trauma and then ease hir back into school. Trust me dear it will make things easier." Hir mother nods "Ok mom if you say so. Just get my daughters voice back soon." Sie smiles and they hug each other as the grandma leaves.
Eilyen has finished hir steak and already started washing it off and putting it away. Hir mother walks back in and smiles "Well thank you, it's nice to see you have an appetite still, though it looks like we will be investing in more meat than usual from now on. Your grandmas gone off to look for a way to get your voice back and we agreed to let you stay home this week before returning to school. As for your fur and hair, I am sure it will grow back on its own just in time. Of all the times for your father to be away on a business trip, anyway dear I will be here and stay with you as much as I can. I won't make you pick a gender until you're ready to be one or you can stay as you are. I can't help but want you to be female but it's not my choice to make for you. Your almost 16 now and you can make your own disions on these things." Eilyen smiles and hugs hir mom tight and hir mom smiles "your most welcome my dear. I am sorry we had to go though the whole fight from last week. I'm sure by now you already having some ideas of what you want to be right?" Eilyen looks up and nods "I see, well I know it seems good now but would you promise me to think about it till your 18? Then whatever you want to be I will support you fully, even if it's male. Will you do that for me?" Eilyen thinks for a few moments and nods with a smile. Hir mom smiles back and kisses hir nose "Thank you, now that we have that settled. Why don't we find something to do. I must admit you certainly look allot more like a dragon without your fur. I didn't know your scales where still there. I know you were born scaley but I thought they might fade away over time. I guess they stayed. Don't worry though I'm looking forwarded to seeing your black fur grow back just as much as you are. You just don't look the same. But no matter what you look like you will always be my child." Eilyen hugs hir mom again in thanks and they spend the rest of the day just hanging out. The week goes on and every night Eilyens dreams are so vivid, sie either dreams about becoming a dragon again and begging Dorango to take hir back in and be his slut forever more or sie's hunting like a wild animal. Killing hir own food, each time sie wakes up in a panic looking around making sure it was just a dream. Sie looks around hir room at all the dragons and hunky boy furs around the room. Sie sees it all and it just reminds hir of what happened, especially the dragons. Sie gets so angry and mad when sie see's the dragons. Sie would rather see them dead then in hir room. Sie decides to start over again and takes everything down, posters, dragons and such. By the time sie's done hir room except for furniture and such are all bare, no posters, no toys no nothing.
Sie sighs and think s about what sie could put up there when hit mother calls that breakfast is ready. Eilyen gets dressed in hir nightgown and heads down starts where hir mother has prepared plenty of hamburgers, very rare to. "Hi there dear, did you sleep well? I made some burgers for you. I don't know how you like them but the way you been gobbling up meat lately I thought you might like some raw meat. Well as close to raw as you can get with being safe, I hope you like. I have ketchup and mustered and stuff ready to if you want." Eilyen smiles licking hir licks and hugs hir mom and digs into the food scarfing it down quickly, hir mom had set out 20 burgers and they are all gone in under 10 min. hir mother blinks "Well, wow. That's quite the appetite you have my dear, you still hungrey?" Eilyen nods with a grin. Hir mother looks rather surprised "Wow, well then I will have to make you more food then." She goes back to making more burgers and the doorbell rings "Would you see who it is? I know you still can't talk but I don't know of anyone who would stop by this early. I don't want to leave your food unattended either. I'm sorry for having you do this." Si nods and smiles going to the front door and peeking out and sees hir grandma and opens the door, hir mother calls out "who is it?" and a voice calls back "It's just me dear. Sorry I took so long to find what we needed; those buricrats at the library are so stuff about letting us hybrids use the library. Half the time was just trying to convince them of what happened. But I have the answer." Her mom smiles "Good, can it wait till after breakfast? Eilyen is still hungry after eating 20 rare bugers." Eilyen leads hir grandma into the kitchen "20? Wow you certainly have gotten a big appetite but I guess you're a growing girl so you need the strength, while you cook I will talk with Eilyen. Now when this works, if it works I should say. I can't guarantee it will work completely or at all. That's a strong spell your under. The worst thing that can happen is you will be stuck as you are or you might turn back into your dragoness body. I have taken every step to make sure none of that happens but mixing magic is never s sure thing. One you filled that cute belly of yours we will begin or whenever you're ready." Eilyen nods and hugs hir grandma and sie smiles and hugs back. Soon after the next set of burgers is done and then time it's 40 burgers and they both watch in amazement as Eilyen gobbles them all down very quickly and lays back in hir chair rubbing hir belly looking rather full. "Wow, that's some apatite your daughter has, No one in our family has ever eaten that much in such a short time.
