A Tail of Two Peoples - Arena
#7 of A Tail of Two Peoples
So, I've switched my schedule. Snow Cat on Mondays and Tails on Wednesdays. This is so I can get covered what I want to before my summer hiatus. Enjoy this chapter, one of my personal favourites.
"Come on, dog, get up. You have an audience with Lord Malis."
Kar'na stirred and sat up, blinking away the sleep from his eyes. The group had all been taken to the keep and stashed in separate cells. Though he'd been worried, Kar'na insisted that everyone get some sleep, for they didn't want to get caught unaware if the chance came.
The door to his cell was open, revealing a large Falskin standing there, a set of shackles in his hands.
"I said, get up!" he growled, stepping into the cell. Kar'na readied himself, but stopped when he noticed the rest of the guards standing outside, weapons ready. He let the large guard shackle him and lead him outside.
They walked through the dungeon, a massive maze of corridors and passages. The air was foul, with the scents of waste, sickness, death and fear. A horrible place.
Thankfully, they soon left the dungeon and entered into the massive, opulent halls of Lord Malis, which Kar'na quickly realized was almost worse. The graceful, soaring columns and marble ceilings gave the palace the unmistakable feel of wealth and power. A power built up on the backs of the poor and enslaved.
Once in the grand room, Kar'na noticed a raised dais on the far end of the room, where a figure of ample girth was seated upon the throne.
"Ah," the figure said, as the guards drew nearer with their prisoner. "If it isn't the famed Kar'na! You know, you're a lot less impressive in person."
I could say the same thing about you, Kar'na thought maliciously, staring at the figure that was undoubtedly Lord Malis. And at least I have a reason for my appearance. A cold cell and only a loincloth to wear.
_ _ Instead of saying that, he answered with, "Call off your dogs and I can show you where I get my reputation."
"Oh," Malis' eyes twinkled with laughter. "But I only see one dog here, Kar'na. And that'd be you."
Kar'na laughed, along with Malis. A guard joined in and Kar'na kicked him.
"So," Kar'na said a second later, as the guard staggered away, groaning with the unexpected kick. "Are you going to let us go? Or am I going to have to make you?"
"Make me?" Malis smirked. "You? Bound and weak before me? I could have you killed with a snap."
Kar'na grinned and shrugged his shoulders, the manacles falling off his wrists. In the stunned silence, Kar'na whirled about, kicking a guard in the face and sending him flying backwards. He ducked below a sword slice and jabbed the Falskin under the chin.
Deftly taking the lizard's sword as he fell, Kar'na whirled about and stabbed it hilt-deep in the massive guard, who fell backwards with a scream.
"Give me one reason I shouldn't kill you now," Kar'na growled at Malis, levelling one of his 'borrowed' swords at him.
"Well," Malis said. "For a start, if you did, the archers in the alcoves would be forced to kill you."
The ominous sounds of arrows being nocked to bows echoed throughout the chamber. No way could Kar'na survive that many arrows.
"Also," Lord Malis continued. "Please remember that I have your comrades held hostage in the basement. Any attempts to kill me would result in their deaths as well."
"I said _one_reason," Kar'na growled, dropping the sword. "And you're going to kill all us regardless, aren't you?"
"Not necessarily," Malis said breezily. "Master Sanvar would love to see his children again. And I would sooner see your friends sold into slavery than have them killed. It's more profitable."
Kar'na ground his teeth, wanting every second to strangle the life out of Malis' fat body.
"But you, assassin, you amuse me."
"Glad you think so," Kar'na snarled. "I hope you still find it funny when I strangle you to death with the shackles you gave me."
"Yes," Malis beamed. "You amuse me a lot. Which is why I have something...else, planned. Something I think you'd enjoy very much."
Kar'na stared at him, waiting. The wolf was amazed at how down-pat Malis had the whole evil villain thing.
"Live combat!" Malis cheered. "I put you in an arena and have you fight to the death! Great entertainment!"
"You're insane!" Kar'na cried. "Live combat?"
"Yes!" Malis clapped. "You, versus some of my slaves! One on one!"
"And what delusion of yours has you convinced that I'll kill innocents whom you've enslaved? You're a monster!"
Malis's eyes darkened a tad.
"Don't test me assassin. I could still order your entire group's execution...if that's what you'd prefer..."
Kar'na stayed silent and Malis nodded once.
"Good. Very good decision you've made, Kar'na. Now, guards!"
A group of guards entered the room, wearily regarding the unbound assassin standing over the bodies of the last group of guards.
