Alcatraz Ch. XVII-Morpheus
#22 of Alcatraz
It isn't that hard to figure out who exactly the first part is written from, but I figured I should make clear it isn't Tai.
First person gets hard to swap characters to/from because unless you explicitly state or give a general idea as to who it is, it's kind of eh
I use first person to kind of say "hey, main character here" but sometimes I use it for mystery and drama and don't give any hints at all.
May/may not include some sort of indicator. Ive been thinking about it a day or two so we'll see, I'm going to be editing a lot if so.
I'd say if there's any chapter you can't just dive into it's this one. Might have to go back and look at things.
If you haven't noticed I changed my profile pic to spice things up, wanted something that looked more my taste anyways, cred. to Kenket.
It isn't that hard to figure out who exactly the first part is written from, but I figured I should make clear it isn't Tai.
First person gets hard to swap characters to/from because unless you explicitly state or give a general idea as to who it is, it's kind of eh
I use first person to kind of say "hey, main character here" but sometimes I use it for mystery and drama and don't give any hints at all.
May/may not include some sort of indicator. Ive been thinking about it a day or two so we'll see, I'm going to be editing a lot if so.
I'd say if there's any chapter you can't just dive into it's this one. Might have to go back and look at things.
Unknown Soldier
I lay on the ground, unable to move. My vision is cloudy.
I can see bright orange lights from the barrels of guns and fires in windows.
Glasglow has been under siege for a full week, and I've been here all that time.
Jinn has organized their troops into several arms reaching through the city, with guerilla crews scattered.
And traps. Lots of those.
It's the dead of night, and in the day the sky's black from all the smoke, but the sun isn't piercing anymore.
A car bomb went off just next to me, flinging me across the street, why I'm lying on the ground now.
My unit was to take this street but Jinn's troops form a human wall, an armed one.
I hear the call for retreat, and my unit leaves their cover and darts off.
I see one of my buddies up the street, his leg mangled by the blast. He's dead. Just to make sure one of the Jinn guys breaks formation and caps him in the head.
"What about Brodrick?!"
"Leave him! He's dead!"
Those sounds pierce through the chaos like the wheels of hell turning, and I know I'm dead.
As if I wasn't before.
The masked terrorists move down the street, looting us.
One rolls me onto my back, and I groan.
He, she, what shred of identity isn't lost against the mask, flinches and draws their gun.
"Wait! That one isn't injured as bad. We have our orders."
I can only muster a pitiful look as I'm lifted by each limb and carried into the heart of Glasglow.
The burning, bleeding, screaming heart of Glasglow.
And the wheels of hell yet turn.
Staring at myself in the mirror, I was somewhat...
By all means, physically and otherwise I was much better off.
My ribs were harder to see, I wasn't thin, and I seemed to be taller.
Muscles in my arms that weren't prominent against fur and bone before were bulging- hours of intense sparring adding up.
Tracing a hand along my lower chest I had abs.
I never thought I'd have abs.
I never thought I'd live to be 19.
Not that my time mattered much anyways.
But it wasn't me, it was too different. I was a stranger to myself.
I'd rather be weak, malnourished, unimproved.
Who stares back at me from the other side?
Maybe I would just never be pleased but somewhere Tai was still back in Gibraltar wanting to be in Norway.
And I was here in Norway, missing hell.
I walked over to my lamp to cut it off, moonlight spilling through the frosted window as I did.
My room was a little less empty than a month ago, a few books on top of my table, a half-finished water bottle and clothes outside the bathroom door.
Besides that some curious difference came to me, and I couldn't place it.
Maybe everything wasn't so...
I felt like I might just belong here. Maybe I just felt ungrateful and needed to reconcile myself.
Pulling the sheets up over me my hands were still hovering at the lamp switch and I cut it.
Fluffing up my pillow, it wasn't the first time I'd been tempted to grab the flimsiest blanket and hardest pillow and go downstairs to the common just to have some semblance of before-
A figure stood in front of my window.
Sitting up and throwing my pillow away I lifted from its place my pistol, moving the irons straight to the head in just under a second, before it could move-
A click.
I pulled the trigger again, just to hear the same sounds.
I could barely see who it was against the silhouette of the moonlight in the window, but an arm came in front of their chest as if they were checking a watch.
"What is that, .22? Shoot that at me and it'll bounce off. Don't tell me you're scared of higher calibers."
"Who the hell are you?"
