Fourth Text: In the Rain
"The arms of the one you love can make you move up to a beautiful paradise, when you have them around you. Feeling like your body is protected by the warmth and affection of your soul mate; makes you live some seconds of that inexplicable feeling that everyone seeks, that everyone wants ..." Rebecca Anilson
Part 4: In the Rain
"Lucky?" 'Oh please! Mom! Not now! I'm just sleeping....'
"Lucky?" He was being called again, 'Mom... please, give me some minutes more'
"Lucky" The voice started to sound louder, Lucky just opened his eyes and saw the little Angel looking at him.
"Lucky! Come on! The sun is already giving us its warmth" Lucky rubbed his eyes, and at last he was conscious of what was happening around him.
"A...Angel?" Lucky could barely open his eyes. "How... Did I fall asleep?" Lucky could finally see everything clear, he closed his eyes again and once he opened them he saw two beautiful blue jewels.
"Sleeping there, right next to me?" Angel asked concerned about the reaction that Lucky just showed, but she thought that was just because he was already waking up.
"I can't remember the moment I fell asleep" Lucky got up then, shaking his body to be more lucid, he was feeling very tired.
"That happens a lot Lucky, you shouldn't worry" Angel giggled and she jumped from the second level falling on the soft hey of the first level, she was very happy that morning, Lucky followed her with slow steps jumping too, falling next to her, his head was really hurting him. Angel did not noticed that and got up walking happily to the door, then she stopped and looked back at Lucky, he was walking really slow, Angel now ran next to him.
"Lucky what's the matter? You don't look good" Lucky took a deep breath and he looked at Angel smiling
"It's nothing Angel; I just... slept too late." Lucky shook his head, and then he placed himself in an upright position, now he had his eyes wide opened, and his body was answering him in the way he wanted, finally he was completely awake. Angel, just concerned asked again.
"Are you sure you're o.k.?" Lucky started to walk with a normal rhythm to the door.
"As you can see..." Lucky jumped and looked to Angel with a bright smile, he looked so good with the sun touching his back and ears, Angel smiled shyly looking at that wonderful pup. "I'm completely fine right now"
"Good!" Angel went where Lucky was standing with little jumps, prancing "We need the breakfast, we're still on time." Lucky walked out of the barn.
"Come then you will share breakfast with us."
And the bell rang, making all the Dalmatian puppies run in the direction of the "chow tower". Nanny was following the routine of the day, even in the cold days like that one. Lucky and Angel were already there, both of them waiting for the small pieces of tasty food. Lucky heard the barks of the other pups running on their way to have their breakfast, and he remembered something.
"Uh... Angel..." Lucky asked shyly. "Do you mind if I stand behind you?" Angel turned her look to him.
"Why would you do that?"
"Trust me on this one" Lucky walked behind her.
The ground began to quake, Lucky made an effort his paws were trying to stand on the ground, and he closed eyes waiting for the big smash he was going to receive, they were very close. Then the Dalmatians arrived to the chow tower, everyone just crashed against the body of Lucky, and he was thrown above Angel, directly to the container filled with kibble. Angel looked at the container looking for Lucky while the other pups started to eat. She saw one of his ears, and she bit it to pull it and with it pull Lucky out of that place. The first thing he said was.
"Are you all right?" Angel giggled and Lucky walked out of the container.
"You see? I knew that was going to happen" Angel smiled to him, saying with that expression a tender 'Thank you' Lucky just nodded and he offered Angel to start having her meal. "Well Angel, breakfast is served."
"Where were you all night?" Scamp asked to Angel, she tried to calm him.
"There" A paw pointed to the barn. "I was just curious Scamp; I wanted to know how it was."
"Did you spend the night next to that dog?" Angel just let escape a sigh from her mouth.
"Yes, but I didn't do anything with him, I just slept on hey." Scamp trusted very much in that pup, they have a history, and Scamp never would think she was lying, and she was not.
"I'm sure he is your friend, right? Or...Do you feel something for him?" Angel answered sincerely to him, even looking to him into his eyes, that was one of her most remarkable qualities, hypocrisy were never in her acts, never in her life.
"I... I have strong feelings for him" Scamp looked down, maybe scared, maybe upset, maybe both; he just couldn't believe that was happening, he was actually losing her.
But then came the awful question, 'What to do now? Going after him? Fight him? Talk to him?' Scamp was confused about what to do; obviously he wanted to recover his beloved Angel, but doing something could just make things worse. The anger of Scamp was growing anytime he was thinking about that, soon, he was just going to do something crazy.
