Return to futureland part 3
Part 3 of the adventure in the misterious and futuristic themed park
sci-fi, conspirance and a little touch of feminism in this deliver of the story. My biggest furry project
What is the ghost in the can? finally an answer
based in:
Denis the cat and Jose the fox still in their business, no interruptions, no firewalls, all ok, maybe to quite to be true, Reginald the jackal wouldn't imagine that somebody could enter a laptop to the park and tried to hack the net of his own business, almost in his face.
"it's strange Denis, no schematics or archives of the robots, I need to know how they manufacture them and what material they use"
"have they detected you?"
"no, it seems they haven't realized yet"
"yes, it's a little strange, maybe they have all files in an isolated computer, you know, industrial spies"
"hehehehe, look at this, is an encrypted file, I don't know, it could be important, let's copy this"
"How do you know?"
"I don't know, when we're out of here, I just will decrypt this and ask later"
"I have a crazy idea, what if we kidnap a robot and try to reprogram it"
"It could be a great idea!"
Tom arrived panting to the hiding place, he was a little nervous, when Denis and Jose saw him, he told all what happened.
"so, we spread all, I lost the track of everybody but I think nobody followed me, besides, it's surprising the apparent lack of security staff"
"what if they get the others?"
"no worry 'amigo', all we are very quick, and that raccoon friend of yours is too smart to be caught first"
"changing of topic" The cat showed an evil grin "we were talking and we're planning to kidnap a robot and connect it to the laptop of Jose, I must recognize he is more skilled than me in these stuffs, he's making an investigation, he refuses to tell me why but it's very interesting"
"absolutely I'm in, but how? you got an idea yet?"
"Jose, can you reach the CCTV of this park? We must localize some robots near here"
"what a good idea Denis, let's put hands in work"
"sorry, I'm not into this nerd things as you two, no offence, but, how will you connect the bot?"
"I checked some photos of the robots and I can assure you, the robots have USB, miniUSB or microUSB interfaces, I brought all possible cables, the only thing is to immobilize the bot and plug it in or to shutdown it" The fox was really informed about this park
In the main building of the theme park, on the 3rd floor, inside of an office, was the cat lady, sit in an office chair in front of a PC, she was looking for some traces or unusual code paths. Constantly the cat named Katherine Rogers, as it says in her ID hanging of her coat, scratched her chin, honestly, she found something but she didn't know what it was.
There were many wires going out of the All In One PC, one to the mouse, other to the keyboard and another one, larger than the others, it was connected to the neck of a Rottweiler robot. The robot lied on a chair, with its gaze fixed into nothingness, he seemed a little bigger than its counterparts, the plates of his belly resembled a chubby but strong dog; this time its eyes showed a green light, time to time, when Katy run a command or tried to search something on memory, the eyes of the robot blinked.
"Ok miss Rogers, what have you found?"
Katy jumped from her chair, the tigress loves using her furtive mode from time to time, if the cat wasn't cut her claws she could have got stuck in the roof.
"well ma'am, I found very interesting stuffs but I need time to study this, maybe days or weeks"
"o' sweetie, you can call me Diane, we're girls in boys' place, we must be united; besides we don't have enough time, first I need to check if his watchdog behavior survived or was deleted, so why don't you copy what you see and send him to work? First run the program that the boss introduced into his brain?"
Katy run a command that stopped the connection between the dog-bot and the pc, the eyes of the robot shut down. Then approached to the neck and pressed a button upside of an USB port. This time the eyes of the Rottweiler robot gleamed in a cold blue.
"RW01 resume your duties, protocol 'camdog'"
"command accepted, designation CCTV room, Rottweiler unit one ready to serve"
Both felines saw the dog-bot crossing the door, Katy directed her gaze to the tigress
"Diane, why do you have this fixation with this cretin specist?"
"in some species there're some conducts that our evolution couldn't erase, for example your reflexes, I had 3 dog boyfriends and I have met other 9 breeds that history called guard dogs, Dobermans, German Shepherds, Rottweilers, etc. and the common thing is a sort of vigilant behavior, noting details, detecting suspicious actions... the bad thing is that Rottys are a little rebel"
"And what do you mean with 'the ghost in the can'?"
