The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 2

Story by dragonshina on SoFurry

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#2 of Spyro Origins

Well... he is the second part of the series. It's amazing... I wrote a good part of this chapter inmediatly after i posted the first one... guess that happenes when you got a Favorite and a Wathcer five minutes after you posted your first story (thank you by the way. You know who you are)

I'm Still trying to figure exactly how this thing works.

I do not own Spyro nor any character that appear in The Legend of Spyro trilogy. However, any new character that appear is mine; and so is the plot. If the names and/or personalities of these characters resemble any of you or any of your characters you created; it is purely coincidental.

Lastly, if you are under 18, pleace leave... or hope nobody find you.



The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 2

They continued their journey south to try to find the sea. Fortunately, Spyro no longer had that annoying sensation in his mind that was pulling him. Whatever this crystal was, it appeared that it was the cause.

"Spyro... I am tired" Cynder complained while they were flying.

"Yeah... me too" Spyro responded. Both of them looked toward the sun. It haven't even gotten behind the mountains. But flying just to get to their destination can be tiresome, and both of them have been flying for two days, plus they have been fighting like crazy before their journey began. Obviously both dragons are tired. They needed a well sleep and rest.

"I see a good clearing where we might land" Spyro announced.

Both dragons landed in the clearing that Spyro had seen. Immediately after that, they collapsed, more than laid down, where they were, their energy drained. It didn't took them long to fall asleep.

Morning came, and Spyro woke up. It seemed like the battle against the Malefor had happened years ago, or more likely; it seemed that it was a dream. But just looking at Cynder made him knew that it was in fact just a couple of days since their victory.

Spyro belly rumbled. How long had he had eaten? Oh yes... just after the siege of Warfang... three days ago! No wonder he was starving. With a quick look at Cynder to make sure she was ok, he left her to search for some food.

Spyro began to stalk some small animals that he could hunt to eat. Finally, he found some rodents that were moving as a group. "Hehe... they have no idea I am here" he chuckled. He could almost hear his foster brother Sparx, telling him that he should begin a diet on salad because he was to fat.

He began to move to a place so he could ambush them, and then, get his breakfast. The hunter in place, the prey ignorant to their doom, and then... a scream tore thought the air, making Spyro and the rodent jump where they were.

"Oh no... CYNDER!" Spyro thought frantically. He ran as fast as he could toward were he left her friend, breakfast completely forgotten. He had to help her, he had to protect her. HE would not forgive himself if something bad happened to her.

He arrived to see Cynder surrounded by a group of grublings and orcs with weapons pointed at Cynder, while she tried to defend herself. She blasted one of the with her fear breath, while she charged and jumped at another one, pinning him to the ground and using her hind claws to make a mess of his belly. Bit of innards flew to different directions while she continued her ruthless attack. But while she was occupied with her victim, the other dark army soldiers took the opportunity to attack her.

"Cynder, WATCH OUT!" Spyro yelled while he charged at Cynder's attackers. He rammed to the closest one and using his horns, launched the enemy high to the air. The unfortunate one flew high and then slammed hard on the ground. Then using a powerful combination of melee blows, Spyro dispatched another one with some kicks and punches.

After his surprise attack, all of the grublings and orcs that were left took noticed of the new dragon. With their grotesque growls and hisses, the dark army soldiers began to advance on Spyro.

"I will teach them" he thought. Drawing a deep breath, he prepared to unleash his fire to turn this evil thing into ash. All of the oncoming forces stopped when they saw what he was about to do. Having taken a lungful, he exhaled all at once; but only air came out of his maw.

"What?" Spyro asked out loud. Why hadn't his fire come? The grublings, seeing that he couldn't use his breath, charged again against Spyro. "I'm in trouble"

Meanwhile with Cynder, she took full opportunity of the time Spyro had given her with his surprise entrance to dispatch two more orcs with her poison. They shrieked in pain when the poison landed on their bodies and burned their skin. Cynder smiled and turned to see Spyro release his breath to no effect. "What's wrong with him?" she asked herself, only to ignore that question while she evaded a sword destined to cut her neck. She quickly attacked the sword user and continued the fight.

"What happened?" Spyro asked out loud while he was dodging several sword strikes.

Pushing those enemies that were close to him away, he tried to use the ice breath. Unfortunately, this breath also failed him. "Oh-no. Not again!" Spyro thought panicked. The last time he lost his powers, was after he defeated Cynder and released her from the clutches of the Darkmaster. And certainly, it was bad, really bad to lose his powers now in the middle of a battle.

