Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.08: Dancing no Bara - Ep06
#6 of LoM 08
Wanting for a private chat, Rinami took the three of them with her to her private trailer, since she was one the circus' main attractions, she earned her own. It was a simple small room, with a sofa, makeup dresser with a big circle mirror and a wardrobe, but it sufficed for a nice sit-down.
"Oh Hazard, I can hardly believe I've found you! I missed you so much!" Rinami happily expressed as she sat Hazard down with him on the sofa, wrapping her arms around one of Hazard's and rubbing her cheek on his sturdy shoulder.
"That makes two of usI, Rina. I can't believe you're a bearer of Abaddon's curse, too," Hazard said, feeling a bit awkward by his foxy friend's attachment to him while the other two sat silently in front of them.
"Oh, you two are cursed too?" Rinami asked, turning to both of Sasuga and Panja.
"Um, yeah... Oh, we haven't introduced ourselves yet, right? I'm Sasuga Temple, a good friend of Haz," Sasuga said as she introduced herself to the vixen with a smile. She then looked over to Panja and expected him to do the same, but he didn't bother, sitting on a backward chair with his chin resting on his crossed arms, a clear broody look on his face. He obviously felt jealous of Rinami suddenly appearing and hogging all of Hazard's affection to herself. It made Sasuga feel awfully anxious; she had never seen Panja this upset before. "And... this is Panja Lowefang, Hazard's closest friend!" the kirin then introduced him instead, trying to keep her smile intact and remove the tension in the air.
"Ah, what cute names! Sasuga and Panja, it's very nice to meet you! I'm Rinami Katsuragi!" the vixen introduced herself again.
"You already told them that, Rina. But where'd you get the Katsuragi name from?" Hazard curiously wondered.
"Oh, that's the name of the Ninja school I graduated from!"
"Ni... Ninja school?" Hazard blinked in bafflement.
"You're a ninja?" Sasuga asked peculiarly.
"Yes! Rinami Katsuragi, from the School of Katsuragi Ninjitsu!" Rinami stated, as if it was no big deal.
"That's... so unreal. No wonder you were so amazing at the circus ring," Sasuga said. She knew Ninjas existed in this world in the past, but she didn't imagine she'd meet one in this time and age.
"How the hell did you end up as a ninja?!" Hazard said surprisingly. The last he remembered, Rinami was just this cute little girl he grew up with back at his hometown.
"I could ask you the same question, Mr. Millennium Slasher!" Rinami replied and Hazard's paled at her response.
"After you left town, I lost my nana a few years later and was barely keeping alive alone. But then a kind Ninja master stumbled upon me and took me under his wings. Ever since then, he taught me everything he knew to survive in this world and even gave me my surname as attestation of becoming a full-fledged Ninja!" Rinami told her short version of her ninja background.
"Damn..." Hazard uttered in amazement.
"And as the years went by, I heard about this legendary swordsman! A brave immortal demon slayer, feared by all! I was thrilled when I discovered it was none other than you, Hazard; I never believed the horrible rumors about you and always believed that you're born to be a hero! I spanned the world searching for you all this time and knew fate would bring us together someday! And that day has finally come!" Rinami continued telling her story, snuggling into Hazard's arm warmly.
"Wow..." Sasuga breathed, touched by Rinami's centuries' long struggle to find her dear wolf. "If you knew Haz since you were little kids, that means you lived as long as he did, yet you look younger than me. That's really amazing..." the kirin said, still not used to the immortality factor the curse of Abaddon bestowed yet.
"How'd you end up working in a circus, though?" Hazard then asked the vixen.
"Oh! I just joined them a couple of years ago! It's just a temporary gig, but I have lots of fun and everybody here is cool and nice to me! Did you see me, Hazard? Did you like my act?" Rinami answered him eagerly, looking back at him with hoping starry eyes.
"Err, y-yeah, it was pretty extraordinary, we all liked it," Hazard replied, grinning timidly and glancing over at Sasuga for a little backup.
"Oh, yeah! You were very wonderful! So graceful! We loved it, didn't we, Panja?" Sasuga said and turned to the white lion, who only respond with a grim grunt and looked the other way, increasing the kirin's anxiousness.
"Thank you! Really makes me happy hearing that!" Rinami chirped elatedly. "Do you live in this city now, Hazard?" she then turned to the wolf and asked.
"Uh, yeah, together with Sasuga and Panja," Hazard replied.
"That's great! The good news is that my contract will end with Cirque de la Rosa next week, so after that, I can come live with you!" Rinami unexpectedly declared, taking everyone by surprise.
"Say what?!" Hazard gawked.
"Now hold on a fucking minute!" Panja abruptly cut in, springing up on his feet. "You can't expect us to take you in as one of our own after just prancing around and telling us you used to be Haz's childhood friend!" the white lion snappily said.
"P-Panja, calm down!" Sasuga coyly tried to settle him.
"We can't just trust her right away! How can we make sure she's not with the enemy either?!" Panja continued on his fit, troubling Rinami as she squirmed and gripped on Hazard's arm tighter.
"That's enough, Panja!" Hazard snarled back, getting up on his feet and facing Panja.
"I won't let you speak to Rinami this way! We can trust her because I do, and that's reason enough. Now apologize to her," Hazard sternly scolded the white lion.
"Psh, whatever, I'm outta here," Panja scoffed back and left the trailer soon after.
"Panja! Wait!" Sasuga called out and rushed after him, leaving Hazard alone with Rinami.
"I'm sorry... I didn't realize what I said would upset him," Rinami said apologetically.
"Don't worry, it's not your fault," Hazard said.
"Is Panja going to be okay?" she asked in concern.
"He'll be fine. He just needs to cool off," Hazard answered her comfortingly with a little smile.
To be continued...