Online Dating Chapter two: Staying the Night

Story by Evadrin on SoFurry

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#2 of Online Dating

I woke up and looked at the clock. 9:48 it flashed. Yawning, I got up and got a T-shirt and a pair of shorts on. Once dressed, I headed downstairs and had breakfast with my mother.

"Have a good night's sleep?" She asked.

"Yea I slept great." I said as I chomped down on some pancakes.

"That's good." She said. "So what are you doing today?"

"Will is gonna pick me up around noon and I'll be at his place all day." I told her.

"When will you be back?" she asked.

"I don't know.... I may even stay the night." I answered.

"Oh, Okay then, don't get in trouble." She said.

"Don't worry." I responded.

I finished breakfast and went to the living room to watch T.V. while waiting for Will to arrive. At almost noon the doorbell rang and I got up and went to answer it. I opened the door and there was Will wearing a green T-shirt and a pair of kakis, smiling down at me.

"Hello Drin!" He said enthusiastically.

"Hey Will!" I said as I jumped out of the door and hugged him.

Will laughed and hugged back. I got up on my toes as he leaned down to kiss me and we met half way. My toes gave out and I came back down, laughing a little. It has only been a day since we first met, but I had missed him a lot. I walked back inside and slipped my sneakers on then walked back outside into the bright autumn day. I inhaled deeply and smiled.

"It's such a great day..."

Placing his arm over my shoulders, Will walked with me to his car and we got in. I leaned over in the passenger seat and hugged him tightly.

"I missed you a lot." I said looking up at his face.

Will looked down at me with tender eyes, and rubbed his hand down my back. This caused me to shiver slightly. He leaned over and kissed me lightly on the lips.

"I missed you too." He said.

I just smiled and leaned against him. He kissed me again then started the car. We pulled out of my driveway and were on our way.

We drove for about twenty minutes then we arrived in a small neighborhood. It was a nice looking place with a forest behind it and some children outside playing. Will pulled up into the driveway of one of the houses near the end of the street and we got out. He then grabbed my hand and led me to the front door.

Will opened the door and gestured for me to head in so I did. When I entered I was in a small front room with a television, a couch, a chair, and a Wii. I smiled at the gaming system, it seems everyone has one. Will entered behind me and took off his shoes. I did the same then we headed further into his house. He showed me the kitchen, then we walked past an office and I met his father.

Will's dad was getting up and leaving the office when we passed by. He was huge. He stood at about 7 ½ feet and looked like he hadn't skipped a meal in his life. He was also black like Will but had a red tint to his scales and his hair was red. Will looked at his dad and introduced us.

"Dad, this is my boyfriend Drin, Drin this is my Dad."

"Pleasure to meet you. I hope you have a nice time while you're here." Will's dad said, sticking out his large hand for me to shake.

I quickly put my paw in his giant hand and greeted him. He seemed very nice.


"Well let's continue on." Will said.

Will led me through his house and showed me His parents' room, His room, their guest room, and their basement which had a couch, a large T.V., a pool table, and carpet floors. Once we had seen all of it, we went out back and saw his yard. He had an in ground pool and a garden that had a pathway through it that led to the woods. In the garden was another black dragon, but this one was smaller. She stood up and wiped her hands off then walked over smiling at us. She was tall but shorter than Will and had the same hair as him. She was a complete jet black with a slight whitish tint in her hair.

"Hello you must be Drin!" She said, smiling at me.

"Drin this is my mom." Will said, smiling a little

"You are so cute! I can see why Will likes you so much." She said.

I blushed and replied.

"T-thanks, I like your garden."

"Really? Thanks, I've been hunched over it all morning." She said stretching.

"So what do you want to do?" asked Will, as His mom went inside.

"Umm.... I don't know..... What would you like to do?" I asked.

"Well it's pretty hot out here.... Wanna swim?" He asked.

"Sure! That sounds great....... But I don't have my trunks...." I said disappointedly.

"That's alright. I'm certain we have an extra pair somewhere." He said.

My ears perked at this and I smiled. We went back into the house and he led me to his room where he pulled out a red pair of swim trunks and handed me a smaller black pair. Will went to the bathroom to change and left me in his room to do likewise.

I held up the swim trunks and smiled. They were big but I could definitely fit in them okay. I stripped my clothes off and put the trunks on. I pulled the strings on the front tightly and tied them in a knot.

"There we go." I said to myself.

Will still wasn't back yet so I looked around his room. He had some posters of rock bands on the walls and a large lamp that lit up the room on a nightstand. He had a bed large enough for two which wasn't made. Suddenly the door opened and Will came in. I gasped. He didn't have his shirt on which gave me a view of his muscles and arms. He was a little more muscular than I had thought. His scales were shining slightly in the light and gave him an energetic look. I didn't mind.

Will was also looking at my body which made me blush a little. He smiled as he threw his clothes on the floor and walked up to me.

"You are so adorable." He said, picking me up.

I laughed as he nuzzled me affectionately and held me tight. I hugged him and nuzzled him back.

"You're too cute." I said.

He blushed and put me down. I unwrapped my arms from around his neck and kissed him. He smiled and pulled away.

"Let's get to the pool." He said as he walked out of his room, swishing his tail back and forth.

I walked out behind him and we went out back to the pool. Without hesitation I dove in. The water splashed against me as I went under and wrapped around me like a blanket. When I surfaced there was a shadow next to me and I looked up in time to see my boyfriend splash down directly next to me.