"Why are you always thinking about him?" She looked to her friend and just tried to lie to her and herself.
"I was not thinking about him" She said raising her voice louder than the normal, her mind was having lots of thoughts lately, trying to understand her heart, even knowing that is impossible to understand the feelings.
"Come on Rebecca, I know better than anyone that you can't forget him, it is never that easy." Spot were always the conscience of the group, always trying to keep them away from danger, she was rarely heard, but she always tried to say what she was thinking, even when after everything she sees herself into a big trouble. Those made of her a wise friend, someone you can always trust.
"Remember I've had... I have my story... but you have to believe me, I'm trying to forget that stupid dog.
"Remember he is my friend" The chicken got up and he looked to the pup. "He uses to be very impulsive, doing before thinking."
"Tell me about it." Rebecca said with harsh voice, she was still feeling resentment to Lucky, even when in her mind was the thought that she already forgot him.
"But he is not a bad guy, I'm still impressed that he listened to you, and actually believed in your words, Lucky is not like that." Rebecca leaned her head to the ground, remembering that weird day, and the crazy night.
"I know he's not bad or at least that he doesn't mean any harm." And the typical sound of a soft sigh came out before she continues speaking. "But it would be good to see a change in him; he doesn't care about many things that are actually important." Spot smiled to her knowing better than the little Rebecca what was happening in the soul of that pup.
"Did you hear something about a bracelet?" Rebecca was still laying on the ground, showing sad eyes, melancholic, remembering that night, she hated it, and at the same liked it.
"Of course, I hope the new pup doesn't fall on those dangerous claws." Spot knew very well the little Rebecca, and she chuckled.
"You know Rebecca, it seems the new has the dangerous claws" Finally Rebecca raised her head to see the eyes of the chicken, waiting for an answer, a distant sounds was heard, a thunder, announcing a new storm.
"What... do you mean with that Spot?" Spot was still smiling; she was waiting for that, a little light, a little hope for the pup that had her heart broken.
"That is Angel, She captured Lucky, you should see him now; he is not the same." Rebecca was still questioning her friend's words; she just could not believe her.
"He is worse I think, I envy that Angel, she really looks good."
"Oh she does I won't deny that, but listen Rebecca, I don't know what they have talked about or what have they done, but I saw Lucky, he's absolutely other, no more arrogant, he's not longer that arrogant pup you knew, y you should see him."
"Why are you telling me this Spot?" Spot did not wanted to tell her the real reasons of her own words.
"I just wanted you to know."
"I have forgiven him" Rebecca got up, walking across Spot looking directly to her, telling her with her eyes that she was not going to hear that anymore.
"You didn't tell him that" Rebecca sighed and walked away next to Spot again.
"I know I did, I he doesn't need to know it."
"Then you're not forgiving him Rebecca, you just want to feel good with yourself, forgetting the injury he did to you, but that's being very selfish Rebecca."
"Selfish?" She raised her voice. "Selfish you say?! He was the selfish one; I think I can take my turn to be!" Spot sat and sighed.
"Listen, this thing will have no end until you speak to him, it is just an advice, don't do it if you don't want to" Rebecca looked ahead, wondering what happened to Lucky, and why was Spot saying he changed his ways.
"O.k. Spot you made me bought it" Rebecca stood up and started walking across the grass without looking back.
"Rebecca, where are you going?"
"To the Hiccup Hole" Spot raised an eyebrow.
"But... I thought you wanted to see Lucky" Rebecca stopped, she saw the direction she was walking too, she was very tamed by her past, the little puppy just needed to know, and remember.
"I want to find him there." That was all, she continued going her way, right to the Hiccup Hole, someday he will go there, until that, she just needs to wait, and patience was always a pillar in her life.
"I don't think you'll see him, these clouds are not going to forgive anything." Rebecca did not say more, she just walked, hurrying herself, her curiosity needed to be satisfied, and for now, she just wanted to know.
The water seemed stirred; the winds were coming hitting his face one and another time, making him close his eyes. 'Angel, Angel, it was my fault, now I don't know what to do' and he kicked a little rock to the water. Scamp was feeling now sad, how can he see his beloved Angel right now? He has been ignoring her since they arrived to the farm, and now, it just seemed that he was losing.
A whistle, he could hear a whistle, but he could not think nor notice the weather, his brain was about to explode, knowing what was happening, but not knowing what to do.
