Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 5 - The Truth

Story by The Grand Master on SoFurry

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#5 of Kyurex

So, hope you enjoy chapter 5!! I've got many ideas for the plot so, be ready cause its going to get interesting soon enough. If you read this part there is something I wanted to express to all who read it, the fact that if you feel attracted to two people that, it isn't wrong at all. Whatever xD who am I kiddin!! Read..enjoy and enjoy!!!

Ah yeah, I'm crazy cause I've got exams tomorrow and haven't done SH**.....Im crazy I know, but I've got to write this story or I'll forget the plot and ideas and abandon it or something.



Flak was a little surprised, he had never seen an Umbreon before. Srulianas eyes widened, she had learned about the dark type evolution of an Eevee. She started to understand why Kyurex hadn't told them for such a long time. She calmed down, taking a step closer to Flak, observing Kyurexs new form.

"Kyu?" Sruliana whispered. Kyurex sighed. Time to tell the truth.

Blaze, still standing in a line with May, spat onto the ground making the patch of grass burn. His face saddened.

"Ey Kyu!! Hurry up with your emotional speech, I'm hungry and its pissing me off!!" he called, furiously wagging with his tail. May sat down on the grass, knowing that this wouldn't take too long.

Revy now also took a step forward and looked directly into Kyurexs eyes. Kyurex couldn't bare the shame. After some silence, Srulianas anger rose. She understood everything, and it hurt her deeply. He was a night creature now. And he didn't say a word... She gritted her teeth.

"You...I never would of thought...But why?" she asked. Flak didn't understand what Sruliana was trying to say, and Revy slowly understood by herself. She felt her heart aching, already for the third time in the past few days. She didn't want to cry again, she used all her will not to let a tear fall down. Kyurex noticed Revys situation, What he feared was happening, and he couldn't do anything. Flak was surprised to the fullest when he saw a tear trickle down Srulianas cheek. He looked at Kyurex.

"What about the fire type?" he asked. There was silence. Nobody said anything. Kyurex looked at the ground.

May smirked.

"What a friendship...just perfect..." she remarked ironically. Blaze lay on his back, rolling left and right while moaning. May watched the dog trying to pull of an act. He stopped, stretching out his paws through the grass.

"Baahhhh...." his tongue rolled out of his mouth, burning the grass it touched. His eyes looked like he was pleading for something badly. "Food...bah..bah, bah!! Need eat here now, no chill..." he just babbled something that nobody understood. May looked around, making sure there was no one watching so that she wouldn't have to feel embarrassed.

Kyurex still hadn't answered Flaks question, he still looked at the ground. Before he could explain Flak continued.

"Well anyway...what's up with you hanging with those guys?" Flak asked. May and Blaze heard it, and listened carefully from there on. May caught eye contact with Revy. Rivalry. "Come on, lets go home... our mums are probably waiti-"

"He can't, thats the whole point. He didn't tell us what evolution he chose, only not to hurt our feelings..." Sruliana explained clearly enough so that everybody understood, especially Flak and Revy. Flak still didn't quite get it.

"Hurt our feelings? What?" he asked, still looking at Kyurex. Sruliana lost another tear.

"He won't be able to be with us, because when we are awake...the dark type sleep. And the other way round. It's not a problem for him to be active at day but, the night is his overall preference." Sruliana finished. Flak looked at Kyurex with disappointed eyes. His best friend is, gone? He couldn't believe it...Kyurex. Revy started sobbing, while Sruliana changed her sadness into madness. Kyurex felt ashamed but, there was nothing that could be done anymore.

"But why?" Sruliana asked. Kyuex took his time.

"There isn't any exact reason...I just wanted to be an's simple." He stated clearly. He wasn't going to lie. Flak tried to comfort Revy again. Her crying literally was killing Kyurex who nevertheless managed to maintain his feelings. Sruliana looked at Kyurex.

"That means...our friendship...has no importance for you?" she asked. Kyurex didn't even have to think.

"Our friendship means a lot to me...all three of you have been awesome companions since we were small but...this decision has nothing to do with it...this is just me, following my dreams. I'm sure we'll stay great friends even after this, right?" Kyurex was serious. Sruliana looked away. Flak wasn't angry or anything, only a bit sad. Revy couldn't take it anymore. He was gone, out of her reach. There was no way the two could live together or spend time with each other. She felt her heart being torn, never did she expect something like this, never...She finally understood what Kyurex meant with the word "suffer".

