The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 5
#5 of Spyro Origins
Here is the fifth part of my series. It has been hell with collage right now. Proyects, homewors, exams... To much to do and few time to do it. Not a lot of time to write, but, i finally managed.
I do not own The Legend of Spyro plot nor charcaters. Everyone else (and the plot) belongs to me. Any resemblance is purely coincidential.
If you are under 18... get out.
The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 5
Next morning came with a heavy mist that promised to last all day. This mist seemed strange in a way that made all of the inhabitants of Warfang stand on edge. The camp of the dark army seemed very quiet, as if they were resting late or as if they were waiting silently for something. All of the guards at the wall were ever vigilant.
Terrador stood looking over the wall, hoping to catch a glimpse of the enemy movement that the mist hides. He sighted to himself as kept the vigil. I should have said something. He told himself for the hundredth time. He couldn't believe that Ignitus was gone; he had known him since they were teenager dragons, exploring the world. Ignitus had applied to become a guardian at the same time Terrador did. He trained with him while they were becoming guardians; suffered with him, bled with him grown with him... he was like a brother to him.
Terrador sighted once more. I should have said something. He knew the old fire dragon had something in his mind the last time he saw him. He knew it was dangerous and the thought crossed his mind that he would never see him again. He could have spared a few seconds of their precious time to have exchanged a few word, instead of rushing to help the others. But now it was too late now. How he regretted not opening his mouth that time.
Terrador was acting like Sparx had when Spyro didn't show up after the final battle. The dragonfly had hardly opened his mouth during that time; if such a thing could be believed; he had eating little food without appetite, he used to go to the highest tower and watch the horizon hoping to see his purple brother arriving. Of course, Terrador had tried to cheer him up by telling him they would return. And now, Terrador was the one that didn't speak much. But enough gloom, Ignitus would not approve. Besides, he had a job to do.
The earth guardian turned back toward the city, watching the a few defenders of the city moving around. Everyone had their own duty to perform, including him. Now that Ignitus was gone, all of the responsibilities the fire dragon had fell to him; and they weighted him. He had to make sure this city stood, no matter what.
But there were other problems too that he had not foreseen. Food was scarce since it was some time since the siege began. Morale of the troops was a little bit low, seeing the army was still besieging the city. The city had hoped that the army would have been disbanded with the death of Malefor. Some of the city inhabitants were starting to complain about these conditions. Ignitus would somehow have managed to keep this city running despite the conditions by reasoning with the people. Ignitus would have spoken and solved those problems. He was more of a social leader than a military leader that was Terrador. Now that Ignitus was dead, all of these things fell to Terrador. How he wished the old bugger was here.
That makes up another problem. With Ignitus gone, there was no fire guardian; they would have to find new candidates to take up the post. But there was another problem: so few dragons were left after the war against Malefor. About forty dragons were in the city, but not that many were fire dragons, and those few that were, were too old to apply or didn't knew how to control fire property, which both things would make a really bad guardian. They could search the surrounding areas and other islands to find other dragons that had survived the war; but until the siege was lifted, they were limited in their options.
He sighted once more, and went down to the street to supervise the defense of the city. He would have to think on all of these problems.
Cynder woke late due to the lack of light. She opened her eyes and looked around. The clouds and mist allowed only a little of light to pass trough, thus giving an eerie look in the city. At first sight, she didn't like the mist; although it hadn't an evil touch.
Cynder stretched her four legs and two wings. She remembered her doing of yesterday. She smiled a little bit, remembering Incedio. He had given her hope. If people would give her a chance such as he did, she would prove herself to them.
She stood up and exited the room to get some breakfast. She passed through Spyro's room and took a little peep. She saw him sleeping peacefully in his own bed, while Sparx was snoring loudly in his own small bed amidst the flowers' pot. Cynder thought of his feeling for Spyro. But how will he receive it? Will he approve? Fell disgusted? Or would he just say he does not love me? Her own feelings were eating her insides; she would have to say it someday and face the consequences. Her own feeling impeded her to keep it a secret from the one she love...Spyro. But she wasn't ready. Soon... when I'm ready, I will tell him.