"You know who I am."
Of course I did.
Lynx stepped out from the window, the mask making me jump as soon as I saw it.
For a moment it was all I could focus on, not lowering the gun despite it being ineffective without ammunition.
Ammunition I'd loaded just the night before, per Riddick's advice I keep a gun under my pillow. ANZU was no joke.
"You been taking those pills?"
I looked to the bottle I'd placed on my dresser right next to me, filled apart from the one I'd taken that night.
She gave a sigh. "You need to. I'm not your caretaker, you're going to fucking die if you don't, isn't that incentive enough?"
"So if a strange terrorist comes into my room at night and gives me pills"-
"Oh, shut up. When you're on your deathbed you'll wish you had."
To appease her I unscrewed the cap and took one.
I really had no misconceptions about what they did or trusting her, some odd instinct inside me that made me feel an odd calm around her.
"How do I even know they have an effect?"
"You won't, until..."
"Until what?"
She didn't answer my question, I guess I already knew.
I wouldn't die as quick.
Approaching me, I tightened my grip on the gun. It was in my off hand and wasn't aimed, not to mention it wouldn't fire anything, but it gave me some measure of security.
Lynx sat on the edge of my bed just as last time, casting a few glances out the window.
"If you're wondering I got in here earlier while you all were eating dinner and took your rounds. Figured I'd scope out before talking to you."
I edged the gun away, feeling a little bit less secure as I did.
"Do you have to talk to me directly?"
She would be frowning if a giant grin wasn't painted to her face.
"Am I supposed to send pills in the mail?"
"Well, can't you just leave them?"
"For someone else to find?"
"Do you always answer questions with questions?"
She seemed taken aback. I myself was.
Sarcastically rattling the pill bottle, she handed it to me and I set it on my nightstand.
Looking back to her she was gone.
A state of shortlived shock hit me as I looked around and found her standing right next to me, grabbing my pills off the nightstand and briskly walking to my clothes bag outside the bathroom door.
Her movements blended with the shadow as she passed through moonlight, becoming invisible for moments.
Eventually as she crouched down to my bag, pills in hand, all I could see even in the moonlight was that terrifying mask.
I felt the same utter loathing I had when Opera wanted to shake my hand, but I didn't hate Lynx.
I just hated that mask, and more than anything I wanted her to get rid of it. I wanted to see what was underneath.
But then again, she'd rip my guts out.
Probably hang me from them.
She did some messed up things but then again, I did worse.
I did much, much, worse...
"Stow these in your clothes bag, no one's going to look in there."
She walked over to the window, looking back out. "I didn't get tailed this time but I didn't bother with the cameras. There's a path in and out when they're swiveling but it's tight and only happens every 20 minutes."
"Are all Jinn specialists like that?"
"Like what?"
"So... Byzantine."
"Ah, you have fancy words now? I have a lot of experience. Took a lot of bullets. More bullets, more experience..."
I settled back down on my pillow, that same odd calm coming over me as Lynx sat back down on the edge.
I didn't close my eyes; what shred of instinct I had was strong but not that strong.
Just as last time I wanted to ask her why she was still here, but that would be rude.
"Anything interesting happen earlier today, Tai?"
"Well... I was talking to Reyna, about, well... A lot of things." I began.
I realized she wanted to speak about what happened at noon but that odd instinct was still with me.
"What did you speak to Trojan about, then?" She was clearly annoyed and didn't hide it.
"I..." I began, sheepishly, "Reyna knows I have Janus."
Showing no regard for her stealth, Lynx stood up and did a 180, looking behind me... Towards the direction of Reyna's room.
"She's fucking smart but she can't be that smart..."
"I don't know how either."
Massaging her temple, though it did nothing but for the mask it gave her some measure of identity beyond the fear.
"You Janus kids are..." She said something in an Asian language. "White elephants."
"I'm a white cat."
"Shut up, Tai."
I placed my pistol on my nightstand.
"Can I get my rounds back?"
She didn't respond, instead turning back towards the window.
Someone was trying to kill her, she'd mentioned. I wondered if they were here now.
"You're Jinn." I said, dumbly.
"So why should I let you in on anything?"
It was very dangerous to say something like that to her and as it scarcely left my tongue I realized it.
To my surprise, she didn't threaten to kill me.
Or actually kill me, for that matter.