"Take this one back to the dungeon," Malis ordered. "And get me my attendant! This is an event I want people to witness!"
The guards nodded and roughly grabbed Kar'na by the arms, dragging him back to his cell. Arriving in the dungeons, they threw Kar'na roughly to the cold and dirty floor.
"Kar'na," Kiri's voice came from the cell across the hall after the guards left. "Are you alright? What'd he want?"
Kar'na sighed.
"Seems he wants me to kill."
The roar of the crowd was thunderous and loud. Clearly, they were people who wanted to see blood. This wasn't the first tournament Malis had held, apparently.
Kar'na was in one of the ready rooms, with only a few silent guards for company. He was to carry no weapon, while his foes would be armed and, likely, armoured.
And here he was in traditional Ch'kiliil clothing. That is, a loincloth.
Still, he was likely to be pitted against slaves, with no combat training whatsoever and terrified for their lives to boot.
"Attention, fair people of Juxtpa and beyond," the announcer's voice boomed. "Today is a grand day! A day of sport and competition...to the death. Today's fighters are all to be pitted against the famed Kar'na, the White Wolf of Winterwrath."
The crowd started booing and Kar'na had no choice but to smile. If he managed to get this many people to hate him, that meant that he had been doing his job.
"As you all know, anybody who brought a slave, or even themselves, to be entered into the competition, gets their chance. So up first is the slave J'inuan, property of Menven Sor'a! This slave accepted a gift from the White Wolf himself, resulting in the death of an innocent clothing merchant."
The crowd booed again and Kar'na quirked an eyebrow. Who would he be fighting?
"So in cage one, we have the White Wolf of Winterwrath!"
Kar'na, correctly assuming that that was his cue, walked through the gate and out into the ring. The arena was full of people, most of them alternatively cheering or booing.
"And from cage two, we have the slave of Juxtpa's wealthy, J'inuan!"
The other door opened and a nervous-looking young jaguar was pushed out into the arena, to the boos and cheers of the crowd. A jaguar that looked very familiar....
Of course, it was the jaguar from the market! The one who'd gotten robbed. The one whose debt Kar'na had paid.
The jaguar, J'inuan apparently, was wearing only a chest plate and armguards of leather. In his hands he nervously carried a massive pike.
"And let the fight begin!"
The two combatants circled each other, eyeing them and waiting for the other to make the first move, though both knew that there was no way J'inuan could win.
Kar'na feigned a slight trip, hoping to provoke the slave into attacking first. He found that that trick usually worked.
And so it did.
J'inuan rushed the wolf with a loud cry and swung his pike low, towards the wolf's feet. Kar'na obviously saw the strike coming and, a half a second before impact, stomped on the pike, pinning it to the ground.
He stepped closer and grabbed the slave, flinging him over his shoulder to the ground. The young slave started to get up, but Kar'na pivoted and jabbed two of his fingers into the other's neck, rendering him unconscious.
The crowd booed and began flinging items into the arena to show their displeasure. Lord Malis had a heavy frown.
"Wolf!" he cried. "You fail to understand my arena! In my arena...You. Are. To. Kill."
"Then send me competitors!" Kar'na shouted back. "This is one will be out cold most of the day! Bring me warriors, against whom I can pit my talent!"
Two guards entered the arena and nervously carried the unconscious jaguar away.
Cage two opened again and revealed a panther. The panther was sleek, but clearly almost starving. Her eyes held a feral light and she was covered in scars, a veteran of pit and arena fights.
"And next up, Ra'visha! This famed fighter hails from a northern city, one of the many we've sacked!"
The panther's eyes scoured the arena and then locked with Kar'na's, a mad light dancing within. With a yowl, she rushed the assassin.
Kar'na, caught off guard by the unexpectedness of the assault, backed up furiously from her flashing silver blade.
He ducked a slice and pivoted out of the way of the recovery strike. The panther didn't have much style, but she made up with that in sheer ferocity. Slash, slice, stab, hack, Kar'na dodged them all.
The crowd started growing restless. "Blood, blood, blood, blood!"
Kar'na growled and ducked another strike of the blade, this time using his duck to strike the panther in her unarmoured belly. She grunted and staggered away briefly.
"Kill!" Malis bellowed. "Or death will come!"
Kar'na scowled at Malis in the stands and noticed that the reptilian lord had Kiri bound at his feet and was holding a knife.
"Now, kill!"
Kar'na stared at Kiri and, the next time the panther came, he struck.
She swung at him, which Kar'na ducked as before. Except this time, he caught the sword arm and twisted, making her drop the blade. He caught it as it fell and plunged it into the other's chest.