She left the sleeping rooms and went to the kitchens. Some moles where there, preparing some food when she arrived. She asked for some food...especially meat. The moles looked at her: some with scorn, many others with anger, few showed happiness when they saw her and others as if she was just another mouth to feed.
She quickly attacked what they gave her. It tasted delicious. She had not eaten meat since... since she could remember. That's a long time. When she finished, she cleaned her lips with her own tongue to remove every bit of food that stuck there.
"Hi Cynder"
Cynder turned around to see Spyro walking in. "Hi!" She said happily at seeing him. "Ask the moles for some meat. It's delicious".
"Will do" he said and did what Cynder suggested.
She watched him eat the piece of cooked meat that the moles had brought forth. She looked at his purple body that held such incredible power. She watched his face for a moment, watching his long snout as he ate. She watched the muscles that were behind the scale. Thos wing that bore him thought the sky. And then those forearms of Spyro. How would they feel around her?
She fantasized for a moment, imagining Spyro's strong but gentle arm holding her in an embrace. She could almost feel his warm being passed to her while he held her. She imagined getting closer to Spyro's snout with her own mouth, ever slowly. He would watch her and respond in kind... reaching closer with his own mouth. The next act would show him her true feelings and bond them forever. She opened her mouth in her daydream and moved her lips closer to his. They were breathing each other breath, almost touching; and then ...
"Cynder, something wrong?"
She snapped out of her dream and saw Spyro watching her intently. Oh my. She had been staring for who knows how long. Worse... Spyro had caught her watching him. To blood of her body went fats to her head, causing her to blush. She turned her head around as if looking at something else, trying to hide it.
"No... nothing wrong" she responded. How had she been so stupid? Staring at Spyro in that way was sure to get attention. Does he suspects?
Spyro, for his part, wondered what just had happened. Was she ill? Annoyed? Disturbed? She had been staring at him, and when she inquired about her well being, she blushed and turned away. He looked at her for a while, hoping for her to say something. That didn't happen.
That was a close one, Cynder thought. Before anything more could happen, Cynder decided to leave.
"Spyro, I'm going to see Terrador" Cynder said as she stood up, making up an excuse just to get away.
"What for?" the purple dragon asked with a piece of meat in his mouth after he resumed eating his meal.
"I'm going to ask him if there is something we should be doing. The war is not yet over". Cynder hoped to just get away from Spyro before she embarrassed more herself.
"Wait a little bit, I'm almost finished. We should go together" Spyro said. Damn Cynder thought. She didn't want to make a fool of herself, but yet... she felt something that made her glad to know that he was going with her.
Spyro finished his meal and left with Cynder. They exited the kitchens and walked down the halls in search for the earth guardian .Cynder walked next to Spyro, and she eyed him from time to time during their journey.
Spyro walked by Cynder the whole way. He noticed that she shot glances his way every once in a while. But he told himself to let it happen, since he was looking at her in the same way. There just was something going on between the two.
They walked thus until they left the City Hall, and upon exiting, they watched the sky. Heavy mist covered the city, giving and eerie glow from the sunlight. They could only watch a few meters ahead of them due to the heavy mist. Spyro immediately felt that there was something wrong with the mist.
"We have to find Terrador, and fast" he said to Cynder.
"What is it Spyro?"
"Something is wrong. I do not like it. We should find Terrador and inform him of this"
Spyro ran through the city, trying to find the guardian. Cynder just followed him as best she could. They asked directions from several soldiers that were patrolling the streets of the city, and they said the guardian was at the ramparts. Because of the heavy mist, they did not know where the walls were, so they spent more precious time asking for directions. After they found the ramparts, they went up and found Terrador beside the dragon shaped canon.
"Terrador" Spyro yelled.
The old guardian looked to see them coming towards them at a dead run. "What is it young dragon?" he asked with that heavy voice of him as they arrived.
"Something is wrong" Spyro panted from his run. "There is something wrong with the mist. Do you not feel it?"
"It is strange that this mist has come, yes, but it is a natural mist. I have not thought of it as overly important. What do you feel?"