"Because we care about your well-being. Otherwise we'd just let GRA have you. You're dead in about half a year without our pills so we're busting our asses to get them here. Does that say commitment?"
"You want to recruit me? Is that it?"
Her words tipped me off.
This was what the mysterious assassin was after.
I hadn't sat up in bed to speak to her, she was just past my peripherals but her mask was still lit up.
"You are the most valuable person in the world, Tai. So many factions have stake in you. If you knew why, you would kill yourself."
As if it were the moon's eternal cycle, Lynx's mask waned from the edge until it was dark.
No sound, no opening of the window, nothing obvious.
But I knew she was gone.
A knock at my door, I slowly opened my eyes.
Groaning as I shifted over in bed, I couldn't remember falling asleep but last night's memories weren't so hazy for once.
I decided I would leave those memories, just for then. Too much to think about between yesterday and then.
Opening my door, the hyena was standing there, arms folded.
"Marshall wants us downstairs."
"What time is it?"
"7:40. P.M."
I looked out my window to confirm it was true- in the late fall's night, sure enough it was black outside.
"W-... So late?"
"You slept through the entire day. When did you start sleeping in at all?"
"When I discovered the joys of first world life."
I was startlingly hungry, and I noticed Riddick eyeing a pill that must have spilled on my bed.
"Some joys aren't so great, Tai. Fuck are you doing with those pills?"
"It's not like that, they're just to help me sleep," I lied.
"Jeez, might want to cut back on them."
Rubbing my eyes, I went to pull on a shirt.
If the pills did cause me to fall into what equates to a coma, why hadn't they adversely affected me the first time?
"We doing anything important today? Er, did you guys do anything important earlier today?"
"Jake ran sims since we've been screwing around all week, but I'm sure Marshall's going to give us something to do tomorrow whenever we get down there."
Maybe we'd be going to kill someone else.
Ah, I didn't mean that... But the blood on my hands haunted me still.
I studied my teammates.
They had no remorse.
Walking out the door, everything was quiet and Riddick and I passed no one.
"What were you doing down in commons yesterday? I was going to the kitchen but Jake stopped me, told me important stuff was going."
"Uh... Yeah, Marshall wanted to... talk to me about stuff."
"Like what?"
Hey, one person already knew I was slowly dying.
"Just tactics."
"Everyone puts so much emphasis on training you."
"I am... New to all of this."
I was expecting the usual questions about my lack of formal training, but then remembered I'd gone over it with some half baked dodgy answer to everyone by now.
Riddick continued walking. We were unlikely, the foreigner and the angry one, but I'd never had trouble starting up a conversation with him.
Something was troubling him, but you could never tell with Riddick.
I didn't press him for it, walking downstairs we went through the kitchen and then into commons.
Everyone else was already there, curious expressions on their face. Except the jackal, Marshall, and...
Whoever he was.
The new arrival was a fox with the reddest fur I'd ever seen, just as tall as Kyle and as muscular as Jake.
Two black diamond shaped rings of fur around his narrow eyes, themselves a dark blue.
In fact, he looked menacing, despite the sly smile on his face.
As soon as he made eye contact I looked away for once.
"Riddick, Tai, fall in."
I moved beside Kyle, Riddick on the other side of me.
I remembered my initial reaction to him was the same, I wouldn't meet his eyes, but in some way Kyle reminded me of myself.
This one was different.
"Everyone, this is Isaac Brodrick. He's been serving in the GRA for 6 years, though this is his first time with the GSS."
Marshall was reading off a dossier, and he was almost less intimidating in Isaac's presence.
The sly grin, one hand in his pocket, he looked like the type that would offer you something and as soon as you got close pull a knife and...
Marshall was about to say something else but Isaac nudged him, smile still on his face.
He'd look very handsome, I guess, if I was a girl.
Tall, dark, eyes could melt you...
Shut up, Tai...
"Like Leftenant Marshall said, my name's Isaac."
His voice had the brogue of a far northerner, but it was sharp enough to cut right through you.
"I'm 25. Wasn't as lucky to get to GSS as quick as you," he chuckled. "I was in Glasglow when we pushed out Jinn, lot of fun that was. Now I guess you'll have to put up with me. Leftenant?"
Marshall cleared his throat and put down the dossier. Usually he liked to have things prepared; he'd have memorized the whole dossier, but there was something off.
We hadn't been informed anyone new was coming and surprises only pissed Marshall off.
