Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 12 - Where, am I?

Story by The Grand Master on SoFurry

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#12 of Kyurex

Ok...I kicked myself and forced to type up this part.

Its getting weird but it'll be cool soon...Em I'm really busy lately and I really thought I could've use this week to type some stories but looks like it'll have to wait. But because i love ya'll so much here's the part em yeah read the title I haven't written it yet.

enjoy, even if its a bit weird. Im getting the feeling Im startinf to write crappy lately :(


Kyurex looked at the massive creature, seeing the part which was still glowing slightly red, the part that was hit by the fire. Kyurex gulped, no wonder the Steelix caused such a wreck. The ground wasn't shaking anymore and the only thing that Kyurex could hear was the deep growling of the monster. He looked up to meet the behemoths eyes....they weren't expressing joy.

"Ehh....I'm sorry?"

The Umbreon shouted, trying to bring a fake smile. A small silence, which was broke by a load roar that could actually frighten anything...The large monster started to move its mass. Kyurex observed.

" I'm done for...." Kyurex swallowed again, just for fun. The Steelix swinged his whole body-

Iron Tail. A large tail of silver metal flew through the dark atmosphere from above, directly at Kyurex.

There was a smashing sound...trees were crushed, the earth shook once more.

Kyurex could leap out of the way at the last moment, but the collision caused a large branch to send the Umbreon flying.

Blaze was nowhere to be seen. The place was beginning to look like a complete battlefield right after a war. Crushed trees everywhere, Kyurex lay injured on the ground and only his fear made him move. He quickly, forgetting everything, just stood up, freeing himself from under the massive branch that had crashed into his ribs. He sprinted, not caring in which direction. Although his body was in pain, he just sprinted to save his life.

Another load roar could be heard, and a constant vibrating feeling coming from the ground. The creature was following Kyurex, and at a fast pace.

Damn...need to use Agility, or I'm dead! But, the hell with the pain! He continued to run.

The only thought that pulsed through Kyurexs head was Agility, but he just couldn't find the power to use the move again. He ran through the line of dead trees he had seen before, and understood that it must've of been the path that the Steelix used to get here in the first place. He knew he had to hide, because outrunning such a large creature was useless, especially when the creature was just about five meters away. He changed his direction deeper into the forest, where trees still stood.

The Steelix was getting nearer, and it wasn't even at its full speed. Kyurex had the feeling it was toying with him. The sound of crushing trees and the rumbling earth underneath him told him that there wasn't much time left...

Think positive, life is good!! Kyurex tried to calm down his racing mind that didn't quite understand what it should do. Fear was sure one feeling that caused blood to boil. His paws barely touched the ground.

Again there was a roar, and Kyurex turned his head slightly to get a clue of what was happening. His heart nearly exploded out of his chest.


The Steelix almost had him, only being about 2 meters away. Kyurex tried to speed up, and forgot everything, he had to do it, even if he was badly hurt before.


He sped up, and successfully left the raging Steelix behind. The wind felt resistant, very resistant but that was understandable regarding the speed he was using. He barely had time to dodge the passing trees, but his main goal was to get away. He was so thankful that he could see in the dark...

The Steelix roared again, letting the runner know that he was angry that he couldn't keep. Kyurex gave it his last strength, and after some time the earth stopped shaking and Kyurex was sure he had left the raging monster behind. He had no idea where he was, he just ran, to make sure his was in total safety. He ran...and ran....He felt dizzy but he didn't want to be crushed, so he didn't stop.

Until...he couldn't do it anymore...He was too exhausted...The dark woods around him started to circle.

He stumbled, panting on the ground, letting his spit flow out of his mouth...he just needed to regain his strength, just needed to forget the pain over his whole body, and then he could continue to run. But he had used to much power...


"Look!! He's moving! Man I've never seen an Umbreon before!!" unknown voice, coupled with the rushing sound of water.

"Me either...he must be hungry!!"

They sound like little kids.

"That's probably because your hungry yourself..."

The sound of the water is definitely a river....

"Anyway, what do you think we should do Flash?"

Kyurex opened his eyes. Grass before his eyes, he was laying on the ground. He then noticed that the rushing sound was a nearby river, and that some unknown faces were starring at him.

The sun was shining....daytime. How long had he slept...where the hell was he??

This was reality, not a dream. As soon as he came to his senses he started to observe the new characters.

He remembered his teachings.

The first is, an Electrike...the second, a Mareep.

He moved his head a little to see the others.

A Vulpix...a Machop...

And then he saw the last one.

An Aron....

What the hell?

"Hey mister, how are you doing?" The Machop cheerfully smiled, standing next to the Electrike. The others stood a little behind both, looking suspiciously.

Kyurex coughed to clear his throat, he tried to stand up. His ribs gave a shocking pain.....

"You have been badly injured sir, I don't think you can move..." The Electrike said. The Umbreon didn't listen, and also didn't succeed to get up. He needed to get used to the pain for a little. That was okay, he could ask questions, because a lot was unclear.

All five were curiously starring at him, giving him a weird feeling of a total stranger who was a known criminal or something. Since when was he so scary?

But that didn't matter...

"Okay....anyone care to inform me on how I got here?" He asked. There was silence. Eventually the Machop spoke, smiling again.

"I brought you here sir!!" He stated. Kyurex always thought ahead, so he was kind of pissed that that was the only information he got. Okay, and how?

Kyurex didn't want to sound strict, but he had to.

"And why?"