"It has a sense in it".
"Like what, Spyro?" asked Cynder.
"I do not know, but it has a sense of evil in it; like the feeling I had just before the Night of Eternal Darkness" Spyro remembered those days, when he had felt that the evil was approaching. He felt it that it was coming in his very spirit.
"Do you think he has returned?" Cynder asked, with a tone of fear in her voice. Spyro didn't even have to ask who HE was. Malefor, the Darkmaster. "He can't have returned, can he? We beat him, he is dead isn't he?"
"I don't know Cynder. I sure hope he hasn't returned".
Terrador then looked fast toward where the enemy encampment was supposed to be located. He was looking intently in the mist, trying to see anything trough it. "Soldiers" he suddenly said to a small platoon of moles that were on the wall with their bows near him. "I want you to use your bows and fire into the mist".
"Sir...?" one of them asked confused.
"Just do it" he simply ordered.
The moles looked at each other to see if they understood what was happening. They all shrugged their elbows in ignorance. Nevertheless, they looked an arrow from their quiver, placed them on their bows and pulled the strings.
"Loose" ordered Terrador. The moles released their arrows and flew at the mist, which promptly disappeared. Nothing happened for the first few seconds after the release. But then, a sudden shrill cry of pain came from outside the city walls.
"DAMN!" Terrador growled. "SOUND THE ALARM!" he roared toward the same moles that had just fired their arrows. One of them took a horn and, taking a lungful, blew in it. The sound of alarm was heard loudly and promptly, more horns were heard in the distance as they took up the call. All of the city soldiers began their activity to get toward the walls.
"I should have known they would use this mist as cover to get closer to the walls undetected!" Terrador then looked back toward the two young dragons as soldiers were going to their positions. "Thank you Spyro, had it not being for your strange feelings, we would not have been warned of the attack. I just hope that indeed Malefor has not returned. Stay here and defend the catapult" Terrador ordered them, indicating the dragon canon. With that, Terrador left to organize the defense.
The troops positioned themselves along the walls, waiting for the enemy to come. They didn't have to wait for long. The battle soon started. Spyro soon saw several siege towers that suddenly appeared trough the mist.
"Catapult... FIRE!!!" a mole shouted. A few moments later, the dragon canon fired with a huge explosion, sending its huge ball of fire toward a tower. It impacted head on, the ground sending splinters and chunks of wood flying everywhere. The damage had been great, and the tower collapsed. The soldiers cheered at their small taste of victory.
"Another tower on your left!! REPEL THE ATTACKERS!!!" came another shout. The battle way far from over.
The battle continued for the better part of the morning under the cover of the mist. Everywhere was chaos... the mist didn't let anyone know how other parts of the city were faring in the battle. One moment there was nothing around you as far as the eye could see; the next, you were surrounded by enemy forces.
Spyro just fought and killed everything that came near the cannon he was defending. The cannon, in turn fired almost blindly toward the troops that were outside the city walls. An occasional tower could be seen through the mist and was promptly dispatched by a shot from the cannon.
"Will this never end?" Cynder complained for the hundredth time. They had been fighting for what seemed like hours. Grublings and orcs, and occasional wyvern or two, found their way to the cannon and tried to destroy it. The mist would dissipate with time, everyone knew that. And once it happens, the cannon would have a clear sight and assist where needed. Of course, the dark army didn't want that.
"Just keep fighting" Spyro said while he bashed with his horns at an unfortunate orc that came across. He was incredibly tired due to moving around all the time, not being able to use breath attacks. Being tired, caused him to receive several scratches and bruises, from all the fighting. I don't know how much more I will last like this.
Cynder used her wind power to push several enemies off the walls, which caused to shrill in fear as the fell toward their deaths. She was in a better shape than Spyro: more energy and fewer injuries. Of course, the kill ratio was different from the two young dragons, Cynder making the triple of kills that Spyro did.