Still, he tried using his earth and lighting power. Nothing. That only left him with melee attacks and against this many numbers, it was going to be hard press to defeat the all. Fortunately, he had Cynder, whose rage seems unstoppable. Dispatching enemies here with her breath powers, and there with a fearfully melee attack at an amazing speed, caused to reduce the enemy number that attacked them.

Spyro slashed with his claws at the face of an orc, followed quickly by a tail whip to the head of another one that caused him to dropped cold to the ground. Cynder was faring better, with her wind powers she created a vortex that sucked everyone and only came out dead. Soon, there were no more enemies left, the majority killed by Cynder.

They were both panting after the skirmish they just had, but Cynder was confused.

"Spyro, why didn't you use your powers? We could have easily dispatched these enemies." Cynder asked in an annoyed tone, but Spyro wasn't looking at her. He was looking at the ground, his face seemed in shock. "Spyro?" she asked again, this time worry in her voice could be heard.

Cynder came closer to the purple dragon to see what was wrong. Fear gripped her when the thought that he might be injured crossed her head. "Spyro, are you injured? What's wrong?"

"I'm ok Cynder" he replied in a low tone "but..."


"I... I couldn't use my breath powers" he finished lamely.

Cynder gasped at the implications of what he meant. "But how...?"

"Just like last time when I defeated you, I used all of my powers. When I stopped the world from breaking up, I gave too much of myself, just like when I defeated you. And now, I have lost my power again" finished a very depress Spyro.

"Oh... Spyro, I'm sorry. How could you have known that this would happen? The strain of keeping the world tougher was too much, but if you hadn't done what you did, we wouldn't be alive right know" Cynder tried to console Spyro with this words, but they somehow felt empty.

"Thank, Cynder" he said in a low voice. He really meant it, but he still felt depressed about the fact that he could not breathe his elemental powers.

"Como on now, Spyro, cheer up. Remember the last time you lost your powers, you got them back in time" Cynder urged, forcing a smile out of Spyro. "That's better. Now, where were you?"

"I was trying to get something to eat. You know, we have not eaten since Warfang and I'm starving." Spyro answered her a little bit higher of spirit; but he knew that his lack of breath would keep him depress for some time... just last like time.

"Now that you mention it, I'm also starving. Como on, let's look for something to eat"

After searching a little bit, they found some berries that could be eaten. Unfortunately, there were no animals to provide the meat that both of them craved for. The earlier battle had scared all animals into hiding, and both dragons were not in the mood to search everywhere. Something more substantial that berries would have been fine, but they just didn't want to bother and they were VERY hungry.

"Hmm. This is delicious" Cynder said when he had swallowed some berries.

"Fhat fit ju sai" Cynder heard Spyro said.

"What was that, Spyro?" Cynder asked confused at what he had tried to say. Just then, Spyro head lifted though the bushed with his mouth completely full of berries; so much that he was unable to speak. This caused Cynder begin laughing.

"Fhat?"Spyro asked though the mouthful looked confused at Cynder while berry juices dripped form his mouth. This caused Cynder to laugh so hard she began rolling on the ground.

"Hahaha... oh Spyro, you look so funny. Hahahaha" Cynder continued to laugh.

This humiliation caused Spyro to try to swallow all of the berries, but they were too many. "Zndr, ah eed elp" He had in his mouth too many neither berries that he couldn't chew nor swallow them. Poor Spyro, this caused Cynder to laugh even more.

After finally some agonizing moments, he managed to swallow the all. "Finally" Spyro said while he was licking his chops clean. His jaw ached from trying to chew all of the berries. "Ok, lesson learned" he had been very hungry that he had tried to eat too many at the same time.

Cynder finally stopped laughing and came closer to Spyro. "Oh, you silly dragon" she chuckled.

"I was very hungry" Spyro tried to defend himself.

"Yeah, I know... but you looked sooo ridiculous with all of those berries sin your mouth, and then you couldn't swallow them".

"Yeah, it was kinda funny" Spyro admitted, laughing a little ", and jaw aching". The laughing made him feel very good. He couldn't remember the last time he had laugh. How curious, the laughing would make him feel higher of spirit and lighten, as if a heavy burden had been lifter of his shoulders.

They continued to pick berries for their breakfast from the bush, and this time, Spyro ate slowly, keeping an eye on Cynder, who would sometimes look back and giggle. Oh how he liked her giggle, it made him feel some tingling sensation in his stomach, and feel that there was nothing wrong with the world. Oh, how he would like to... "What am I thinking? Why do I want to hear Cynder laugh?" Spyro told himself. Never the less, he liked the tingling sensation he felt. "Maybe I'm going nut"

"Spyro, I was thinking" Cynder interrupted his line of thought. "When you went out for food, while I was still sleeping, you went quite a way, didn't you?"

