The New Place chapter 3

Story by Shardi on SoFurry

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#3 of The New Place

Waking up to the alarm clock is one thing, but waking up after falling down from your bed is a different story.

Phil learned it the hard way, after finding himself lying on his back next to his bed after opening his eyes. He got up and scratched his head, looking at the bed and wondering how did he managed to fall from it. After few seconds he shrugged and looked at the clock.

"6:50... Huh, might as well start getting ready" he thought to himself and turned the alarm off before it had a chance to go off.

Phil's room was relatively small, especially that using wardrobe wasn't exactly up his alley, so his clothing and other things were just laying around, taking up a lot of space. His parents constantly tried to make him put his things back on their place, but after two days his room was usually back to its previous state, so they finally gave up on it.

After finding some wearable clothes, he left for the bathroom to wash himself and brush his teeth. Just as he came back to his room with a towel wrapped around his waist, his cellphone started ringing.

"Now who the heck can be calling at hour like this" he said to himself and looked at the screen to check the caller's ID "Of course..." Phil added and put the phone to his ear.

"Hello, Keith, missing me already?" He chuckled before the person on the other side could say anything"

"You wish, boy" Keith replied laughing.

"Maybe. So, what's up, why you're calling so early?"

"Well, I came back yesterday evening, so I'm not gonna be at school today, you know, have to unpack all the stuff..."

"Yeah right, you just want to get more free time" Phil smirked interrupting his friend's explanation.

"You know me too well. Anyway, I've talked with Mike for few minutes yesterday and he mentioned something about a school trip next week, but got off the PC before I could find out something more. Would you be so kind?"

"Well, basically they just want to take us to some wilderness so we can break the ice. Oh yeah, they gave us forms for our parents to fill, there's everything explained on this thing. I'll try to get one for you today if you're too lazy to go to school on your own" the tiger answered as he started pulling his jeans on.

"Thanks buddy, I'd appreciate it." Keith replied with relief "Wouldn't want to miss something like that".

"Well I bet. Oh, and don't forget, we're having a practice today. Make sure you get on time, we'll have a special guest"

"Special guest? What do you mean?" a curiosity could be heard in Keith's voice.

"Well I don't want to jump ahead of myself, but maybe we'll get some better guitarist than Mike..." giggling could be heard on the other side "But you'll find out more this afternoon, I have to go now, unlike some people I still have to make it to school"

"Okay man, see ya later then"

Phil slipped his cell into his pants and threw his shirt on. Fully clothed he grabbed his bag and went downstairs to find his mother sitting at the table in kitchen, drinking her morning coffee

"Hey mum" he kissed her on the cheek "Dad's already at work?"

"You know it, he really got too obsessed with getting that promotion, soon he'll forget where is home and where work" the older tigress replied with a faint smile "I've made you a sandwich for school"

"Thanks!" Phil exclaimed as he took it from her and put in his bag "Well I better be off or I'll miss the bus, bye mum"

He went out, locking the door behind him and headed for the bus stop. When he was getting close, he saw a white lion standing by it, looking the other way to see if the bus was coming. Phil chuckled to himself and sneaked behind him.

"Hey man, how ya doin!" he said giving the lion a pat on the shoulder.

What happened next caused him to start laughing uncontrollably.

The startled lion jumped up and tried to turn around, but lost his balance and had to catch Phil's shirt not to fall down.

"Not... Funny" Chris said after regaining his balance and looked at Phil who was still laughing hard, covering his face "Can you stop laughing now?..." the lion asked, blushing under his fur for his reaction.

"S-sure man, but that was... Ohhhh boy" replied Phil finally stopping to laugh and managing to call more serious expression to his face "So, can you come over today after school?"

"Yeah, but I could use your help to get the case and amp, walking with them all the way doesn't really seem appealing to me..."

"Kay then, Keith confirmed his presence, although he won't be at school today... Oh, here's the bus!"

Sure enough, their bus finally appeared from behind a corner and started making its way towards the bus stop.


The bus ride was surprisingly short, and, in Chris' case - shorter than waiting for it.

"Nothing like first real day of school eh?" Phil sighed as they've entered the building and headed for their homeroom.

"Frankly, I'm kinda glad school's back. I was starting to get bored, having too much free time takes all the fun out of it..." replied the lion, checking numbers of the rooms they've passed to make sure they won't miss theirs

"Weirdo" Phil chuckled poking Chris' shoulder

"I sure am. So, you got the form filled?"

