Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 131

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#131 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master

Chapter 131 - Stolen Goods

"So... You really met HIM?" Rose asked wide eyed as the girls sat around Chris, having finally finished detailing all the events that had occurred. "Yeah! I mean the fire was like..." he replied, letting out "Boom!" and "Psshhew!" type noises while using his hands to emphasize things. "And his voice, it was... I mean geez!" he added, trying to do a sudden deep impression while standing up and looming over Rose and Serenity, the two blinking and sweating slightly before trying to do the same to Alicia, only to pause when the snake loomed over him instead with her eyebrow raised, making him laugh nervously. "B-But yeah! It was something like that! It was insane!" he affirmed while sitting back down before them. "He told me he cares about us, and get this! He even APPROVES of us! He encourages it!!" Chris grinned excitedly, the girls looking at each other in surprise. "Rather shocking to hear, really. To think inter-species courtship is something HE of all people would..." Alicia replied, looking up curiously. "Well, the world used to be that way, so to Him it's not something bad or weird really. You girls should have seen Ninetales too. She was actually BOWING to Him, it was really something." Chris chuckled. "W-Well, you kinda HAVE to. I mean, He could do... Anything." Rose laughed nervously. "Well, he did say he wasn't here to scare folks or anything. And he sounded real nice and forgiving and stuff when he was talking to her, like I said." Chris point out. "I gotta admit, He scared me a lot too. And when He IS angry, whoo..." he added, tugging his collar when remembering the voice and stormy clouds. "But... Even then it doesn't seem like He actually WANTS to hurt anyone. I think He only does what has to be done so someone will listen to Him..." Chris assured.

"You say He give you that thing too?" Serenity asked, pointing at Chris's staff. "Oh! Yeah! This is basically His sign in our world. Apparently He has lots of signs in different worlds and stuff. Kinda confusing but... Check it out!" Chris offered, handing his staff to Rose allowing her to feel the medal. "So---o smooth. And shiny!" she giggled. "I gotta say though, it doesn't... FEEL special. I mean, if it came from Him, shouldn't you feel some kinda power or something?" the rabbit asked curiously while handing it to Alicia, the snake using her vines to hold the staff and touch the medal herself. "I agree. You'd think you'd feel some trace of Him coming from it. Seems like an ordinary trinket to me." she affirmed while giving his staff a wave. "Well, maybe it's kinda like this thing that Washu lady gave me." Chris point out, taking the dark crystal out from under his shirt. "It doesn't do anything special really, but it looks neat." he explained. "He told me there would be times we'd need help. So... Maybe they're kind of the same and only work under specific circumstances." he suggested before tucking the crystal back in his shirt. "I wonder how those humans from other world doing? Was neat going in space." Serenity point out while Alicia passed her the staff. "Yeah, no kidding! Hard to believe we flew through the whole...!!" Chris replied, only to be cut off when Serenity let out a scream and threw his staff away, recoiling in a defensive stance where she sat. "Wh-What?! What's wrong?!" Chris panicked, Alicia and Rose having shot away from Serenity from the startle. Noticing his staff lying dangerously close to the fire, he quickly snatched it up and looked it over, letting out a relieved sigh before noticing Serenity shuddering.

"H-Hey. What's with you?" he asked, walking up only for Serenity to suddenly scoot back and throw snow at him. "Hey!!" Chris shout in agitation with his hands up, Serenity focusing on the staff and scooting back again when he raised it to shield himself. "My word, what's your problem?" Alicia scowled. "Y-Yeah. You're freaking me out." Rose added. Looking at her again, Chris tilt his head in a puzzled state, focusing on her eyes for a moment until noticing her gaze toward his staff. Letting out an "Eh?" he looked it over before glancing over the Arceus medal. Clicking a few things together, he let out an "oohhh" before looking at Serenity again. "This, right?" he asked, holding the staff out making Serenity recoil again, curling up defensively and shivering once more. "You're scared of the..." he muttered, slowly waving his staff making Serenity's eyes follow it. Looking between her and Chris, the girls showed puzzled expressions, silently blinking. "What's this about?" Alicia asked. Looking at Serenity, he could tell the Shadow Matter was taking hold of her again, responding strongly to the Arceus symbol given to Chris by Him after she touched it. "Hmm... That's going to be tricky to deal with." he muttered. Looking at his staff again, he let out a sigh before smiling and walking up to Serenity, making her tense up all the more as he squat. "Hey, don't worry. You're safe." Chris affirmed in a soft voice, showing a warm smile. "Remember, you're my friend." he reminded. "Why are you talking to her like that?" Rose asked curiously. "Because there's a part of her that needs reassuring is all." he explained before reaching out and rubbing her on the head. "Friend... Remember? I won't hurt you." he repeat, the others continuing to watch as he showed Serenity the Arcues medal. "It won't hurt you. I promise." Chris coaxed.

"Remember... Friend." he nodded. After a moment, Serenity suddenly smacked his staff out of his hand, making Chris and the girls jolt before she lunged forward and gave him a tight hug, causing his cheeks to puff out and his face to turn slightly pale. About to intervene, Chris held his hand out to stop the girls before putting an arm around Serenity and patting her head. "Th-There there." he wheezed with a smile, standing up together. Letting her continue clinging to him, Serenity finally let out a groggy groan of sorts and loosened her grip, pulling away with a slight stumble and rubbing her head. "Wh-What happen?" she asked in a dazed state of sorts, nearly stumbling over before Chris caught her with a "Woah there" and pulled her back against him. "What was THAT all about?" Alicia asked with a scowl. "What... What about?" Serenity asked, giving an agitated look of her own toward the snake. "Y-You screamed! You were all shaky and stuff. It was really weird..." Rose explained. Looking at the two, Serenity faced Chris and rubbed her forehead. "...Not feel right. Touch staff, black out..." she groaned, the girls looking at one another before Rose picked up the staff and looked it over. "It's okay, don't worry about it." Chris smiled as the rabbit brought the staff and held it up to Chris. Taking it with a "thanks" in response, he gave her a nod while Serenity looked at the staff and winced, letting out a hiss of sorts and rubbing her head again. "Want to lay down now." she groaned. Looking at her, Chris nodded before leading her to the carriage. "It was your Shadow Matter..." he murmured. "It was what?" Serenity asked. "It was that Shadow Matter, when you touched the medal it got scared. Guess it can control you a little." Chris explained.

