One Week to Change: Chapter 1
#2 of One Week to Change.
Chapter 1: New Home
I awoke with a start very early next morning. A shearing pain running through my left leg, I quickly turned to inspect the damage only to feel a jolt of lightning course through me. I groaned in pain, it had been a long time since anything like that had run through me, but I would fight to the end if I had to.
I lay on what was left of the snow, hearing nothing but the pounding of my heart through my head, I didn't want to wait a moment, figuring that whatever did find me here would want to finish the job quickly, and that was when the tides turned.
I rolled off the small pile of snow, only to watch as it gained three distinct slash marks through it. Perfect. The attacker jumped away from me as it noticed I was awake. I jumped to my feet, avoiding my left side as much as possible, only to discover that a human shape was standing in the mouth of my cave. I was found.
"Nion! Be sure not to kill it!" I heard the trainer shout from behind the pokémon standing before me. I thought to myself for a moment, that explains the electricity.
There was a quick understanding growl that came from the obviously male Luxray, his tail swaying behind him, sparking occasionally as it reached both left and right extremities.
"You will make a fine addition to my masters collection." The blue and black wolf-type creature taunted.
"And what makes you think I am that easy to defeat?" I shot back, pacing around the edge of my cave, searching for any advantage I could gain as he had the upper hand from the two sneak attacks. "If it wasn't for the cheap shot I would slice you in half!"
"Let's just see about that..." A deep growl came from the electric type, I could sense that he was tough and that he would prove a challenge even if I was at full strength, but I wasn't going to back down either way.
I waited for several minutes, knowing that if I hit the offensive first, I wouldn't be able to strike first because of my injury, but the longer he waited the stronger I became. I saw his 'master' behind him rummage through a bag. I wondered what he was looking for, but my mind didn't have enough time to think as that was when he struck.
The Luxray leapt forward , reaching out with his claws trying to get another slash into another of my legs, but he wasn't fast enough. I whipped my head around and struck him square in the ribs with my head-scythe. I always used to question myself on why it was there, but then the only answer I would receive was 'that is the way it is' but now was no time to think on anything, but fight.
I heard another growl come from the Luxray as he made it to his feet once more. I could hear his trainer behind him yelling and screaming at him to attack me. And that was another reason why I avoided humans at all cost. They think of nothing but themselves, and if they didn't get something they wanted, it was their pokémon who suffered. Like what the Luxray was doing now.
"Why do you listen to your 'master' anyway?" I mocked. "It's almost like he doesn't care about you."
Another fierce growl came from the male. "You take that back! Sure, he might not think sometimes but you can't judge him now. You won't believe how long he has tried to find one of you."
I gave a short laugh. "Right, something actually wanting to find an Absol. I'll believe that when you leave!" It was then that I struck, taking my opponent by surprise. I had gained enough strength in my leg to leap forward, just catching the Luxray with the tips of my claws, and luckily for me, I got payback. His leg now looked like mine, cut, wounded and bleeding. "Are you going to give up and leave yet?"
"Enough games. I don't care if I do kill you!" The Luxray closed his eyes as I felt his power growing. I didn't want to believe it at first, but he was actually trying to kill me. I had two choices.
I could either attack him now, and try to kill him before he killed me, but risk not having enough strength to survive the attack, or, I could save my strength, and give myself the best chance of survival. Unfortunately for me, I didn't think quick enough for the first option, so I was stuck with the latter.
I put every survival technique I had learnt in my entire life, even if it was irrelevant to electricity. Which, unfortunately enough for me, most of it meant nothing. I gave a quick glance back at the Luxray, only to watch as the shockwave of electricity rattled through my cave and connected with me. I could do nothing, but lay still.
My mind went blank, I could feel nothing but the shearing pain of the electricity. But, when I tried to stand and counter, I couldn't move. I was frozen to the spot. I clicked one of my eyes open, searching for the Luxray who had passed out on my cave floor. The important part was that I was alive. Unfortunately for me, the trainer wanted to catch me.
I felt within myself, I had nothing but an ounce of strength left as I saw a purple-coloured ball thrown towards me. I wanted nothing more than to strike it down, but I couldn't move.
As the ball snapped shut with me inside all I could do was thrash around, pushing against it will all my strength, but to no avail. I gave everything I had, I pushed harder than I felt I could jump, but nothing worked. I, was captured, and there was nothing I could do about it.
* * *
Light streamed in onto my eyes, I tried to shut it out, but again, I was helpless. I felt something prying my eyes open and shining a blinding light into them. There was some talking happening, but I couldn't come to terms with what had happened before. I didn't even know how long ago it had happened anyway. The moment when I was no longer classified as wild, I had become something that I had never thought possible. But then the Luxray's final words echoed through my mind. His master, actually wanted me. The first human I had ever known, regardless of the myths of legends, actually wanted to capture me. The harbinger of evil. That made me think even more than I had before. What would drive a trainer to want something as potentially lethal as I was. That was something I wanted to find out.
