The New Couple Chapter 4

Story by Vikingfan on SoFurry

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#4 of The New Couple

The New Couple

(Baron Burckno)

When I arrived at my castle. I was thinking, how do I tell my son? Common sense says this wouldn't go well at all. When I entered my throne room, a servant said, "All rise, our great baron, leader of Antel, Baron Burckno."

As I sat on my throne, I called for my wife, I just needed to talk to her. When she came into the room and sat at my right hand, I said, "I have some bad news, the prince has assigned a bride for our eldest son."

My wife said to me, "That is wonderful news, I was looking hard for a good bride for him. Who is the young lady, that our son will be marrying?"

I looked at her in horror, when I told her, "our prince, has assigned the daughter of my sworn enemy. Our son, Karl will marry, the daughter of our enemy Baron Kolvak. I just wish there is something I can do to help." I just sat there thinking, how do

My wife answered, "the prince can't do this. Our son is a Cougar, and she is an Elk. Doesn't common law prohibit, this kind of union?"

I answered, "I will see if the king's law is being Brocken. If not, I will break the news to him. Unfortunately, common law, is whatever the prince says it is."

After, reading the law, which is about 8 kings old. The law, was made for the duchies to follow. When Wels was conquered, it was granted its special status of principality, thus was exempt from most laws, including marriage laws. While looking at the law, with some experts, one of the experts said, "my baron, religious law as nothing, prohibiting this. Also, the principality status, as granted exemptions from any, morality laws made by our king. I feel, that the prince has the power to make this union legally binding. Instead, of preventing this union, maybe we could challenge the union afterwards."

I looked at her, and said, "what do you mean, we could challenge the union later. Once they are married."

She answered, "I will check for Wels, but in the eastern mountains of Anphila, a union is not legal, until they of bonded. Maybe, we have a similar bonding law."

While I left my legal expert, to continue her work. I went to the courtyard, where my eldest son enjoyed spending time out. He saw me and said, "dad, how is our prince? I was wondering, what he planned to do with us and the Kolvaks."

I looked around the courtyard, just thinking what to tell him. I began to say, "Our, prince is unfortunately deciding to marry you with someone. Before you say anything, this marriage is best for the family and the barony. Plus, this is an order by your prince."

Karl, my son said, "dad, since I got back from school. I knew, I needed to find a wife. So, please tell me, who am I marrying?"

I sighed and said, "son, I don't to tell you. The truth is, you will be marrying, Marget Kolvak. The Daughter of Baron Kolvak."

My son looked at me in anger and yelled, "you can't be serious. There is no way, this could happen."

The New Couple Chapter 5

The New Couple (Baron Burckno) Three weeks later As me and my son reached the prince's castle. It seemed, that the guards were prepared for us. We entered through the gate, to find our prince already waiting outside for us. I bowed a little, and...


The New Couple Chapter 3

The New Couple (The Prince) I looked at my steward and said, "that is it, we'll have the two houses marry each other. It will solve everything. The, marriage will force the two houses into a union." I couldn't hold back my smile, I had found a way...


The New Couple Chapter 2

The New Couple (Baron Burckno) While the prince's steward, only had a small force. I had a feeling that, the rest of the prince's force was on its way and it was a force to reckon with. I looked at my son and ordered, "I will be going with the...