Suddenly, they were beginning to see much more clearly... much more clearly. In fact, the mist had completely disappeared. What the...? Spyro thought. He looked around and saw the cloud that was covering the city was moving away. Spyro didn't know what was happening until he noticed something. The evil force that he had felt, the same that had kept the mist in place, had disappeared. And without the force keeping it in place, the cloud was behaving like a normal cloud... being pushed by the winds.
Spyro took another moment to see how things were faring other parts. It appeared that there were still fight all over the walls, but they still held it in their possession. It looked that the city was keeping the enemy out. If they kept this for a little while longer, they could force the enemy back.
"SPYRO, LOOK OUT". The purple dragon turned to look, but it was too late. A club hit his head and the power of the hit sent him flying a few meters until he skidded to a stop. He was back on his feet really fast, but then, the effects of the club arrived. He staggered and fell again where he was. He saw the world move by itself when he opened his eyes.
Cynder looked as Spyro was hit and how he fell. She had warned him to lat. She saw how an orc with a club knocked him in the head. She had tackled and killed the orc that had wounded Spyro. She turned to see if Spyro was getting up; which he did, he got up really fast. Having made sure Spyro was OK after that nasty hit, she turned away to kill a grubling that came close to the cannon with a poison breath. Satisfied that the enemy was not getting up, she turned back to Spyro, only to see a sight that made her cold to the bone. She ran as fast as she could toward where Spyro had fallen, bur she would not get there in time. NOOooo!!!
A shadow covered Spyro and he turned to look at what he didn't what to see. A huge orc with the biggest sword he had ever seen over his head, was just about to stab him in the chest. Spyro just closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable piercing pain. But it not came. Spyro opened his eyes again to see the orc with an expression of surprise in his face, and arrow jutting out from his chest. He slowly fell to his knees, and then he completely collapsed, dead.
"Luckily I arrived in time" a familiar voice said while Spyro turned to look at his savior. The cheetah Hunter, was walking toward him, bow in his hands. He was dirty from the blood of battle "Are you all right Spyro?" he said as he knelt beside him.
Spyro tried to get on his feet again thinking he could handle it, but the sense of the floor moving beneath his feet, and the world spinning around told him otherwise. He collapsed on the floor. "Do not move" Hunter ordered. He took a piece of cloth for a pouch. "Hold still. You got a pretty hit on the head and you are bleeding. Let me put this to stop it"
He felt completely dizzy, he could not even think straight. But still, the effect was slowly passing while Hunter was trying to put the piece of cloth in place. The battle was still raging in the city, but the zone he was in had a brief respite.
He turned to look at Cynder, who was nearby and was looking sad. "Cynder?" he asked, worried about her.
"I should have done something when I could".
"What are you talking about?"
"I knew you had no powers. I should have stood by your side to help you when you needed me".
"Cynder. It is not your fault".
"Yes, it was. I saw that orc was about to hit you and yelled at you. Then, I saw you get hit and how you stood up, and I... I thought that you were all right and... would continue fighting. Then my attention was distracted by a grubling attacking the catapult. I killed him, but when I turned back..." she sobbed.
"You could not have known" Spyro tried to console her.
"But I should have been there Spyro. I should have made sure you were really fine. My stupidity almost cost you your life. If it had not been for Hunter, you wou... would..."
"Do not blame yourself, Cynder" Hunter said, still not finished tending Spyro. "In battle, you have to act fast, not linger worrying. You saw Spyro get up and you did not have the time to check on him. You did the right choice in concentrate you efforts on saving the cannon".
"But he could have died!" she still said, angry at herself.
"People die in battle" Hunter said with regret. "I know it sound could, but it's true". Then, he turned to look back at Spyro. "How are you feeling?"
"Come on. Let's get you out of the fight while you recover from that head wound" He tried to help Spyro get up to take him toward a hospital that was nearby, tending the wounded.
"I'm all right" Spyro retorted. When the dragon got up, he felt his legs wobble. He could not stand without a lot of effort.
"No, apparently you are not" Hunter said when he noticed he could barely stand. "Let's go"
Spyro submitted and then, they left the ramparts and walked towards the hospital Spyro was reclining against Hunter, using him to support his weight. Cynder went with them, not wanting to leave Spyro and for a brief respite for herself from the battle. With every step they took Spyro felt better but Hunter, nor Cynder, allowed him to go to fight.
