In dreams, below the gallows, is a place I sit, trying not to think
As the echoes in mind fill the room, the "once possible" flashes with every blink
What I had wanted once before, walks like you, through that door, I can't seem to walk through
Even as I follow in mind, I feel hollow, your shadow being unkind, as I fail again to find you
Bringing notions of emotions to a needed halt
I have the chills of reasoning ever calling, saying again, it's not my fault.
Too easy the choices, the chances
For those who knew what we shared, it seems one-sided among ice cold glances
Though, I can't say I ever cared much for how they would think
It's more over, the upside-down smiles seen reflecting in my drink
It's strange when a look isn't showing what is felt
Almost unaware of how to care, hypnotized, simply watching with time, how the ice does melt
So lost in thoughts , happy all that while...
I end up forgetting, many-a-time, to jus smile...
A thought in thoughts, for thoughts sake...
Drifting wherever, in a sea of imagined lifetimes, till again...I wake...
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- - Always - - -