A Tail of Two Peoples - Of Fire and Family
#14 of A Tail of Two Peoples
This chapter, literally posted a day after the last, is because of my friend Djynn. I made a bet with him, and here is the result.
Read his story here: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1176507
A few of his cameos make appearances here. If you're familiar with Alcatraz, you'll see them. If you're not, you should be. But, whether you are or not, hope you enjoy. Remember, criticism is welcome.
"Kiri? Are you even listening to me?"
"Hmm? Oh no, sorry father," Kiri said, shaking his head sheepishly. He hadn't thought about K'eyush and Dakir in a long time. Thinking back to them had formed a sort of deep ache in his chest. They were good friends, and noble protectors.
Thinking about Aida had also caused a small ache. He and the wolfess, who'd only been a year older than him, had been close. He'd wanted to go to the adult slave building to free her too when they broke out, but Svara had warned him off, citing the risk.
And in hindsight, it was too risky. Far too risky. He probably would've been caught if he'd done so, and his friends too. Then those first ten lashes would've been nothing compared to what would've followed.
"Ah, it is of no matter anyway," Khej sighed. "Kiri, I am just so glad you're finally home. You have no idea what it means to me. But I cannot stay forever. The initiates are graduating tonight. And I'd like you to accompany me, Tes'ali and Kar'na. It'd probably mean a lot for the initiates, and boost morale."
"Me being there?" Kiri asked in surprise.
"Of course! The son of the grandmaster returns, having had to travel through all of Parai to get here, and he's willing to attend the initiate's graduations? Think on it. But we're going to have to go soon, otherwise we'll be late to the ceremony."
Kiri thought about it, realising Khej made sense. And thinking of the eager, youthful face of Tai, Kar'na could hardly refuse. He'd barely met the cat, but already felt a bond with him. Even though they hadn't even talked.
"I'll come," Kiri nodded. "Do you have something for me to wear, besides these shorts?"
"Here," Khej said, grabbing a box that, until that point, Kiri hadn't noticed. "I have a robe here for you. It'll make you stand as an assassin."
"But I'm not an assassin," Kiri protested, taking the robe anyway. "Won't it just make people think I'm being pretentious?"
"Not at all," Khej assured him. "It'll just be a curtesy. Now, come on."
Kiri hesitated another second, before donning the robe and following his father out. Taking the maze of passageways that Kiri was _certain_he'd never remember, they eventually emerged into a large chamber, which was packed with hooded and robed individuals.
Though a few of these individuals turned to look, Kiri remained mostly hidden, following his father over to a raised dais, where Khej gestured for Kiri to stand just a little behind him. _Now_Kiri felt conspicuous, since many of the assassins were staring at him over his father.
"Welcome everyone," Khej said, looking out over the crowd. "We're all gathered here today to congratulate candidates on successfully passing their trials. Though our candidates this year are...varied, we are happy to see that these ones have graduated."
He looked out over a group of individuals standing a ways off from the rest, and nodded slightly, eyes darting from one to the other.
"So, for this, we will be granting these members of our fold the rank of assassin novice, which they will hold until they have completed five assassinations. Now, unless there are objections, let us begin."
Nobody said anything, so Khej nodded and cleared his throat. "First, we have Kyl'e, the fearsome warrior, apprentice to Master Assassin Jei'orr. Kyl'e, please step forth."
From the group at the back, a tall wolf stood up and walked forth. Kiri noted that, except for the fact that this wolf was much taller and stronger, he and Kyl'e were quite similar. They even boasted similar eye colours, though Kyl'e's were much paler.
Quickly surveying the wolf, Kiri frowned when he noticed Kyl'e was missing his left ring finger. All that was left there was a stub, which was almost flush with the rest of the hand. The grey wolf glanced over, and Kiri diverted his gaze, feeling embarrassed.
"Kyl'e," Khej intoned. "You as an assassin recruit have proven your skill with a blade time and time again. Also noted, is that you are a keen and skilled freerunner. With these skills, you bear a great potential to be an assassin of note. Do you accept the charges we lay before you?"
"I do, my lord," Kyl'e answered, in a thick accent. "I will serve this guild to the best of my abilities. And should it be required, I will die in its service."
"Does anyone speak for Kyl'e?"
"I will," a grizzled jaguar said, stepping forth. "I will vouch for this assassin. He will serve our cause with honour, and prove himself worthy of the assassin title."
"And any objections?" Khej asked, eyes roving.
No one answered, most people keeping their eyes on the grandmaster
"Then Kyl'e, step forwards," Khej said, gesturing. "Traditionally, we brand the left ring finger of your hand, to signify your commitment to our order. However..."
He paused, and a small chuckle ran around the room.
"Is there a place you'd rather have it?"
"Aye, my lord," Kyl'e nodded. "I wish to have it at the back of my neck. To honour the newest brother among our fold, your returned son."