Well, I guess you're as ready as you ever will be for this huh?" Eilyen nods and smiles "did you get that magic circle put on the floor like I taught you all those years ago dear?" shi asks hir daughter and she nods "Yes mom, I put it in the basement when we moved in. It's still there though I never used it." Sie nods and takes a hold of eilyens paw "Well then my dear shall we go break in the magic circle?" Eilyen nods and they all head to the basement and clear off all the stuff on top of the circle making it now visible "honestly dear did you have to go covering it up like this." She shakes her head "I never had any use for it mother, you where always the one with the magic." Sie nods and movies Eilyen into the center of the circle "you ready my dear?" Eilyen nods and smiles "Ok then here we go." Sie starts chanting and the circle glows as the magic flows though Eilyen trying to break the hold Dorango has on hir. Sparks fly and Eilyen winces some but stick to the middle of the circle and after several minutes the circle darkeners. "Now then dear, try to make a noise and see if it worked." Eilyen try's and nothing comes out but smiles since hir long ears heard a feint squeak no one else did "So it worked? I guess if you keep practicing you will get your voice back in no time dear and he shouldn't be able to command you anymore, I hope. I don't know of that half worked but I guess there's only one way to find out." Eilyen nods and points at hir locked collar tugging it a bit. Hir grandma looks down some "I'm sorry dear that's the one thing keeping you as you are right now. If by some chance I could take it off you could end up becoming the dragoness again or worse become the same mindset in that body he gave you for good. I don't think it's a good thing to try to remove it. I know you don't like it but I'm afraid the counsel at the library forbid me from looking for a way to remove it. I'm terribly sorry dear, bit at least you should be free from that dragons control. Though I am afraid you're going to have to relearn to read and write again. That collar makes it so it wipes most all languages from your memory and replaces it with dragonic. Fortunately for us it didn't work fully on you. You still understand us you just can't read or write in English anymore and very few non dragons know of dragonic and even fewer can understand it. But it shouldn't take too long to relearn since you used to know it. I should leave you both be for now, you all take care. Just make sure to keep me updated dear." They smiles and hug as they walk back upstairs to the front door "I will call you when things calm down mom I promise, just take care." Hir grandma waves and fly's off and Eilyen smiles hugging hir mom and she hugs back "Well, would you like to try to relearn some things? We only have 3 more days until you go back to school. I hope you will be ready by then my dear."