"Didn't take much to settle it down though so no worries. Nearly squeezed the life outta me though!" he laughed. "S-Squeeze life?!" Serenity panicked. "Relax, it just hugged me kinda tight was all. Then you came back and that was it. I guess as long as I watch this thing your Shadow Matter won't react again. No worries." Chris assured while setting his staff aside and opening the carriage. "I... Still worried about it." Serenity point out. "No need to be. We've been over things already. As long as you've got me, everything's fine." he smiled, the Pokemon looking at him before glancing away as he helped her in. "You... Sure you okay?" Serenity asked. "I'm a-okay." Chris assured while tucking her in. "I love you, and what's inside of you... Well, we're cool I think." he smiled making her scowl. "That not ice joke is it?" she asked. "N-No!!" Chris snapped. "Though it was a good chance to make one I guess." he smirked. "Shadow Matter... It control me. I... I not like that." Serenity replied. "What if it take control for good? What if black out and not come back?!" she panicked, sitting up only for Chris to coax her back down. "I promise I'll watch out for you. No matter what happens I'll always bring you out of it. I don't think it wants to get rid of you either. It just... Wants to survive. If it doesn't feel threatened, it won't do anything." Chris assured. "I'm not scared of it, and neither should you be. You and that Shadow Matter just share the same body is all. Think of it like... You're sisters. Keeping each other safe. Looking out for each other. And you've got me to help out with that!" he grinned with a thumbs up. Looking up at him, Serenity let out a wary groan and clutched the sheets. "I-I not like it..." she murmured.

Looking down at her, Chris put his hand on Serenity's cheek, making her jolt and blush slightly. "You trust me, right?" he asked, the Pokemon glancing away. "...Well? Don't you?" he added, Serenity looking back at him and nodding. "Then believe me. What's inside you isn't bad. It just wants to live, to exist. It wants to learn and grow. Just like anybody would. It would never get rid of you, if anything I think it just wants to be like you. That's why I'm going to take care of it, just like I take care of you... It won't be easy, but you know me. I hate doing things the easy way." Chris laughed, making Serenity scowl before giving him a soft punch in the arm. "Snake right, you hopeless..." she replied, making him let out an "eh?" as she showed a small smile. "Stay with?" she asked. Blinking at her, he let out an "mm" with a nod before Serenity pulled him into the sheets with her, curling up against him. "This better." she sighed. "EXCUSE ME?!!" Alicia voice screeched out, causing Chris and Serenity to shoot up from the startle. "Ugh... Snake ruin AGAIN..." Serenity grumbled. "You're just going to cuddle up in here and leave us standing out in the cold?! How rude!!" the snake lectured. "S-Sorry!! I didn't mean to!! Serenity wasn't well is all!!" Chris apologized. "So you're going to get all friendly in the sheets while we stand out in the snow?!" Alicia argued. "S-Sorry, sorry." he apologized again, rubbing his head with a bow. "You know, it was kinda mean to get in there like that without us... You still haven't explained what happened either." Rose point out with a pouty look on her face. "Aw girls, c'mon. I said I was sorry! My mind can only focus on so much at once." he point out. "How well we know..." Alicia scowled before slithering into the carriage, Rose following with a scowl of her own while they made themselves comfortable.

"S-Sorry girls." Chris groaned, scratching his cheek nervously. Standing up, he tucked the two in while Alicia and Serenity glared at one another. "Stupid snake." she muttered. "Handicapped hussy." Alicia replied, Serenity letting out a gasp and raising her finger. "Hey now! That one isn't cool!" Chris lectured, causing Serenity to pause and blink at him before crossing her arms with a smirk and a nod. "Calling me stupid is fine then?!" Alicia snapped. "N-No!! J-Just quit it you two!!" he ordered, turning toward Serenity making her jolt and quickly lay down innocently. "Oy veh..." he sighed, shaking his head. "I'm sorry, okay? Really. You know I'd be the same with either one of you if you weren't feeling good. I'd never intentionally ignore any of you!" he affirmed, Rose looking at him and Serenity before scratching her cheek. "I guess that's true..." she nodded. "Of course it is! I'd worry myself sick over any of you girls, you know that." Chris point out. "So, we're good, right?" he asked, looking at Alicia making her glance away with a scowl. "...Right?" he asked, causing her to look at him for a moment and let out a "hrmph!" and an "I suppose" before rolling over. Showing a scowl of his own, Chris suddenly showed an "ah!" look as an idea came to mind, turning toward the others with a "shhh" expression and winking before he started pretending to cry, acting like he was wiping his eyes on his sleeve while hicking. Jolting, this made Alicia face him and raise up, blinking in surprise as Chris let out a miserable sounding "I try so hard" statement followed by "she's mad at me again..." causing Alicia to panic. "I-I'm sorry!! N-Never mind!! It's fine, alright?! Y-You're forgiven!!" she assured, quickly reaching out with her vines and turning him toward her. "C-Come now!! Don't do tha...!!" she added, pausing when she noticed the grin on Chris's face. "Gotcha!!" he exclaimed with peace signs held up, causing her to stutter and flush while Rose giggled and Serenity snickered.