"Oh, right. Yeah, thanks for reminding me, I need to get one for Keith... He was too lazy to show up today, even though he's back"

They've finally reached their classroom and joined the line of students standing by it, waiting for Mrs. Clayton to show up. Chris decided to use this time to get some better look at his new classmates. "Not that bad" he thought to himself "Looks like I've finally got some normal, bully-free class..."

He turned around to take a look on people that were standing in line behind him, and one person instantly caught his attention. Right behind him was standing a white-furred rabbit, looking at Chris with curiosity and surprise matching his own. He even had the same, green eyes. If not the species, they probably could pass as perfect twins.

"Hi there!" the bunny greeted him, raising his paw "Pretty cool coincidence, isn't it? Not every day you can meet your clone. I'm Jack!"

"Name's Chris... Clone?" he replied, a little confused

"Yeah, I mean, how many white-furred, green-eyed furs have you met?" said Jack, smiling a little

"Not many, I guess... Say, I didn't notice you yesterday?"

"Oh, I wasn't here. Had some stuff to do, not that they check presence on the first day, so I've decided to skip it." the rabbit exclaimed, sounding unusually hyper.

"Hey!" Called Phi's voice from behind Chris' back "What's happening here, who's your new friend?" he asked looking at Jack.

"Oh that's Jack, we've just met" Chris replied, moving to the side so they could shake each other's paw.

"I don't mean to be rude, but... You look young?" Phil asked with curiosity, looking carefully at the rabbit.

"Weeell" Jack smirked, putting his arms behind his head "It's because they've decided I'm so smart I can skip a class. I'm actually only one year younger, but I get that a lot."

"Alright students, Sorry I'm late, all that redundant paperwork... Come in and take your seats!"

Mrs. Clayton finally showed up and opened the classroom, letting them in. Chris and Phil sat at the same place as yesterday, and Jack took a desk in the middle row, a little ahead of them. The tiger looked at him and chuckled.

"I like this guy, he seems very cool"

"Yeah, looks like he's really talkative and friendly... Have you seen him before?"

"Well, I've never talked with him, but I saw him a couple of times on the street, he wasn't in my school though..."

Their teacher heavily dropped her books at the desk, the noise made Chris and Phil jump up a little and cut their conversation, as they've pulled out their notebooks and started writing down their lecture list for this semester.


After 45 minutes the bell finally rang, signalling end of their lesson and everyone started packing their stuff.

"Maan... Looks like we have a fun year ahead of us." Phil said ironically, looking at the list of subjects and exams he's just finished writing down.

"I guess our principal was actually talking seriously" Chris chuckled as he stood up "You were supposed to get that paper for Keith, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, I remember... Looks like I won't be alone at this" he pointed at Jack who approached Mrs. Clayton's desk.

"Right, he mentioned he wasn't here yesterday"

After a while all three of them have left the classroom and headed for chemistry. Chris was right - Jack liked talking. In just few minutes they've learned that he likes drawing, his favourite food is taco and he hates math.

"... So, where do you guys live?" the rabbit asked after his monologue

"Agnus road" Chris and Phil replied in unison

Jack looked at them with a smirk "That's close to me. You're brothers?"

"Are not" they've replied again, making all three of them burst into laughter.

After chemistry they've also had 2 hours of history, P.E. And - to Jack's displeasure - math. When the bell rang after an hour of solving mysterious equations, they've all sighed in relief. After making their way through the crowd, the three furs finally stepped out into the sunny, summer afternoon.

"Ahh, finally" Jack exclaimed. "So, you guys have any plans for today?"

"Well, we're gonna get to my place and see if Chris knows how to hold a guitar. We're rehearsing him for a band" Phil chuckled, dodging Chris' bag that has almost hit his face.

"You got a band? Cool! Are you good?" Jack asked with a new dose of curiosity and hyperness.

"If you want, you can see by yourself. You've said you live close to us, so you could drop by. I'm sure other guys wouldn't mind... Right, Chris?"

"The more the merrier. Or at least, that's what they say" the lion shrugged and stopped by the information board to see when the next bus was coming.

The New Place chapter 4

"Man, I hate traffic" Phil sighed as he got out of the bus. The way back home took them three times more time because of the heavy traffic on the road. At some point Jack even suggested that walking would be faster, but Phil refused to cooperate...

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The New Place chapter 2

Last week of the summer is usually a time of coming back home and whining about having to go back to school. For Chris it was mostly filled with moving furniture, fetching stuff from the garage and whining about going to his new school. Most of the...

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The New Place

The sun has barely appeared on the horizon when Chris heard banging on the door and a woman's voice brutally waking him up. "Get up already, we're moving in an hour!" "I'll be up in a minute, mom" he replied from underneath the lump of sheets...

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