"As he said..." Marshall dropped the dossier onto a table beside him, then realizing anyone could pick it up there, quickly snatched it back up.
"I have some... News, for you all, team. We may have another assignment soon, I'll get the details in the coming days, but..."
He shifted on his feet, uncomfortable.
I went to share a look with Riddick but the hopeless hyena was still staring at Isaac.
"Isaac is, under direct orders from my superiors, to take Jake's place as team leader."
Ripples of shock ran through us and all eyes settled on the wolf at the far end, eyes wide, face in distraught.
Jake's gaze shifted from Marshall to Isaac and back.
The fox gave a respectful but slight nod towards him.
"You'll be relieved of your leader duties effective immediately, and you may now function as a regular on Global 201."
I knew something like this would make Jake explode but he was keeping it in for the newcomer, and it would come out later.
Isaac began going down the line, meeting everyone, having a bit of conversation.
Against the dim lights of the lamps and fireplace, the darkness out the large windows of the commons, his visage was almost devilish.
Rochelle seemed particularly eager to make conversation, Reyna seemed relatively uninterested.
Riddick was fidgeting in excitement.
Isaac came to me, darkened even more by his silhouette against the fireplace.
All I could see clear was his devilish smile, and his eyes.
This time, I stared into them.
As he extended his hand, I absently took it, not breaking eye contact.
He grinned slightly.
"And you are?"
"Huh. Nice to meet you." He grinned wider, his teeth pearly and sharp.
He hadn't grinned for anyone else.
"Rookie? Well, you'll grow out of it, kid. I'll help in any way I can, trust me."
We stared at one another, iron grip, for a full ten seconds before I finally pulled away.
"Nice to meet you, Tai."
I'd offered nothing but my name.
I wasn't going to offer him anything else.
Norway is very peaceful at night.
Oh, not the cities or the wilderness.
Find yourself some slums.
Everywhere has em'. Especially after the GRA takes power there. I love slums.
No one'll bother you, and those that do run away! They don't call the cops, or all fan out around you.
Ask what you're doing in a kabuki mask with the Jinn eye on your armor.
No, they stay in the shadows.
Unlike that rat bastard that had been tailing me the last hour.
"I think I've walked far enough, Ajax. This look like a good place to fight?"
With a loud metal clank, the warrior dropped down from his perch on a nearby roof.
"Didn't put you off as that dumb. Still remember what I taught you, huh?" His voice was almost more distorted than last time, and I wondered why he hadn't killed me while he had the chance.
"Your lessons always got me into more trouble than anything."
"You're in a lot of trouble now. Since we found out you were in Norway, there's a lot more people after your head. As well as the Red Phantom."
"I killed her years ago..." My voice reduced to a rasp, angry.
Ajax chuckled.
"I almost feel bad killing you. If I still used guns you'd be dead a hundred times over."
"Spare me your bleeding heart, traitor."
"You Jinn folk like to throw that word around a lot, don't you?"
I bridged the gap between us, daggers meeting with blade. This time I would cap him, I'd use more than my blades, he was going to play my game.
And if what he said about the Red Phantom was true...
So would she.
I'd decided to go back to bed after the meeting.
I was still feeling miserably tired, so I figured it was the best thing to do.
Maybe I should have eaten food first, but whatever.
Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to have my ribs showing again...
Sleep is uneventful. Let me skip some time.
"Tai, if you're hearing this, good job. Your training has begun."
I sat up quickly, and that odd instinct flooded me. Looking around, I was there in my own mind again.
My own.. Empty mind. Completely surrounded by the white void.
Not all empty, though.
Looking up, Ariya was standing over me.
Her hair wasn't buzzed as it was last, but long and down to her shoulders.
She didn't look... well, hard as last time. Yesterday she'd been wearing dogtags over a plain white tee and multicam pants.
Now she was wearing a black tee- some sort of band's logo on it. Ripped jeans. I supposed this was what she'd look like outside of GRA.
But in the heightened state I sensed this was only who she wanted to be, never who she was.
"Everything you hear me say is just an imprint in your mind. I'm not the real Ariya, and the real Ariya doesn't know what takes place here. Understand?"
She was speaking Arabic and it threw me off for a moment.
"Yeah... So, what's this... Training?"
"Like I said last time, I left memories in your head that aren't inherently yours. They're from other afflicts that learned to control their powers. You're to study them and replicate them."
It didn't seem like I'd cause much harm in a place like this.
