Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.08: Dancing no Bara - Ep17
#17 of LoM 08
At the circus ring, Onyx was attacking the crowd by summoning demonic monsters from his stretched out shadow, with a multiple number of Shadeppets demons emerging from the dark shades. The 5ft tall demons looked like grotesque, rotten fleshed, faceless puppets with a single pogo-stick-like leg and two squid-like tentacle arms, and as soon as they appeared, they headed straight for the crowd. It didn't take long for the audience to finally get that this wasn't part of the act and a huge panic state struck, with everyone frantically fleeing for their lives in large numbers before they could be killed by the monsters hopping their way towards them.
One of the Shadeppets was about to strike a family of three, a scared mother squirrel with her two children, but a slash from Hazard's blade stopped it in time, slicing it in hlaf and vaporizing into harmless ashes.
"Tha-Thank you!" the mother gratefully thanked the golden wolf for saving her and her children's lives.
"You can thank me later. You need to get out of here quick," Hazard replied and she didn't argue with that and left away with her kids towards the exit where the circus group were helping the people get out. They were doing a find job so far in getting them out safely, which made it easy for Hazard to focus in getting rid of the demons without having to worry about any innocents getting hurt. He swiftly swung his sword behind his back without turning around, cutting off the tentacle arms from one the Shadeppets that was trying to ambush him from behind. He finally turned around with another quick slash, dicing its head off and letting its purple blood gush out of it like a fountain with a ghastly creak. "Man, why are there always too many of them?" Hazard griped, annoyed at how there still a large number of those Shadeppets was hopping around the ring.
At least Panja was around to help him out and the white lion was vigorous as ever, tearing through those demon puppets with his powerful fists like they were made of paper. One of them even tried to jump on him from above and hit him with its pointy pogo-stick end, but Panja clutched it while still in midair, then hurled it straight at another two not far away, skewering them both with it and finishing them all off in one hit. "Bam! Bull's eye!" Panja hollered triumphantly.
"Nice going, Panja. Don't go easy on them," Hazard called out to him encouragingly.
"For sure!" Panja replied, throwing a fast roundhouse kick to a Shadeppet's faceless head.
"GRAH! You damned fuckers! Stop breaking my toys!" Onyx cried out furiously as he feebly watched Hazard and Panja finish off the Shadeppets. "If you want to play mean, Onyx will show you mean! DEMOBERUS!" the chameleon then raised his arms high and yelled out, as his shadow grew larger and wider.
"Uh-oh, this can't be good..." Hazard muttered as Onyx summoned another demon from his own shadow; a much bigger one. Two big claws came out from under the black shades and clutched on the circus ground, pulling up a large four-legged animalistic beast, with a dark red hairless pelt covering its almost 12 ft body, from within the darkness. It reared its reptilian tri-horned head up and roared out, with two of the horns mounting the top of its skull and the third over the tip of the snout, whipping its long hard-scaled tail about.
"Holy shit, is that thing UGLY!" Panja exclaimed in repulsion when the Demoberus fully appeared.
"The uglier they are, the stupidest they get. I'll leave that big thing to you, Panja. I'll deal with the chameleon," Hazard said.
"Hey! Why do I always end up with the big ones!?" Panja complained.
"I thought you always liked them big," Hazard smirked back at the white lion.
"Yeah, but not like THIS!"
"Less whining, more asskicking," Hazard said and dashed towards Onyx's direction, slashing through some Shadeppets that stood in his way.
"Oh, fine! Come on, you big butt-ugly freak, time for you to get some good ol' fashion can 'o whup-ass!" Panja faced the four-legged beast, thumping his fist into his own palm.
"Nyah! Come and get me, Slasher!" Onyx sneered mockingly, but was then surprised by how quick Hazard was closing in on him. "Oh shit! He's fast!" Onyx gulped as Hazard sped up to him and swing his sword at his neck, but the shifty chameleon dove into a nearby shadow and escaped being cut in the last second.