"Why didn't you tell me? Why? Why hurt me like this...I..always thought that...somewhere deep down, no, I was sure about it, that you loved I love you..." Revy spoke out. Everybody was shocked, except for May, who was starting to growl silently. Blaze grinned.

"I know someone who's jeaaalouus, I know someone who's jeeaaloouus...." he sang in a quite tone. May ignored him, this was a time to listen.

Kyurex felt like getting blasted by something. He thought of what to say, swallowing hard. Flak listened, as did Sruliana.

"Revy...I ehh...." though he knew it was the stupidest thing he ever could do, he knew that playing with other creatures feelings was evil, he knew that he couldn't love or be attracted to two females at once but, he was only a creature like everyone else on this world who made mistakes. He slowly, with his ears down, turned to look at May, who looked away as soon as she noticed him looking. Kyurex then quickly turned back around.

He wanted to check if May was far enough away to not be able to hear him, but she was. Revy noticed everything, and again she felt her heart hurt. Something was between the two, she knew it, and suspected the worst. Kyurex tried to continue, while May turned to listen. Kyurex knew that he shouldn't use the word "love" this evening, it would harden his life at night and at day. BUT..

"Do you...still love me ?"

OKAY, out of all the phrases she could choose from, I would of crossed exactly that one!! I just should of known this was coming...Everybody fell silent, even Blaze who was actually busy chewing grass. Flak starred, Sruliana starred, Blaze starred, and especially May and Revy did so. Kyurex swallowed again, feeling like a stone. Embarrassment....

"Well of cour-" he remembered May. "-I mean ehh..." The worst confession ever, so he just gave up. "I....don't know..." he lied. Revy couldn't take it. She trembled. Flak noticed.

"Revy...." he tried to do something. Revy retreated, with kind of an alarm in her eyes. Sruliana also wanted to help, but she herself had problems with her emotions.

"Not only don't you love don't see me as a friend either." Revy continued. Flak out of all was the one who didn't take it so hard. "I should of known...but love blinded me...I thought I would be happy with you, because you always seemed to make me happy but..."

"Revy no..." Kyurex tried.

"I have to go...I'm sorry..." Revy didn't run. No, she silently, holding her tears, turned around and walked towards the village where she lived. Kyurex, hurt, tried to follow.

"I think you've done enough." Flak stepped into Kyurexs way. Flak had never been so serious before towards Kyurex. The umbreon understood. Flaks eyes were dead serious.

"Sure..." Kyurex retreated sadly, only to watch how Flak waited for Sruliana.

"I never thought...Kyu" Sruliana eventually followed Revy. After some moments Flak turned to Kyurex.

"At least say bye to your mum..." He said. Kyurex looked up.


They left. Kyurex watched his friends sadly walking away. He felt like a part of his life was walking away from him forever. Things would never be the same.

"You finished Kyu? Cause I'm leavin ya if you ain't comin!!" Blaze called out. May was still angry because of Kyurexs unstable acting before, so she looked away with an angry mood. Kyurex, feeling more depressed than ever turned around and approached his friends that accepted him. He was a bit angry, he thought the others would understand, understand that it was his dream, he thought that friends should respect each others dreams, even if it meant to sacrifice something else. But no, it didn't seem like friendship anymore. He kind of felt better knowing that he still had May and Blaze.

The two stood up. Kyurex stopped and they formed a triangle again. But May still didn't look at Kyurex. Blaze kept on wagging with his tail.

"May...what are you pissed about anyway, he didn't say he loves that chick-"

"One more word and your dead punk!!" May shouted at him, standing on all fours. Kyurex sighed. This, was going to be an interesting life with these two. Blaze chuckled, sitting onto the grass.

"Ooooh...someone is getting shy in front of Kyu..oh who on earth could that be? Hmmm....Oh! I've got-"

"Blaze!!" Kyurex now stood on all fours too. He and May both started to approach Blaze, who retreated slowly.

"Ey guys...come on man...I was the bro some love here!!" his tone was now a pleading one. "You guys...chill...I was only jokin!!" Kyurex stopped, but May didn't intend to.

There was a sudden thud, and Blaze was getting choked to death. Everything happened to fast for Kyurex to follow. May attacked Blaze with her claws, teeth, tail everything. The only thing that was recognizable, was Blazes howling and not-workable Flamethrower that came out like a little spark. May was choking him too harshly for him to do anything. He panicked.

"YO!! KYU.uuhgh!!! KYU +"*ç%!!! AHH!! KYU SORRY HELP!!PL"*)ç" May didn't stop. Kyurex couldn't watch, it was to painful. The night was somehow bad, and good.

" guys..."