A New Life in a New Body: Getting Out

Story by Mat and Mari Productions on SoFurry

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#7 of NLNB

A New Life in a New Body

Getting Out

I have to find out what they know, to do that I have to turn myself over to them, and to do that I have to get out of here. That's the hard part I can't just walk out the front door. I'll have to do it at night; they all seem to be heavy sleepers. I'll also need to get up without alerting them. This is going to be difficult.

Well the rest of the day went without any real incident. Other than Chris being his usual self, hating me. Told me to get the hell out of here no one would really care. I hope he's right, because I am never coming back here. I talked with everybody till they went to sleep. Then set my plan into action.

I walked over to the elevator climbed inside. Then I climbed up to the top of this open elevator. Then I grabbed a hold of the cables, and started climbing. Good thing I was a good climber in gym. I climbed for what felt like hours, but I made it to the top.

The next step was getting away from here as far as I could, I need some damn sleep. I unlocked the door and walked outside... ah fresh air. I started off in the direction that I assumed was north. I know I have a weapon stash around here somewhere. My own little paranoia, making sure if I had to I could defend myself, should the need arise.

I figure it's probably 10 clicks away. I need to get some sleep. I found a tall tree and started climbing. When I got to what I felt was a suitable branch, I settled down to watch the coming dawn. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen...above ground that is.

Meanwhile back underground...

Lisa was starting to wake up, the last one to get up. But then I saw that Mike was still asleep. Well he was the last one to go to bed, but I am an abnormally light sleeper I would have heard him come in. Well someone should wake him up, but his usual thoughts weren't there ... I walked over to investigate.

He tricked us he was probably long gone by now. We should have kept a closer eye on him. There was no way we would travel in the day we'd be picked up too easily... he'd have to wait till night, however, he probably knows that very well so he'd be traveling at sunset to get a head start. But I don't think we'll ever see him again. He is incredibly independent, self reliant, and can take care of himself.

I have a good idea of what he is planning but we'd have to travel on foot. He was as good as gone. I told Klaw he didn't seem too happy, Chris overheard he couldn't have been happier. I dislike how he acts so tough when he really is as soft as a marshmallow, if not maybe as cuddly as a teddy bear.

"Just great, just fuckin' great," Klaw said.

"I'm not upset about it," Chris said.

"Oh, can it Chris we all know you care as much as we do," I snapped sharply.

"Yeah just shut it," Klaw added.

Then we started talking about what to do. If we should risk heading out in the daytime, or wait till we know it was safe to head out. Well we really couldn't decide so we are going to try the wait and see approach, which means we'll just listen to communications from sniffers for a couple of days.

I'm not a fan of it but I feel we need to see if we can track him down. The only thing about it is if they catch him first he'll be in there top security facility. I think I will hate that if they have him they won't necessarily kill him. There have been others to be captured and not killed. I just hope he's alright. now I know why his favorites song is Everything is Going to be Alright...