Matteus Chapter 1 "Start of School"

Story by Rocelin on SoFurry

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#1 of Mattheus

It was January 10th, the first day of the second semester in Kearney, Missouri. Martin Matteus, a seventeen year-old North American River Otter, crawled out of bed as his alarm buzzed for the fifth time. Turning towards his dresser, the young otter flipped the alarm switch off. Next to his clock was a picture of his most recent birthday, which was three months ago. It wasn't that important of a day, a simple birthday at his house with is family and his friend Bryan.

Martin let out a tremendous yawn before he grabbed his bath robe from atop of his dresser and left for the bathroom. As he left, his small brown paw swatted his light switch off. Once inside of the bathroom, he took off his blue-gray nightshirt. After turning on the shower, he turned towards the small mirror above the sink. Martin let out a soft sigh looking at his small lithe body. His short dark brown fur was matted up in a mess and his necklace, the one that his grand-mother gave him before her death, was perched on his right ear. Letting out a laugh, he removed the necklace from his ear and placed it on the sink counter. Once done, Martin slipped out of the rest of his clothes and jumped into the shower.

Like all otters, Martin loved that water. He loved the way the water flowed perfectly down his body. Unlike the last three weeks, the otter gave himself a quick wash, due to school today. Once he was out and dried off a bit, the young otter slipped on his robe and went back to his room. Martin went and grabbed a pair of boxers from his dresser. After stretching in his near nude state, the lontra grabbed a pair of jeans and a T-shirt of his favorite band, Paramore. The male otter left his room after getting fully dressed and grabbing his backpack and jacket, but once outside his room he got his chest thwacked by his older sister, Jaclyn's tail.

"Good you are awake. Me an' mum were wondering if you had gotten up yet." Jaclyn chuckled while her little brother was rubbing the spot here his sister's tail had hit.

"You're already to go sis?" Martin asked as he and his sister went down the stairs. He knew his sister meant no harm when she hit him. Their relationship had been like that since they were little kids; Jaclyn, the bigger one since they were little, would try to toughen up her little brother by rough housing with him.

The she-otter nodded her head as they entered the kitchen. She went straight to the fridge and pulled out a milk carton and poured them both a glass of milk. Martin on the other hand went to the table and sat down near their parents. Martin hated hearing about the news, but when it came out of his parents mouths, if was far more bearable. This being he never got to see his parents enough, his mother, Sophia, worked for the local news station while his father, Joshua, worked at a recording studio up in Kansas City. When ever he could, Martin loved spending time with his parents; even if it was times like this.

As he finished his grilled cheese sandwich, his mother came over and hugged him gently. "Have a good day at school sweetie and please don't get into any more fights. The four from last year is enough." Sophie said before kissing her son on the forehead. "Jaclyn is waiting for you in the car, so hurry up."

Quickly returning the kiss, Martin stood up on walked over to where his dad sat and gave him a big hug before he turned to leave the kitchen and shouting his good-byes to his parents.

Once outside, Martin got inside his sister's car. Though the car wasn't that great it served its purpose by getting the younger otters to their destinations. After the younger otter got in the car, Jaclyn started up her car. "Mom gave you the 'no more fights' speech again, eh?"

The male scowled at his sister for a few moments, before replying to his sister's comments. "Yeah because she doesn't realize that someone is sticking up for me know. Oh, could you go and pick up Maria? She needs a ride to school today."

"No problem, now about the other comment, how is Bryan and his sister doing?" Jaclyn said flicking her turning signal to the other direction that they were originally going.

Martin just shrugged in the back seat. "I don't know, they just got back in town last night. Bryan sent me a message this morning." Trying his best to sigh quietly, Martin looked out the car window.

Unfortunately for the younger otter, Jaclyn had heard her brother's sigh and continued questioning Martin. "Well, then why don't you go up to their house after school today?"

"I would like to go up, but mom his still angry about last year." Martin sighed again, not even trying to keep this one quiet, as he rolled his eyes at the passing trees. The otters could see the Park's house coming up quite fast. "Do you think I should go up there today?"

"Duh, you need to get out of the house far more often. Ask him if you can go up to his house." Jaclyn replied as they pulled into the driveway. On the front porch was a young, short female rabbit. Maria has one of Martin's closest friends ever since early elementary school.

