Task Force - Under the Mountain

Story by SrA havenofimage on SoFurry

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#4 of Task Force

Back at the mountain, we were greeted by Dr. Hall. She told us to get to sleep and we would resume training tomorrow. Hell, how were any of us supposed to sleep? We had just completed our first mission. Besides, I had already taken a nap on the plane ride.

We deposited our gear in the armory and headed for our rooms. I stripped out of my uniform and showered, the warm water loosening my tense body. I got out and dried off before slipping into some comfortable cloths and walking back into the lounge. I seated myself in my usual place on the couch and picked up the book while waiting for the others.

"Do you always have to take up the whole couch Harper?"

Jessica had come out of here room wearing sweats. She dropped down into an armchair and began working on here data pad. The others joined us shortly. Trestan cleared his throat.

"I've been saving this for something special, and I think the successful completion of our first mission counts as that. So, in the honor of the occasion, would anyone care to join me in a drink?"

I looked up from my book to see Trestan holding a bottle of amber colored liquid and a small stack of glasses.

"That's a twelve year old bottle of scotch! Where in blazes did you get that?"

"Well, get lost in a storm cloud during a training mission and then re appear ten minutes later..."

He filled the glasses with ice and poured a couple fingers in each. I passed out the drinks. What Dr. Hall would say if she found out? I raised my glass to the others.

"To teamwork and new beginnings."

We all drank. I told Trestan to put the bottle away before anything got out of hand. It was an enjoyable evening. We sat talking and playing cards, reminding me of nights in the field during basic. Teague had set up a target and was throwing knives inches in front of Jessica's face. She was getting rather annoyed.

"I swear Simmons! Do that one more time and you'll regret it."

I watched silently as he cocked back his wrist and let the knife fly. Faster than any normal eye could see, she reached with her hand, plucked the blade out of the air in front of her, and sent it spinning back towards Teague. It sliced through the fabric beneath his crotch and pinned him to the wall.

I joined the others in laughing. Once he had gotten over the shock, Teague laughed too. I looked at my watch. Holly shit! How did it get so late?

"Hey guys, we should hit the bunks. Who knows what's in store for us tomorrow?"

I walked to my room and threw myself on the bed, falling asleep instantly.

New Data Detected...

Video Log: 9/13/2135

The special assignments team has surpassed my expectations in every way. Their first mission when off without a hitch and the captives are being debriefed and returned home. However, I am worried that the trouble in the south is far from over, and that The New World Order is just warming up. We need more information before I send the team back down there. In the mean time, phase three of training will commence.

Warning! Trace Detected

Blocking Trace...

Trace Detected On Block...

Retracting Probe...

Trace Terminated...

So, they were getting smarter. Still, surprising they haven't caught me yet.

Next morning I woke early to the sound of my alarm. I pulled on a PT uniform and trotted to the gym to begin my morning workout. Jessica was already there, knocking out reps on the leg press.

"Morning Harper."


I went to the stationary computer and looked up my prescribed routine. I began the workout. When I finished, I left the gym and walked to the mess hall, passing Tank going the other way. I was met by a trainer who had my breakfast ready. Jessica must have already finished, because I saw no sign of her.

Training resumed as usual that day. It was as if nothing had happened to disrupt the routine. We stayed at Center Seventeen for three days after the mission, learning and working as we had always done.

"Attention Task Force, your presence is requested in the briefing room."

I keyed my com, "Roger that, we'll be there in a few."

I packed up my gear from where I had been adjusting the trigger on my rifle. I got up and led the squad to the briefing room. We entered to find Dr. Hall looking slightly agitated. I was sure we were about to find out why.

"Take a seat please."

We sat down. A large screen in the center of the room came to life, showing an image of the Fox. He sat silently for a moment before beginning to speak.

"New information has come to light on the rebel group calling themselves The New World Order. On top of that, we have found evidence that someone has been trying to hack files pertaining to the special assignments team. We believe it to be the work of the rebels. This information has forced us to accelerate out plans.

We need information about the leadership and operations of the rebel group. Intelligence believes that they have a network of several facilities which contain detailed information about their organization. We need you to infiltrate one of them, retrieve the data stored on the network, and return it safely to us.

Now, spy satellite imaging indicates that this facility is the least defended." An image of a fortress like structure appeared on the screen. "The only difficult part will be the approach across nothing but open tundra. We believe that a chopper should be able to get you within two kilometers of the structure without being detected. However, the rest will be on foot.

I will send you all the information we have on the location, as well as our planned approach. I estimate you have half a day to review and plan, but we need you to move out quickly. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir!"

"Gods' Speed."

The screen went black.

"Let's get to the classroom."

We reassembled around the large holo table. I began pulling up the information we had been provided. There were topographic maps, aerial photos, reports on estimated defenses, etcetera. I large portion of the table was being devoted to a 3D projection of the fortress and surrounding area. There was a red line which showed the flight path and LZ for the chopper. I examined the grounds.

I small rise lay to the west of the structure. This would be a good point to set up to cover the approach. Once we got in, the only difficulty would be finding the data center, but, from the thermal imaging, that wouldn't be too hard considering how much heat the large server would be generating. I could pick out two possible locations. The larger was probably an electric generator.

Yes, this shouldn't be too difficult; we've completed harder tasks in training. I outlined my plan, tracing lines of movement on one of the maps. They listened, and agreed.

"Let's suit up."

I followed the others to the armory. I went to the locker which housed my rifle and pulled it out. I switched out for .50 BMG reasoning that across the kilometer distance, the reduction in accuracy would be a small sacrifice for the added power. I may be shooting through armor where I would need it. I removed the muzzle break and attached a silencer. No need to alert them to our presence any earlier than necessary. Besides, 11 hundred yards was child's play and the loss of muzzle velocity wouldn't even be noticeable. I checked all the workings and zipped it into the soft case.

I looked around to see my squad finishing their preparations as well. Tank was debating between two rifles. He let out a sigh of disappointment and chose the smaller one. I laughed softly at this display. Just then, Dr. Hall walked in.

"We just finished these, you might need them."

I turned to see what she was talking about and saw more of the glasses similar to Trestan's.

"There, not as sophisticated as William's, but I think they will help."

I took a pair and slid them over my face. They seemed to have a similar enhancement system to my scope as objects contrasted against others. I also noticed a small HUD. It gave readouts of my team's status and appeared to be able to sync with my rifle. Interesting. I felt along the rim and found a small button. I pressed it once, infrared. A second time reviled night vision, the expected blinding light being thankfully filtered out. Finally they returned to normal.

"Thank you ma'am."

She walked with us to the hanger where Captain Tala already had the jet powering up for takeoff. I quickly found my seat and strapped in. The second that the hatch was shut, the pilot gunned the engines, and sooner that I thought possible, we were back in the air, going back to where we had just come. I heard Teague's voice over my headset.

"Damn! Why didn't they just leave us down there?"

"Good old fashion military efficiency!"