"Y-Y-You...!!" she stuttered before showing an enraged look. "You CHILD!!!" she snapped, pushing him back making him stumble over the others before flopping her head back down with her back toward him. "GOODNIGHT!!" she added in agitation. Sitting up, Chris couldn't help but chuckle at having turned the tides and flustered the snake, standing before walking up and lifting the sheets over her. "Sorry Alicia." he apologized, getting a grumble in response. Leaning down, he gave the snake a kiss on the cheek with an "I love you" as well, making her go silent before murmuring "Love you too..." while hiding a slight blush. Turning around, both Serenity and Rose had gathered on their knees with their hands together, showing a begging expression with their eyes widened while looking up at him like puppies. "What about us?" they asked simultaneously. Blinking with a nervous "uhh" and sweating slightly, Chris sighed and smirked before giving each a kiss on the cheek as well. "Alright, alright. Get tucked in you two. I'm gonna put out the fire and join' ya." he instructed. Doing as told, both girls got back under the sheets while he went back outside, checking on Rapidash a final time before putting out the remainder of their campfire. On his way back inside the carriage, he paused and took his staff in hand, looking it over before facing the door. "That stuff isn't gonna trust this thing for a while..." he muttered while looking around. "I'd hate to cause Serenity headaches over it." he added before deciding to hide it under the drivers seat for the night. "Alright, off to bed." he smirked with a nod. Returning inside the carriage, Chris started stripping with a yawn while the girls watched, even Alicia glancing back curiously as he stood in his boxers with a stretch.

"Alright, finally time to...?" he paused, looking at the girls causing them to jolt and face away. "Okay then..." he muttered before tucking himself in between Serenity and Rose with another yawn. "You know, this is one heck of a life." he point out, the girls looking at him curiously. "I've got an amazing family, we've been to great places... Sure times have been tough, but we've even met folks from a whole different REALITY too!" he grinned. "We've been across the world within minutes, went through the galaxy in no time at all, and I met Him... HIM of all people!" Chris exclaimed excitedly. "We've had our challenges, but you gotta admit, this thing we've got going on is pretty awesome." he chuckled. "I've got a bad ass Gardevoir, a sweet as candy Lopunny, and the greatest Serperior of all time traveling with me through it all... Oh life is GOOD!!" he added, unable to resist shooting up with his fists in the air before flopping back down. "Ahh man... I'm feelin' pretty alright right now." he sighed, the girls looking at him before sitting up themselves. "I am bad, aren't I?" Serenity asked, giving an "up yours" gesture with her arm and patting it. "You think I'm that sweet huh?" Rose asked with a grin of her own, her tail wagging excitedly. "It's rather hard being the greatest, but it's a burden one must endure." Alicia sighed with a smirk. "So glad you noticed." she added. Looking at them, Chris suddenly reached out and pulled Serenity and Rose close against his sides. "What else can a fella say other than thank you?" he asked, closing his eyes with another chuckle. "Amazing women, parents that are proud of me, all the friends we made, places we've been, all the people too..." he added, looking at his crystal again before looking up.

"Yeah... Thank you." he grinned. "You know..." Alicia interrupted, pausing as Chris raised up and looked at her with an "eh?" as she looked away for a moment. "You... Shouldn't need their pride to make you feel this way." she affirmed, the girls raising up and looking at her too. "What snake on about now? You trying to make feel bad again?" Serenity scowled. Looking at her, Chris focused on Alicia again. "What do you mean?" he asked. "...We're proud of you." she replied, making him slightly puzzled. "I-I know? That makes me happy too." Chris smiled. "I mean, how we feel about you, that should matter more." the snake affirmed. Looking between the two, Rose suddenly pat her hand in her palm. "I get it! Alicia's jealous!" she point out. "Eh? Of what?" Chris asked, looking at the rabbit curiously. "You're all happy and stuff over finding out how your parents feel about you." the rabbit explained. "Y-Yeah? That's nothing to be jealous over. It's the first thing I've heard about my parents since they left me. I can't help it." he laughed nervously. "A-Am I acting too happy? I don't mean to get on your nerves." he apologized. Jolting, the snake shook her head and apologized as well. "I-I don't know. Never mind." she replied while glancing away. Looking at her for a moment, Chris scratched his cheek before looking at the others as well. "It's... Not that how they feel is more important than how you feel." he assured, looking down before facing the snake. "It's not that it's any more special either. I've just never heard anything good about their feelings toward me. Even when I was with them... I don't remember much, but I didn't think it was too good then either. I just remember them arguing a lot." he recalled.

"So... I'm sorry if I was making you feel like your thoughts meant less than theirs. Trust me, you being proud makes me feel just as great." he affirmed with a nod and a smile. "Don't be jealous or anything like that, okay? No matter what, you know you girls are my life... I've only said it enough to make you sick!" he laughed, Serenity and Rose smiling with a nod of their own. "Don't worry, I'm not counting you out, I promise." he added, crossing his chest with his hand up making Alicia show a small smile of her own. "Just because I know how my folks really feel now, it's not gonna make you fall behind. You girls stay right up there at the top in this guys heart. Never forget that." he winked. "Alright, alright. Never mind." Alicia chuckled. "There we go! Music to my ears." Chris grinned before flopping back down. "I just... Feel like I can move on better now... That's all. There's this weight that just... Vanished, basically. I feel light as a feather in a way... You know?" he asked, the girls thinking back on how he'd taken them in and nodding collectively once more. "I know just how feel." Serenity smiled while laying against him. "Yeah, feels good huh?" Rose giggled while laying against his opposite side. Hugging them both, Chris jolt when he felt something coming up under the sheets, looking down to find Alicia slithering up until her nose poked out from the sheets on his chest. "E-Eh?" he replied, lifting the blanket and looking at her flushed expression. "F-For tonight. I'll just rest here." she explained. "You get to be on top?" Serenity scowled. "I-It's not like I have an option! You two are hogging his sides! And I'm not about to curl up around YOU again..." the snake point out, scowling back at Serenity.

