Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.07: Trial and Success - Ep02

Story by hazbaz on SoFurry

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#2 of LoM 07

Meanwhile, in an unknown underground facility, Megalo was walking through an empty hallway and then stopped in front of a room at the middle of it, pressing a switch on the wall and the door slid wide open. He entered the room and inside was a simple, bland compartment with the needed items, like a nice bed, a closet and a table with a small flat screen TV hanged on one of the walls. In there, he found Jale, finishing dressing up in front of the closet's mirror.

"Well, look who's up, fine and dandy?" Megalo remarked.

"You know, Meggy, there's this invention they came up with, called 'a door knock', ever heard of it?" Jale cynically replied, tidying up his tie around his scruffy neck.

"You're not as hilarious as you think you are," the black panther said and glowered. "And I'm fucking sick of this 'Meggy' crap! How'd you feel if I start calling you 'Jelly'?"

"Actually, I'd think it'd be cute," Jale grinned.

"Grr, just stop it, you hear!?" Megalo growled and the raven chuckled, liking how he easily pushed the panther's buttons. "That Slasher sure did a number on you, though. You should've seen yourself, you were a mess! If I hadn't come to save your ass, you'd be nothing but ashes." Megalo then scoffed at his feathery friend, making himself comfortable on the bed as he laid his back leisurely on it.

"It's not like you did that out of the kindness of your heart. I just happened to be on your way, remember?"

"Psh, whatever, you owe me one, blackie."

"Actually, I owe you nothing," Jale said as he turned around to look at the panther's curious look. "I did the same for you the day before, remember? You weren't doing so well yourself against him, and if it weren't for my interruption... well, that Slasher turned out to be much more ruthless than I expected. I don't want to imagine what he would've done to you, dear Meggy," he continued with a leer across his black beak, agitating Megalo as he expected. "So, we're even."

"Fuck you! That one doesn't count!" Megalo snarled. "You wanna make a problem out of it?! Bring it on!" He got off of the bed and confronted the raven snappily, as Jale sighed calmly.

"Why does it always have to end up in physical force? Can't we just talk it out?"

"Fuck that!"

"Fuck that indeed. Come on, we have a meeting with the boss any minute now. You know how punctual he can be, so better not be late or else heads will roll," Jale said with a smile and passed by the irritated panther.

"Hey! I'm not finished with you! Grr, you know how much I hate you!?" Megalo growled and followed after Jale.

"I know, Meggy, I'm fond of you too," Jale teased him again and the black panther grumbled dejectedly, giving up trying to argue with this smart-beaked crow. They headed together to their meeting place, and on their way, Onyx's head popped out of their shadows casted behind him as they walked through the well-lit hallways.

"Moooorniiiing!" the chameleon greeted them cheerily, startling Megalo.

"Jesus fuck! Fuckdammit, I'm sick of your constant creep-outs, you big-eyed lizard freak! Next time I'm gonna poke your eye out, and it won't be by accident!" Megalo griped crossly, scolding the camouflaged reptile.

"Heeheehee, but it's fun!" Onyx snickered, his body still submerged under the shadows with only his head showing on the surface and floating along with them as they walked.

"You know how disturbing it is when you follow us like this? Just come out already!" Megalo complained to him.

"Onyx likes staying in shadows! Much easier to move and more comfy than walking around! You should try it, Meggy!" Onyx answered with a snigger, playfully switching back and forth between Megalo's shadow to Jale's with each sentence he made.

"Urgh! Look at what you fucking did, Jale!? That stupid nickname is catching on!" Magalo complained.

"Don't be such a killjoy, dear Meggy. Let him have his fun," Jale replied with a grin.

"Meggy! Meggy! Meggy!" Onyx gallingly kept repeating and irritating Megalo to no end.

"SHUT UP!" The panther snapped and slashed his claws at the chameleon, who was lucky to dive into the shadow in time to avoid being cut, and the reappeared in another shadow not too far head of them.

