Zootopia:Guardian Spirits Chapter 2
Chapter 2:Jason had a dream saying that his power is gonna awaken soon.He ignored the weird dream and went to school then a met a husky who saved him from bully.That husky later asked him to join him to explore the abandoned facility with nothing to do.Jason accepted the invitation only to end up in the spirit world.Later encountering a spirit that wished to kill them.Jason had awakened to his Spirit Gurdian known as Cenric his otherself and has given his Spiritual Weapon to fend off the evil spirits.
A/N:Now It's Time I add the Two Characters I'll be adding.it's up to you guys if you want to get your character in the story tell there purpose.
Now you there is 6 more members you can add your OC'S remember I have to get interested in the character.
Now let's get started with the story.
Chapter 2:The Spirit World
When Jason and Nick Arrived at Nick's Apartment.Nick gone to his room brought back a Cover and a pilow he tossed the items to Jason.Nick went back to his room to sleep because of how sleepy he was.Jason on the other hand was looking on his laptop he checked Furbook changed with some of his fried until it hit 11 PM he closed his Laptop set the alarm and layer on the couch with the cover on him him.His eyelid was getting heavy he closed his eyes falling into deep sleep."
Jason Dream.
Jason was again surrounded by Fog he couldn't see anything"
Soon your power is gonna be awaken."
Jason looked around but no one was there"What Power ?"
Can your power over come the disaster ?"
What Disaster are you talking about ?!"
Today your power shall be awaken be aware..."
Jason was losing his consciousness"
As the alarm rang.Jason got surprised then fell off the couch in surprise he tried to grab his phone but failed multiple times.He Finally grabbed closed the alarm he put his phone on the table stood up he heard."That dream again ?"Jason muttered he heard the door opened he saw Nick walking sleepy."
Good Morning Uncle Nick."Jason said yawning."What a wake up..."
Morning Kiddo."Nick said heading to the kitchen he turned on the coffee machine."Want Coffee ?"
Sure!"Jason said sitting on the couch looking at Nick trying not fall asleep."
Hey Kiddo take you shower ill ready your coffee."Nick Said Talking two cups from the top cabinet."
Sure thing!"Jason said talking the towel from his uncle bedroom and headed to the shower when he was done he saw Nick with his typical Hawaii Shirt with brown pants .He entered Nicks room he opened the closet he saw his uniform."
The Top Had White had a collar with the schools logo on the top left.The jeans was black with two pockets and they has the jacket for the school.The Jacket was also black he grabbed an underware from his bag put it on he grabbed his Uniform Top buttoned all expect the two from the top.He folded the collar he grabbed his jeans put it on buttoned the jeans the pulled the zipper up.He grabbed his Jacket put his Jacket on looked at the mirror he was ready for school he exited the room he sat at the couch."
Here your coffee it's a little cold but it fine."Nick said talking a sip out of his coffee he glanced at the clock it was 6:34.'Drink your coffee fast you might be late."Jason nodded as he quickly drank his coffee when he finished it.He placed the mug on the table he stood up."
Your launch is at you bag."Nick said with his bag on his shoulder.'Here..."Nick handed the bag to Jason he put the bag on his back with the two handle on his shoulders."Cmon lets get going you might be late."Nick unlocked the door Jason nodded and exited the door with Nick behind him."
Nick and Jason arrived at the school."Well here your school."Nick said Jason looked at the building the building is 3 story building.There is a track at the back at the school and another building at the back for Class 1-8 while the front was for 9-12"
Look like I'll be spending my 1 year at this school."
Well I got to go home the principle said to meet your teacher at the faculty officer it's at the 1 floor to the right hall.Good luck in school Kiddo."Nick said leaving Jason.Jason sigh he walked to the school gate he saw some mammals outside the school all off them was staring at him he heard some whispers."
The transfer student is a Fox ?!"
What was this school thinking ?!"
He will fail this school."
Jason ignored the comments and entered the school when he entered the school once again there more studen looking at him.There's a board at the middle with stairs on the left and on the side and there a hallways to the left and right.he was looking at the door that's says faculty office he entered the office he saw some Teachers doing paper works until a male wolf noticed him.He stood up from his chair and walked to Jason."
Hello are you the transfer student ?"The Wolf asked he was wearing Black Pants with a white and a Red Top Buttoned Sleeve with a red tie."
Yes sir!"Jason said the Wolf grabbed a file from his desk."
Jason Wilde Correct ?"The Wolf asked Jason nodded as he went through the file."It says here your an honor student ? so you study hard and the reason you transfer here is it because of you of father ?"The Wolf asked Jason nodded again."I don't want to get in your family privacy and your 11th grade right ? have you checked the notice board too see which class are you in ?"
Um..."Jason trailed off."
The Wolf Chuckled."It's Fine your in class 11-B my class oh and and call me you can call me Mr.Wolfsberg I teacher History."He introduced."
Nice to meet you!"Jason said with such enthusiasm."