Eilyen thinks for a moment and nods. They both sit down at the table with paper and pencils "Ok now what this will do is help us both. You write out what I say and I will write it as well so you can compare your dragonic writing to my English and you can learn what it looks like in both." They study and keep practicing off and on until finally Monday has arrived and Eilyen gets up dreading going back to school, sie still hasn't gotten hir voice back enough to speak, only make very tiny noises but it's only been a few days. Hir fur and hair haven't even started growing back either so sie is still scaley and is less than happy about that. Sie gets in the shower and washes all those scales until they shine. Sie then dries off and starts getting dressed for school. Having to wear a skirt has always annoyed hir but now it just feels weird to dress like a girl. Sie put hir school uniform in fully and gets hir bag and goes downstairs. Hir mom is in the kitchen making breakfast, Eilyen sits down at the table "Hi hon. I hope you slept well and are ready for school. I got a big juicy steak for you. I'm just finishing up my streak and yours is up next." Eilyen smiles and waits and soon hir large rare steak is ready and sie digs right in and polishes it off rather quickly. Hir mom smiles "I think your appetite has grown along with the rest of you. You are growing into a very lovely young bunnydragon my dear. Now then, I already told your school some of what happened but don't worry as far as they know it was just a simple magic accident that made all your fur and hair fall out for a while and made you forget reading and writing. I told them that all your school work would be done at home. Everything is taken care of my dear and your Father should be home sometime today or tomorrow. I already called him this morning and told him what happened. Just be safe and try to stay away from the dragon." Eilyen smiles and hug hir mom in thanks and heads off to the school bus stop. Hir friend are rather shocked to see Eilyen all scaley and not furry "Eilyen is that really you?" Sie nods in reply "What happened to you? You're all scaley no. I knew you where part dragon but it's only been a week since you where gone. We thought maybe you left with Dorango."
Eilyen shakes hir head no quite furiously "Something wrong Eilyen? You lose your voice?" Sie nods as the bus arrives and they all get on board "so you and dorango have fun last weekend?" one of hir friends Asks with a wink. Eilyen blinks and shakes hir head and motions something breaking or splitting "You mean you split up? Wow I though you two were made for each other." Sie shakes hir head again and motions strangling. "That bad huh? It's too bad you both share 2 classes together and the school year still has a few months left. You think your fur will grow back by then?" Sie smiles and nods and points to hir throat "Yeah I hope your voice will return quickly. We want to hear all about what happened." Eilyen smiles nervously, shi can't tell them exactly what happened but for now sie has time to think up something to tell them when hir voice comes back. The bus arrives at school and sie heads to hir locker and Dorango is waiting for hir. He whispers "Welcome back slut, I didn't think you would dare show yourself again. Come to beg me to take you back as my slave?" he chuckles as Eilyen tries hir best to ignore him but being so close to him just makes hir so furious. Sie suddenly takes a swipe at him before he can react and slashes hir claws across his muzzle. He growls and they glare at each other. Eilyen hands him a note written in dragonic as the bell rings to get to class. Dorango reads the note "Leave me alone. I am not under your spell anymore so if you value your life I suggest dropping out since you will never have me again." This just infuriates Dorango. He can't stand the trough of someone actually getting the better of him and being free after they where collared. He is more determined than ever to have hir as his slave no matter what it takes. He heads up to class and sits down behind Eilyen and grins breathing down hir neck so sie knows he is watching hir. School isn't too bad if sie ignores Dorango who keeps threatening to make hir his slave again. He even goes so far as to grab hir collar and drag hir off with him "You're going to come with me whether you like it or not." Sie struggles and since no one is around to see it he could get away with it but something in the back of hir mind starts growing, it's like something is wanting to take over hir mind and sie can't stop it. Soon Eilyen blacks out for a moment and when sie opens hir eyes again there golden with reptilian slits. Dorango looks back s he feels Eilyen zone out for a moment only to be greeted with a rather nasty slash across his face and muzzle, this time it's a rather deep cut and starts bleeding.