"Yes, I did" he responded, confused by the question.

"Well, remember the collars that Malefor had put on us? We still have them and they don't allow us to go very far from each other". Suddenly, Spyro saw were she was going with this. He made appear the collar that looked like a snake, still attached to his neck.

"You are right Cynder, they must have lost their effects when we defeated Malefor. I would have never thought of that unless I really had felt it".

"Well... you know; lucky for you that you have me. Sometimes I try to think of the details. And I have my moments, like the dam" said Cynder in a proud voice, tingled with a little bit of sarcasm.

"I am very lucky to have you" Spyro said before his mind actually understood what he was saying. After the word had come out of his mouth, he blushed in an amazing way. "How could I have said that? That sounded incredibly stupid" He reprimanded himself. Luckily Cynder was eyeing her own collar, which Spyro thanked for.

To hide his embarrassment further, he focused in the collar he had. He tried to take off using his claws, but he couldn't have enough purchase to break it. And by the looks of it, neither could Cynder.

"I can't break it" Cynder grunted while she tried to break the collar witch both fore paws. Neither of them could break, not open the collars.

"We must wait until we reach Warfang" Spyro said. "Perhaps some of the moles there can take it from us now that Malefore's power is gone" Cynder just grunted her acknowledge, however distasteful it was to keep such thing on her.

Spyro decided to take out the crystal he had acquired earlier. He made it appear in front of him and took it with his paws. Again, he marveled at the simplicity and elegance of the perfect crafted, pure clear crystal.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" she heard Cynder said.

"Yeah. But I have never such seen such a crystal as this."

"Me neither, Spyro. But the odd thing is that I couldn't take it, and you... well, the statue gave it to you. You just stepped forward, and the stature just moved by itself. But why did it react to you and not me?" she said with a little bit of jealously that he could and she not.

"Perhaps me being the purpled dragon" he said the first thing that came to his mind.

"Well, you and the statue were not the only thing that was weird in the temple"

"The paintings?" inquired Spyro.

"Yes. I mean... why dragons would destroy the paintings... AND inside their own temple by the looks of it".

"Perhaps they were evil dragons, like Malefor or..."

"Perhaps, but I don't think so Spyro. It's difficult to corrupt a dragon. I think they did it on purpose, but why, I cannot see".

"The guardians might know something about it. We should tell them about it, the same as with the crystal" Spyro finished.

They finished their breakfast and searched the area for some water source. They found a small stream which they used to drink. The water was pure and refreshing that seemed to purify the soul. So comforting was the water that they decided to take a bath in it.

They cleaned themselves of all the dirt and ash, even some spot of blood that they had accumulated during their journey; especially in the volcano, with all of the dust and heat. They stood a little bit apart from each other, cleaning themselves, without interrupting the other. However, they couldn't resist a quick peep or glance at the other from time to time.

They departed as soon as they finished their bath and continued their journey south. This time, no freaky temples appeared that crossed their path, no strange pulling in the mind for Spyro; just another uneventful trip that lead them to a mountain chain that made them change their direction to southeast.

Next morning received them with a little bit of rain that made the flight home miserable. They became wet and cold while they flew onwards for a while. Nothing they could do except continue the journey or find shelter and wait it out. They opted for the latter for they weren't in a hurry except their desire to be home.

They landed on the mountains where they could find some shallow caves to protect them from the rain until it passed. They looked for a while without luck in finding any cave, or rock overhang for that matter that they could use.

"It's no use" Cynder complained while water dripped from her head. "We should better get going instead of wasting time here looking for shelter"

"I guess you are right. There is nothing here" Spyro said while he shook his head to clear water that was entering his eyes.

They prepared to fly away when a sudden battle cry came through the air. Spyro and Cynder looked at each other and ran as fast as they could toward the origin. Soon, they began hearing sound of battle, clashes of metal against metal, cries of rage and growls from combatants.

They came across a small village that was being attacked by a band of grublings and orcs, while the cheetah defenders stood valiantly to protect their homes from the invaders. Walls made of wood stood around the village kept the attackers out, while the cheetahs threw rocks, spears and other things to the ones below.

"We got to help them" Spyro said after watching what was happening. How Cynder loved that, the ever helpful Spyro, always concerned about others.