I felt something grab hold of my injured leg, which immediately made me cringe. The same pain that I had felt when I awoke last finding its way through my body. The human that had grabbed hold pulled on it slightly, causing me to fight against the restraints that I had been put in. I opened my eyes to try and figure out where I was, only to discover that the light from before had still rendered my vision useless. Brilliant. I had been amongst humans for less than what I could remember as a minute, and already they were worse than what I had expected. The talking started again, but this time the words came through.
"The wound on your Absol's leg shouldn't take long to heal," the female voice paused for a moment.
His Absol? I was his Absol? I now had a master, no matter how many times I ran it through my mind, I still couldn't make any sense of it. I had a master.
"The only other thing you need to know is that it, is actually a her. But otherwise you are free to take her home with you immediately. Just don't battle her for a few days, but that should be more than enough time to let her recover."
"Thank you nurse Joy." A voice answered. But that voice was whom I would have to now call master. Despite my thoughts and protests on the idea, I didn't have a choice. From what I knew of 'owned' pokémon, they couldn't just leave, which was exactly what I wanted to do, but they had to listen to everything their master said. It was something that I had always secretly feared. Not being able to live by my own rules, being my own master. That was the past. "I will take her home now, I'm sure that Nion would be awake by now."
Nion? So that is what he must've named that Luxray. It was then that the talking ceased, and I felt the restraints around my body loosen. Perfect, I thought. The moment the final strap was loosened I jumped to my feet and headed for the floor, but I didn't even get that far.
The moment my left hind leg made contact with the floor it gave out, causing me to yelp in pain like I never had before. I collapsed on he ground, and whimpered to myself quietly for a short while. I had never sustained an injury like this before, so everything was new to me. I fought my way up to my feet once more, but this time tested my leg to see if I could put any weight at all on it. But all I ended up learning was that I wasn't going to be running anytime soon. And all I had to blame was the human standing before me. He watched me for a moment as I stared straight back at him. I knew that he couldn't understand me if I was to say anything, so I remained silent, wondering if he would offer some form of assistance, or if he would leave me to lie on the hard tile floor and suffer like I never had before.
Silence. Out of the corner of my eye I saw who I assumed was 'Joy' hand my new master a handful of small bottles. I didn't know what they were, but I knew that I would never get used to this 'master' concept.
"If you give her one of these every morning it should help her to heal faster, just spray over the wound and leave it to set. But to get her home, you might have to carry her."
I thought about it for a moment, and all I could think of was that I didn't want him anywhere near me. If he would winningly injure me like he has, I don't want anything to do with him. I forced myself forward a half-step, hopping slightly on my left side to compensate for not using my back leg. Hoping that it would be enough to get both humans to leave me alone. Pain wasn't something that I was completely devoid of, I had gone through my fair share of cuts and bruises throughout my life, after all, how would I have gotten to live in a mountain view cave without having to fight for it?
"She certainly is a determined one," The trainer said enthusiastically. "I'm sure she'll get along fine with Nion."
You mean that Luxray you forced to attack me? I growled as I took another step, grabbing both human's attention. But they were completely unaware as to what it was aimed at.
"Have a nice day." Nurse Joy cheerfully responded as I limped outside into the world. My 'master' replied something, but I couldn't be bothered to listen to it.
I stood still, taking in all that was around me. The sun shone brightly against my side, as a slight breeze ran through my thick white fur. The fresh air carried a strange aroma to what I was normally used to. Up in the mountains it was nothing but either stone, snow, ice or occasionally, wood. But here it was much different. I heard the door behind me slide open as I heard the trainer's voice behind me.
"I don't live too far from here." He said quietly. "But you want to take a left here."
I stood still for a moment, admiring the skyscrapers surrounding me. I was far from home, and I didn't like it.
"It's this way! Hello?" I could hear him call at me, but I didn't care. I never wanted to be caught, and I never felt the need to have a master. I hoped that he would eventually give in and stop trying to get me to follow him, but as I watched a steel box-shaped object that the humans called a 'car' whiz past me, my capturer decided that he'd had enough with trying to convince me to follow.
"Either you come this way right now, or I'll put you back in the ball."
That got my attention. I turned my head to face him, only to watch as he rummaged through his pack once more like he had done during my battle against his Luxray. But knowing that I had to now share a home with the thing that attacked me, for what I know was days ago, really wasn't something that I looked forward to. I stood my ground as he pulled out the strange purple ball that I remembered from before.
"I know you can hear me, so what are you going to do? You can either follow me like you should, or I can put you away. Take your pick."