"B-But yes. The feather thing. I agree..." she added. "I-Is this a problem?" she asked, looking at Chris and getting a smirk. "Nah, it's pretty cozy actually." he nodded. "We trade places! I make more cozy!" Serenity grinned before she attempted to pull Alicia off him, only for the snake to let out a surprising hiss with her fangs bared making Serenity jump back with a startled shout. "W-W-What THAT for?!!" she panicked, her eyes widened. "Oh wow... She really likes her spot." Rose muttered. "G-Geez Alicia, that's new." Chris smiled nervously. "I've had enough for one night, thank you. I'm here, so this is where I'll stay. Stick to your own place." she affirmed while resting her chin on Chris's chest. Inching back up close, Serenity warily laid her head down. "F-Fine! Freaky snake..." she muttered. "You just keep that in mind." Alicia replied with her eyes shut. Looking at Chris, Serenity gave him a "she's a meanie..." kind of look with tears in her eyes causing him to sigh with a "there there" in response while rubbing her on the head. After this, the group gradually started to doze off, with Chris finally slipping into his own slumber after all that had occurred. However, once again he came to find his rest interrupted when he felt a tapping on his arm. Stirring with a groggy "eh?" and dazed eyes, he looked at the ceiling as his arm was tapped again. Raising his head, he saw Alicia deep asleep on top of him, with Rose snoozing away by his side. Blinking confused, he let out another "eh?" before yawning and shutting his eyes, only to be tapped a third time making him let out a quiet snort of sorts. "I'm up, I'm up." he murmured, raising slightly and looking around again before noticing Serenity looking at him as she lay on her side.

"S-Serenity...?" he muttered, looking at the windows only to find barely any light in the sky. "Sun's barely started to come up... What's going on?" he asked with a yawn, rubbing his eyes. "I sorry I wake you up..." she apologized. "No, no. It's okay." he assured while laying his head back down. "What is it?" he asked, looking at her as she glanced away. "Still worried about Shadow stuff." she revealed. "Oh, that again." he sighed before glancing toward his pants. "It's really not as scary or bad as you think it is... I don't believe so anyways. I've seen what it looks like when it takes shape. I've seen how it acts... I even talked to it." he revealed, Serenity's eyes widening while sitting up. "H-How you do that?" she asked. "Don't worry about it." Chris replied while looking back at her. "The point is, that Shadow Matter just wants the same things you have. I think it just wants to be a part of us, to watch us in its own way... I'm not going to hate it for that. I'm not going to be terrified just because of how it looks. When you think about it, that stuff exists because of us. So in a weird sort of way, we're like its parents." he point out. "That weird way of thinking..." Serenity muttered. "I'm just a weird guy I guess." Chris yawned. "Think about this... The whole time it has been a part of you, it hasn't hurt anybody. It has come out to protect us. And when it took control of you when we were talking, it was only because it was scared. After it calmed down it brought you back..." he affirmed. "Serenity, it's not going to take over your body. It's not going to take you away from us... It just wants to be a part of us, a part of you. Nothing more, nothing less." he assured with a hand on her cheek.

"What's inside of you, it trusts us. It trusts me... I'm not going to turn against it, and neither should you after what its done for all of us. When you protected the ship, do you really think it was just your power alone keeping that barrier up? I know, somewhere inside you, that Shadow Matter was giving its all too, so that it could survive, so that everybody could. It doesn't understand much... But what it does understand has got to be its friends at the very least... It protects us, it protects you. And whether it means much or not, through you it gave me a hug... It knows what fear is, it knows what trust is. I'm not going to betray that trust, and neither should you." Chris nodded. "You are both my Serenity, and at the same time, you're very different. Having that inside you just means I have all that much more to care about and protect." he smiled. "Now, come on." he instructed, pulling Serenity up close against his side and holding her. "Be my big, brave girl, okay? It's like I said, trust me. Believe in me... I promise you're going to be okay, no matter what. You know I'm here for you and I'd never let anything take you away." he coaxed, the Pokemon clinging to him as he gave her a kiss on the forehead. "I sorry I wake up..." she apologized. "Hey, no worries." Chris smiled. "I... Notice you not bring staff in." she point out. "Naw, hid it under the seat outside. I didn't want you getting headaches. Gonna take time to get that stuff inside you to relax with that medal around." he laughed nervously. "I sorry... It important to you. Feel bad you do that." Serenity replied with a guilty look. "Don't worry about it. The staff is fine and you're not hurting. All that matters." he smiled, giving her another kiss on the forehead. "You just hold onto me and get some sleep, okay?" he instructed.

Doing as told, Serenity nodded and curled up against him, holding onto his arm while closing her eyes. "Atta girl." Chris chuckled before falling back asleep himself. Eventually, the sun rose above the mountains, peeking over the tips causing rays to shine throughout the border. With some shining through the windows of the carriage, the girls began to stir before Chris, with Alicia waking up first to find herself having nuzzled her face into Chris's neck overnight for warmth. Blushing wide eyed, she felt her cheek against his and showed a small smile, brushing against his face before making her way off his body, pulling her head out from the foot of the blankets and stretching with a yawn. Looking around, she decided to slither out of the characters while the others slept. Heading into the snow, she quietly shut the door behind herself and took a deep breath, letting out a sigh and stretching again before feeling a sudden chill run through her. Looking down, she remembered forgetting to take off her collar the night before, leaving its power drained. Letting out a groan, Alicia turned toward the door only to pause when she heard a commotion from nearby trees. Looking around, she spotted a bunch of Aipom and Ambipom dancing about various limbs, leaping from place to place and hooting in a chanting manner of sorts. Scowling in agitation from the noise, she was about to head inside the carriage when she noticed the Pokemon tossing an object around, the one holding it becoming the leader as they climbed and danced. At first thinking it was a branch, Alicia squint her eyes and realized they'd managed to get hold of Chris's staff. Jolting from the discovery, she was about to alert the others when the Pokemon started rushing off playfully.