"Do you hear that?" Spyro asked, when he noticed a strange sound in the air.
"No" Cynder replied while she tried to listen. "That hit must have hit you harder than I thought".
"No, I hear it too" Hunter also said.
The kept listening for a while. A 'chop chop' sound was being heard, like if it was slicing through the air. They heard it over the noise of battle that was raging still.
"What is that strange sound?" Spyro asked.
"I don't know, but is getting closer" Hunter, who had the best ears of the lot answered.
"Look!!!" Cynder replied.
They turned to look toward the mist that still covered the western part of the city. Out of it, it came a strange flying creature just outside the city walls. Whatever it was that was making the strange, annoying sound. It had no wings like a dragon, so Spyro couldn't see how it was flying. It was big, that was for sure, and it had a strange tail that didn't move as any living creature should.
"That the strangest bird I have ever seen?" Cynder commented.
"That is no bird" Hunter said.
"Then, what is it?"
"I don't' know... and that's what scares me. I have never see such a thing".
Several moles that were nearby also looked up to see at the strange flying visitor, uttering gasps or awe, or confusion. But none of them didn't know what it was. Spyro didn't know what it was either, nor if was it friendly or an animal or worse: an enemy.
A shrill cry came from the ranks of the enemy formation outside the city walls. Spyro turned to look as several wyverns rose to the sky. They were going directly toward the new arrival, and to Spyro's amazement, began to attack it. He had feared for one moment that, whatever that thing was, it was going to help the besiegers.
The strange thing took a turn and descended somewhat to evade the attack, narrowly avoiding a collision in mid air. The wyverns double back, and tried to make a pursuit. They were closing on its prey, the lead wyvern was near its tail, and then, just suddenly the wyvern dropped like a stone toward the ground. What the hell just happened? Several other wyverns that were closing in just fell for no reason to the ground like the first one.
Spyro was trying to understand what could possibly had happened to those wyverns to fall as if they were dead, when a huge rock, launched by a catapult from the besiegers, collided in the rear part of the creatures body. They were in the wrong place at the wrong time to have received that projectile. To Spyro's surprise and horror, the rear part separated from the rest of the body, causing to spin out of control.
Smoke started to come out of it. They were getting closer to the ground without any sense of direction. They were over the city at the moment, and still falling. Uh-ho. That thing was coming directly at them.
"RUN!!!" he shouted. Spyro, Hunted and Cynder began to run without any real notion of where they were going; just trying to get away from that things crash path. Unfortunately for them, it seemed as if that thing was deliberately following them.
"DUCK!!!" Hunter ordered. Spyro went down with a 'uuffhh' as he slammed down had on the ground, the flying thing passing just overhead. Then, with a crash that could be heard all over the city, the thing went down.
"That was close" Cynder, who had managed to evade that thing from earlier, came toward them. "What was that thing?"
"We should check it out" Spyro suggested toward his companions, which they only nodded.
They made their way toward the crash site. The creature had landed, fortunately, in the middle of a plaza, destroying the dragon statue that was in the center. No one was in sight. Either the citizens had flee, or they hadn't just arrived. The explores went closer to the unknown creature.
"It's metal!!!" Hunter explained, not giving credit to his eyes.
"What?" Cynder and Spyro asked at the same time, looking toward their feline friend.
"That... thing, it's no creature; it's an object. It was made... a flying machine" Spyro turned to look at the whatever-it-was. Hunter was right... it was metal. They got closer toward it, curious and carefully, expecting that anything could jump out of the flying machine and start attacking. But when they were really close, it appeared that nothing was coming out of this thing. The thing was big, like the size of Terrador, although, much more longer than bulky. Two really long, although bent, metal bars sprouted from the top of the machine.
"An opening. We should see what's inside" Hunter informed them, as he peered thought the side of the thing. Spyro walked toward Hunter and saw the opening he was referring about. It was hollow... the machine. Spyro could easily enter and exit thought the other opening on the other side.
