Hopeless Desires - short poem

Story by Fane_Vulpesaur on SoFurry

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After recent events and joining a new forum that popped up, I've been inspired. Thus this poem came to be. Birthed from frustration, people's stupidity, and my sleepiness. I hope you enjoy reading it just as much as I enjoyed writing it. I wrote this on 12/7/2017.

Written by me, Fane Star.

Hopeless Desires

The one who speaks,

Only of misery and misfortune,

Thee who has no hope.

The one who wishes,

For strength and knowledge,

Yet cowardly and small.

The one to turn their eye,

To bathe in the false light,

Blinded from the truth.

The failed student,

Placing false blame,

Upon the patient master.

For this student is blind,

To the harmful choices,

Willingly made and pursued.

Now the master gazes,

As the true victim falls,

Into the jaws of lies.

The teacher stands tall,

To spotlight these failures,

So worthy learners see.

The sharp pains of falsehood,

Unforgiving and torturous,

To those blind and ensnared.

A cautionary tale,

For those to see,

How avoidable lies can be.

Written by: Fane Star