Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.09: Revelations - Ep01

Story by hazbaz on SoFurry

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#1 of LoM09

Inside a secret facility, walking through a long and lonely cold hallway was Megalo, summoned by Razan Khan to meet him at his office chamber. He wasn't exactly looking forward to it, frankly, not after the humiliating defeat he suffered at the hands of Hazard and his friends when they attacked the Cirque dela Rosa. He dreaded at what his boss would have in store for him. Along the way, he came across his black feathered avian friend; or maybe just colleague, since friend would be too much of a stretch for the panther. Megalo wasn't really in the mood to have a conversation with the raven, so he walked right pass him without saying a word.

"And good morning to you too," Jale said in his whimsical attitude, but Megalo resisted the urge to cut his throat and continued on his way. "What? Not even a small thank you for saving your life? Again? Oh, that reminds me, since we apparently are keeping scores; you owe me one now, correct?" Jale continued with a grin and succeeded in irking Megalo's temper.

"I owe you NOTHING!" Megalo snapped back at him.

"Whoa, calm down, Meggy. No need to get the top of your head off. I'm just saying."

"Then say nothing! In fact, you should do less talking and more action! Like how you bailed on us the moment that fucking Slasher showed up!" Megalo crossly said, confronting Jale directly.

"Hey, hey, I didn't bail on you guys. I did show up in the end to save the day, didn't I?" Jale replied, grinning sheepishly through his beak. "Besides, you know me; I don't like to get physical. If I hadn't thrown that flash grenade in time, we're be one head less, get it?" Megalo then clutched Jale by the neck cuff of his coat, pulling him closer till they were nose to beak.

"You're nothing but a fucking coward, that's what you are! I didn't need you to help me back there, got it!? I don't need ANYONE!" Megalo snarled heatedly, gripping Jale's coat tightly and fighting back his desire to shred the black crow to pieces right now.

"Okay, okay, clear as a whistle! Can you leggo of me now? I just got this suit ironed. Don't you have a meeting with the boss, anyway? I don't need to remind you how he hates unpunctuality," Jale said, his smugly grin still intact and Megalo wished if he could wipe it off his face, but he didn't want to waste any more time and just shoved the crow off and continued on his way. "My, such vulgar behavior," Jale remarked, mostly to himself, as he tidied up his suit.

When Megalo finally arrived at the front of Khan's office, he hesitated for a bit, reflecting in what excuses he should resolve to. But before he even lifted his hand to knock on the door, it slid open and he saw Josette coming out from it.

"Master Khan is waiting for you. Come in," the elf said in a monotone voice, stepping aside for the panther to enter while she stayed outside. Megalo gave her a stern glare before he passed by her and entered the office; he never did like that expressionless, cold female elf. Then again, he pretty much didn't like anyone for that matter. The fur on the back of his neck stood up when he saw Khan sitting on his desk, a glass of red wine in one hand, staring back at the panther with that intimidating, piercing look in those tiger eyes. There was little that could scare Megalo, but Khan frightened the hell out of him.

"Come closer, Megalo," Khan spoke in a calm, deep voice. Megalo swallowed his throat as silently as he could and walked over to stand in front of Khan's large and neat desk. He stood there silently and waited for Khan to say or ask him anything, but he didn't for a good while, just staring back at him without even a single breath coming out of him, which made the black panther even more nervous, droplets of sweats dripping down from his brows. The tiger then got up from his chair and put the glass of wine down, walking over to Megalo in slow, steady steps; each one making Megalo's chest quench further, before he finally stopped right behind Megalo, as a shiver ran through the panther's spine when he felt his imposing presence inches away from his back.

"Turn around," Khan said and Megalo complied, turning 180 degrees around to face the larger feline. Just as he did, Megalo received a violent smack on face from Khan, causing him stagger a bit but he didn't fall and stood his poise. "You've disappointed me, Megalo," Khan spoke in distain, making Megalo shrivel and lower his ears.

"Master Khan, I- ugh!" Megalo tried to speak, but Khan silenced him with another hard slap on the face with the back of his hand.

