The Story of Desmond Søren

Story by fatfoxcoon on SoFurry

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Several hundred years ago there was a rather large dragoness who was in love with the smaller furs in a town near by but she was so big, a good 50' tall and that's when she's trying to scrunch down. The town feared her and thought she would come to destroy the town if angered. They often left sacrifices and other things for her which she didn't like but accepted anyway. Then one day she happened upon a bottle, it was black and when it shined it showed off a rainbow of colours. It looked very pretty and she rubbed it looking inside and suddenly in a puff of smoke a genie appeared and offered her 3 wishes. She was very surprised and wanted the people in the town to not be afraid of her anymore. The genie shook her head, "I'm afraid that's impossible. I can not make people like or dislike you, that is outside of my power. I am sorry mistress."

She thought about that for a while and summoned the genie again the next day. "Genie, I wish to give up my life as a dragon. Everyone is afraid of me, no one wants to know me. I wish to be one of those smaller furs, I believe they are called vixens. I wish to be one of those young vixens I have herd so much about. I want to keep my horns and the way my eyes look but the rest I want to be what I wished for. I want to be very pretty and get noticed."

The genie nods with a bit of a smile, "As you wish mistress. I will make you very attractive and just what others would like to see in a vixen."

It was a bit painful but when she awoke the next morning she was indeed a young small slender vixen with small dragon horns and reptilian eyes, she looked around surprised just how huge everything is now that she was only 5' and not a huge dragon. She looked herself over and petted the soft fur and looked at the big bumps on her chest, they where quite large and soft, also a bit heavy. The genie smiled watching, "Those are breasts, females have those to nurse there young after there born, but others tend to like them as well. I thought you would like large ones so I made them bigger than average." the new vixen smiled and thanked the genie; she took the bottle and headed into town naked.

That drew allot of looks to her, she finally figured out that she needed clothing now that she was a mammal. She stole some clothes and went into the local pub eventually getting a job as a waitress. She met a young pink female cabbit named Erika. They chatted now and then and after a year the vixen had a new home in town and had fallen in love with Erika. They get together on occasion and chat, Erika likes her but she is starting to fall in love with this vixen and decides that the feelings she is having for her are wrong and comes over to her place one day and talks with her. "Hon, I know we have been good friends for quite a while now but I think things are going too far. If I stay here with you I may end up falling in love with you and that's not right. A woman can not love another woman, so I am leaving town."

The vixen blinks, "What? that's silly, why is it wrong. I have been in love with you for quite a long time now. I was hoping you would feel the same way, I was sure you would." Erika shakes her head, "I'm sorry dear but it's just not right, if anyone ever found out that we might be in love we would be kicked out of town if not burned at the stake for such things. It's better this way." Erika gives her a gentle kiss on the lips and heads out the door and never returns. The Vixen is devastated, she cries herself to sleep that night and goes to work the next day trying to get on with her life but she could never get over her friend, the town just brought back memory after memory so she decided to leave. She heads out of town with the bottle and doesn't go back. She travels for many weeks before coming to a new town. She decides to try and start a new life and rubs the bottle again and the genie appears, "I wish to be rid of this form and gender, I wish to be male but not like I am now, I want to be part equine and a rather large well built one too with the same type of fur I have now. I also would like to keep my horns and the same type eyes though I don't want anyone to know that my eyes are reptilian looking unless I let them see."

The wish is granted and the next morning he awakes to find he is indeed an equine fox now. He stands 7' 3" this time and has a nice muscular body. "At least I can be in love with females now and not get into any trouble."

He gets a new job and meets a lovely young pony and they fall in love. They are married 5 years later after dating and living together. To show their love each gets there nose pierced with a gold ring. A few months later they were still in love with each other and she had just bought him a nice twin dragon necklace with a blue gem in it. he adored it and she went out shopping while he went to work but unfortunately it was the last time he ever saw her alive, a band of thieves had come to town and they were robbing the market as she walked up. They didn't want any witnesses so before she knew what was going on one of them came up from behind and slit her throat and she died soon after. It wasn't until later that day that the news reached him. He was devastated, he wanted to bring her back to life or destroy the ones who killed her but the genie could not grant those wishes. He locked himself away in his room for many months and talked only with the genie and found out the genie was once a normal fur like him but the genie was tricked by an old genie. He wished the genie free but if a genie is freed the one that freed the genie must take their place. He got an idea, "I wish you free Genie but if I am to become a genie I want all my memory erased, I don't want to know anything about who I used to be, that would be to much for me to bear and I also want to never be able to be wished free. No one else should ever have to be tricked into becoming a genie without their wishing it. I will be a genie from now until forever."

The genie blinked at him, "You sure about this my Master? That would be getting rid of who you are, you would no longer be yourself. Being a genie isn't that great, waiting for your next master can take centuries. Before you, my last master was over 500 years ago." He nods, "I am sure. I could not live on knowing my wife was killed while I was not there. I do not want to remember this life at all." the genie nods, I can only grant 1 of the wishes but because you have been so kind I will help you." The genie is freed and it turns back into a normal fur and the equinefox is sucked into the bottle becoming a genie. The other fur rubs the bottle and wishes for the genie to never be freed from the bottle, also they wished he would not fall in love again and finally wished for all his memories to be gone and know nothing about before and know he is a genie and always will be. The centuries pass and his master's and mistresses come and go and some have tried to wish him free but he is bound to the bottle still to this day never to remember who he used to be and never to fall in love again.

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