Seeing the car, Maria hopped up and ran over to the car. She opened the door and jumped in before the car could even stopped. "Thanks for picking me up you guys. You ready to get back to school Marty?" Maria buckled up after slipping off her big coat.

"Kind of, I suppose," Martin answering his friend's question. "but it is good to see that you are energetic as ever" The lone male was given a short, but friendly smile from Maria.

The rest of the car ride was uneventful; Maria and Jaclyn talked about boys and fashion, while Martin listened to his music, which was mainly pop music. Once they were at the school the two teenagers got out of the car and ran up to the main entrance. The otter quickly split from his friend and went to his locker. The locker was located in the prefect place to get to class on time. Opening the locker, Martin slipped off his coat and put it inside. As he shut the locker, he felt two large arms slip around his waist.

"How was your vacation, matey?" A deep and seductive voice whispered into his ears after being pulled up.

The young otter didn't even try to look backwards to his captor. "It was alright. What about you Bryan?" Martin's voice didn't try to hide how happy he was, but at the same time being treated this way by his friend made him blush deeply and the otter tried to get down.

Bryan began to laugh at his foot shorter friends pathetic attempts to get out of the arms that encircled him. The tall wolf answered Martin's question as he put the otter down. "My break could have been so much better. I had to deal with my dad's side of the family the majority of the time. I was so glad Jen was there."

Martin looked up into his friend's bright green eyes with a sarcastic sad face. The younger wolf could see though his friends fake face, but still gave him a half-hearted hug. It was weird when Bryan hugged his otter friend. Either he would have to crouch quite a bit or he would pull Martin off the ground. This was one of those time when the huge wolf lowered himself for the hug. Though the otter could see through the hug, he was happy. Martin loved the way his friend's fur felt especially near the crook of the neck; which was exactly where his face was buried.

Their hug was quite short, when out of nowhere Bryan jerked his head up and stood straight up. Unknown to the smaller of the two, Bryan could smell two bears approaching. He had gotten used to the reek of those particular bears during football season, whom he had played with. The two bears in name were Taylor and Dillion Portor, who had picked on the young otter last year. The Portor twin had football to worry about during the first quarter, so Martin was left bruise-free. Now that football season had gotten over it was only a matter of time before one of them started to treat the small otter badly.

Quickly, Bryan picked up his friend and ran to where he knew some of the otter's friend hung out while waiting for the bell. As they rounded the corner, they could see Maria chatting with Bryan's sister, Jennifer, and a young hyena called Lee.

The feminine male hyena, dressed in bright cloths, turned and saw the wolf and otter walking towards the small group. Lee quickly whispered something to the girls before turning to the two approaching. "Hey Martin!" the flamboyant hyena squealed in his high-pitched gay voice as he walked over to hug the otter. Martin just opened his arms and let his gay friend hug him. "Hey Bryan." Lee turned and gave the wolf a small one armed hug.

"Good to you too, Lee" Bryan said as he patted the African dog on the back, which caused him to flinch. Everyone, including the hyena, got a short little laugh out of it.

"Lee, do you still have the pictures from the concert we went to back in November?" Bryan's twin sister asked once the laughter had stopped.

Lee reached into his bag and pulled out a couple of picture from the concert the two of them went to during winter break. "Yes, right here missy."

Leaning over Jen's shoulder, Martin was looking at the silly pictures when he felt a quick, but soft tap on his own shoulder. Looking around, he saw Bryan gesture away from the small group. Once they were away from the group, Martin gave Bryan a small questioning look. The wolf had a sly smile on his face. "How would you like to come up to my house after school today? If is just an offer, you don't have to if you don't want to. I just think you need to get out of you house more."

"I'll think about it Bryan," Martin said toying with his friend. "I'll tell you after school, meet me by my locker, all right. Also, how much longer until the bell, wolfie?"

"In about two minutes, get to your locker otter." Bryan said after looking down at his watch.

After saying good-bye to his friends, he dashed over to his locker in the other hall and grabbed the things he needed for his first class of the day, Pre-Calculus. The teacher, Mr. Douglas, was very anal about being to class on time. Once the otter had all of his things, he fought his way through the masses of students that were hurrying to their lockers.

All characters belong to Me