"Will anything happen in... You know, real life?"
"No. Unless you stay in here too long and it merges. And whatever you do," She grabbed me by the shoulders and made me look into her eyes.
"Don't. Stay. Too. Long. Understood?"
"How long is too long?"
"You'll know when... Strange things start happening."
I gave a nod and then began to walk a distance away from her.
"Do you understand, Tai?"
"What? Yes! I nodded."
"But this is extremely important."
I gave another nod.
Just when I was about to ask her how I was going to access these memories, that strange feeling of water flooding my head weighted me down again.
I sank to the ground and looked back to her, Ariya nodded to me.
Giving a look into the void, I wasn't sure what else was out there but I had faith the gray fox would keep it from me if I was out.
Little faith, but faith nonetheless.
The dog lifted his brown furred hand, a corkscrew of fire around it.
As he withdrew it, the flames faded out of existence.
"You're doing fine, Markus. If you can simply rekindle it a few more times..."
Shakily, Markus returned his arm to level, palm opened.
"Mr. Clarke, I don't think you should be in the room, after what happened last time"-
"No, it's important for you to trust in yourself. In the field, you have to keep calm for this type of thing."
I suddenly felt conscious of myself inside of him, and everything grew dark for a moment.
Just observe, Tai. Don't try to move or think. Observe.
Don't try to think?
I know people who find it easy to be braindead, just do the same.
One of Markus' ears reflexively twitched, as if a bug had flown near it.
"A-alright. I'll try my best, then."
Lifting his arm once more, the curl of flames wreathed from bicep to wrist.
"Don't tense up, Markus."
This is the last 24 hours of his life?
Y-... Oh fuck, we're at the wrong time.
What do you mean?
Shit, you gotta leave, Tai...
Why? What-
"Markus, don't tense!"
A firey explosion, bodies and bones dissolving, screams that never came out.
I woke up with a gasp to find Ariya was laying on the ground next to me, panting as I was.
Sitting up, I put one hand on my heart.
I could feel my heart throbbing in my chest and in a quiet place such as this, swore I could hear it.
Looking over to Ariya, she was staring at the ground in shock.
"Is... Is that what you're training me to do?"
"Wha- No! God, no... I didn't mean for you to see any of that, I just picked someone at random and it happened to be one of the ones I wasn't going to show... Ugh."
She sat up next to me.
"I'm sorry you had to see that, Tai."
I didn't respond, just stared at the ground.
In the time I'd been... Markus, it was almost as if I'd lived his life.
I can't remember much of his life, but it was like I was Markus for a time. I knew everything there was to know about him.
- Mutt. New Alaska.
And I felt him scorching.
"A-are we done here?"
"Yeah. I think you've been in here a while anyways."
I gave a sigh.
I didn't know what to feel.
I'd just died.
I hadn't, but...
I guess that was what it felt like.
"When I leave are you going to be conscious here?"
She looked at me funny.
"That's like asking a toaster what it's like to be cut off. I don't exist."
"Well, you're here, aren't you?"
"So you exist here."
Ariya gave a sigh.
"Damn, now I'm going to be thinking about it the rest of my immortal life. Thanks, Tai."
"Ah, sorry."
"No, I'm kidding." She grinned. "I'm not conscious whenever you aren't here. Unless you want me to be?"
"No, I wouldn't leave you here all day..."
I looked around.
I wanted to stay here and badger her with so many more endless questions... But I couldn't, could I?
My brain would fry, or whatever.
I turned to look at her, and found her staring at me.
We held eye contact, if there was tacitness in a man's mind something passed.
It wasn't awkward at all.
Maybe it was just a Janus thing.
"You're a strange person, Tai."
I gave no response.
Standing up, I looked around again.
Ariya, the real one, said there was something to be found out there.
Maybe if I could control all variables, or at least learn to, I could traverse the void.
Not that there was much point to traversing a void... But I was curious what was locked away in my head.
And why I of all people couldn't see it.
Ariya gave a gasp and as I looked back at her, her hand went to her temple.
"What is it?"
She shook her head.
"Some... Signal, coming from far off. I can't read it, but..."
The ground quaked underneath us violently, and I fell back down.
It stopped after five seconds exact.
"It's rapidly accelerating our time here, you need to leave. Now."
"What about real time? Is that moving fast too?"
"I-I can't tell!" She flinched and clutched at her shoulder.