Panicking, the snake looked between the disappearing group and the carriage, looking down at her collar and letting out a groan before giving chase, trailing the Pokemon through the forest. having heard the commotion himself, Rapidash opened his eyes and let out a groggy yawn. Looking around, the horse shrugged before resting his head again, both Alicia and the thieves having already vanished. Inside the carriage, the others were starting to wake as well, with Rose being the next to rise and stretch with a dazed look on her face. With the rays of the sun hitting her eyes, the rabbit jolt and raised her hand, squinting at the window with a groan before rubbing her eyes. Looking at Chris, she started nudging him with a raspy "wake up" kind of sound, making him stir and groan with an "again Serenity...?" comment. Stretching where he lay, Chris let out a long groan before sighing and raising up. "I told you, there's nothing to...?" he added, pausing as he groggily looked around, noticing the sun and Rose looking at him curiously. "...Oh, uh, hey there." he smiled. Nodding, the rabbit crawled around him and went up to Serenity, poking her on the cheek with a raspy "up, up" kind of noise. "Man, not a bad sleep at all." Chris point out while stretching again with his arms above him. "How about Alici...?" he asked, pausing again when he looked down at himself and noticed the missing snake. "Alicia?" he added, lifting the sheets and looking around curiously. "She... Must have gotten up early." he muttered as Serenity swat Rose's hand away and let out a whiny noise while rolling onto her back. "Morning sleepyhead." Chris chuckled as the rabbit started pokeing Serenity's cheek again, making her growl in agitation as her eyes slowly opened. "Stop... Poking..." she warned, making Rose jolt and back away with a nervous laugh. "M-Morning!" she replied while Serenity raised up and rubbed her own eyes as well. "Night go by too fast." she grumbled.

"Well, we really didn't sleep much when you think about it. I know I didn't... After everything that went on we kinda got cut short on rest." Chris laughed nervously. "I guess I could've waited until morning to tell you girls about everything... I was too excited." he apologized. "Not worry about it. Still sleep okay anyway." Serenity replied while waving her hand. "You know, today's gonna be pretty exciting too! We'll finally be past the border and at the Aurora Festival by the time the sun goes down! Make good time and we can get settled in before it gets too dark even!" Chris grinned. "Don't you have those humans waiting for you though?" Rose reminded. "Ah..." Chris replied, pausing for a moment before laughing nervously. "Y-Yeah, they will be... Still! We should be able to settle in without a problem at the very least!" he assured. "Humans bug when get there, I take care of them." Serenity scowled. "D-Don't worry. Everything will be fine." Chris coaxed. "You girls didn't happen to notice where Alicia went, did you?" he asked, the two pausing and looking around. "Huh, snake gone?" Serenity replied. "Weird, she must've went out, surprisingly. Usually she likes staying in here." Rose added. Looking around, Chris smirked and nodded with his arms crossed. "I knew she'd warm up to the place! I bet she went out to watch the sun come up. View's pretty sweet here!" he suggested. "I'll get dressed so we can head out and meet her. Kinda sucks we missed the sunrise though." he point out. "I not mind. Extra sleep good." Serenity nodded. "Yeah, last night WAS a little much." Rose laughed nervously. "R-Right, right. Sorry again." Chris apologized with slight sweat on his face while dressing himself.

Once they were ready, the group stepped outside together to take in their own breaths of the crisp morning air, looking around at the view as the rays of the sun shined through the branches of the surrounding forest. "Looks like we'll be able to reach the festival without any problems." Chris chuckled, looking up at the sky with his hand over his eyes. "Crystal clear and bright as can be, no better way to end a journey!" he grinned as the girls walked about. "Hey... I don't see Alicia anywhere." Rose point out. "I not see snake either... Where she go?" Serenity asked, both continuing to look around while Chris did the same. "Huh..." he muttered while heading toward the drivers seat. "Yo! Rapidash! You see where Alicia went?" he called out, making the horse jolt with a snort and hake his head, letting out a yawn of sorts before looking at the group. Scanning the area, he shook his head in response, making the group look at one another. "Okay, that's a little...!!" Chris replied, pausing and freezing up wide eyed. "What with that face?" Serenity asked, walking up with Rose as he started panicking. "Ooohhhh no. No no no!! Where is it?!!" he shout, leaping into the drivers seat and shoving his head beneath it, feeling around. "What's the matter?" Rose asked, the two watching wide eyed. "It's gone!!" Chris panicked, shooting up and looking around before jumping out of the seat and searching under the carriage, pushing and shoveling snow about. "M-My staff!! Where is it?!!" he shout, causing the girls to jolt and panic was well, helping him search. After a moment, Chris finally raised up with the color drained from his body, looking as if all life had suddenly vanished within him.

"G-Gramps ashes. The medal..." he muttered. "W-We find it!! Not worry!!" Serenity assured. "Yeah!! Come on!! We can keep looking!!" Rose insisted, pulling on his hand. Stumbling forward, Chris accidentally fell into the snow from the sudden yanking, making the rabbit panic and apologize as he raised up with a groan. "R-Right after He gave it to me..." Chris muttered before jolting when he noticed a trail beneath him that led into the forest. Following it with his gaze, he raised up and stood as the girls checked him over. "Look..." he point out, the girls noticing the trail as well. "That's Alicia's isn't it?" Rose asked. "I know! I bet snake have staff! Mad about last night I bet so she do this to get back!" Serenity point out. "Sh-She wouldn't do something like THAT just for me teasing her!" Chris affirmed. "I not know, you did make pretty mad." the Pokemon reminded, making Chris pause before looking at the trail again. "She knows how important it is, she'd never do something to it..." he replied. "If say so, but convenient how snake and staff gone at same time." Serenity shrugged while crossing her arms. "So... We go look for her?" Rose asked. "Yeah... I'm worried now." Chris nodded. Instructing Rapidash to watch over the carriage, he asked the horse to find them if Alicia returned before they head off along the trail the snake had left behind. "Snake not like when messed with but this go too far." Serenity scowled. "We don't know if she did it." Chris affirmed. "It's still strange how they both disappeared though." Rose point out as they went further and further. Eventually, they reached an area where Alicia's trail turned chaotic, looking as if the snake had slithered and thrashed all over the place leaving a tangled mess of trails before the group.