More curios than prudent, Spyro slowly approached to enter the machine and began to look around. A sudden moan made him jump from it place, which caused his head to hit the ceiling.
"Ow" he muttered under his breath, as he searched for whoever had moaned, while he carefully touched his head where he had hit himself. Hunter came beside him at that moment, also looking at the interior while Cynder came from the opening on the other side. It was a little bit cramped with them in here.
A small movement caught their attention, and that's when they saw them. There were two much creatures strapped toward the machine, no doubt, for such a rough landing. They were unconscious, with their head hanging from their necks. One of them moaned again and moved its head.
"He's alive" Spyro said. He came closer to such creature and inspected him. Their clothes were completely different from what he had seen. They were green with some brown and black painted with no pattern in it. Spyro lifted his head with his paw to see his face. It was pink. Strange color for a species. Before he had any more time to observe, he then noted a small trickle of red liquid falling from its face. Blood.
"He's hurt. We should take them to the hospital". He took a step forward when Hunter put a paw on his shoulder.
"Are you sure? We don't know anything about these creatures".
"Of course we should. How can you say we should not help them?" Spyro asked his friend in disbelief. Hunter just stood silently for a few moments.
"You are right, we should help them. How selfish of me. But in these times, we can't be too careful".
Hunter moved the two unconscious creatures out of the machine, putting them down some way from the crash site, and then went inside to see if there were more of them. Moles had started to arrive to see what had happened.
"There are two more" Hunter shouted form inside the machine. "One of them dead thought". He soon exited carrying a third creature, this one with some kind of helmet and different grey outfit.
He placed him next to their fellows and then, proceeded to inspect them.
"They look very much like the apes" Cynder commented on their appearance.
"But they looked different" Spyro told her. "I mean, look, they have no large and long mouth as the rest of the apes do. They also are much less broad than the apes are. And they have hair on top of their heads only, instead of all their body".
"We should get them to a hospital" Hunter said. He then proceeded to order some moles that were just standing there looking at this new creature, to carry them toward the hospital. "No doubt they have sustained heavy injuries with that fall".
They were walking toward the hospital when cheers cross the entire city. "THE ENEMY IS RETREATING. WE HAVE WON!!!" More cheers erupted throughout the city. They had survived another day.
Spyro and company approached the hospital. A Mole nurse was standing outside, directing the flow of wounded. She ran toward them when they were close enough.
"What's wrong?" she simply asked. No time wasted.
"We have found these creatures" Hunter informed her. "They are unconcious and may be in a bad shape.The mole nurse just simply looked to inspect them.
"They are fine, just unconscious. Let them rest. But this one" she indicated to the one with a grey outfit and helmet "have some internal injuries and perhaps a broken bone or two. You should leave him here And as for you..." she indicated Spyro "let me remove that bandage". She then proceeded to see Spyro's head blow. She did a fairly quick diagnosis and answered. "You are fine also. Some rest. Now go, I don't have time".
"Should we let this creatures rest in the hospital too? And Spyro?" Hunter asked.
"You don't want to go in there; believe me. And there are no more room available inside, so find someplace else" She them ran toward another group that was carrying a wounded soldier and told them to ente while some moles took the grey outfit creature inseide the hospital.
"That was rude" Cynder said.
"She is just too busy. Come on, we should found a place for us to spend the night" Spyro retorted.
The city was full of refugees from the war, and there were little place for the to accomodate the two unconcious guys.So, they decided to place the in Cynder's room, for the time being. They placed the unconscious forms in the beds, and then, Spyro began to watch them once more, more curious than anything else, about these new starnge beings
But then, the one that was watching slowly opened his eyes.
"You are fine!" was the first thing Spyro said. "We mean no harm". Cynder and Hunter came an also saw what was going on. The wandering eyes then found Spyro and company.
"Damn!" the creature just barley whispered before going unconscious again.
Well. There is it. Chapter five. I hope you managed to undesrand what i had wanted to say... if not. Then you will be surprised next chapter. I hope i did manage to convey what i intended.
Leave comments, please!!!