My Life as a Slave 4

Story by Mat and Mari Productions on SoFurry

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#4 of MLaaS

My Life as a Slave

Physical Condition

The master brought me back to my room and she told me that I needed to go to sleep. I told her that I was fine and often didn't sleep more than a few hours a week anyway. She told me that was unhealthy and that I needed some more sleep. Since she cares about me as a slave and health she is probably worse than most... great.

She tucked me in and kissed me on the forehead and left. I just couldn't sleep I just wanted to do something else but she told me to get some sleep. So I stayed in my bed which felt like a cloud and that made me just a little uncomfortable but my worries matter not to the master. I just can't get to...

Master Karla

That poor little tyke: he didn't deserve the treatment he got in that horrible slave house. Just sitting there, doing nothing and looking hopeless more and more. I must admit I had observed him over weeks he seemed broken before he started getting mistreated.

I saw his ribs, that problem alone was bad enough. Then if you feel his skin you can feel the welts those anti riot prods that could hurt a dragon. That would need to be looked into I hoped that he didn't have any infections if they weren't treated properly they could get infected.

"Jeeves, Get Dasher on the phone I want Haku given a bill of health so we know what we need to deal with," I told Jeeves.

"Yes Madam," he said.

"What do you think of our newest addition to the family," I asked.

"Well Madam, Haku reminds me of you as a little girl," he replied truthfully.

"My goodness Jeeves, is he really that be bad," I said.

"Of course I do, I remember taking care of you all of those years ago" he said.

"We also need to work on that apparently," I said sadly.


It was morning when I woke up. I still didn't like this big bed too much room my cell was so much smaller than this. So in the night I moved into the bathtub it was more comfortable in there. It was downright cozy, no room to move. The master came in and called my name, and I came out of the bathroom and told her it just didn't feel right in the big bed. She didn't seem mad so she just had me get dressed and took me to a place that was clean and 'stareill' whatever that meant.

I was afraid of the Gut she called Dasher who was a cheetah he was wearing a leather Vest it was open and black leather shorts and on the hook on the door there was a leather hat of some sort. He checked a lot of things and he made sure that I was healthy.

"Well Madam it doesn't look to good," Dasher said.

"Well is he still fit," she asked

"Barely, I don't know what they did to him in there but he wasn't treated well. Anyway it is all manageable, given a few months," he said.

"Well, good and psychologically how is he," she asked.

"Well besides no self esteem he is fine. But I want to make sure he is ok over the next couple months," he said.

Well I don't know what that meant but I hope that isn't a bad thing. It sounds painful he gave her a list of Prescriptions for me as well as special lotions to make sure my skin healed over fine. That made he worried I didn't like anything I couldn't pronounce it just wasn't good. I assume it is for my own health though so I really can't complain about it.