"U-Uh oh..." Rose muttered. "What this about...?" Serenity asked as they looked around. Doing the same himself, Chris felt an uneasy sensation run up his spine, noticing the trees looking as though they'd been slashed as well. "...Come on, see if we can find where the trail continues." Chris instructed. Nodding, the girls helped by following their own trails as best they could, trying to figure out the best way to go until Chris and Serenity suddenly knocked their heads against one another with a loud smack, sending them both falling back with a simultaneous shout and rolling about in the snow, clutching their heads tightly. "Watch it!!" they both shout, Rose looking at the two and sweating slightly before noticing an area where the trail continued through the forest. "I-I think I found which way she went..." the rabbit point out as the two stood up, both hissing with a tear in their eyes while rubbing their foreheads. "Owww... You have hard head!!" Serenity complained. "Y-Yours is harder!! Geez!!" Chris argued back before both jolt and hissed again. "You guys!! I found another trail!!" Rose repeat, both jolting and quickly taking a look for themselves. "You're right... Nice!" Chris praised with a thumbs up, making Rose smile and nod before they continued following the path through the woods. Eventually, they reached another location where the trail turned chaotic, showing signs of a second battle making the group wary all the more. "...I admit, I not like either..." Serenity muttered. "Ooohh, I hope she's okay." Rose added, clutching Chris's coat. "Sh-She's fine. We know she can handle herself!" Chris nodded as they looked around again. After a moment, Serenity suddenly paused and point with a loud "there she is!!" making Chris and Rose jolt before rushing to her sides and having a look. In the far distance, a figure was standing in the midst of the trees, making the two sigh in relief while Serenity crossed her arms. "See? She fine." the Pokemon scowled.

"You know you were worried." Chris point out. "Was not." Serenity replied with her nose up. "Come on!!" Rose insisted, tugging on Chris again. "O-Okay, okay!" he laughed nervously before they hurried along. "Alicia! Wadaya doin' way out...?!" he began to ask, the group pausing behind the snake then they noticed his staff in her mouth. "Sh-She really did...?" Rose muttered. "Oh, that low." Serenity growled, making a motion as if she was pulling up her sleeve. "You watch what I...!!" she began, stepping up only to pause when they heard noises from above. "Hey, you girls hear that?" Chris asked, the group looking at one another before looking up. High above them, Aipom and Ambipom were knocked out all over branches like leaves, groaning while others hung within vines, their bodies and mouths ensnared as they dangled like pinatas. Blinking in surprise, they collectively asked "What the?" while looking at the countless Pokemon above. "Alicia, what happened?" Chris asked, walking in front of the snake. "Hey! What's the deal?!" he repeat, looking up at her. "He ask question! What go on here?!" Serenity affirmed. "Y-You okay?" Rose asked, joining the others in front of her. "A-Alicia?" Chris called out. "H-Hello---o!! Alicia!!" he added, waving his hand up in her face, only to get no response. "A-Alicia...?" he muttered. "Hey!! Talk!!" Serenity snapped as Chris reached out and touched the snake, only for his color to turn whiter than before. "Ch-Chris...?" Rose called out in a worried tone. "A-Alicia?" he repeat, looking up at the snake. "A-Alicia?!! H-Hey!! Alicia!!" he panicked, trying to shake her only to find her body stiff as stone, her eyes just as motionless, seemingly gazing into nothingness.

"Answer me!! Hey!!" he shout, trying to pull the staff from her mouth only to find her jaw, and likewise the staff, frozen in place. Stripping her scarf off, Chris reached up and felt her collar over, his eyes widening as he himself seemingly froze up in the same manner. "Wh-What happen? What wrong?" Serenity asked. Stepping back, Chris looked up at Alicia before Ninetales power suddenly blast out of him, making Serenity and Rose jump back in panic before he thrust his hands out against the snake. "Come on!! Answer me!!" he shout. "Answer!! ANSWER!!" he ordered as the blazing energy engulfed Alicia. "Don't do this!! COME ON!!" he shout. "I-Is she...?" Rose asked nervously. "Speak damn it!! Move!! Do SOMETHING!!" Chris ordered, falling into a hysteric state. Shouting her name over and over, the snow melt around the two as Chris tried thawing Alicia out, demanding she respond until Serenity jolt, Rose looking at her with a teary eyed "eh?" before jumping when Serenity shout for Chris to stop. "No!! She's okay!! I know it!!" he affirmed, refusing to listen. "I know she okay!! Just stop for second!!" the Pokemon ordered, making Chris pause with an "eh?" of his own and looking back. "H-How do you kn...?!" he began to ask, only to hear a muffled noise come from the snake. Looking up, he replied with a nervous "A-Alicia...?" in response, noticing her mouth moving by just barely an inch. "T-T-T..." she stuttered, the group gathering wide eyed. "T-T-T... T-Ta..." she added. "Y-Yes? We're here! You okay?!" Chris panicked. "T-Ta... T-Take th..." Alicia tried to say, the group looking at one another. "M-More heat, right?!" he replied, nodding and reaching out.

"T-Take the s-s-ssstupid s-s-s-sssstaff!!!" she ordered, making Chris jolt. "R-Right!! Sorry!!" he panicked, removing it from her mouth and handing it toward Serenity, pausing as she jolt and handing it to Rose instead before continuing to warm Alicia. Eventually, he'd managed to restore her enough for the snake to speak more freely, her head slowly lowering into a relaxed state as her body began quivering while coming out of its stasis-like condition. "Wh-Why did you come out here?! Didn't you know your collar was drained?!" he panicked. "I h-had to. N-No choice." Alicia stuttered. "What mean HAVE to? Snake live up to name doing stunt like this." Serenity lectured. "Y-Yeah!! You almost died!! Don't do stuff like this!!" Rose affirmed. "I-I wanna know too... What do you mean?" Chris asked, looking up at Alicia as she shuddered and hissed before letting out a groan. "In the t-trees. Those P-Pokemon, they sss-s-stole the staff. Didn't have t-time to w-wake you." she explained. Chased them d-down, got it b-back." she added. "Y-You came out here... For that?" Chris asked, the snake glancing away. "It's a-all you've g-got. That b-ball means a l-lot to you. Plus the mmm-medal." Alicia point out. Looking up at her, Chris's eyes widened while the others looked at one another behind him. "Th-That's it? THAT'S why?!" he asked. "Y-Y-Y-You're w-w-wel...!!" Alicia tried to say, only to be cut off when Chris shouted "STUPID!!" in response. "E-Excuse m-me?!!" the snake shout back, albeit in a stuttered state. "Stupid!! Stupid!! That's what I said!!" he affirmed. "Of all the stupid, irrational, unbelievable...!!" he shout, Serenity and Rose listening wide eyed while Alicia showed a shocked look of her own.