Such Enthusiasm."Wolfsberg said"Anyways we have class starting soon how about you come with me."Jason nodded he followed the Wolfsberg to the second floor."
Inside Class 11-B
Inside the class has every sort of mammal the class was normal sized class 32 Desks with 31 students which means James is the last student .There were some mammal that were standing and talking while some sat on there desk and talked with there friends.
Wait so our homeroom is Mr.Wolfsberg ?"A female Deer said."
His like the best teacher ever!"A male weasel said."
Oh I heard there a transfer student."a female pig said."
Really ?"A male rhino asked."
Yeah but I heard some said his a fox..."The female pig said while grumbling some words."
Ugh...Why is a fox going to school ?!"A male horse complained."
I know there not trustworthy!"The male rhino also complained.A male husky was listening to there conversation."
A transfer student ?"The male husky whispered"His just like me."As the door opened everyone took there seat.They saw Wolfsbeg and Jason walking to the class most of them eyed Jason."
Good Morning Students."Wolfsberg said."
Good morning Sir!"All of the students said at the same time."
Now I would like to introduce to a new studen-"But he was cut off."
Sir Why is he attending at this school ?!"
Why is that Fox here!"
Sir you should kick him out of the school!"All of the student was complaining and wanting to kick him out but Wolfsberg wouldn't allow this."
Quite Everyone!"Wolfsberg Shouted at the classed had gone silence."I know you hate the idea but his staying here for 1 year his grades are impressive and his a honor student from his school.Please don't hate him now would you like to introduce your self Mr.Wilde ?"
Um..."Jason was hesitating to say something but he was nervous."My name is Jason Wilde Nice to meet you!"
Is he even really saying that ?"
It's probably Sarcasms."
Yea there no way we'd trust a fox."
Now for your seat Mr.Wilde your seat is..."He was trying to pick a seat for him to sit but there was only one."Your seat is at there at where Mr.WhiteFang is."he pointed at the seat which is empty right next to him was a husky.Jason nodded he walked to his desk.He arrived at his desk placed his bag at the side of the desk then took his seat he eyed the husky.The husky paid no attention to Jason he looked back at the board.He didn't notice the husky quickly eyed him then back."
A bell was heard at the distance."Well looks likes normal lecture starts tomorrow see you all tomorrow."Wolfsberg said leaving the class Jason put his notes away.He was looking something in his back but he noticed shadows."
Already ?"Jason muttered he looked up he saw young leopard."Hello."
Hello you untrustworthy scumbag!"The leopard said aggressively."How did you even enrolled in a school ?!,you probably cheated the entrance exam!"Most of the student were watching the scene.Jason was looking down he knew this would happened."
Look at me you Fox!"The Leopard grabbed Jason's collar.Jason was forced to look at him."Whatever happened that caused you to transfer here.Why not you just crowl back into mummy's arms! And not just go to school your parents are poor.all of you scumbag are not trustworthy!"Jason got anger at the inside.He wanted to punch the leopard but a voice stopped them."
Hey!"A voice yelled both of them turned to the voice they saw a husky.Jason was sitting next to walking toward them."Let him go."
Or what ?!"The leopard threatened."
I'll have you know if a teacher caught you doing this.You'll be expelled but here a worse one you smoked here's a photo of proof."The husky pulled out a smartphone opened the photo app and what they saw was the leopard smoking in the bathroom.The leopard eyes widen."You let him go and I won't show this to the teacher, but if you refuse I'll show this to the teacher deal ?"
Deal ?! That's blackmail!"The leopard said enraged."
Take it whoever you like."The husky said burying his smartphone in his pocket."
Grr...Fine!"He dropped Jason at the floor.Jason landed at his butt letting out a small thud as the leopard walking away."
Hey are you okay ?"The husky said in concern as he lend his paw to help.Jason gladly accept the paw."
Yeah I'm okay thanks..."He said standing up as he let go off the husky paw."Who was that guy ?"
His name is Peter O'Connell."The Husky said"His a was nice guy before but he turned into a bully for some unknown reason."
Anyways I'm Ken WhiteClawcHope we get along."Ken said getting ready for a paw shakecJason shook his paw."
I'm Jason Wilde me too."Jason said smiling."
1:00 Pm After School.
Jason put his things away he filt his shoulder being poked two time.Helifted his head turn to his back"Yeah Ken ?"
Look can you do me a favor."Ken asked."
Yeah ?"Jason said turning to him."
Can you come with me."Ken begged"
Too where ?"Jason asked."
Well I heard rumors about a facility saying who ever goes Whoever goes there goes crazy."Ken said Jason was in thinking position.he hope Nick wouldn't mind being a little late."
Sure I'll tag along."Jason said smiling Ken nodded."
Well let's head over ther now!"Ken said taking his bag heading to the exit with Jason following a little behind."
Outside the abandoned facility.
Well here we are let's get in!"Ken said trying to open the door but it wouldn't budge he went back to Jason."Ahh it wouldn't budge."Jason looked up to see a window was opened which gave him an idea."