The crowd cheered and hollered and Kar'na dropped the blade as the panther staggered backwards and fell to the ground, her blood turning the sand a rich, red colour.
"Excellent," Malis boomed.
The sound of the gate occurred again and Kar'na listened as the announcer spoke.
"Our next competitor hails from our very own Parai. He was born a slave, but trained a pit fighter after he slew three of his fellow slaves and an overseer in a fit of rage. Ready for La'malik, the bear of Kinic!"
Kar'na grew cold. Did he just say bear? Bears were amongst the most dangerous of Ch'kiliil breeds, their fierce size and power making them a challenge to fight.
And stepping out of the gate was the biggest bear Kar'na had ever seen. He stood well over seven feet tall, easily topping the wolf's own 6'4". His plate armour glinted in the sunlight, proudly showcasing the decorative spikes on the shoulders, knees and elbows.
Kar'na sighed. Well then.
The bear roared and stomped the ground, before advancing on Kar'na. However, unlike Ra'visha or J'inuan before him, La'malik was clearly surveying the wolf, waiting for him to move. The bear's massive broadsword was held in a ready stance.
And here Kar'na was with only Ra'visha's silver blade.
The two circled each other before Kar'na darted in, blade ready. La'malik swung the massive weapon of his far faster the Kar'na anticipated and the wolf hastily dropped, coming up in a roll and swinging his sword into La'malik's side.
The weapon bounced off the bear's armour and La'malik elbowed him in the face, sending Kar'na back a few feet and flat into the dirt. Kar'na was lucky he hadn't been impaled by La'malik's elbow spikes.
The assassin groaned in pain and started to get up, only to notice the bear cleaving downwards with his broadsword. Kar'na rolled out of the way and the sword impacted harmlessly into the dirt.
He kicked the bear in the side and sprung to his feet, blinking dizzily. The impact with the ground had burst his stitches open a little and blood was trickling from the wound. Thankfully, the guards hadn't taken his bandages.
However, the bandages in question were still letting the blood show through. The crowd cheered that the massive bear had apparently gotten a strike.
La'malik grinned as well, swinging his blade in a massive cross sweep that Kar'na barely managed to jump over.
The crowd began chanting. "Kill the wolf! Kill the wolf! Kill the wolf!"
Thanks, Kar'na thought sarcastically.
La'malik swung across again and this time, Kar'na realized he wouldn't be able to dodge in time, at least not without getting gutted in the process. So the white wolf attempted a deflecting block.
With a powerful crack, La'malik's blade impacted with Kar'na's own, splitting the silver blade to pieces and throwing the wolf backwards.
La'malik grinned and sauntered over, looming over Kar'na. Kar'na coughed, spitting up blood. It hurt to breathe.
La'malik raised his greatsword high, high above his head, ready to cleave the wolf in two. It was at this moment where Kar'na struck, leaping to his feet and plunging the jagged hilt of the silver sword deep into La'malik's chest, right in a chink in the armour.
The gargantuan bear looked down at the weapon in disbelief, his own sword tumbling from his hands.
"I...lose?" he asked in surprise.
"That you did," Kar'na wheezed. "Now, rest. Sleep in peace."
The bear toppled backwards, impacting the ground with a crash that echoed through the silent arena. Kar'na waited for the crowd to turn nasty.
Instead they erupted into cheers, hooting and hollering.
"Well folks!" the announcer boomed. "It seems that against all odds, our enemy has yet prevailed. But he still has many fights before him. Meet back here in a half hour, giving him some time to rest. Three battles have been won in this crazy beast's favour."
The crowd began to disperse and cage door one opened, revealing a young otter slave who beckoned Kar'na over.
The assassin limped over and entered into the underworks of the arena, already dreading the next battle. Fighting that bear had taken quite a lot out of him.
The slaves were quiet and efficient in the underworks of the arena. Practiced hands kneaded the kinks out of Kar'na's muscles, helping to make him more prepared for his next duel.
"You were fantastic out there," one of the slaves, the young otter who'd called him under, mentioned. "Most of us had hedged that we'd be serving La'malik after that last fight. The bear had never lost to anyone."
"Neither has Si'iquai," another of the slaves said, opening Kar'na's bandages and taking a look at the wound below. "And his style could make it tricky for you to beat him..."
"Why?" Kar'na asked, somehow recognizing the name. "What's his style? Who is he?"
The slaves all looked at each other, the otter warning the tiger who'd spoken with his eyes. The tiger nodded and went back to examining the wound.