"Means a lot to me?! All I've got?! The hell's WRONG with you?! Almost dying over a piece of wood?! Did you really think that would impress me?! That it would make me happy?! FREEZING just to get something on your own when we could have got it back TOGETHER?!" Chris started ranting. "Why?! You're supposed to be the one with the most common sense!! How could you just... I mean why would you... AGH!!" he vented, tossing his hands up before ruffling his hair. "Y-You okay...?" Serenity asked. "OF COURSE NOT!!" Chris snapped, suddenly thrusting his hand out and snatching Alicia in a heated bubble. "Carriage!!" he ordered, both girls looking at one another and nodding with a simultaneous and nervous "Yes sir!" before following, Alicia floating along within the bubble Chris had formed. "Seriously...?! Why...?!" he grumbled to himself. "Wh-What about those Pokemon?" Rose asked. "They're monkeys, they're in trees, they're away from danger. They'll snap out of it eventually and go about their merry way." Chris replied, waving his hand. "D-Don't you want staff?" Serenity asked. "Not now. That's the LEAST of my concern." he affirmed, the two showing a puzzled and shocked look before looking at Alicia, the snake shivering and letting out a sudden sneeze. "See? There you go!" Chris lectured, waving a finger at her before continuing along. "Wh-What's your problem?! I was just trying to do a good thing..." Alicia point out. "By almost killing yourself for the dumbest reason possible?! Chasing monkeys through a frozen forest just to fetch a stick?! Gee, thanks a lot!!" Chris snapped, causing her to jolt wide eyed. Continuing along, Chris grumbled and walked in a frustrated, almost stomping manner all the way back to the carriage.

Once they finally arrived, the girls stood aside while he opened the door and hovered Alicia inside. "You just wait there, and plug in your collar!" he instructed, making the bubble vanish before closing the door as the snake was about to speak, turning to the others with a sigh and shaking his head. "Th-That little harsh, don't think?" Serenity asked. "She's lucky I'm not being even more harsh than that!! Almost dying over a staff?! Come on!!" he replied. "W-Well, it DOES mean a lot to you..." Rose point out, looking down at his staff before Chris suddenly snatched it from her hands. "Tell me what's more important! Wood with a bunch of fancy decoration, or your lives, huh?!" he asked, both giving him a surprised look before glancing away and rubbing their arms. Looking at the two, Chris let out a sigh and set his staff near the fire. "Just... Forget it. I'm not trying to take anything out on you." he assured. "Don't ANY of you, EVER, try to pull something like she just did. You understand me?" he ordered, the two nodding in response. "If something needs taken care of, we do it TOGETHER, no matter what. Don't either of you scare me the way she did over something so..." he added, cutting himself off as he looked at the door. "...Stupid..." he muttered. "I called her that too, didn't I?" he groaned, rubbing his forehead before opening their storage and rummaging. "Wh-What do now?" Serenity asked. "Taking care of things." he replied, the two looking at one another as he took out utensils and ingredients before heading to where they had their fire and lighting a new one. Putting things together, he started boiling up a pot of stew, Serenity and Rose sitting and watching as he grumbled over what had happened.

"...Not be mad at snake." Serenity spoke up. "Eh? What?" Chris asked, looking at her while stirring the stew. "Not be mad. She only mean good." she added. "I'm not MAD at her." he affirmed before looking back at the pot. "Then... What do you call the way you are now?" Rose asked, causing him to sigh. "I-It's not anger, okay? I don't know what it is... Worry? Relief? Frustration? It feels like everything's swirling around at the moment." he tried to explain. "I freaked out, then I come to learn the reason I almost lost her was for something as st..." he paused, catching himself. "As ridiculous as that staff of mine." he point out. "There's important stuff on it, but no matter what..." he added, looking at the girls before focusing on the stew again. "J-Just don't ever copy what she did. It's like I said, keep together." he affirmed, the two at a loss of how to understand his behavior despite his explanation. Nonetheless, they nodded with a simultaneous "alright" in response, watching him cook until he was finished and dished it out to them. "Eat up." he instructed before preparing a third bowl. "Smells different." Rose point out. "It's a herbal kind of stew. I'm gonna go take care of Alicia..." he added, the two pausing with a jolt and watching as he stood and returned to the carriage with the bowl and a spoon. Standing at the door, Chris took a deep breath and was about to knock when he heard sniffling within, followed by a sneeze causing him to groan. "Honestly..." he muttered. "Alicia!! Coming in!!" he called out before opening the door, finding the snake having hidden under the sheets. "Go away!!" she snapped. "Sorry, you don't get that luxury." Chris scowled while climbing inside, closing the door behind him while Serenity and Rose looked at one another with slight sweat showing.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Stern Love https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEtJxfhxRh8

"I not get way he acting..." Serenity point out. "Me neither... Did you hear the way he talked about his staff? He even called her stupid for getting it..." Rose replied, the two noticing he'd left it with them. "I not like her much, but have to admit she do nice thing to get back for him..." Serenity nodded. "Yeah, looks like she went through a lot of trouble... She risked a lot for him. That's a pretty important medal he's got after all, and the Pokeball... It's his Grandpa and stuff." Rose point out. "That right, no way he want to lose. Should be happy she stop Pokemon from stealing." Serenity agreed, the two looking at his staff and at each other before letting out a simultaneous sigh. "I wonder what's going on in there?" Rose asked, looking toward the carriage. "He giving lecture probably." Serenity speculated. Sitting still for a moment, the two couldn't help but approach the carriage and listen in, leaning toward the door while sipping their stew. "Come on Alicia, out of there." Chris ordered with a scowl. "I'm fine thank you!" Alicia snapped. "You need to eat this! I'm not gonna have you getting all sick!" he lectured. "I don't care! You have a fine way of treating a lady for going out of her way for you!" she added, sniffling before letting out another sneeze causing Chris to show a sudden enraged look. "Out of her way?!!" he shout, standing with a stomp causing the carriage to rattle, the girls outside jumping as he yanked the sheets off Alicia within, standing over the snake as she jolt and coiled up defensively with tears streaming form her eyes. "That was the WORST way you could've shown you cared about me!! Don't you get it?!" he lectured. "When it comes between your life and that staff, I don't give a crap about it!! You come first damn it!!" he affirmed.