"Hey Bruce! What are you doing? And, where's my dad?" The young dog was starting to worry, he had not seen Jeff, Dan or the others
"it seems like the bear is in some sort of arrest or suspension, and your father is trying to help him. You and your friends are in troubles kid" The hyena man turning to face the pup
"How much time since you saw him"
"around an hour... I'm starting to worrying too, it's been long time. George got angry when personal of the park didn't let him to see your friend. Now I think of what kind of park do that"
"And where they took Jeff?"
The hyena pointed to a tallest building of the complex "there, your father snuck into the building, I don't know what he is trying to do"
"well, he's mad about conspiracy"
"and I'm starting to think that in this case he's starting to be right"
"what will we do?
"let's wait for 15 minutes, If they don't come, we'll make a round and return here"
Tom was watching the area, in the entrance of the improvised lair, Denis was near too, both where keeping an eye on a robot, one strangely dressed in a beige overall, on industrial boots. The letters 'O-04' on its back. The otter boot was sweeping the area, apparently the dressing prevented the robot of any damage caused by dust, it's clearly a cleaning robot.
Jose told them that robot was the nearest, and they are taking advantage of the big blind spot in the area. Maybe the administrator knows about it and sent the robot to fill the duty of surveillance and cleaning; but he or they didn't count with the cleverness of unattended teenagers.
Time to time, O-04 looked all over, searching for something, strangely it wasn't aware of a cat right behind, with predatory eyes. Then the badger, who was smocking, approached to the robot, breathed out a cloud of smoke and throwed the cigarette half consumed near of the boots of the mechanical worker.
"Dear visitor, I'm afraid that it is not allowed to smoke within the park, this incident will be reported"
"you're reporting nothing, thin can!"
Meanwhile Tom was discussing, Denis started to get near, it was like now or never
"Detecting hostile behavior, please stop or I'll start running preprogrammed protocols"
"and what are these 'protocols'? Wired head!"
"Second warning, preparing audible alert, then protocol S09"
The adrenaline flooded in the teenaged badger's body, an alarm would compromise the mission, then Tom remembered when Jeff hit one of those freak automatons, they react slowly on unexpected situations, Jose told them maybe a reset or a power button was hidden in the neck of the robot, so the badger throw himself to the otter-bot and gave it a bear hug.
"Go Denis, to the neck"
The cat ran and eagerly looked for the button, accidentally he pressed a plate that revealed two buttons, one red, other green, and a standard USB port. That plate had a hole in the form of the USB port. The cat pressed the red button and the otter-bot stiffed at first and later went limp, its eyes turned from the icy blue to a lifeless gray.
"we made it Tom!"
"I can't believe it, take him by the paws, let's see what the fox can do"
Tom and Denis retrieved the otter robot and took it to the improvised liar.
Once connected, the robot lied there sit near the computer, Jose tipped various keys and nothing happened, it was a little frustrating.
"don't you thing the otter must be in on mode?"
"maybe Denis, press the green button, I hope it recognizes the connection with the Laptop"
Tom pressed the button, the eyes of the cybernetic mustelid blinked from blue to green while it started to talk in a monotone way.
"starting maintenance mode... maintenance mode online... greetings technician"
"orale! what a friendly way to interact, I feel myself motivated"
Denis stood behind the fox meanwhile Tom was thinking in suggestions of how to program the robot, it will be funny to make it screaming bad words or something like that
"hey Jose, what's hiding this bunch of servos and wires"
"it's hard to tell, there're many things 'amigo' Tom, now I think we should did this from the beginning"
"look José! It has video memory, like some sort of CCTV"
"you're right Denis, let's check it out"
Again the hacker hit furiously the keys and pressed the intro button, the otter unit 4 blinked his eyes in green while the video was replaying. The video was showing a metallic paw in white gloves, the robot was sweeping. It was hearing a discussion, almost a barking of a mature voice with a relaxed and acertive voice of the counterpart. Then there was a firm command, the view of the 'camera' turned to watch the scene. A mature Rottweiler discussing with a jackal well dressed, the poor dog was restrained by a panther robot, after a bear robot helped to guide the dog to a futuristic tube like an old sci-fi movie.
"what a shame! I can't hear anything" the fox said
"what a ...! Is the Randall's dad!"
Quickly the badger joined the others to see the video
"stupid thin can! Why can't it record sounds too?!"
"ehhh, I'm not into nerd stuffs but maybe if you quit the silence mode in your laptop..."
The fox raised the volume of his laptop and the video continue.