Hey Ken the window!"Jason said pointing at the window Ken looked up and the idea striked him."
Right if I boost you up you might open it from the other side!"Ken said as both predator placed there bag down Ken got in position.Jason lifted his right hind leg at Ken's paws then his right hind leg Ken boosted Jason with all his strength.Jason managed to grab the edge he claimed the window then jumped down."
As expected in an abandoned facility it is all rusty and broken machines.Jason manage to open the door From his side."
There we go..."Jason said Ken got in the facility looking amazed both predator left there bag outside."
Woah..."Ken was still amazed"let's look around."Jason nodded both went further in Ken and Jason saw.something shining they both looked at each other Ken gone first because well his more stronger than Jason.Ken pulled out the wood that was blocking the path to the shining thing as Ken manage to remove the peace off wood blocking the way.Dust was covering the area both covered there mouth so they can't breath the dust and what they saw a painting with fog and spirits on the painting.it had no dust what so ever.The dust slowly went away both uncovered there mouth."
Hey it's a painting."Jason said dully."it's felt I've seen this before."Jason muttered."
But don't you think it's weird why not take it out ?"Ken asked Jason nodded.When Ken touched the painting the painting shined."What the ?!"as the painting shine even brighter.Jason and Ken can feel there body being pulled."
S-stop it!"Jason yelled he saw he paw go through the painting so as Ken."
I don't know how though!"Ken yelled."
AAAAHHH-"Jason and Ken got completely sucked In The painting.the light from the painting died like everything went back to normal."
AAAAAHHHHH!!!!"Jason and Ken yelled as they fell to the floor with huge thud both groaned in pain."
Ugh...I think my butt is cracked..."Ken said in pain as he got up painfully."
S-same here."Jason said also in pain ash he got up."Are you okay though ?"
Yeah I'm fine..."Ken said."Where are we though ?"As Jason looked around there was nothing but Fog same in his dreams."
I don't know."Jason honestly said."Let's look around."Ken nodded both explored the unknown world when they were exploring they ran into something."
Hey! Look!"Jason looked over to see a blue spirit of a female Fox."It's a freaking ghost!"
Let ask it where we are."Jason said wanting to approach the fox but Ken grabbed his shoulder."
Are your crazy!"Ken yelled the spirit heard this and looked over."
This place is no place for the living...
What ?"Jason asked."
Please! Run get out of here before they come!
As the female fox disappeared both looked at each other confused but they heard dripping.both looked at there front to see blood.Blod dripping on the fog as the blood dripping grew louder and the blood came closer.Now what cause them to go pail was a sight they wished they never saw they saw a red spirits.A lion his stomach was sliced opened and his intestine fell halfway the lion had a normal look on his face."
Jason and Ken was unable to reply because of what there seeing."
Why did you kill me...? I was about to become a father...
Until the lion changed into a muderous look on his face.that caused Jason and Ken to back away."
Until you took everything away from...I can't let you go unpunished!
W-wait we didn't kill you!"Jason tried."
I don't care who killed me all I remember a predator killed me and I'll murder you like how you Murdered_ me!_
As the lion suddenly got a knife from his paw and shot an even more me menacing glare he charged after Ken.Ken screamed in fear he tried to run bet he was pinned too fast he rises his knife."
Jason was in the back watching he couldn't let one of his new friend die."Hey you leave him alone!"Jason yelled as the spirit slowly turned to Jason.Jason backed away but stand his ground."
So you want to die first ?! Fine!
The lion got off Ken and slowly walked to Jason, but something happened the lion stopped moving all of the sudden."
Why can't I move ?! Did you do something ?!
Jason eye widen he felt his heart being burned."What....the....why is...my...chest...burning..."He fell on his knees,his chest was in pain.he clutched his chest he was panting heavily until he give out a dreadful scream off pain."
We meet again..."
Jason was still in pain his chest he supported himself with one of his paw placed on the ground.But his other was clutching his chest and was screaming in pain."
I see you want to save your friend.Are you gonna just stand there and watch ?! While that spirit is ripping your friend into pieces!"
Jason was literally in tears due to the pain in his chest."
Lets form a pack you want to save your friend correct ? Or are you gonna let him die ? Which one will you choose hmm ?"
As the pain worn off Jason hung his head and breath heavily then open his eyes looked at the spirit with his eyes blue."No I won't let him die..."
Hehehe very well I am Cenric your other self.My sword and power __shall guide you to the light.
As a blue orb came out of Jason's chest.The blue orb was floating right in front off him.Jason stood up slowly looked at the orb."
Hehehe let the games began!"Jason muttered as he grabbed the orb as the orb Jason grabbed it was shining and transforming what Ken saw was the shining orb turning into a sword when it was completed The weapon was short sword the sword had a blue as the blade the Handel as a seaber and the back at the handle had sharp pointy needles"
Jason smirked he looked at the lion with a scary look.The weapon he had summoned was a spiritual weapon...
Chapter 2 End