I noticed a black spot was spreading from under it, clothes and fur alike, as if a piece of paper were being burned.
"D-Don't worry about me! Just leave!"
She stared at me blankly.
In retrospect, it's like explaining to someone how to breathe.
"I... I can't..."
I watched the black splotch spread.
Maybe it was the burning of my own psyche.
Ariya fell to her knees and I ran towards her.
As she reached out a hand she dissolved into black mist, and I ran through her.
Stopping dead in my tracks I began to break out in a cold sweat as the void darkened and black clouds began to form overhead as if it were a storm in the night, bathing everything in a dark blue light.
The real Ariya was too smart to try to contact someone with practically no control of their powers from across the globe, but she did anyways.
It was too dark to see the black mist that she'd dissolved into, but as the rain began to pour I felt sick to my stomach.
Another quake from the ground, this time accompanied by a howl of wind.
I fell onto my back and hit my head hard, the rain practically drowning me...
I wondered what my team would think... Tai had been asleep for almost a day, send someone to check on him...
But he's dead...
What it would do to them, Reyna especially.
Well at least I had Isaac to fill in my gap...
As I closed my eyes the world became null to me.
I was dead, wasn't-
The wind battered me so hard I staggered into the side of a building.
A building?
I was at some sort of port, and the water was filled with bodies.
Some had Jinn masks, some had GRA armor. Some looked like civs caught in the crossfire...
The sky was gray.
And my fur was red.
My hands especially, and I looked to someone lying underneath me, whose face I cannot tell.
There was a large hole in their chest and I looked at their heart laying next to them.
Had I...
I turned to face the voice, so much weight on my soul, such familiarity but I still couldn't tell anything...
I saw their face, and I knew who it was but I forgot instantly...
They fired a gun and I felt pain in my stomach, but didn't move.
More shots came, but I was frozen.
Clicks, the ones you'd get if you were out of ammo.
The figure threw a large blade at me, lodging in my chest.
It should have pierced my heart. But I was still intact...
I didn't know more or less what was going on, let alone what happened.
The water was at my back, the figure towards the land. I had no indication of where we were but I had a feeling this was the most pivotal point I would come to.
That it was real, somewhere.
Was I seeing what could have been, or what could be?
Or what will be?
Everything began to fade, and I fell to my knees, incredibly weak.
My head was throbbing, the lack of feeling granted by the recess of my mind gone.
Looking around, I was in the void again... But it was black.
There was another figure, but I could tell who he was.
The hair between his ears was longer, spiked out wildly.
His other eye was covered by an eyepatch, and up that side of his face black veins like some unholy rot crept up to the wound.
It was still fresh--he was bleeding profusely from under the eyepatch.
He approached me, and fell to his knees as well.
To mirror me.
He was me.
I stared back at Tai, and I could see through the mangy hair that his eye was gold like mine- but trading white for black.
His fur was grayer, and darker.
He opened his mouth to speak, but only convulsed and then closed it.
Shivering, he was wearing some sort of robes the same color as everything else was.
Looking back up after a moment to try again, I realized there were red holes in him.
"W-whatever you do... You have to kill her..."
"W-wait, what is this? What's going on?"
He spread his arms shakily, and an image of someone appeared.
I didn't know her, even then, but her face was lost to me as was the ones from the port.
But anger welled up inside of me, anger and sorrow.
"You... Need to kill her..."
Screaming adversely, I lunged at him and began to beat myself to death.
"Tai, please! Stop!"
Tears welled up in the corner of his good eye, blood as well, but I didn't cease.
"It h-hurts, please!"
I was still screaming at him, hurling insults that I'd never say otherwise, ones that surprised me...
I stopped after I began to tire.
His eye closed, Tai didn't make effort to look back up at me.
"I know it's going to hurt... But you have... To..."
I'd killed myself.
I was covered in his blood, and I didn't even know why I'd killed him.
"The gates lie open."
Anyone could have said it, him, someone unnoticed before...
But I had a suspicion it was me.
I remember no more from the hellscape, but I would never stay long enough to return to it.
Prospects for the future?
Weird mindfuckery?
Find out next time...
Or next... Y'know, book...
Or y'know... The one after...
Btw title's a bit of a joke on how much Tai is sleeping this chapter haha
For once there's no timeskip between this chapter and the next one as I've planned so far, but I'll get right on it
Before I go would like to thank kythl moonpaw for the shoutout, much appreciated bro
Stay frosty