Scamp shook his head and keeping a yell into his mouth, he needed to relax and think things clearly. He walked to the water, which was being moved by the wind, carefully he placed a paw the get it wet and immediately splashed it to his face. Maybe it was just his mind, but keeping cool was the best way for him to think about everything. Scamp sat again next to the little lagoon, shaking his head to remove the water and with it, to remove any other thought that would interrupt his reflections.
With slow steps, Rebecca walked with her eyes lost in the horizon, in that place; even her steps could be heard on the soft grass of the farm she noticed that the wind was getting stronger, she felt that grass cold, and a soft sound of this wind hitting the grass came to her ears. She was wondering why she was actually going to wait for him, and in a bad day like that one, nobody gets out in a cold day. 'Oh come on... What in the world am I doing?'
She arrived to a leafless tree, a tall tree, she remembered that tree, and she brought to her memories again, a green landscape, and a wonderful tree with big leafs, falling one by one, slowly sometimes touching her face, her paws, each one moved by a whimper of the most pure air, like talking to her. Under that tree, she found love for first time, under that tree, she doomed her heart too. Before she was so trusting and kind, now she turned colder and simply suspicious about everyone. She kept walking, leaving the leafless tree behind, asking to herself 'What do I really want?'
After some steps her eyes found something strange, somebody took her place. She looked first a silhouette, a motionless silhouette, carefully she got closer; it was a pup. She sat a few steps away from him, watching attentively at the pensive dog that was sitting there, with closed eyes.
'Ok ok, now quiet and relax, you need to think everything you are about to do now, plan carefully, you don't want Angel mad at you again, just relax... breath...'
"Hello what are you doing!?" The voice came out really surprisingly, and Scamp could not do more than screaming to the air, falling to the ground.
"AAAH!! Don't attack to me please!" His immediate reaction made her gasp and step back too.
"Sorry! A piece of advice... If your heart is beating too much, don't say the word 'attack'"
"You did scare the hell out of me." Scamp tried to recover his normal breath, while the little puppy was staring at him.
"I'm sorry I didn't know you were busy."
"It's o.k." He said now opening his eyes and looking to the eyes of his new friend, suddenly she started to smell his fur; Scamp could not avoid showing a soft blush, and asked quietly: "Eh... What are you doing?
"Do you use perfume?" Scamp just scooted back and turned his eyes away from the eyes of the other puppy.
"No, no, of course not, I... I just was next to Jim while he was dressing himself, maybe some of his perfume fell on me.
"Hey don't worry it smells nice."
"If that was a compliment, then thank you."
"No problem." She sat in front of the water, watching it carefully, seeing it moving at winds will.
"By the way, what is your name?"
"I'm Rebecca, you are Scamp aren't you?"
"Yes, you already knew my name."
"I've seen you a couple of times, you and your girlfriend become famous here." Rebecca lifted a small dry leaf that was lying on the ground and started to play with it.
"My..." Rebecca noticed the pause and looked to Scamp's eyes.
"What...? Did Lucky...?" Scamp sighed and placed a paw under the water to move it and distract his mind.
"You must know him, how is he like?" Scamp asked looking directly to her catching her in a very bad moment.
"I... I'm not sure about how to answer that one."
"Is he a good dog?" Rebecca did not wanted to say anything, her words maybe would just start a fight or a worse trouble, and she did not have good eyes for Lucky.
"I... I barely talk to him, I... I wouldn't know." Scamp looked to the horizon, making his sight lose into the trees.
"I hope he is..." Rebecca opened her eyes wide, not believing those words.
"What!?" She almost yelled "Are you giving up just like that? And... to that dog? "
"You... you said you didn't know him."
"I don't" She tried to fix things. "But I do think you shouldn't be like this, she's the one you love right? Why are you sitting here, doing nothing?"
"First of all..." Scamp was about to defend himself, but something stopped him. A scream fallen from the clouds, and a flash blinded Scamp's eyes, and a strong vibration was felt on the ground. Rebecca jumped, taken by surprise for that noise. Lighting fell near from where they were. And then the sky let its cry fall on the ground, and as a storm, the cold winds came to them.
"Damn, it started to rain..." Rebecca spoke with a soft voice, closing her eyes, because the drops were not touching, but hitting violently her face. Scamp tried hardly to see under that rain everything around him; he found a place like a little cave that was under one tree.
"Follow me Rebecca" Scamp had to raise his voice; Rebecca went after him, trying to cover her eyes with her own ears.
Scamp let the little lady to get in there first; she just curled up into the little hole and saw Scamp out there.
"Hey... I think you can get in here too" Scamp took a look into the little place he had the will to let her be there, but well, Rebecca would feel bad to let Scamp being at the will of a cold.