He growls and sie tries to slash him again in the belly but he dodges it. Sie keeps trying and get him and eventually backs him up against a wall and tries to punch him. He dodges but shi punches a hole in a solid concrete wall. He blinks and gulps thinking that could have been his head "Fine, you win this time slut but I will make you mine again and I will tame you like I did all my others." He flies off to tend to his wounds and Eilyen punches a few more holes in the wall before sie passes out and slumps against the wall and makes up several minutes later looking around a bit confused but at least shi isn't with the dragon. Sie gets up and looks at the holes and then hir dusty hands and looks puzzled. Sie doesn't have any idea how sie got over here or how hir hands got so dirty. Sie realizes sie has missed the bus home and starts on the walk back home and finally gets there. Hir mother is waiting and hugs hir tight "I was worried he got to you again." Eilyen smiles and hugs hir mom back and they go inside and eat. Hir father arrives home later that night and they all sit down and enjoy their time as a family. The next day when Eilyen gets to school sie finds dorango again waiting for hir but this time he has a nasty looking scare across his face when sie slashed him. Sie blinks looking at him and starts laughing though still sie can't make any sounds but this really ticks him off. Sie just can't stop since sie hates him so much and it serves him right. He is furious but keeps a bit of a safe distance from hir incase sie lashes out again. Over the next 4 months Dorango keeps trying to get hir back but keeps failing every time. Though he hasn't been slashed or hurt again. Though Eilyen has been developing quite nicely, sie's put on another 150 pounds and grown out of hir old uniform having to get a new one. Hir body isn't just putting on weight it's growing more mature, sie's finally starting to develop breasts having gone up to a small B cup and hir other parts are also still growing to. Shi shoulders are broader to looking more male but sie still has wide hips. All hir fur and hair has grown back and so has hir belly. Sie has recently been to the doctors for a physical since sie has been getting sick now and then. It's a Saturday and they family is relaxing at home when the phone rings "I'll get it! It's probably the doc." Eilyen says and gets up to answer the phone and walks over picking it up "Hello?" sie talks and looks rather shocked at the news sie hears "What? You're kidding, your sure?" sie just is very stunned and nods "ok thanks." Sie hangs up the phone and just stands there. Hir mother looks concerned and walks over "You ok Eilyen? You look like you just found out the world is going to end." Eilyen hugs hir mom "It may as well, I just found out why I been getting sick lately. I'm pregnant. The doc says I'm about 4 or 5 months already. I think it's Dorangos." Hir mother blinks "What?! You're actually pregnant? Your only 15. That dragon is going to pay for getting you pregnant this early. What do you want to do dear? I am going to lets you decide what you want to do about the pregnancy. I will support you whatever you choose. Take your time to think." Sie nods and hugs back "I'm going up to my room to think. I don't know what to think right now." Hir mother smiles and gives hir a kiss on the nose "Ok hon, I will be here if you need me."
Eilyen goes upstairs and closes hir bedroom door. Sie undresses completely and looks around at hir room with all the pinups of girls in little or no clothing and big breasts, sie sighs and stands in front of the mirror and looks at hir growing belly trying to think of what to do. Sie has figured out that sie now thanks to the spell and collar hir dragon side has gained its own personality in iis very feral and way stronger than sie is normally. Sie doesn't know how this will affect hir baby and this frightens hir but something about having a baby seems like a right thing to do. Maybe sie can raise it up to be the kind of dragon or bunnydragon Dorango isn't. Sie rubs over hir breasts to, and wonders how big they will get since sie just found out sie's pregnant and has 4 breasts all the same size. Sie looks at hir profile and thinks how fast they have grown, since it seems like just the other day sie didn't have anything. Si also thinks about terminating the pregnancy since having the kid would be a reminder of Dorango. Sie spends most of the day up in hir room looking at all the sexy woman sie has put up and think s about how hir tastes have changed. Sie still likes guys but prefers woman more, sie thinks long and hard about hir choices and finally by mid afternoon sie gets dressed again and walks down stairs. Hir parents are watching some TV while waiting and hir mom sees hir and gets up "Hello again dear, did you figure out what you want to do?" Sie nods "Yeah, I had allot of thinking to do but I decided to go through with the pregnancy. I just think I should have the