Timeless Memories - short poem

Story by Fane_Vulpesaur on SoFurry

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It feels great to put my feelings into words again. I hope others enjoy this set of words. <3 I wrote this on 11/21/2017.

Written by me, Fane Star.

Timeless Memories

Distance is pain, For my heart ever yearning, To see your smile.

The joyful curl of lips, That erupts from your beauty, Creating art of emotion and speech.

The cheerful script, Dances in your bright eyes, To illuminate all the world.

Under your earthy gaze, A grotto to wander in, Vulnerable yet safe.

A protective space, Full of passion and peace, For us to create and share.

A connection worth exploring, Beautiful and unique, Time perfected with you.

Written by: Fane Star