"Damn, almost had him," Hazard cursed under his breath and looked around him to see where Onyx would pop up from next. The wolf then sensed a danger dropping down on him from above and without even looking up; he backed away fast and dodged Megalo's claws before they punctured through the ground. "For fuck's sake, you're here too?" Hazard grumbled in frustration when he saw the black panther standing up on his feet before him.
"I've been waiting for you, Slasher! Today's the day you're going down for good! No more fucking around!" Megalo stated eagerly, bringing out his sharp claws from both of his hands.
"You sure like to talk big for someone with a puny head," Hazard sighed, holding up his sword in preparation.
"Stop looking down on ME!" Megalo growled angrily and charged at the golden wolf with his razor-sharp claws at the ready, engaging Hazard in an intense duel of blades.
"Haz!" Panja called out for his lupine friend and wanted to go help him out, but was interrupted by the Demoberus stampeding at his way. "Whoa!" Panja rolled over to the side in time to evade the charging beast, as it smashed its head through the ring wall and got it horns stuck into it, growling and heaving as it feebly tried to pulling itself out. "Hah, Haz is right, they are pretty dumb!" Panja laughed, but it didn't last for long as he suddenly wrapped by multiple tentacles from three Shadeppets showing up around him. "What the...?! Ew, gross! This brings back very unpleasant memories!" Panja grunted in disgust as he struggled to break through his tentacle bind, but these elastic limbs where stronger than he thought. Hard as he tried, he was unable to muscle his way out of them. It got worse when the Demoberus finally pulled its big bed from the wall and turned its attention back to Panja, kicking the dirt with its foot and ready to ram into him again while he stood still powerlessly. "Grrr! Fuck! This ISN'T funny at all! Let GO!" Panja snarled as he watched the Demoberus starting to charge at his way, when unexpectedly, a flurry of shuriken knives rained down around Panja and struck the Shadeppet right on their heads. They screeched in pain and loosened their tentacles grip around Panja, and the moment he sensed that, he growled and flexed his upper body and arms muscles massively till he successfully broke away from them. He didn't stop at that, though, as he got a strong hold of their tentacles and spun the three of the Shadeppets around himself once, then threw them hard at the charging Demoberus, slapping it right on the face with them and derailing him of its course to slam hard into the circus wall, bellowing loudly as it got its horns stuck again.
"Panja! Are you alright?" Rinami said as she jumped down next to the stunned white lion.
"Huh? Y-Yeah, but Rinami, did you throw those knives?" Panja answered as he blinked his eyes.
"Yes, I'm glad I arrived in time! I couldn't let them hurt you!"
"Err, well, thanks..." Panja mumbled. He didn't expect Rinami to care this much for him to come and help him, especially when he was nothing but mean and rude to her from the get-go. It made him feel real petty.
"Come on, we have to help Hazard and get rid of these demons!" the fox said, and with a shuriken blade in her hand, went for other Shadeppets, slicing, dicing and kicking them to oblivion, leaving Panja gawking in astonishment at how much of a skillful fighter she was. It was surprising to see that under that cute demeanor and small body hid a deadly demon slaying machine. What astounded him even more was the fox's speed. Panja thought Hazard was fast, but Rinami's speed was second to none. She was just a yellow blur, finishing off one monster after the other. If that what it was like to be a ninja, then Panja was extremely impressed.
"Wake up, Panja! They're going to get you!" the white lion then heard Rinami's voice call out to him and he snapped out of it to see a Shadeppet extend one of its tentacle at him from the side, but Panja grabbed it with his hand, as it glowed blue and a freezing ice quickly spread through the tentacle to cover the demon completely. He then hauled it over his head and smashed it into the ground, shattering it into hundreds if tiny icy pieces. "Wow, that's impressive, Panja!" Rinami remarked in amazement of Panja's icy powers.
"Thanks for the heads up," Panja said, giving the vixen a thumb-up.
"Rinami! What! Are you! Doing!? You're! Not supposed! To be! Here!" Hazard yelled out in an irregular manner from afar, occupied with battling Megalo.
"I'm helping you out! All the people are already outside the circus!" Rinami yelled back.
"Then you need! To get! Out too!"