Khej seemed taken aback for a second, and Kyl'e met Kiri's eyes. The wolf could see no emotion in those eyes except one, which faintly shimmered. Respect.
"Very well," Khej nodded. "The back of your neck it shall be. Please kneel..."
Kyl'e did so, head facing towards the floor, and Khej withdrew the branding iron, pressing it quickly to the back of Kyl'e's neck. The wolf stiffened, but said nothing, making Kiri feel relief. When he'd been branded, the brander had held it there until the wolf passed out. The guild apparently wished mercy.
"Rise, Kyl'e, assassin of the Guild. Choose your target."
Kyl'e stood up and went to the board, withdrawing a small chip from it.
"Redar of the Northern Lynx," Kyl'e read aloud. "Wanted for trading...his own kind over to the Falskin."
There was a small ripple of discussion, that died out fast.
"Level one, novice target," Kyl'e finished.
"Sanction will be granted," Khej nodded. "Eliminate this faker, and return when you have completed your mission."
Kyl'e bowed, and stepped back into the crowd. He looked to Kiri again, and Kiri smiled at him, honoured at the nobleness of the wolf. Surprisingly, Kyl'e smiled back.
"Tai, rescued by clan, apprentice to Master Kar'na. Please, step forth."
The white cat did so, looking around nervously at the group of assassins around him. As he walked towards the dais, Kyl'e patted his back, and Tai looked over at him. Apparently, Kyl'e and Tai seemed to be really close, like brothers.
"Tai, at such a young age, you are already renowned amongst our assassins for your speed and foresight. Though to begin with you didn't boast much skill, your unique gifts coupled with Kar'na's tutelage have created a formidable opponent, even if you cannot see it. You are worthy of the title of assassin."
Tai bowed slightly, ears folding back in embarrassment.
"Do you accept the charges we have laid before you?"
"I do, guildmaster. I am willing to commit the rest of my life, in the service of this guild. May death overtake me if I fail."
He said that last part with a slight hesitation, though Kiri didn't blame him. Who would want to die, for any cause other than a religion?
"Does anyone speak for Tai?"
"I do," Kar'na said, stepping out of the crowd. "He is a faithful apprentice, and a skilled individual. It will be an honour to no longer call him 'apprentice', but 'brother'."
"I will as well," Tes'ali announced, stepping forth. "Having trained alongside him, I can attest he is a skilled combatant."
"And are there any objections?"
The hall was silent.
"Then Tai, step forwards."
Tai took a step forwards, as Khej pulled the brand out of the coals. He looked at Tai, then gestured for him to hold out his hand.
"Grandmaster," Tai said bowing. "If I could, I too would wish to be branded on the back of my neck. Not just for Kiri, but for all the new arrivals we can welcome into our fold."
Khej stared at him for a second, before nodding. "Kneel."
Tai did so, head bowed towards the ground. Khej took the brand and pressed it firmly against the neck. Kiri winced once, but Tai remained mostly unflinching.
"Rise Tai, assassin of the Guild. Choose your target."
Tai did so and, the list went on, with about eight new assassins being admitted. Finally, Khej looked down at his list and licked his teeth.
"Svara, former assassin of the guild, step forth."
Kiri flinched and looked down the row, where the ashamed-looking Svara was walking down. He stopped in front of the dais and waited.
"Svara," Khej began, his face emotionless. "You graduated here an assassin, but took a mission you were in no way ready for. You let your arrogance blind you, and as such, you not only failed in your mission, but ended up in a slave complex as a result. Ordinarily, such a failure would warrant banishment from the guild."
Svara cast his head to the ground, but said nothing.
"As it was, your safe return with the slaves...including my son...would have done nothing to stay your punishment. However, Kar'na informs me that, even in your failure, you lived up to the assassin code. Not only that, but you stepped outside your expectations to assist these individuals across the country. And..."
He looked over at Kar'na.
"My eldest informs me that you changed. Your once-blinding arrogance has melted away. Indeed, I see it here now. You hang your head, admitting your faults. Before, you would have challenged these accusations. You have changed."
He paused, looking down at Svara, who raised his head, slightly in confusion. Even with Kar'na's backing, he was still expecting to be banished.
"The fact that you have changed, means I am willing to extend full mercy upon you. You will be reinstated a full member of the order, at the novice rank, to choose a kill appropriate to your level of training and experience. Do you accept these charges I lay before you?"
"I..." Svara hesitated, and Khej had to resist quirking an eyebrow. Old Svara would have snatched that up so fast, Khej wouldn't have even been finished speaking. However, it seemed the young fox truly had changed.
"I...I do. I do, guildmaster."
"Any objections?"
"Aye," a grizzled bear (pun intended) growled, stepping forth. "This welp not only failed in his mission, but he nearly cost the lives of a fellow assassin, who had to go complete his mission. I care not what he's done, or how he's changed, there still must be a punishment."
