Growvember Day 10
#10 of Growvember Series
Escaping from the city, Bryant and Co. relocate to another nearby city, hoping for help. Unfortunately, recent events are finally starting to take their toll on Bryant
November 10th
We had camped outside of the nearest city, letting the normal size folk drive to the city to spend the night, and to let the police and military know what happened.
Waking u the next morning, I felt sore all over, but no pain. I felt my face, expecting it to be tender, but nothing. I stood up, and instantly swayed on my feet. Something was definitely off, and I could tell it was because the distance from the ground was a lot further than it was last night. Just how much had I grown?!
There wasn't really anything around to measure myself, so I had no idea. It was then I noticed some cars heading our way. I gently nudged everyone awake, being gentle with Ronald since I knew he was hurt. When I did though, I was shocked to see most of his wounds were already healed.
"Amazing..." I said in aw. He peered at me.
"What is?" He used his once injured arm to get up, noticing he was using it.
"Oh..." He rumbled, flexing his fingers, turning it around to see. "So, we can heal fast too. Great." He sighed, sitting up. I sat near the road, along with others as the cars approached, further behind were some more tanks. Apparently every city was being guarded at this point.
The cars pulled off to the side near opposite of us, with a few furs and Samantha stepping out. An otter produced a megaphone to talk to us.
"Hello! My name is lieutenant Davis. Your friend here tells us you came from Hanolver. And that it was attacked by the rogue giants we heard about, and you tried to defend it. We have been taking in refugees from there as well, telling us how some of their giants did try to hold them back. If you are willing to defend out city if it comes under attack, we'll gladly allow you to stay here."
I lowered by head towards him, keeping my voice low.
"Thank you sir. And yes, we would gladly defend your city if it comes to that."
I saw Jeff give me a look, like he was about to say something, but closed his mouth when Mary elbowed him.
"Okay then. If you would please follow me, we'll lead you to an encampment we set up for our own giants. And please try to tread carefully so you don't shake us off the road." The lieutenant put down the megaphone and proceeded to get into his car. But before taking off, Sam waved me down closer.
I can't say it was weird having to get down on my hands just to see her, and being so small now. I was already starting to miss those nights we just laid together on the couch, watching TV, or those passionate moments in bed. In a way, we were starting to live in two different worlds now, and it was starting to hurt.
"I just wanted to say thank you for coming for us. We might not have escaped if you hadn't." She said as loudly as she could, hugging my short muzzle and giving it a kiss. I didn't know what to say, what to do. I wanted to hug her, to just be with her once again. Its like a wall I had been building up living in that camp came crashing down and I realized I was lonely. I wanted to be with her, but I couldn't. If I even tried to hug her with a finger to my cheek, if I didn't control my strength, she would break instantly.
And I finally came to realize more of the what ifs. I had been so focused and believing the cure would be found, I had thrown aside the what ifs like some kind of fool. What if no cure is found? What if I never stop growing? What if I am killed by one of these rogue giants?
I choked back the tears, not wanting her to worry, and simply whispered, "I love you Sam." Before getting back up. I made no motion to rub my nose or eyes right away, not wanting anyone to notice. She waited a few more seconds before getting into the car as well, the vehicle driving off with us behind it.
It was a grueling task following such a "slow" moving vehicle. We basically took very slow steps, as gently as we could to not shake the ground as it went along roads going outside the city.
"How are you holding up?" I was a bit shocked as Ronald spoke up, the massive bear looking down at me. I had only ever talked to him once more at the old camp, and it didn't go well then.
"I'm fine, why?" I put forward a fake smile.
"So, did you break up with her?" He rumbled, watching me from the corner of his eye as he took a step.
"What? Sam? No! Course not! She just thanked me is all." I quickly focused straight ahead.
"Look, you don't need her okay? If she leaves you, she leaves you. Just means she was a tramp after all."
I'm not sure what came over me, but I immediately stopped and shoved him as hard as I could. Unfortunately, that felt like shoving a brick wall, and I barely got anywhere. I didn't care. I was starting to see red.
"Don't you dare call her that." I growled up, my hands balling into fists. The others behind us immediately stopped, looking scared.
"Take it from me bunny, its not worth it." Ronald glared down. I didn't know if he meant picking a fight or about Sam. I wanted to so badly sock him right in the jaw, even though I know he would do far worse to me.
But then I knew if we did fight, we would all be turned away from here, or maybe even attacked by the military. Not to mention, how much damage could we do at this size.
Instead, I let it go, moving away from the bear and walking back a bit more, letting him be in the front by himself. At least now I could try to guesstimate our sizes as we walked by some buildings. Judging by the average a house was tall, and trying to imagine stacking them up to match me, I figured I had to be near or around 90 feet. That would put the others near my size, except for Ronald, who had to be over a hundred by now. Mary was the shortest of us, so I figured she was around the high 70s, low 80s. If anything, it only made me feel even worse at how large we had become.
Arriving at the camp, we were greeting by a small group, maybe at least 15 giants. And that's when we noticed that was all of them. I guess this city didn't get hit as hard with this growth virus or whatever it was as hard as we did.
"Hello and welcome to our group. My name is Shawn. Nice to meet you." A rather buff kangaroo shook my hand. He was actually pretty close to Ronald's built, but just slightly taller than me.
"Thanks. I'm Bryant. This is Ronald, Chris, Mary, and Jeff." I introduced each one of our group.
"Nice to meet you all. And sorry about your old city, the Lieutenant filled us in before leaving to go get you. Don't worry, They got eyes on those giants now. So if they decide to head this way, we'll be more prepared." He boasted.
"Good. Because they converted some in our group to join their cause. Let's hope their the only ones." I mumbled and pushed around the rest of them, not really wanting to deal with anyone at the moment. They were pretty shocked about it, but I didn't care. I could hear Chris apologizing and explaining our circumstances as I moved on to just sit alone.
I stayed there the rest of the day, dozing off everyone once and awhile. At one point, as I stared up at the darkening sky, a figure blocked my view.
"What do you want?" I glared up angrily as Ronald sat down.
"I came to apologize." He rumbled, letting out a sigh. I didn't answer.
"Look, I had a girlfriend once. And then I found out she had been lying to me for years about liking the same stuff I did, and posting on line how annoyed and disgusted she was I liked them. I don't know why she did it, maybe as a laugh or a joke, but I broke up with her and ended it without hearing an explanation." His broad shoulders dropped. I let my anger finally slip away as I sat up.
"So you were just trying to make me feel better?" I assumed.
"Sorry, I'm not good at it. Like I said before, I just cut off communication with everyone eventually. No more annoyances, no more worrying what others think. If I kept low, no one would bother me." He started to rant. "And then THIS happens!" He growled and slammed his fist into the dirt, leaving a large hole and some of the other giants to look over to see what was going on.
"I get it. And thanks for the apology. But Sam and I love each other. I'm hoping we do get back to normal and lead normal lives again, but if we keep going then I'm okay with..." I trailed off at the end, not even realizing what I was saying till I said it. Was I okay with it? Could I deal with it? Would I really be okay telling Mary to just find someone else?
Ronald lifting an eyebrow, waiting.
"Never mind. It doesn't matter. What does matter is we are in this together now. Being a loner won't work right now. We need to work together. Okay?" I held out my hand towards him. He looked down at it, probably having conflicting motions of his own he was fighting against, before shaking my hand.