baby. Perhaps it is just a way for life to teach me something." Hir mother smiles and hugs hir tight and nuzzles "All right dear if that's what you want your Father and I are both behind you 100%." Sie smiles "Thanks mom, I'm not sure what will happen but I hope I can get the little one to be nicer then there dad." Hir mom smiles and nods "Indeed. You can raise them right with our help. I'm sure you will be a great mother." Sie giggles "Thanks mom, so what's on tv? I guess I should start shopping for maternity clothes here soon and here I thought I was just getting a pot belly hehe. I won't be wearing nay dresses though, not a chance." They all settle down and watch tv. The weekend goes by and Monday comes again and it's back to school. Only a few more weeks left and it's getting close to finals. Dorango still hasn't given up on getting hir back "Ugh, give it up Dorango. You seriously think you have any chance of getting me back?" he grins and sniffs the air "Perhaps not but what about your young? I can smell it, you're pregnant. I knew that would happen, all my sluts get pregnant whn I mate them. Their newborns are so delicious hehe. I will enjoy eating yours as well; it's only a matter of time. You can't keep me away forever hehe. I will have them soon or later" sie growls "You stay away from my baby Dorango, I already gave you a nice scar across your face, you want more?" He growls and backs off "You can't be on guard all the time soon or later you will look away and I will have your young hehe." Sie growls and slams hir locker closed "Your seriously asking for it. You know? I can't guarantee I won't do more than just a scar next time you push me too far." Sie grins as they walk to class and glare at each other. Eilyen keeps thinking about what Dorango said about eating hir baby. Sie finds it rather frightening that he might be serious about it. School is done for the day and sie goes home and eventually goes to bed after finishing hir homework and dinner. Sie has some wild dreams about Dorango coming to take hir young and it scares hir allot that he may actually to it. Sie suddenly sits up late at night but hir eyes are dragonic again and sie slips out of hir nightgown and quietly completely naked slipping out of the house and sneaks over to Dorango's and breaks in easily. This wakes Dorango up and he heads down to see what's going on also naked. He see's Eilyen
"what are you doing here slut? Come back to beg to be my slave again? I guess you couldn't resist me. All my slaves need me." He comes down closer and turns on the lights and notices Eilyens eyes and blinks as sie rushes toward him. He tries to defend himself but one punch from hir sends hi flying back and sie quickly follows him and soon there blood flying everywhere and it's not Eilyen's. Once things have quieted down sie stands up covered in blood from head to toe.
Dorango, or what little is left of him is mostly a pile of mauled and mutilated bloody limbs. Sie picks up the head and grins before crushing it with hir bare hands. Sie starts to walk off but soon the dragon goes back and sie passes out onto the floor and wakes up a few minutes later groaning "Ugh what happened?" Sie looks around and realizes sie's at Dorango's and panics for a moment "What the? Why am I here? Better yet, why isn't that jerk around?" sie realizes sie's covered in something and looks hirself over "Wait, is this blood? I couldn't have, could I?" Sie goes back up and looks for Dorango and finds what's left of his body and gasps "Oh no, I didn't. I must have I'm covered in blood. I hated him but I never meant for this to happen." Suddenly a sharp pain sweeps through hir body and sie drops to hir knees, it feels like sie's on fire. Something is happening to hir body again, first it seems to focus between hir legs, sie cry's out as hir male and female parts both go on a growing spree. Soon after that it focuses in hir forearms as boney spikes starts to push out from hir scaley skin and fur covered in hir blood as they grow quite long and then spikes grow our from hir knees, sie screams out in pain but it seems it's not done yet. Hir head and back are on fire now as rows of short spikes grow out from hir back and head looking like a boney crown from the front. Hir claws grow out larger and longer, no more bunny claws there dragon claws now. But finally it's over. Sie stands up and is still sore. Sie looks at hirself and feels hir now heavier boyparts and looks at hir spikes "Great, how am I supposed to explain this away? I'm already pregnant and now I have spikes? Just what I need before finals." Shi growls and sighs heading back home still naked but since it's almost 4 in the morning there almost no one around to see hir and right now sie doesn't care. Sie gets back home and goes back up to hir room hoping no one knew sie snuck out. Sie gets into the shower and starts washing off all the blood from her fur and spikes and as sie washes over hir breasts sie notices they gotten a bit larger