"It's not our place to say," the otter said, working on a tight muscle in Kar'na's shoulders. "But we can say that his never having lost a fight is not due to a large size or wild attacks. He's clever."
The other slaves nodded in agreement. One of them brought a hot tub of water over and a cheetah walked over and handed Kar'na a strip of leather.
"What's this for?"
"To bite on," the cheetah explained. "We're going to have to sanitize and re-stitch that wound. We don't want it splitting open further or infection setting in."
Understanding flooded Kar'na's eyes and he clamped his teeth around the bit of leather the slave was offering.
The other slaves stepped back, a few securing his arms and legs so he didn't thrash, as the boiling water was poured into the wound. Kar'na jerked, his teeth gouging deep into the strap, as the water entered the wound.
However, the agony was short lived, only to be replaced by another pain as the slaves immediately started stitching the wound back together again. He bit the strap and held the sides of the stone table as the slaves went about their work with a professional air.
Finally though, the wound was re-stitched and Kar'na spat out the strip of leather.
"Nice job," the tiger commented. "La'malik gave us much more trouble than that with the last wound he received."
"Now let's get that blood out of your fur," the otter said. "You've still got fights to win. In three more battles, I hope to see you back here."
The next battle was rather simple. A Falskin, highly overrating his own skill as a warrior, or underestimating Kar'na's, came in with twin swords and black armour. Twenty seconds later and Kar'na had two swords.
"Was that a fight or a weapon-delivery boy?" Kar'na called out to Malis, actually enjoying himself for once in the arena. He had become the crowd favourite since defeating La'malik and it was actually nice, with the crowd cheering like wild whenever he proved himself again victorious.
Malis himself smiled at Kar'na's question. The wolf had proved himself far more than the Falskin lord had expected. Soon, he knew, he'd either have to get rid of Kar'na or call off the fights to spread themselves over more time. Maybe he'd even let the wolf go.
Kiri had been sent back to wait with the others, as it was clear Kar'na understood the rules of engagement in his arena.
"Very good, Kar'na," Malis said. "A few more competitors are all you have to fight through. Continue to impress and I may just have to release you."
The crowd cheered, though many cast odd looks at Malis.
"But first," the reptilian lord continued. "You have fights!"
The roar of the crowd after this statement was deafening and the announcer waited for it to settle down a bit before speaking.
"Our next competitor," he boomed. "Hails from the Ch'kiliil homeland of Arlea. A dangerous figure, he slew Lord Malis' father as an assignment for the very same guild Kar'na here represents. Let's have a cheer for Si'iquai! Former Master Assassin of the Assassin's Guild!"
Kar'na was incredulous. A former Master? Here, in this arena?
Gate two slid open and a figure in Assassin's Guild light armour emerged from it. He was a coyote, with many scars across his face, a marked contrast to Kar'na's single one, through his left eye. The coyote had a staff and he held it in a knowledgeable grip. He knew what he was doing.
Kar'na studied his opponent as the other drew near. The last master assassin to be replaced before T'safra, the one he took over from, was an assassin that had just gone missing on his mission, presumed dead.
Yet here he was. Kar'na only had a vague recollection of meeting the coyote while the wolf was still a trainee. But if the coyote had made it to master assassin he was a figure to be feared.
The coyote stopped about eight feet in front of Kar'na and planted the end of his staff into the sand of the arena floor.
"So," he said, in a gravelly voice. "You're the famed Kar'na I've heard so much about. You don't look too impressive."
Kar'na felt a brief flicker of irritation. That was the second person in as many days who said he didn't look impressive. What were they expecting to see?
"Sorry to disappoint," Kar'na said. "Are you really a former master?"
"Yes, wolf," the coyote sniffed. "I'm almost surprised you didn't recognize my name when it was first spoken, but Grandmaster Khej always was good at burying his mistakes."
"Do not speak ill of the Guildmaster," Kar'na growled. The crowd was getting impatient at the chatter, but Kar'na didn't care. This needed to be said.
"Why?" Si'iquai demanded. "I went missing from the guild thirteen years ago, when you were but a trainee. Did Khej send anyone? Did people lament the passing of a master assassin? No! Instead, they blot out my name, so that the newer generations don't even learn of me."
The assassin sounded so bitter that Kar'na could not help but feel some sympathy.
"You don't have to fight me," Kar'na said, lowering his swords. "Together, the two of us might be able to escape. You can head North with us to Arlea! You can rejoin the guild."
"Look around you!" Si'iquai snapped. "Even if I wanted to, do you see those guards? The archers? The crowd itself? We'd be cut down in moments!"