"You don't need me there, just stay there until this rain stops"
"Don't be silly" Rebecca said with a lighter voice starting to feel comfortable with that pup. "Get in here now."
"Ok just let me..." Scamp went just next to Rebecca, trying not to bother her in that little space they had to share.
"Oh... just come here." Rebecca nuzzled up to him letting him enough space, both of them could enter in that little hole, watching the melody of the rain, keeping a respectful silence for the sky.
"This rain... is not going to stop in a while" Rebecca was looking with a calm expression everything out there, the curtain of small drops falling, covering the landscape before them.
"It seems so" She answered with soft voice, thing that sounded melodiously to the ears of Scamp, he just said it to her."
"Hey, you have a nice voice" Rebecca just looked at him with anger in her face.
"What the hell are you trying now?" Scamp tried to defend himself.
"But wha...? I didn't do anything wrong, why do you get angry like that?" Rebecca shook her head, trying to clean it from the bad memories she was having.
"Yes... I'm sorry, I was too... suspicious."
"Ok... you did it, you scared me for the second time" Scamp made a little pause thinking. "and all in just one day!" She smiled at his joke, and stared at the rain again.
Inside the barn, every pup were watching some television, covered in the warm hay or maybe curled up with someone beside them.
"Oh I just love rain" Angel said with a sigh, breathing the cold air that was running through her fur, sitting in front the window in the second level of the barn.
"You're going to catch a cold if you stay there Angel." Lucky was walking towards her. "I wouldn't like you to be sick" Angel was watching carefully every drop that was falling to the soft grass of the farm.
"Out there..." Angel started to think to herself, but saying every word of her mind. "Maybe there's someone looking for a special person, someone protecting another from catching a cold, someone showing a passionate love remembering every beautiful moment when they were side by side".
"Are you ok Angel?" Lucky showed a concerned face, trying to figure out what she was trying to say. "Why are you saying these things?" Angel blushed hiding her face from the eyes of Lucky.
"Nothing, I was just thinking..." Lucky sat next to her, to watch the rain too.
"I would like to know what's going on in that little head." He just smiled letting the wind touch his face.
"I just think a lot, I guess I have a big imagination, just forget what I said"
"Don't worry, my imagination flies around so many times" Lucky giggled looking down to the grass. "That's why I guess I think so fast."
"Well someone understands me." What a day, just next to Lucky, enjoying a calm day, like she ever used to like.
"I guess you will stay here until the New Year Festival"
"Yeah, it's the best for us now, you'll see, Jim will call a mechanic after that."
"I'm just so glad that we can have some more days together." Angel smiled lightly, her eyes shining even with the absence of sun.
"Me too"
They kept silence, Angel was thinking again about her days in the new farm. Meeting Lucky was just incredible for her; she received all the attention she needed. Her heart, beating so fast for the first time in so many days. The peace that was inside her essence, giving her an inexplicable happiness.
"Uh... Lucky" That was not supposed to happen, she had blushed.
"Yes?" Lucky answered calmly, looking to her eyes, what made her blush even more.
"I just think that... there are so many beautiful things in life..." Now Lucky was surprised to hear those words so suddenly.
"Angel... Are you ok?" Angel just spoke without thinking, her heart was screaming loudly, screaming so hard that eventually it came out from her mouth.
"I'm going to protect you Lucky... I just needed you to know it."
"Pro...protect me...?" He looked at her shy eyes blushing himself with her. "Shouldn't be me the one saying that?"
"Remember Lucky, you did enough protecting me already." Angel looked through the window again, speaking with soft voice. "You always protect every valuable thing you have, I guess it makes sense."
"Wow..." Lucky never expected something like that, Angel was acting weird."Angel... I don't really know what to say" Lucky just started to feel nervous after those words.
"Besides..." Angel continued speaking. "I girl can also protect a guy you know?" She smiled trying to make a joke to make Lucky forget everything what she said.
"I could barely understand what you just said Angel, but well, thank you very much"
"Anytime..." A thunder made rumble the whole place, making Angel jump directly to Lucky; seeing herself in his arms, she just blushed more, she never thought she would feel something like that, she never expected she was going to feel so protected next to that pup she just knew for a few days.
"Angel... be careful" Angel quickly let go and stepped back, looking at Lucky with a scared face.
"No... uh... I need to go to your house for a while, please..." Angel ran to the ladder jumping quickly down running as fast as she could.
"Angel, wait!" That was all Lucky could say before she was out the barn. "You... you left your bracelet..."
__Rebecca Anilson__