and sighs. "Great, I guess I'm going to end up with a big heavy chest again only double what it was last time." Sie sighs and dry's off and heads back to bed not even bothering to put hir nightgown back on. When sie wakes up in the morning hir bed is torn to shreds from hir spikes, sie groans "Oh great and here I was hoping it was all a dream. This is seriously going to ruin all my clothes and my uniform; this is definitely going to be hard to explain at school." Shi sighs and washes up running over hir body thinking to hirself "Great, not only have I killed my ex boyfriend and father oh my unborn babey but now I I have extra large parts. This is going to be imposable to hide now, it's going to leave a huge bulge in my pants." Sie looks at the spikes on hir arms "This I have no idea what im suposed to do with these spikes, the scool won'n't be happy either,"
sie sighs and steps out the the shoer and drys offand trys to put on hir uniform but as sie thought sie ends up putting holes in it with hir spikes, sie just sighs and shakes hir head and reluctantly goes down stairs to face the world and hir parents. Shie walks out into the kitchen and as usual hir mother is making breakfast and hir dad is reading the newspaper "Goodmorning love, did you sleep well?" Eilyen fumbles for words, "Um, not exactly. Lets just say allot happened last night." Hir mother hmms? And looks back at the spikey Eilyen "Oh my god Eilyen what happened to you? You have spikes!" Eilyen chuckles a little nervously "Uh yeah, and theres something else I should tell you. We don't have to worry about Dorango ever again. Let's just say he won't bother anyone ever again." Hir Father looks up from his paper "What did you do dear? Have a long talk with him?" Hir mother glares at him and he quickly shuts up. Hir mom finished breakfast and serves Eilyen. "Ok tell us exactly what happened dear, from the beginning since you didn't have spikes when you went to bed." Sie explains everything over breakfast about how sie woke up in dorangos house and covered in blood and how the spikes grew in. even tells them that dorango threatened to eat hir baby. Hir mother listened and thinks while hir dad speak up "It sounds to me like your new dragon side was protecting it's baby like any mother would. Though it is a bit extreme way to do so. I have no idea about the spikes." Hir mother says something this time "For once I agree with him. I think your dragon side was just being an over protective mother, Ok, maybe to over protective but I can't think of any reason why you would suddenly grow such large spikes on your body. Maybe your grandma will know, shi know more about all this magic stuff. I wanted to get away from all that. Oh well we still love you Eilyen. Don't you forget that, even if you where a dragon your still out daughter and e won't stop loving you." They all hug "Take care at school. I hope things go well and don't forget the school year is almost up. Just a little while longer." When Eilyen get to the bus stop all hir friends are a bit freaked out by the spikes "What happened to you? You look all like, freaky and spiky." Eilyen looks a bit embarrassed trying to think of something to say "Uh, I guess I just got a bit more of my dragon side." Sie says trying to sound convincing but sie isn't sure anyone will by it. "You look all freaky now and you aren't loosing any weight." Sie blinks "Since when did that matter? I always been chubby and you never said anything, even after I had all my hair and fur fall out you never cared why are you suddenly saying this now?" Another of her friends steps forward "Yeah but you weren't all freaky and spiky then. You haven't even lost any weight all year you actually put on more. We have been talking and we can't be seen hangining out with you anymore. Your freaky spikes and extra weight wouldn't make us look good. Also we would like It if you stopped using the bus. You are reflecting badly on the school." Eilyen is devastated, not only has shi found out shi's pregnant, shi has killed hir ex boybrend and now had spikes on hir body and now hir friends don't want anything to do with hir or want hir to ride the bus. Sie doesn't know what to think. On one hand sie wants to just break down and cry and on the other sie wants to tear hir so called friends to shreds for treating hir so badly. Sie just growls and walks off to school on hir own arriving late just in time for the first class to start. Sie sighs and gets hir stuff heading to the class room and is scolded for being late, the rest of the day doesn't go very well either and gym class is the worst, since sie knows sie's pregnant now sie refuses to participate and is sent to the principal's office, there shi is scolded for destroying hir uniform with hir spikes, the principal is quite strict and says if sie doesn't participate in gym for the rest of the school year they will hold hir back a grade. Sie knows it's no use since the principal is as strict on the rules as a statue.