"Why? I can take good care of myself, if you haven't noticed yet!"
"That's! Not! The point!"
"WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP AND JUST FIGHT ME, FUCKDAMMIT!" Megalo growled crossly, getting very irritated by how Hazard was exchanging words with Rinami while in mid-battle.
"Hey, can't you give us a damn minute? It's not like you're doing any progress here, anyway," Hazard said to the panther, evading and blocking every slash Megalo was throwing at him, and provoked him further.
"Fuck you!" Megalo growled furiously and lunged his right claws at the golden wolf, as Hazard held his sword to the side and blocked it, wrestling him off to the back. Unfortunately for Hazard, this circus sword he borrowed wasn't made for blade fighting, not being sharp or durable enough against Megalo's razor-sharp claws, so he was in bit of a disadvantage. It was a good thing Hazard was able to read Megalo's moves; he needed to rely on that if he wanted to overcome him in this battle. "Argh! Why don't you just sit still for a second so I could cut you!?" the black panther frustratingly groused, aggravated by how every swing and slash of his was being dodged and blocked by the golden wolf.
"Why don't you stop sucking at this, Meggy?" Hazard taunted him again and pushed Megalo's temper buttons beyond the limit. He already detested that nickname, but hearing it coming from Hazard's muzzle was even more demeaning; it drove him fuming mad.
"Don't. Call me. MEGGY!" Megalo growled madly and swung both of his clawed hands down at Hazard. The wolf swiftly ducked down to avoid the sharp claws and then moved in close to Megalo, open wide for a counter, as Hazard hit him on his throat with the underside of his sword grip. Megalo groaned deeply by that surprising strike, backing off a step while clutching his neck and leaving him coughing and breathless.
"What's wrong, Meggy? I know I can be breathtaking, but you're not exactly my type," Hazard said with a provoking grin and drove Megalo madder.
"FUCK YOU TO FUCKING HELL, SLASHER!" Megalo snarled and dashed at Hazard with his claws, and the wolf was preparing himself for him, but he unexpectedly couldn't move his feet. He immediately looked down and was stunned to see Onyx's hands grabbing on his legs firmly, coming from his own shadow.
"Gotcha! Get 'im, Megalo!" Onyx called out from within Hazard's shadow.
"Shit!" Hazard gritted his fangs. He began to think antagonizing Megalo was a bad idea, in this situation. Unable to move his feet, Hazard waited for Megalo to make his move, and it was a forward high clawed thrust, aimed straight for the wolf's face. Before the tip of the claws stabbed his eyes, Hazard bent over to back and evaded the panther's sharp nails, and in the middle of his curving maneuver, swung his sword across the ground and over his shadow, scaring Onyx back into the shadow and forcing him to unhand his legs, breaking free from that trap, but Hazard didn't stop there, as he did a flexible back flip and kicked the incoming Megalo right on his chin, knocking him up in the air and then dropping hard on the ground.
"Urgh! Motherfucker...!" Megalo grunted, rubbing his sore jaw as he lied on the ground, while Hazard flipped back on his feet. "What's the fuck wrong with you, Onyx?!" the black panther crossly yelled at the hidden chameleon, who later peeked his head out of Megalo's shadow.
"But he almost cut off my hands!" Onyx whimpered.
"You whiny fucking pansy! Quit screwing around!" Megalo snarled and got up back on his feet, facing Hazard and confronting him again with his claws. Hazard was more than prepared for him and engaged him directly. As they were exchanging blades clashes and battling it out, Hazard sensed another incoming attack coming his way and it wasn't from Megalo, and then saw Onyx's fast fist coming out from his own shadow aimed at his back. He twisted his body around to avoid both of Onyx's punch and Megalo's claws, but only barely.
"Jeez! Either of you heard of playing fair?" Hazard remarked.
"Fuck fair, I want you dead!" Megalo replied and continued to attack Hazard relentlessly, with Onyx sneaking in an ambush assault from within the shadow occasionally. Hazard began to get weary; he hardly was able to keep up with both of them at the same time. He needed to find a way to get out of this hairy situation, and quick.
To be continued...