"You're a brother assassin," Kar'na said. "How could we fight? In doing so, we spit upon the very first tenet of our guild. Do not harm a brother!"
"I would gladly spit upon it myself, if I but had the stupid tablet before me. You don't understand. After this battle, when you lie broken and defeated at my feet, I will show Lord Malis where our guild is located. And he will burn it to the ground! As it should be!"
"Traitor!" Kar'na cried, leaping into battle. He sliced wide from the right, a short stab also coming from the left.
With a twirl of his staff, Si'iquai blocked both swords and swung about at Kar'na, which the wolf had to duck. Though Kar'na had always been comfortable with a sword, the staff had always been his weapon. Whenever he had one, he was nigh-on undefeatable in combat.
Now, facing an opponent with the same weapon and more skill than any he'd faced before, Kar'na had serious doubts.
Slice, stab, dodge, block, counter, pivot; Si'iquai had serious skill. And as far as Kar'na could see, his style was unbreachable. Now, Kar'na had taken many opponents to their graves who had unbeatable defense, but that usually involved using his environment against them.
Kar'na utilized a tiny lull in combat to look around. Walls and a floor. Three corpses. Nothing else.
As the combat picked up again, Kar'na started analyzing his opponent. Who was he? He was an assassin, a former master. One who had failed his mission and been captured as a result. One who had been, for all intents and purposes, ignored by the Guild. He could use that.
"There was probably a reason your name was blocked out," Kar'na hedged.
"Ooh," Si'iquai chuckled, his stave missing Kar'na's head by mere inches. "Trying to get me angry and careless? Old but ineffective trick."
"More effective than you," Kar'na said, blocking one strike and returning another. "Considering you failed a mission."
"I did _not_fail," Si'iquai said calmly, though his eyes flared with momentary anger. "I succeeded. I murdered Malis's father."
"And got captured in the process," Kar'na taunted. A momentary break in Si'iquai's defense appeared and Kar'na struck, his sword clanging harmlessly off Si'iquai's armor. But the assassin was still surprised nonetheless.
"Yes I got captured. But so did you. Hence this fight in the first place."
Strike, dodge, kick, parry.
"I got captured escorting a group of freed slaves through a city that shouldn't have even been aware of us," Kar'na retorted. "You had just yourself!"
With a furious yowl, the coyote swung at Kar'na's head. Kar'na tried to duck, but the coyote got a glancing blow. Kar'na's ears rang as he blocked the next strike.
"Anyone can fall Kar'na!" Si'iquai shouted. "Anyone can fall to anyone! I got unlucky."
"Keep telling yourself that," Kar'na replied. "It will make your failure to the guild easier for you to bear."
Another strike and Kar'na spotted something. Si'iquai had gotten careless. Very careless.
Kar'na pivoted out of the way and brought his foot, heel down, into Si'iquai's knee. With a nauseating crack, the knee bent sideways and Kar'na used this lucky break...so to speak...to bat Si'iquai's staff away and stab him in the gut.
The coyote gasped, his brown eyes staring into Kar'na's gold, before he toppled backwards. Once on the ground, broken and dying, he gestured Kar'na close.
"Forgive me, Kar'na," he gasped softly. "I not only failed you, nor the guild, but myself. I let myself down until I was...blinded by my own hate. By my own self-pity."
He blinked away tears, not of pain, but of genuine regret and grasped Kar'na's arm.
"Tell Khej that I'm sorry," he wheezed. "Tell him that I failed. That I let the guild down."
Kar'na pursed his lips and said, "You never let the guild down. You let yourself down only."
"I'm sorry Kar'na," Si'iquai said again. "I...should never...have given up. Get your friends free of here. In the underworks...there lies...a tunnel...out of... the arena. Use it. Get them...home."
He coughed a blood speckled cough and Kar'na lay him back gently.
"Rest now," Kar'na said softly. "Assassin."
The coyote locked eyes with Kar'na and smiled before the light vanished and he lay still, not to move again.
Kar'na stood up and glared in Malis's direction.
"I've defeated your prize fighter!" he shouted furiously. "Could anyone top that? Do you have yet more competitors for me to fight?"
"Yes, assassin," Malis said breezily. "I have many, many competitors for you to fight. But, after a battle like that, you deserve a rest."
"Alright folks," the announcer boomed. "You heard the Lord. Today's games are over. Remember to return tomorrow to view more fights! This whole week, we will be pitting this master against anything we can throw at him!"
The crowd cheered and began to disperse. The wolf glared at them all for a minute before bending down and closing Si'iquai's eyes. Then it was off to the underworks.