"I concur!" a young looking ferret said, stepping forth. "This fox has no place among us!"
A couple other assents ran about the room, but no one else stepped forwards.
"Objections noted. Now, does anyone stand for Svara?"
"I do!" Kar'na growled, stepping forth and turning to face the group of assassins. "Listen to you all! Has not one of us made a mistake in our history? Are you all so pure? This assassin has gone above and beyond what was required. I not only stand with him, but nominate him for the position of Assassin Adept!"
"I agree!" Kyl'e said, stepping forth. "If half of what I've heard of Svara's change is true, he fits among us as a full assassin."
"Absolutely!" an orange-furred fox said, stepping out from behind Kyl'e. He was one of the new assassins too. Kiri vaguely remembered his name. Kiah.
"I support Svara too!" Kiri said to his father.
"Ineligible!" the bear shouted back.
"Kiri," Khej said, turning slightly to look at his son. "As an individual not even holding the rank of assassin Recruit, you have no voice."
"But I stand with them!" a voice shouted from the back, vaguely familiar to Kiri. Maybe it belonged to one of the assassins who had greeted him on their arrival. "Svara must be admitted."
"Five are in acceptance, two are against. Svara will be accepted, at the rank of assassin novice."
"Adept!" Kar'na cut in. "We the masters, are in agreement, twelve against four, that Svara be admitted as an Adept!"
"Then it shall be," Khej nodded. "Svara, your brothers have spoken. You stand a full member of the guild, at the rank of assassin Adept! Congratulations. Serve your brothers well."
The room erupted into cheers, which Khej cut off with a raised hand.
"But..." he continued. "Fail me again, and I will not be so merciful. Banishment will be the least punishment."
"I understand, guildmaster. I will serve this brotherhood to the best of my abilities."
"Then we are in agreement," Khej smiled. "This council is adjurned. Everyone, return to your duties."
Khej stepped off of the podium, Kiri following right behind. Though Kiri wanted to talk to Kyl'e and Tai, he was sure he'd get a chance later.
"Kiri, wait!" that familiar voice from earlier called out. Kiri, curious, stopped and turned, looking back. There, a familiar-looking lynx was standing. Though one eye seemed clawed out, and he was missing his left hand, his face was unmistakable. And impossible.
"K'eyush?" Kiri asked numbly, as the lynx pushed aside the others in his way. "K'eyush?!"
The wolf rushed over, and caught the lynx in a huge embrace, which the lynx returned.
"Kiri!" K'eyush said excitedly. "I'm so happy to see you!"
"How are you here?"
"I escaped," K'eyush said, as a familiar-looking caracal came from the crowd, beaming as well. "Dakir and I both did."
"How?" Kiri demanded again, still stunned. "The guards told us Chach killed you!"
"He almost did," Dakir agreed. "The lynx here was slashed across the face, before Chach threw him into me by his arm. It was a break that never would have healed properly. And I was knocked unconscious."
"The guards, after subduing Chach, realised I would never be a use to them again. So they took me out back and...well, buried me alive."
"By the time I came to, Lydi told me where K'eyush had gone," Dakir explained. "I ran out there and, with him digging from the bottom and me from the top, we got him out just in time. He almost died."
"And though I lived," K'eyush said, looking at his missing left hand. "It would never be the same. We escaped the camp in the night and escaped to the border, through insane luck. Once we made it there, we were directed to the guild by your father."
"We found sanctuary here, and joined as assassins. Though..."
"My arm was too far gone," K'eyush sighed. "They had to amputate my hand. And let me tell you, that wasn't any fun."
"We always meant to come back for you and the others," Dakir explained. "But we needed more than just us, and the guild was too busy with the war to be of any help to us. We planned to break everyone out of that hellhole. But apparently, you beat us to it."
"And I'm so sorry for ever leaving," K'eyush said, head bowed. "Will you ever be able to forgive me?"
"Of course!" Kiri exclaimed, hugging him and Dakir both. "You guys are the only reason I survived my first week."
"Aida too," Dakir commented.
"She's still back at the mines," Kiri said, a lance of guilt stabbing through him. "She moved to the adult section a year before our escape."
"We would have been able to get you guys out years earlier," K'eyush said, thinking about it. "If we'd simply known you were Khej's_son. Though not the guildmaster at the time, he still _was a Master Assassin. He held considerable sway."
A low boom shook the fortress, and Dakir glanced up with a frown. "The hell was that?"
"Attack!" the lynx who guarded the ravine on their way in shouted, rushing in. "We're under attack!"
"By whom, Tai'naer?" Kar'na asked, rushing over to the lynx, who was bloodied and covered in dust. "What's happening?"
"Lord Drysenn!" Tai'naer gasped out. "He's here! And he's brought an entire army!"