_ _
_ _
"fight it Jeffrey! Remember who you are!"
The bear robot froze for a brief second, struggled a little and resumed to his order, to take and restrain the dog into the tube.
"sorry my friend, he cannot disobey, he is ours forever, as you will be"
Shortly the dog was restrained and bounded into the tube, the tube was sealed by a mechanism and it wouldn't let scape anything. The tube started to be filled with a metallic gray liquid, it engulfed fast the canine, few splashes were heard and two minutes passed, the tube were emptied and there lied a robotic resemblance of the old Rottweiler, strong arms, bare, a big belly companied by a strong chest, all covered by metallic plates, in the color of the fur that previously covered the body of the dog, even the few patterns in brown where copied.
The three teenagers watched agape how a wire descended and plugged by itself in the back of the neck of the now robotic dog. A monitor showed the progress bar and finally all stopped and emerged another mindless robot.
With a triumphant grin the Jackal ordered the robot dog to shut down.
The Rottweiler robot turned his gaze from blue to red and throwed a hit straight in the gut of the CEO of Futureland.
The eyes of the new robot went from red to blue
"order acknowledged, code accepted, starting emergency shutdown in 3... 2... 1..."
The robot dog stood there. And then the view changed, the otter resumed its duties. The fox stopped the video player.
"its incredible! Technology to change flesh, fur and bones into circuits and metal!"
"Jeff and Randy's dad are they no more"
"we must tell the others!"
"Wait a minute guys! I've found some erratic code into his memory banks!"
In a second plane Jose ran a software test program and found some issues, then he ran a diagnostic program and, with the help of a console app, he discovered an erratic accumulation of data and unexpected code.
"what kind of shit is that?" the badger looked very disorientated and worried
"I called it 'the ghost in the can', it's some sort of resistance within the electronic brain of the robots, the stronger willed they are, the more resistance they show. The firmware we inject into the robots supposedly erases their memories and personality. But instead only hides both things."
Katy the cat girl listened carefully to Diane, the tigress continued her explaining while both females sipped their drinks.
"The most critical incidents have been the try of break out of the otter bot 4 and your friend the Rottweiler, poor Reginald, his gut suffered"
"so, why haven't the boss inverted more time investigating this behavior?"
"He's so concentrated in winning money and there are many things he left outside, sweetie... we no need more automatons unless we're opening other park soon, some times we lost time fixing some troubles caused by unsupervised teenagers, there're blind spots, our surveillance can't reach them and other things. If I were the CEO of this wonderful place... Anyway, we can fix it making patches to the firmware, but I think we can reach some parts of the personality of the subjects and reply them to others"
"and what happened with the otter robot? Have he had other episodes of free will?"
"no, and I hope the things still like that"
The eyes of the otter robot were flashing in green, the computer showed codes and data in two or three programs, Jose the fox watched the screen of his computer, Denis and Tom doing the same.
"I found patches that prevent executing codes and flows of data into the brain Jose"
"let's make a script to block that commands Denis"
"alright then, first let me see what will happen, and then I'll go to seek for Randall and Bruce, they must know what's happening"
"why don't you call them by your cell? Tom"
"I lost it in my runaway, and I definitely won't go to lost and found office"
"now I am wondering where is my friend Dan, I'm afraid he was robotiziced too"
Now the feeling of guilty invaded the hart of Jose, as he finished to make the script and then unplugged the robot. Tom, as the stronger and athletic of the three got near the otter.
The robot changed its gaze from the green to gray and instead of the blue eyes its gaze become red, a strange echo within a very alive voice sounded from the robot.
"wha... wha... what happened? Who are you?" few seconds of uncomfortable silence and the otter robot went frenetic "hurry up boys! Let's escape from this madness! You won't believe me but in this park, they are converting teenagers into mindless slave drones"
Denis and Jose just shared a gaze and just stayed in silence, Tom started to explain "Well, my friends here and I already know it, we connected you to the laptop and saw bad things, one of our friends and the dad of other were converted, so we must discus what will be done next and I think you want to leave this place as much as we"
"well my brain is confused, it fells foggy, I cannot think very well, I'll just limit myself to listen and obey your commands"
"ok buddy, its funny to hear you talking like that. Denis, you still have your phone?"
"yes, I do... I'll call to Randall"
"Don't tell him now, what's occurring in this creepy place is unbelievable, even here and with the evidences he won't give credit"