Sie agrees to try to be in gym but sie isn't as well built for it as the others. The principle agrees to talk to the coach and Eilyen is dismissed and finishes hir day at school and just as sie is about to board the bus the driver closes the door right in front of hir and drives off. This has been the worst day ever. Sie walks home again and is greeted by hir mother again and sie explains just what happened "Why didn't you explain that you just found out your pregnant?" hir mother asks and Eilyen sighs "Because if anyone is found to be pregnant they will be kicked out of school that moment. All their grades will be erased as well as any recorded of their attending the school. It's a well known unwritten rule the principal has. What's worse him and the coach are old army buddies so you can't win against them. They are right you are wrong, end of story." Hir mother growls "That's just not fair, what does being pregnant have to do with being kicked out of school? That's just wrong." Eilyen nods "Yeah, apparently it sets a bad example for other students. He's one of those who despises unwed mothers and teen pregnancies, I either have to do what he says or get kicked out of school." Hir mother pets and hugs "Well I'm sure if you take it easy during gym you can get through it. I hope they don't hold you back just because you failed gym class, the teacher still has it in for you from what you've told me." Sie nods and sighs telling her about how hir friends reacted to hir spiky look and how sie can't even get on the bus now. "I know it's an old saying but if they can't accept you for who you are you don't need them. I am sure some day you will find new friends. I will take you to school and pick you up if you want, at least when my work schedule allows it. I haven't had any problems is a while so I don't think it should be much a problem for the rest of the school year." Sie smiles "Thanks mom, it's certainly going to be hard to do all that walking once I get more pregnant. I guess I will be spending allot of time at home this summer." They hug and Eilyen gets to hir home work while sie watched some tv to take hir mind off the spikes and the last days of school go by and they aren't to bad but not so good without friends and not being allowed on the bus. Sie manages to keep hir pregnancy a secret since it's still only a few months in. Any later and it would have been to late. Sie passes all hir classes with good grades though sie fails gym class. But thankfully that's all sie has for bad grades and isn't held back thankfully.
Finally sie's on summer holiday, sie mostly lounges in hir nightgown around the house since loose enough not to be torn to shreds by hir spikes and gives enough room for hir growing chest and belly. It doesn't take long before the strange cravings hit. Mostly shi just want s fresh meat with plenty of blood. Hir parents find this very strange but let hir have it since sie is pregnant. Though sie has other urges to as sie becomes more sexually active. Hir hormones are just going through the roof though sie doesn't tell anyone about it. Sie also sleeps on the floor since hir bred was shredded beyond any hope of use the first week of hir spikes. It's not very comphy but it works. Several months into hir pregnancy nearing hir final month sie has put on allot of weight. Sie's just over 500 pounds now from all the meat and lack of excersize not to mention hir large breasts swollen with milk for hir new baby having reached a full E cup by now and hir belly has grown quite large as well. It looks like sie's carrying around the baby of a giant almost. Sie goes out now and then but rarely. Mostly sie stick to home so no one will see hir pregnant. This day is one of the rare occasion sie feels like going out. Sie puts on hir bra and underwear and slips on some wheat pants and a baggy t-shirt and has hir mom drop hir off at the mall and sie walks or rather waddles around the mall. It's not too fancy of a mall, a 2 level shopping center, there mostly clothing and shoe stores here but there are some other interesting stores, sie wanders into a fantasy store and pokes around. Sie looks at all the dragon statues and just wants to destroy them all because they remind hir of dorango. Sie looks at the swords on display and smiles imagining running dorango though with it. With all this been going on Eilyen has completely forgotten that it's hir 16th birthday today. Sie waddles around the mall a little bit more and soon makes a trip to the bathroom. That's where things start going nuts. Hit water breaks and hir contractions start as it's apparently time to give birth. Sie quickie gets hir cell phone out and calls home "Uh mom? I need a pick up at the mall and fast. My water just broke and apparently today is the day I get to give birth. I will meet you at the entrance." Hir mother rushes over and Eilyen pants and bears the contractions as sie gets to the same spot sie was dropped off in. It's certainly allot harder when you're about to give birth. It seems like an eternity waiting for hir mother to arrive. Shi never imagined it would be this painful with just contractions.
