Task Force - Perspective
#6 of Task Force
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Helmet Cam: C210
The white world passed beneath the aircraft as it sped across the tundra. A small structure and twin curls of smoke appeared over the horizon.
"Insertion team, this is Charlie two ten. I'm approaching your coordinates for pickup."
"It's good to see you ma'am."
The Pilot banked right and then leveled out. A new view came into the picture. Extract Bravo was flashing on the window projected HUD. About thirty yards to the west, a four person team was crouched behind a rock. Below them, three jeeps pulled to a stop, soldiers jumping out of them and opening fire on the boulder.
"Charlie Two Ten, we are taking enemy fire. Request immediate pick up."
"I'm coming as fast as I can."
The nose of the chopper dipped lower and the ground became a blur. One of the rebels with the jeeps took a few shots towards the vehicle.
"Oh hell no!"
The pilot turned, the nose mounted cannon tracking with the field of vision. The cross hairs zeroed in shooter. The pilot had just pulled the trigger when a car behind him exploded vaporizing her target. The defenders were putting up a good fight. The helicopter came to a hover and began a rapid decent. A ridge obscured the view of the battle.
"Alright, hop on in and let's get out of here."
The camera turned towards the small fire team. It was made up of a fox, a marten who might be female, a bear, and some sort of white leopard. At the leopard's direction, the fox and marten ran for the open door. The other two jumped from cover and laid down suppressing fire. The bear was using a powerful automatic weapon. The cat seemed to be using a sniper rifle. A strange choice of weapon considering the close range fight.
"Alright, we're good."
The view turned momentarily to show two figures seated in the fuselage and then turned back to the remaining two. The bear grabbed a second rifle from the ground and sprung towards the aircraft. The sound of gunfire was heard nearby and the pilot turned to see the fox hosing the attackers below. The leopard was still taking smooth, fast, shots with the strange long barreled gun.
"Clear! Kirian, I'll cover you."
The Leopard slung the rifle onto his back and ran. A projectile hit the rock he had been standing behind and exploded. The dust engulfed the soldier for a second but then he broke from it. He was nearly to safety when there was a spurt of red from his hip and he stumbled to the ground.
"Kirian!" the bear shouted.
He slammed a fresh clip into his rife, rose to a kneeling position and held down the trigger. Brass streamed from the chamber like water from a hose. The leopard was moving. He pulled the rifle from his back and seemed to be trying to aim at something.
"Kirian!" This from the marten.
She leaped from the chopper and grabbed a gun off of one of its racks. The leopard on the ground fired a single round. Silence followed this. There were no more shots from below the ridge. The marten ran past the other two.
"Give me cover!"
She ran just below the ridge, keeping the barrel trained at where the attackers must have been. The fox and bear still seemed to be in mild shock but kept aiming at the once battlefield. The marten pulled the leopard's limp body over her shoulder, one hand still on the gun. She looked too small to carry the muscular body but had no trouble bringing it back to the helicopter.
She was met by the other two who helped load him into the fuselage. She took a seat next to the fox who slid the door shut. The marten then grabbed a trauma kit and began applying field first aid. The bear climbed into the cockpit and strapped in.
"We need to get out of here. I don't know how bad it is, but Harper's losing a lot of blood."
The aircraft rose off the ground. The pilot strafed the wreckage with the 30mm chain gun as she increase altitude and power. The nose tilted downward and the helicopter sped back the way it had come. The bear turned to where the three passengers were.
"Curry, I don't care what the situation is, never run out like that again. We didn't need two of us getting shot."
"It's no less than he would have done for one of us."
"I know, but he already made that sacrifice today."
"Then let's say I was returning the favor."
The fox spoke up. "Quit arguing. We all got out of there, now we need to focus on completing the mission. We need to get Kirian to a doctor and Curry's data into Dr. Hall's hands."
"Ghost Rider, this is Charlie Two Ten. I need a medical team on the pad when I touch down. We have wounded on board requiring immediate assistance."
"Negative Two Ten, you will fly him straight to Hunter Military Hospital. Do you copy?"
"Roger that, new flight plan loaded. Be there in three."
The ground sped past beneath the window of the helicopter.
Stop >
"Huh... why did he have to be such a hero?"