The Best

Story by Dark Alpha Wolf on SoFurry

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Well, with what I added under the title, it's half self-explanatory. But suffice it to say that I finally got my hands on some theme music that I'd been wanting for a long time and it took me about 25 minutes to write it up on paper...and then I put it on a digital copy in under 10, so that's awesome, and now YOU can read it, lol!

So yeah, ENJOY!!!

The Best(inspired by Bret "The Hitman" Hart, his theme song, and his catchphrase "The best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be"......well, and also the infamous Montreal Screwjob, if you know anything about pro wrestling history)


I walk out on stage as my music blares,

letting my adrenaline flow free as the crowd

cheers. Those electric cries from the guitar

accompany the flashing lights and my attire

jingles with all my metallic adornments and

additions. I feel a sense of security behind these

pink-tinted glasses, and as I walk past those

fans of mine, they call out my name in excited

splendor. I smile and give high-fives, the fan-

favorite in all of this, soaking up all this positive

energy as the music pumps on and on and

on. I am the best there is, the best

there was, and the best there ever will be,

and there isn't a thing that can stop

me. The music fades, the match starts,

and I feel so alive, going head-to-head

with a worthy opponent, giving it all I've

got. The pain I feel as I go down is nothing,

because I know, way way deep down that

I'm going to pull this thing out of the proverbial

bag. I get back up and haul off on my opponent,

feeling higher and higher on the pedestal

with each and every single shot I throw at

him. This is it, here it comes, finisher time;

locked in, and in my mind he's tapping out,

screaming for me to stop and me picking up the

title. Hold on, he reversed it! and now I've

got to hold on with every bit of strength

that I can muster as I will not tap

out. But the bell is's ringing...

they're giving him the's not true...

it's not true...I'm the best...I'm...I'm...


The Ritual

Okay, so this one's a little more dark than my previous ones, but I like it. It was inspired, once again, by that awesome music of The Undertaker and his former Ministry of Darkness (which, might I add, I really think they should bring back!). But...

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Battle March

This was inspired, as you will see, by the former awesome wrestler Bill Goldberg's theme "Who's Next?" Well, anyways, it's pretty clean, so not much need for a warning. Thanks for reading!!! _Battle March_ _(inspired by Goldberg's theme song...



This is a little poem I did a few years back. Hope you guys like it! (btw, I should note that Fenris and Tor are two fictional god names that I took from a book, though Fenris I assume was inspired by the actual god Fenrir in Norse mythology (Google...
