A New Life in a New Body: A Day of Firsts

Story by Mat and Mari Productions on SoFurry

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#10 of NLNB

A New Life in a New Body

A Day of Firsts

It was midnight at apartment 43B. It was all dark except for the light produced by the computer. The man sitting at the computer was reminiscing about his old friend who died over five years ago. He was gone for weeks at a time but when he was there he was the life of any party.

He had never talked about what he really did when he was gone. I never got a real answerer from him either. Family business or some sort of meeting, never really specific just sort of danced around the bush, He was a really smart guy, the funniest thing he did was make pizza with mushrooms, then got us hammered. He was fine because he didn't drink; everyone else had a hangover from hell.

I hear someone at the door. I get up to go answer it. I open the door and there is a fox standing at the door. He pushes me inside and forces me to take a seat. Some of his friends came inside. The most threatening was probably the giant bear. They tied me to the chair.

"Who are you," I asked

"What don't you recognize an old friend," the fox replied

"Who the hell are you," I asked

"Someone died five years ago... well he lived," it stated simply

"Mike holy shit what the hell you couldn't tell us you lived," I demanded

"Well I didn't want to have loose ends," Mike said

"What," I asked

"Know to why I came here," he continued ignoring my question.

"What the hell are you talking about," I demanded.

"I need information," ignoring me yet again he continued

"You won't get anything," I told him defiantly.

"Really," he sounded pleased, he then snapped his fingers.

"Well I think you really should reconsider, you see my friend here he'll brake every bone on your body," he said happily.

"Ok what do you want," I accepted my fate.

"I want the blue prints of the new buildings for the sniffers," I told him.

I pointed to the computer. Mike went to my computer and put two flash drives. He downloaded the information. I found out what the second was for, he uploaded a virus that would destroy the entire computer. Kill any and all information; destroy all protocols, and basic algorithms. I knew my computer was fried.

He walked up to me; I looked up to see his face. Same old Mike, except he had no expression. I had a clue as to what he was going to do. I prayed it would be quick. He pulled a silenced gun out of his jacket pointed it in my face. I hope I'm going to a better place...

She spatter covered the back part of the room. God what a waste but I can't believe I had to kill him, I can't have loose ends. Well it just goes to show good friends never live long enough. They looked at me in shock but they knew it would happen. I felt nothing I made myself prepared to do this.

We left via fire escape. We climbed into the car. It had been the same thing all week. We were making good progress. I also have noticed that Lisa keeps looking at me. I keep it to myself but it also has come to my attention that when I look back she blushes and looks in the other direction.

Back at the house we had full reign of the upper floors. I often go up there and watch the sunrise. It feels good to actually see the sun every day now. The others do others things like sit around talking. Today it's just me in here, all alone. Then I heard someone coming, trying to be as quiet as possible.

"What are you thinking about," Lisa asked.

"Oh nothing," I said.

"Well usually you wake me up," she said.

"Oh sorry, I didn't think you would want to wake up," I said.

"Well you know I might have just wanted to be myself," I apologized

She walked over and sat down and leaned on me" I just want to be with you," she said.

"I love you to," I said getting her meaning.

We sat there for hours just sitting there. When the sun had risen she hugged me. It led to the first kiss. It was one of the most passionate kisses I had ever been a part of. The feeling was indescribable. Just then Klaw walked in on us and we parted as quickly as possible and had one of the most embraced looks we had. Well at least I have someone to look to help me if I need help...