The Machop smiled a little differently now. The Electrike stepped forward while the others still watched as if seeing an antic.

"We found you, eh no friend found you in the Toulo woods sir."

Kyurex sighed. He immediately thought about his team mates. He was lost, he didn't know about the others, he didn't get anything...everything looked bad. He then remembered everything with the Steelix, how his heart raced with fear...not a good feeling.

He looked again at the curious creatures. They were getting annoying, come on, as if he was something to be afraid of. He slowly, now succeeding, got up sitting. Now one of the others stepped forward.

"Sir, you shouldn't try to walk, your injured..." the Vulpix said, looking at Kyurex, still with those scared eyes. Ok, Kyurex could understand that they were really small children, and he was close to an adult but he wasn't planning to hurt them or something.

The Vulpix thought if her message had gotten to the dark Pokemon. Kyurex was thinking, trying to suppress his pain with his inner energy, closing his eyes. It worked a bit. He then opened his eyes, looking at the Vulpix.

"Ehh..." he understood that she felt uncomfortable. Silence. He looked at all of them. This was weird.

"Ok kids...." Kyurex started. "First of all, stop starring at me like I'm dangerous or something, because I'm not..."

Silence. They all looked.

"What? I mean come on...I might have black furr, but I'm not evil or something!"

Silence. Come on you've got to be kidding me, I wanted to have dinner, and this is what I get?

"Ok, whatever..." He thought more deeply, he just needed to get back to Blaze and May. "Man....could somebody here tell me how I can get back?" he asked. They all exchanged looks and eventually the Electrike spoke.

"Of course we know how to get back sir!" he said. The others nodded in agreement. Kyurex was again pissed, why did he get so less info.

"And how, can I, dear kids, get back? At least tell me the direction...damn it..." he lowered his ears. They again exchanged looks, making the Umbreon lose all hope of ever getting any useful information out of them.

"Ehh, the place is that direction..." The Electrike pointed with his paw behind Kyurex. Kyurex turned his head, noticing the bright sun and seeing some birds fly around some trees. A Forest, again...

Anyway, at least he got the direction. He started to move, but he realized right away that he would never get far with such unease. He sighed, sometimes everything sucked. He turned around to face the kids again, not knowing what to do.

He thought. The river calmed his thoughts. He had to get back, but he was in no condition.

Damn, May would kill him...Blaze probably he should kill Blaze it was all is fault, no actually...whatever.

They were probably searching for him, they would probably search at night. The Steelix might be around...its day time.


He got it....he was going to wait until midnight, because of three reasons. His friends would search then, the Steelix would be probably sleeping, and he would regain some strength until then.

He looked at the kids....well he could ask them what they were doing.

They still stood there, so Kyurex thought and tried to be kind.

"Well. What are you kids up to anyway?" he asked, trying to sound energetic which was rather hard regarding his state.

"We're em...we're just hanging around here...sir." The Electrike said. Kyurex analyzed, and got a little feeling that the Electrike was lying. He looked at the others.

"Well, since I think I won't be able to travel for some time, I guess I'll be staying here..." they STILL looked suspiciously. Now this had to be dealt with.

"Aright kids...stop acting like I'm mister bad guy, and tell me what you know...or what happened to me, or how you found me...come on you must know something." They looked at each other, and then back at the Umbreon.

"Ehh...whatever..." Kyurex lay down, put his paws in front of him and rested his head on top of them . He then closed his eyes. The kids stayed. Kyurex sensed this.

"Ehh....what's the matter with you kids....if this is how beings hang around, then I must've waisted half of my life." he said, trying to sound wise. Maybe he should try a conversation.

"How did you guys find me anyway?" he asked, opening his eyes. The Electrike seemed to be the obvious leader, since Kyurex noticed that he was the one who tried to show the others his courage and always spoke.

"It was Baxten who found you sir...He was the one who wandered off, and he also brought you here and afterwards told us."

The Electrike looked at the Machop, who smiled friendly again. Kyurex understood, a Machop was much, much, stronger than it actually looked so his weight should've of been nothing. Baxten was his name....weird.

"Ah yeah....tell me your name kids..." he tried to ask friendly, to make the atmosphere more comfortable. He then thought he should start. "My name's Kyurex, but I guess you kids can call me Kyu..."

"I'm Flash...sir" The Electrike said. The Machop continued.

"I'm Baxten sir!!" he was really a happy being.

Silence. Kyurex turned his eyes to the Aron.

"Em...I'm Kreego..." the voice was rather cold, and kind of tired or something. The small metal creature seemed to be the opposite of the cheerful Machop.

"And I'm June...sir." The Mareep. And the last.

"Lilly...sir." The Vulpix.

Now Kyurex forced himself to smile.

"See...wasn't that hard was it..and as a start, you can stop calling me sir, Im not that old."

Man, things just keep on getting weirder.

Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 13 - Unexpected Situations

Well, I'm gradually getting to the point of a new introduction of some chars. Mehh I'm getting a little sloppy, but I guess that was because I held on to that last piece for such a long time or something. I hope the next part is...

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 11 - Bad Luck

Blahalkgalfkla.........checkin the keyboard....ok so I had a cool break, was boardin with my friends, nearly drove of a cliff with my poor skills, held onto the snow and was like "Damn, God loves me..." Then every time I came back...

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 10 - A New Adventure!!

I'm sorry for not keeping my promise, this isn't such a long one but I'm so sick I just can't seem to stop sleeping. The next part I hope, will be longer. I mean I again left two days out and I could've made a long one but it would take longer...

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