"Don't you ever, EVER risk your life for something as pointless as that again!! Maybe that Pokeball and medal DO mean a lot to me, maybe those stones ARE important, but they're just THINGS!! Nothing is worth as much as YOU are!!" he went on. "Don't risk sacrificing yourself for something like that EVER again, do you understand me?! Don't ever go out on your own like that!! Not in a place like this!!" he ordered, pointing at the snake while lecturing as she coiled up all the more, hiding herself within as she started sobbing. Remaining on his feet, after a moment Chris's frustration finally simmered enough for him to sit back down, letting out a sigh as though he were letting steam out of a boiler before shaking his head. "Alicia..." he muttered, the girls outside continuing to listen nervously. "...Come on, here. You need this." he affirmed, holding the bowl of stew once more. Scooping a spoonful, he held it out toward the snake as she remained hidden in her coil. "Eat, come on." he repeat. Continuing to hold out the spoon, after a moment Alicia finally poked her snout out from her coil, opening her mouth while remaining hidden. "Thank you." Chris nodded before feeding her a bite, the snake sniffling while eating. "...Made it with some herbs that will keep you from getting bad off." he added before giving her another bite. Once she'd had several mouthfuls, he paused and lowered the spoon into the bowl. "...You really did scare me, you know that? I was freaking out over you! It made me flash back to the ship... You almost died from the cold then too..." he reminded. "I... Just don't want anything bad happening to you. It was bad enough thinking you were dying because of saving me. Now you go doing something like this for me and almost die over it too... Just don't anymore, okay? I love you too much." he nodded.

"Gramps ashes... I care a lot about them. Losing them, it'd definitely hurt. They're his remains..." Chris paused, looking down before facing the snake. "...That's all they are though, and there's no changing that. The medal I got, it's really special too..." he admit before placing his hand on Alicia. "But no matter what, I'll never care about something as much as I care about you. Nothing will ever be as special as YOU are to me... That medal, as far as it goes, sure, it might have been a gift from God, Arceus, whatever, but so were you. You're a gift from Him and Ninetales to make my life worth living... I'd rather lose that staff and everything on it than lose you any day, understand?" he affirmed, noticing Alicia beginning to shiver against his hand before hearing her sobbing again within her coil. "We stick together, no matter what... Never leave on your own like that again Alicia, especially not here... If something is wrong, from now on, tell me. Tell us. We take care of each other, help each other. Even if it means taking a little longer to solve a problem." he insisted before offering more stew, the snake poking her snout out of her coil again to eat just as before. Glancing at the door, Chris scowled before shouting "that goes for you two listening in out there as well!!" making Alicia jolt while the girls slowly opened the door with tears in their eyes. "That... That so..." Serenity hicked. "So swe---et!!" Rose sniffled before covering her eyes and crying. "Well it's true... You girls come before anything. And don't spill your food." he scowled, the two nodding and straightening up, Alicia sniffling again and taking another bite of stew. "I'd much rather lose objects that can't be replaced over your lives. There is nothing more important than that" he affirmed.

Once Alicia finally finished her food, the snake raised her head out from her coil, revealing her puffy eyes from weeping. "You gonna be okay...?" Chris asked, using his sleeve to wipe her eyes before taking out a paper towel he'd tucked into his pocket, allowing her to blow her nose. "I-I'm fine." she nodded. "I'm sorry for calling you stupid... I really didn't mean that. It was worry talking there..." Chris apologized. "F-Forget about it. Quite alright." Alicia assured, waving the tip of her tail. "Alright then... You girls done eating?" he asked, Serenity and Rose nodding while showing their empty bowls. "Good... You should blow your noses too. I left the paper towels over where we were sitting." he point out, the two nodding and doing as suggested. "You sure you're gonna be alright?" Chris asked, turning to the snake. "Yes... I apologize for worrying you." Alicia nodded. "Just try not to do it again... Not for a good, LONG time anyways. You're going to give me a heart attack at this rate." he smiled nervously before reaching up and rubbing her cheek. "I love you... From now on, put your safety first, for me at least. Okay?" he asked, the snake nodding before lowering her head and rubbing her cheek against his. "If you're in danger though... I can't promise anything." she replied, pulling her head back and looking at him. "...If you stay safe, so will I." she affirmed, causing him to stand silently before smirking. "It's a deal." he nodded, making Alicia show a smile of her own before the two shared a kiss.

"O--Okay, that enough of that." Serenity instructed, clapping her hands at the door. "Moment over. I give you time, now we get going." she added, Chris and Alicia quickly pulling away before the snake scowled at her. "How rude can you be...?" she asked. "Rude as need to so you not get carried away." Serenity nodded. "It was only a kiss!" the snake argued. "Kiss lead to other things." Serenity point out. "I uh... I can't argue with that one." Rose laughed nervously, making Alicia groan and roll her eyes. "Alright, alright... Serenity does have a point. I'd still like to get past the border before it gets too late." Chris reminded. "You just focus on getting comfortable again. You're absolutely sure nothing feels off?" he asked. "I'm fine now. Being in here on top of the food should be more than enough. Just a tad sniffle is all." Alicia assured as he looked her over. "Alright then... Guess we'll clean up camp and be on our way. Anything feels off or whatever, you let me know, got it?" Chris ordered. "I told you, I'm fine. Stop fretting and do what you need to do." the snake replied while moving her tail in a "shoo!" manner.

Heading out of the carriage, Chris and the girls went about readying themselves for the last of their journey, while inside the carriage Alicia watched through the windows with a small smile on her face, a tear lingering in her eye as Chris began taking down the stable...