"I did not give you permission to speak yet," Khan said, watching the blood drip down from Megalo's swollen chin. "The mission was clear. Kill as many people at the circus as possible with the demons. If any outside force interrupts, retreat."

"Yeah, but Onyx-" Megalo repeated the mistake and was punished again, receiving another slap on his face, this time being the hardest and almost knocked him over the desk if the panther didn't held himself by grabbing the edge of it, whimpering slightly in agony.

"Now, what do you have to say for yourself, Megalo?" Khan asked the panther, as Megalo tried to regain his composure, rubbing his very sore and reddened cheek and wiping the blood out of his muzzle.

"I'm... I'm sorry, Master Khan. I tried, I really did, but the Slasher was... Urck!" Megalo started to say, but then was cut off by Khan clutching him by his neck.

"Why can't you ever learn, Megalo? I've repeatedly told you not to deal with Hazard. I told you not engage with him in anyway, that I need him, yet you keep disobeying me. Why do you do that, Megalo? Do you like crossing me? Upsetting me?" Khan squeezed on Megalo's throat, making him gasp and choke desperately.

"N... N-No! I d-don't! I'd... I'd never do...!"

"Yet you keep doing so. I think you need some more discipline," Khan said in a chilling tone and then got a hold of Megalo's left hand, lifting it up. He wrapped his fingers around the panther's little finger.

"N-No, Master Khan! Wai- Aaagh!" Megalo yelled out loud when Khan twisted his little finger hard enough till he broke its bones, making an agonizing snapping sound. "FFFFUCK! AARGH! N-No, NOT THAT! P-Please, Master Khan!"

"Do you understand now, Megalo?" Khan said as he switched to his ring finger, cracking its bones too in cold sweat, making the panther scream out in more pain. "Never disobey me, Megalo... Or else you'll suffer... the consequences..." the ruthless tiger said as he cruelly broke Megalo's fingers one after the other, to the point where the bones in his index finger reared out of its bloody flesh, leaving the agonizing panther to scream and bawl in sheer pain.

"Ough...!! uoh fucking God... uuurgrhhh...! I... I understand... p-please, no more...!" Megalo cried out, his left hand completely mutilated by Khan's callous cruelty. Khan grunted uncaringly and unhanded Megalo, making him drop down on his knees and whimper in his misery, grabbing his broken left hand. The tiger then lifted up his own right hand and used a claw of his to tear throw his palm, cutting himself and making it bleed.

"Open your mouth," Khan ordered his subordinate, as Megalo looked up at him with cowering eyes and blinked when he watched Khan's bleeding hand hovering over his head, about to drip some drops of his blood. The black panther hesitantly opened his muzzle, letting the blood drops fall down into his mouth, drinking the red fluid. A few moments later, Megalo's left hand started to twitch about erratically, as he groaned and grunted slightly, and then gaped in shock when he watched and felt the broken fingers being fixed; the bones being repaired and returning to their original state. Even the bleeding torn tissues in his skin was being restored layer by layer, and soon his left hand was completely healed, as Megalo moved his fingers with little difficulty. He looked back up at Khan meekly, not knowing if he should be grateful or afraid that he fixed his hand just so he could break it again.

"Don't forget, Megalo. I'm the only one who cares about you. I'm the only one who accepts you, when no one did. You are nothing without me. Understood?"

"Ye... Yes, Master Khan... I understand..." Megalo muttered, lowering his head with his lush red mane covering his gritting face.

"Good," Khan said, petting the panther's head. "Now, go to my quarters, undress and wait for me there till I come."

"Yes..." Megalo merely replied and stood up slowly, leaving the office silently. He passed by Josette, who was standing by behind the door that whole time, without acknowledging her. He stopped by his personal room and shut the door behind him, alone. After that, he went ballistic. He thrashed everything in his room in a blinding rage, shredding whatever was there with his long claws beyond recognition. When everything in his room was wrecked and venting his bottled up wrath off, Megalo was left panting his lungs off, with nothing in his heart and mind but utter hatred and resentment for Hazard.

"I won't forgive you, Slasher... EVER!"

To be continued...