Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.07: Trial and Success - Ep03
#3 of LoM 07
"What should I do now?" Sasuga breathed out despairingly as she walked on the sidewalk. She was walking back home, as there were no bus rides at this hour and she didn't want to bother Panja. Frankly, she didn't feel like she was ready to tell him or Hazard that she got kicked out of the university because of what happened yesterday. For now, she just wanted to be alone and reflect about what other options she had left now. No school meant no degree, so she couldn't get a respectable job. And with no university she also lost her part-time job at its library, which means money issues were bound to surface. How would she able to pay for her rent and bills? She couldn't believe how easily fortune could switch in a single day. Just a couple of days ago things couldn't get any better for her, and now everything seems to be falling apart.
"Outta the way, bitch!" Suddenly, someone rammed into her from behind and snatched away her purse from her, running off with it. It took her a couple of seconds to realize it, but she was actually being mugged.
"Aah! H-Hey! My purse! Stop! Thief! Somebody stop him!" Sasuga yelled out in a surprise as she watched the thief run away with her purse right in front of her, but the bunny punk was too fast for her to chase after and nobody seemed to be doing anything either. "Fuck!" she cursed in anguished and tried to run after him anyway. Being attacked by demons, getting kicked out of school and now this? She sure felt she had the worst of lucks.
The thief ran like the wind among the busy crowd and was heading straight for a streets intersection. If he managed to cross it before the lights goes red, she'd loose him for good. Sasuga was still some meters away from him and doubted that she could catch him in time, and as she feared, he was able to make it before the traffic lights turned red. What she didn't expect, though, was to see an SUV car stopping right in front of the thief just as he was about to make a run across the street, as he slammed right into the side of it and fell over to the back on the hard asphalt ground.
"Ow... What the hell man! Can't you see where the hell you're going!?" the rabbit thief shouted, rubbing off his sore bottom. He soon regretted saying those words the moment he saw the driver in a business suit coming out of his car and walking straight for him.
"In the contrary, I can see very well," Seif rumbled as he picked up the bunny punk from the cuff of his shirt and lifted him up high enough to meet him face to face, his rabbit feet hanging in the air feeling, quite unlucky.
"W-W-Wait a minute! I give! H-Here, take it back! Just d-don't hurt me!" the thief stammered nervously and quickly surrendered the purse, which Seif gladly took.
"I see you stealing again, the last thing you'll worry about is me pounding your sorry ass, you got me?" the lion strictly said as he glared straight into the bunny's scared eyes.
"Y-Yes, yes! Got you clear!" the thief nodded timidly, before Seif tossed him to the side along the sidewalk as he dropped with a yelp and then walked over to the stunned kirin. She couldn't believe her eyes for a minute there, but it was indeed Seif, appearing from out of the blue like a guardian angel.
"I believe this is yours?" Seif softly said in his deep and gruff voice as he handed her the purse, and Sasuga's heart skipped a beat.
"O-Oh, y-yes! Umm, thanks," she muttered after a few moments of regaining herself from staring up at his charming face and took her purse.
"We got to stop meeting like this," Seif said jokingly with a small smile on the edge of his big leonine muzzle.
"Th-That's true..." Sasuga smiled back with a little green blush on her scaly cheeks. What was the odd of this ever happening? Maybe her luck wasn't the worst after all.
"Are you taking a day off of school?" the lion then curiously asked, seeing as it was still early in the morning.
"Oh... no..." Sasuga's smile changed into a heartrending face, her ears lowering in sadness. Seif noticed her gloomy face, guessing that not everything was well with the kirin.
"Care for a cup of coffee?" he kindly offered.
"Huh? Oh, no, it's okay. I-I mean, I'd like to, I do! But, I don't want to bother you or anything..."
"It's no bother. I insist," Seif responded. Sasuga found herself having a difficult time saying no to him and she could use a good company. Plus, Seif is a close acquaintance of Hazard and Panja, so she felt she could trust him.
"Okay, I'd love to, Seif," Sasuga smiled up to him again with a nod, and Seif's smile spread wider, mostly because she actually remembered his name.
"This way then, Ms. Sasuga," Seif tactfully said as he lead her to his car and opened the passenger seat door for her, inviting her in. The kirin blushed slightly; he was so dreamy just doing that, and no other man treated her this adequately before.
"Um, please, no Miss, just Sasuga," she timidly asked of him before climbing into his SUV.
"Alright, Sasuga," Seif rumbled compliantly and she almost swooned by the mere voice of him uttering her name. She got a better hold of herself, though, and got into the car, as Seif gently closed the door and went to the other side to sit on the driver seat, driving off to the nearest coffee shop.
To be continued...