"Let's go!" Cynder exclaimed while she ran towards d the enemy. They went straight into the fray, causing confusion in the enemy ranks with the sudden appearance and attack from two dragons.

Spyro cursed, not for the last time, his inability to use his breath attacks. Instead, he grabbed with his mouth a grubling by the arm. He began to shake it viciously, like a dog, causing severe injuries he slammed it to the ground or when he used it to bat away approaching enemies.

Meanwhile Cynder was a black death, killing everything that stood in her way. She used her fear powers to cause panic to enemies, use poison to eat away the flesh of the enemies, and disposed them with a quick blow of punches and tail whips.

The cheetahs did not stand idle with the sudden appearance of help. They threw spears while some others jumped down from the walls to engage in sword combat. Clashed soon were heard.

After a few agonizing minutes, the skirmish turned to their favor, the confidence of the orcs and grumblings was failing, and soon they would run. Spyro was busy battling three orcs at the same time, while he concentrated in evading the attack of one, the other would take the opportunity and attack before he regained his composure. "I don't know how long I will be able to keep this up" Fortunately, the enemy was retreating now and Spyro's attention was distracted. The three orcs that were attacking Spyro took this last chance before they left. They jumped at the same time to try and kill him. Spyro realized his mistake and tried to dodge them; but it was too late. One sword slash crossed his thigh, making him scream in pain at the sudden sense of burning in his wound.

At the sound of Spyro scream of pain, Cynder arrived as fast as lighting. "How dare they harm Spyro" Her rage and anger toward the ones that harmed his Spyro was unforgivable. She slashed, bite, kick and everything else she could do to punish them, she did. Not even a trace of those three remained after she was done with them.

Cynder quickly went to where Spyro was. "Spyro, are ok?"

"Yeah Cynder. Just a slash" he assured her "It will heal soon" The relief was visibly seen as Cynder relaxed her tense muscles. However, they were interrupted by footsteps. Both dragons looked to see a cheetah with a green cape and holding a blooded sword, flanked by two others cheetahs with spears that were a step behind him. The leader of the stopped a few paced from Spyro and Cynder.

"I thank you, young dragons; for helping defend my village"

"You are welcome. Glad we could be of assistance" Spyro responded.

"I am chief Warluz, leader of this village" then he saw that Spyro was wounded. "You are injured. Allow one of my tribe to help you" and with a hand move, one of the cheetahs behind him came closer and kneel next to Spyro. He dropped his spear and took something out of a satchel and began tending Spyro's wound.

"Thanks chief"

"Now, who are you and what are you doing here? I though all dragons were on the city of Warfang"

"Well... I am Spyro...

"Ah yes... the great purple dragon of legend. I have heard about you and I thought it was you when you came out of the trees. I will confess when I say that I did not believe those stories until now. And who you companion might be?".

"She is Cynder"

"Cynder?! The Black Serpent?!" Chief Warluz exclaimed surprised. Then, with a fluid motion, he pointed his sword at Cynder, as all of the rest of the cheetahs did with their spears, including the one tending Spyro.

"STOP!" Spyro exclaimed.

"She destroyed several villages of cheetahs. She killed friends and families of us. She has caused to much pain and destruction. Why is he with you?"

"STOP" Spyro tied to calm everyone wile Cynder looked at the ground, her head lowered in shame. "She was controlled by the Darkmaster when she did those things. She cannot be held responsible for actions she could not control. Now that she is free of his influence, she had turned good. She helped me defeat the Darkmaster just three days past."

"The Darkmaster is defeated?" Chief Warluz seemed again surprised.

"Yes. She helped me defeat him. And now that she helped defend your village, you are just going to kill her?"

Silence followed after Spyro's statement. "Very well" Warluz said, lowering his sword as did everyone else "She helped us defend our homes, and what if you say is true, then she is free of his influence. I am an honorable being and I respect her actions of good. But still, we will be watching her"

"Thanks you"Cynder said. "I never wanted to cause trouble" Chief Warluz just grunted.

"Now dragons, why are you here?"

"We followed Malefor to the center of the world and fought him there" Spyro began his story "After we defeated him, the world was breaking and I used my power to stop it. After that, we got out to the surface, but we don't know where we are exactly. We are trying to return to Warfang"

"Perhaps I can help you with that. Just behind our village is a tunnel that leads to a river. Follow it, and it will lead you to Avalar Valley."

"Thank you" Spyro said while he tried to stand up, buy flinched at the pain that crossed his leg, making him fall again.

"Perhaps it would be best if you rest here until tomorrow".

"Thanks again, Chief Warluz".

"No. It is I who should thank you"


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