My Life as a Slave 5

Story by Mat and Mari Productions on SoFurry

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#5 of MLaaS

My Life as a Slave

Things are Looking Up

Over the next few weeks they had made sure I was getting healthier. I have never felt this good since I was in the bad place. Master made sure I was keeping up on weight, and made sure I had eaten every meal completely. The drinks also were better there was this thing called milk and I loved it! The downside is I have to take this icky medicine, it tastes like feet.

On the comfort side Master had a special bed made to make me feel more comfortable. It was a bathtub with some bedding like the big bed. I like it a lot, it makes me feel more comfortable and at ease. It still worried me but if Master wanted to treat me like this I would accept this as fate.

Dr. Dasher is pleased to see I am making progress. She is still worried but he says that is part of his job. He seems less scary now than a few days ago. He is a cool cheetah, says I'll grow up to be big and strong. I know my species doesn't get that strong but it is nice to hear it.

The Master has told me I need to get out of my habit of thinking. So she is helping me learn that it isn't as bad as what I thought. I also learned Master Raze is my age, well that just made her even cuter than I had originally thought. I have also started getting taught how to read and write. Now I am alone with Master Raze.

"So where did you come from," she asked.

"A bad place," I answered honestly.

"What was it called," she asked.

"I couldn't tell you, I can't read at all," I said.

"Well surely they taught you something," she said.

"No not really, only pain and suffering," I replied.

"Why would they teach you that," she asked.

"Because they are MONSTERS," Master Karla said angrily.

We quit talking there, I was too afraid to say anything. Master Raze looked at me sadly. Gave me a hug and walked off. That was odd most masters wouldn't have done that. With all of these other things happening I guess I could understand how it fit in. I need to 'Quit thinking like a slave and think like a being with feelings' as Master Karla says.

Master Raze

I wonder what mother meant by that? Was he raised by monsters in my closet or does she mean something else entirely? Well anyway I guess I could trust him a little bit if not completely. I don't even trust myself, why should I trust him?

"Jeeves , what did mother mean by that," I asked.

"Well madam, Sir Haku was in a bad place where he was what they viewed him as an insignificant speck. Like how you feel when you stare outside at night looking out into the vast reaches of space, He replied honestly.

"How can a fur treat another fur like that, it is horrible," I replied.

"Some have no morals. Others have issues with themselves and take it out on the innocent like Haku," he said.

"Well that's just horrible," I said appalled.

"Furs like that make me sick madam," he replied coolly.

If I can I will stop that from happening to any other furs," I declared.

"I am sure you will try madam," he sad.

Master Karla

"Patient Haku has had a rough going. He is currently 30 pounds under weight; muscular development was halted in that place. I recommend lots of exercise at least three hours of exercise. He also heeds a large intake of proper foods. I recommend giving him the required nutrients in pill form for about three months. He has no mental disabilities developed as of yet but that is subject to change."

This was the thirtieth time I had read that. They had basically destroyed him, I was trying to help he was perfect for the goals I had in mind for him. I needed to get him better. One of the reasons I was there that day was looking for a playmate for Raze she is just so strong that no one wants to play with her.

I shouldn't have snapped at her earlier it is just that he can't explain to her what they did. He doesn't even know they did anything wrong to begin with. I had Jeeves tell her what she wanted to know but other than that she still is upset. I can't quite tell what that look is in her eyes is but every time I see her looking at Haku it is always that.