Thoughtzzz... (can’t sleep...again...)

Story by Jiblits on SoFurry

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Thoughtzzz... (can't sleep...again...)

A thought less than needed, my eyes stay open wide

Darkness lines my face too deep to hide

Nights stare at me & the ceiling, waiting till day-break to move too far to find for a while

I belittle the whispers as my vision turns unreal, leaving my shadows to smile

It seems, with eyes open, I begin to see my dreams

Breaking apart, from the start, reality at its seams

Unwanted, unneeded, unstable

Standing sideways, in a daze, walking without moving, I'm somehow able

Melodies make up minutes to hours as the room spins into still pictures ever-changing

The puzzle pieces switch, finding new form, as the picture runs, they keep re-arranging

All the while, I blink & think as hours pass me by

Waking by my movements to walk around, I don't care to ask again "why"

No need, no explanation...

I wash my face ever-tired, & wander through another day with no hesitation...

Forever giving in to eternal procrastination...

A nightmare brought to reality makes moments in mind seem anything but fiction

Only placing doubt toward a mental grasp ever-lacking in worthwhile friction

"Find dreams, & see if you can't make due without them becoming a reality..."

"If you can, reach past them, & find something beyond a mindful formality..."

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