Hir mother finally arrives after a few minutes. Sie get in the car and is rushed to the hospital and checked into the emergency room where shi is prepped and taken to the maturity ward. Sie is in labor for several painful hours before the baby starts pushing its way out, sie can't see it as sie's in too much pain. Sie only wanted some drugs to help with the pain but not remove it all together. Soon after the first baby comes out another pushes its way out and then another and another until sie's given birth to 4 healthy baby dragon boys. Etch one is black with red belly scales and has the same spikes as their mother on their arms and body's. Each one even has digitgrade legs like their father and a rather striking resemblance to him as well. Sie is shocked to know sie gave birth to 4 baby dragons; sie only thought sie was going to have one. Sie is completely exhausted. Sie falls asleep as the babies are taken care of by the staff. Shi wakes up a few hours later with hir mother by hir side "Ugh, what happened? Wait, I remember I gave birth." Hir mother nods "Yes dear, to 4 healthy baby boys. But you passed out before could name them. It must have been aufley hard on you to give birth to 4 of them. I t was hard enough when I gave birth to you but at least you only had scales and not spikes. Well either way I have 4 new grandchildren thanks to you. But you haven't named them. The staff would like to have the names to fill out their birth certificates. You feeling up to it?" Eilyen nods "Yeah I'm felling better now, lets see, I think the first will be called Jean-Luc, the 2nd is Benoît, the 3rd is Sébastien and the last is Jérôme." Sie blinks and hmms "Why did I just give all my boys French names?" Hir mother giggles "It's a weird quirk of our genetics. Since out ancestor was French it makes us name our kids in French, like yours is Lièvre though I know you hate it. The nurses will bring in the babies soon, I told them you wanted to breast feed them as soon as possible. I didn't think you would give birth so soon. This might put a damper on your school year until they are weaned off your milk." Soon the nurses bring in the 4 babeys and sie smiles looking at the little dragons "How does it feel to be a mother?" hir mother asks and Eilyen nuzzles the little ones "It feels really good and kinda strange as well." Hir mother smiles and pets Eilyen "I know the feeling dear, it was a tough time when I gave birth to you those many years ago.
You certainly took your time coming out. Not that you still want to get up easily in the morning." They giggle at this and Eilyen smiles "I know how you feel these kids didn't want to leave me to quickly either; I never realized labor was so hard. All those hours pushing and breathing. It seemed like forever waiting for these boys to come out. I'm glad I have you to help me mom, I don't know anything about being a parent. I am only 15. I'm not supposed to have a family of my own yet." Hir mother smiles and kisses hir nose "That's not true dear, your 16 now, so happy birthday my dear daughter. It seems we will be celebrating 5 birthdays on this date now instead of one. "Sie blinks "Wait, what? Today's my birthday? I been so preoccupied getting my room ready for the baby, well now baby's, that I didn't even realize it." Hir mother giggles "Don't worry dear, your Father and I will have your room ready when you get back." A nurse walks in and tells hir mother that Eilyen needs more time to rest and she can come back tomorrow. Hir mother smiles and gives Eilyen a kiss goodbye. Shi spends the next couple weeks in the hospital with hir baby's nursing them every chance sie gets, by the time sie gets home it's almost time for school to start, sie's gotten used to having a spiky body now though sie still doesn't like it. When sie arrives back home hir family they throw hir a welcome home party. When sie goes up to hir room there are 4 cribs now instead of the one. Sie is quite happy though sie misses school sie has made arrangements to do hir school work at home while raising hir kids. Sie has many sleepless nights ahead of hir.