"Boo! You missed Onyx!" Onyx mocked him, but he was then surprised by a big hand getting hold of him from the back of his neck and pulling him up and out of the shadow. "Gack! Let Onyx go!" the chameleon choked out as he looked over his back and saw a big, burly bull standing behind him. The bull was over 7 feet easy, with a beefy muscular body, his upper frame alone was so buff and his arms were thick and brawny, with a very elaborate red tattoo of a long flying oriental dragon textured on his left arm, starting from its tail over his wrist and swirling around his strapping arm and ending with the head slapped on his bulging left pec, wearing a denim vest that showed off his ripped and wide muscled chest and abs under his dark-brown short bovine fur. His lower half consisted of two powerful bulky legs wrapped in denim jeans, ending with a giant pair of hooves poking from the bottom of them. His large head featured a strikingly dashing face full of manliness; thick brows and a square handsome jaw, with two long white, curvy and pointy horns crowning the top and sitting between a fedora. Finally, he had a long thin tail with a black fuzzy tip that swished about behind him.

"You guys lost something?" the beefy bull rumbled as he hanged Onyx up in the air.

"Leggo, Thorn!" Onyx cried, wriggling around like a captured lizard.

"Hurr, look at him go, little bro!" a male boar snorted as he watched the chameleon fidget about helplessly, standing next to the bull. The boar appeared to be shorter, about 3/4 tall, but much wider and heavier, his body mostly covered in less solid muscles, with a round big gut belly that was more firm than flappy, his arms and legs were shorter than his bovine brother but still quite thick and strong, packing some mighty brawns in them, though his hooves were less bulky and flat at the bottom. He was wearing a similar get-up to the bull, except it was red-colored sans the hat. His boar-ish face wasn't as attractive as his younger, larger brother, with that long pointy muzzle ending with the flat snout and a pair of ivory tusks coming from the side of his wide jaw, but he shared his brother's bright brown eyes, with thick eyebrows and a bushier mullet of black hair atop of his head like a tomahawk cut.

"I'll let you go if you promised not to use our shadows as your playground ever again," the bull said, squeezing his fist slightly more around Onyx's neck.

"Urk! Promise! Promise!" Onyx gurgled in difficulty as he almost choked around the bull's iron grip, as he huffed and released the chameleon, dropping his bottom on the floor with a yelp. But he didn't learn his lesson and quickly dived into the bull's shadow and came out of Jale's. "Nyaaa! Tricked ya!" Onyx rolled his long tongue while hiding behind Jale's back protectively.

"Why you little...! Next time I get my hands on you, I'm feeding you to big bro," the bull grumbled as he shook his fist at the mischievous chameleon.

"Chill, chill, big guy. He's not harming anyone," Jale said, trying to calm the scene. "Well, well, if it isn't Tusk and Thorn. Good to see both of you are in board. How've the T.T. Brothers been doing lately?" the raven then greeted the boar and bull, respectively.

"Been doing pretty good. Killing this, eating that, y'know, the usual errands of Master Khan," Tusk replied casually, shrugging his shoulders.

"What about you, three stooges? I've heard you've gotten your hides kicked by the Millennium Slasher from the get go. Way to fail," Thorn chortled insultingly.

"I did NOT get my ass kicked by the Slasher! I didn't even get a fucking chance to fight him without someone butting in! So get your fucking facts straight before you open your big maw or I'll shut it for you!" Megalo retorted snappily.

"Hork! Still as hot-blooded as ever, eh Megalo?" Tusk snorted.

"He wouldn't be any more useful without being so, big bro, or he'd be even more pathetic," Thorn remarked with a smirk.

"What'd you say!?" Megalo growled and unsheathed his claws.

"You wanna make something of it, red-head?" the bull huffed and crossed his brawny arms over his chest in intimidating way.

"Guys, guys, relax. We're all in the same team here, right? Save the aggression for the enemy," Jale said, getting between them and cooled them down, as Thorn shrugged uncaringly while Megalo cursed under his breath. "Besides, aren't we supposed to be having a meeting now? We don't want to start it off with a bad note from the boss, yes?"

"Hrmm, and you're still the smooth talker, Jale," Tusk remarked.

"Heh, I do what I can," the raven chuckled. "Shall we then?" Jale suggested as he gestured for everyone to head for the meeting room at the end of the hallway and nobody objected. They entered the room and it was a spacious chamber with a large round table sitting at the center of it, and at the other side of that table was Khan, sitting calmly, resting his chin on his hands and his elbows leaning on the table. Josette was standing right next to him, as always.

"Good to see you have made it in time. That makes everyone. Now, be seated. There is much to discuss," Khan spoke in an unnervingly chilling deep tone.

To be continued...