It was strange. He was actually negotiating terms with me. I stood still for a moment longer, I believed that he was serious, but why he wanted to get on my good side was another question. I had no use for him, so why must I be forced to respect someone who only 'wants' me for some strange reason? But, unfortunately for me, the thought of being trapped inside the dark purple sphere wasn't something I looked forward to. I relinquished my position on the sidewalk, and limped slowly towards the trainer, who immediately put the ball back in his pack and turned around to lead me through the city. He walked slowly to compensate for my injury, but every time he looked over his shoulder I stared straight back at him, causing him to turn around immediately.
The trainer looked just like what I assumed every other human would. He was about double my size with dark brown hair and the same colour eyes. Of course, this was the closest I had been to any human besides the one that nearly blinded me several minutes ago. I hated her too, despite the fact that I assume she healed me to the state I'm in now.
I walked following the trainer for what was nearly no time at all. I refused to refer to him as my 'master' as I felt degraded by it. He had no authority over me as long as I didn't believe it. The only thing he had over me was the ability to put me in the tiny little ball, but it didn't scare me. But there was no need to think of that as he led me through a glass door to a large room.
There was a cluster of elongated chairs and a giant rectangular black box that showed the mountains. It looked almost identical to where I had lived, but I knew that my home couldn't fit in a box that small, it was impossible. There were several trees that lined the continued soft furry flooring which I was standing on, but that reached a wall with a giant steel door in it. As I continued examining the room there was an up-standing woman behind a wall just higher than I was, there was a sign that read 'Reception' on the front.
My capturer said a quick hello, only to be silenced by the woman's shrill voice as she screamed out the name of my species. Immediately after she was done the woman hid behind the half-wall speaking only what I could hear of thoughtless muttering. The trainer turned his head to face me, only meeting my emotionless glare once more. "I think I might take some time for people to get used to you."
I didn't believe a word he said. If I was to be living here, I made a note to myself remembering to block my ears whenever the female receptionist was there. Either way, I didn't have a choice. It's not like there was anything I could do about her.
The trainer led me down the soft black carpet leading to the giant steel door, which opened just as we reached it. Three other humans came out of the construct, each one taking their time to step around me. One just ran past like nothing happened, another tip-toed against the wall behind the standing plants, while the third one couldn't choose between the two. As the trainer and I stood still waiting for the final person to leave the steel contraption, I stepped out of the way, causing the human to cringe at first, but seeing the open passage past me he immediately followed suit with the first person. I sighed to myself. This was either going to be a long day, or I was going to have to cut some people. Something told me that the latter was never going to be an option.
"C'mon, inside." I heard the trainer call. I stepped over the metal grating and lay down on the soft black flooring. As much as I didn't like the situation, it was already a nicer place than my cave, despite who I had to share it with.
We were both pulled skyward until a strange pinging sound occurred, which was immediately followed by the doors opening. I groaned to myself as I forced my body off the ground and followed the trainer around the corner down another long room with the soft black floor.
Eventually we reached a door with the numbers '56' on it, which clicked open as the trainer slid another small metal object inside.
"Here we are." He said quietly as he pushed the door open. Revealing to me rather large room with a single chair, another strange black box like the one downstairs, but this one was completely black, a large-ish pure white cushion and another one of the exact same size placed next to it. Only the second one was of a bright yellow colour.
There was at least another three rooms at the end of the one I was standing that all branched out from a cross section. I took one step inside, only to stop myself from proceeding onwards. The trainer stepped out in front of me only to point at the large white cushion. "You can sleep here. I won't touch it, and neither will Nion. It is your space. But the same goes for this one," He then pointed to the yellow one. "You aren't to touch his either."
I pushed myself forward, making it onto the soft white pillow which almost allowed me to hide completely amongst it. It wasn't that bad, at least I had a nice place to sleep.
The moment after I finished that thought, the nightmare started. The Luxray which I had battled before emerged from around one of the corners. We locked eyes for a moment and I released a low growl. I didn't like him, and from what I could gather he didn't like me. My thoughts said everything was mutual, but it was when he stepped forward and lay on his pillow that I ceased my growl. I thought that he just ignored me, so I would let it be that way. I didn't want anything to do with him. He didn't even know my name, but more importantly than that, I didn't have one.
"Nion..." I growled towards him, only receiving a turn of his head, allowing him to just see me.
"I'm sorry about before, I hope that we can put it behind us..." He said solemnly, then turned away back to his original position.
Who was he to say that? He was the cause of me losing my home, losing my life, being dragged into this place with everything that I had grown to live without. I let it go for now, but my mind told me that something wasn't right. Like he had something to hide from me. I couldn't pick it, yet, but I was going to find out.