My Life as a Slave 7

Story by Mat and Mari Productions on SoFurry

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#7 of MLaaS

My Life as a Slave

Razes Birthday

We, Raze and I, started going to school. I loved school; I never knew that there were places to learn. I was in the same class as Raze, she was really smart much smarter than I would ever be. I think that Madam... no she told me to call her mom, never told the school I was a slave.

A few weeks before Razes birthday that military guy showed up again. This time he had a gun, and Jeeves wasn't happy about it. They were in front of a study this one was vacant except for a few poufy chairs, and a writing desk, which had a raven on it and the question why is a raven like a writing desk. The general had his back to the study and Jeeves was facing him. Then Jeeves got mad and punched him in the face there was a sickening crack. He fell in to one of the chairs and Raze went after him. Jeeves quickly shut the doors and locked them. Needless to say he was never seen again by anybody else.

When Jeeves had hit him and knocked him out. I wanted to be able to do that. I asked Jeeves to show me how to do that and he agreed. He showed me the basics and he said that I was a natural. Jeeves himself said he would be rivaled by me if I trained over the next few years. He himself had been at it for 50 years.

When Razes birthday came up she was excited. I didn't know it was such a big occasion. She was turning seven which I had turned back in July and now it was October. I liked the leaves falling and the different sounds that came with it. She was wearing a blue ribbon in her hair it matched her eyes perfectly.

"You look really cute today," I told her.

"Thanks," she said.

"Hey Haku likes Raze," a fox said and laughed at me.

Raze didn't say a word just got up and punched him. And that was the end of it. The school day went by without incident after that. We went home and some friends of hers came over at around 5 and we had a fun time. They all brought her presents, why I had no idea, but they still brought them. There was again cake and she was happy to see it.

I felt bad about not getting her anything for some reason. The rest of the night was fun and she seemed to want to talk to everyone else but me. But after they left she just looked at me and smiled. Why I still have no idea, it might have been that present that said it was from me, which I would have got it for her had I had the money. I don't know how it got there or who bought it.


Haku seemed shocked that the present he was looking at for a little while was there. But he really does enjoy her company and so does she. I know he still doesn't understand the concept of a birthday but hopefully he will soon. I probably need to have Jeeves explain it to him if he doesn't understand it.

She seemed really happy to see it. I was glad to do that for both of them. They both seemed really good to each other. I am glad to help him out he really is a good boy. I just hope that the investigation about the general blows over soon. It worries me to think that I might go to prison for a little while but I should be out soon.


He actually got me something. I didn't think he knew anything about a birthday. Well I still don't think he does but I am just glad he got it for me, my friends really didn't matter to me as much as he did. I just liked him out of every body, e is my teddy bear.

I was really mad at that insignificant speck of a fur that made fun of Haku earlier today. Luckily the teacher didn't see anything. I won't anybody make fun of my teddy bear. He is also trying to learn how to box and he seems to do pretty well I just like to sit there and watch sometimes. He seemed really strong when he was doing it. I don't know what to think of him, right now he is just my teddy bear...