love your little puppy
hi guys fuzzypaw here i know im usually pg and all but my girlfriend jackie dared me to do this so enjoy
marshals p.o.v
Marshall you can do this. i say to my self
i walk around nervously looking chase BAM he rams into me and lies on top of me
oh Marshall sorry about that he says as he gets off
oh hi chase i've been meaning to ask you something i say nervously
sure what is it he says confusingly
can you meet me at adventure bay at 7pm i ask
okie dokie see you then he says
see you then i say quietly
chase p.o.v
oh fuck was i too excited when i said that i say to myself
oh great now he will never love me my brain thinks
he probably was wondering if we can hangout or something like that
lets hope im wrong
to be continued...