I laughed as he came up. He shook his head and smiled then tackled me. We went under and wrestled. We came back up and after catching my breath I slid out of his arms and swam under and behind him then jumped up on his back. Hi wings fluttered as I put him off balance and we fell back in. He tried to shake me off his back but I clung on. Then he grabbed me and pulled me off, bringing me up in front of him.

"Nice try." Will said, grinning hugely.

"Oh I'm not finished yet." I said.

I threw my arms up and slid out of his grasp. I went under and wrapped my tail around his legs and pulled..... He fell on me.... There was a huge splash as he hit the water and then I was pressed between him and the bottom of the pool for a second before he grabbed me again. Will lifted us up out of the water and we were both laughing hysterically.

"Oops." I said between laughs. "Pulled you the wrong way."

I put my hand on his chest and looked lovingly into his eyes. Will ceased laughing and kissed me gently. Then with a mischievous grin he tossed me across the pool. I only managed a shocked cry before I hit the water and sunk to the bottom of the deep end. Once I was on the bottom I shot back towards him and jumped from the water. I tackled him at the waist and knocked him down. Once he went under I was on top of him and sitting on his lap.

I laid my hand down and accidentally placed it on his groin. I jumped as I felt his meat under his swimming trunks. I smiled and squeezed it gently. This made him jump and I slid off as he got up. He looked at me a little hurt.

"What are you doing?" He asked accusingly.

"Just having a little fun..." I said as I glided through the water towards him.

"W-well I think I-it's a bit early in our relationship for that...." He said backing away a little.

I stopped. I looked at him with the best 'forgive me?' look I could make. This seemed to make him melt a little.

"I'm sorry... I thought you would be all right with it." I said sadly.

"Well it's just that.... I've never really had anyone do that before.... It took me by surprise." He said blushing.

I jumped up into his arms and he held me to his chest. I looked up at him and licked his chin.

"I'm sorry. I won't ever do anything to you that you don't want." I said rubbing my muzzle into his chest.

Will hugged me tightly and put his head on my shoulder.

"It's okay. I'm sorry for getting mad." Will said as he put me back down in the water.

We swam around the pool for a little while longer then got out. We walked back to his house and walked inside. Will pulled some towels from a closet and we dried off. Deciding not to change out of our swim trunks, we headed down to his basement. We plopped down on his couch together and he turned on the television.

The air conditioning was on so I scooted up next to him and pulled his arm around me. Will smiled and leaned against me. I murred happily at the warmth, rubbing my cheek against his bare chest. Will was surfing the channels when we came upon a horror movie that he hadn't seen before.

"You wanna watch this?" He asked.

"Sure. Why not?" I answered.

I chuckled. 'This is so romantic.' I thought. We had only been watching the movie for about ten minutes when we came to a scene where a lady opened up a door and her fiancé's corpse fell out causing Will to jump and squeeze me. I just laughed lightly and rubbed my paw up and down his back. Will blushed a little but tried to act like it hadn't happened.

The movie ended after about two hours and we went upstairs to the kitchen to get a snack and some drinks. I looked at the clock and saw that it was already six thirty and asked Will if I could stay the night.

"Sure that would be great!" Will said smiling. "You sure your mom will be okay with it?"

"Yea she's fine with it." I said, taking a sip of my water.

"Okay then let's head back down." Will said with two bowls of popcorn and chips.

I grabbed our drinks and followed him. We got back down and put the snacks on the coffee table. Will put in a movie and sat down. I then sat down in his lap, rubbing against his chest. His scales were warm and smooth to the touch. He wrapped his arms around me and held me on his lap while the movie started.

The movie ended at about nine o'clock and I stretched and tried to get up. Will was holding me back. I turned around and saw he had fallen asleep. Smiling, I slowly lifted his arms up off of me and crept to the bathroom. After taking care of business I went back and found Will lying in the exact same position I had left him in. Walking over, I lifted his arms up and got back on his lap then put his arms down around me again.

Will shifted and muttered something as I got settled and ended up rolling over. Suddenly he was on top of me and I was pressed against the couch. I smiled as I inhaled Will's scent and tried to shift so that I was a little more comfortable. Just before I was comfortable, Will woke up and jumped.

"I-I'm sorry!" He said getting up off of me.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him back.

"Oh don't go. I was fine, just trying to get into a comfortable position." I said trying to get him to lay with me again.

"No, no, we really shouldn't lay like that... I could hurt you." Will said worriedly.

He picked me up and then lay back on the couch. Once he was settled he placed me on top of him.

"There. Now I won't accidentally hurt you." Will said smiling at me.

"Okay then." I said smiling back and licking his chin.

He licked me back and put his hands on my back, then closed his eyes. I sighed contentedly and wrapped my arms around him as far as I could. I swiftly passed out.

I woke up and realized Will wasn't there. I sat up and looked around. 12:00 flashed the DVD player. I noticed a light from upstairs. I heard a flush and the saw Will's shadow in the stairwell as he came back downstairs. I looked at him bleary-eyed as he walked over to the couch. I sat up and he sat down next to me. He smiled at me and pulled me closer and I snuggled up next to him. I reached out a hand and rubbed his chest and he smiled warmly at me.

One of my fingers met with one of his nipples and he jumped a little.

"D-don't. Please." He begged.

"O but you know you like it." I said as I fondled it.

Will shuddered as I played with his nipple and I reached across with my other hand and started rubbing the other one. He murred as I got up on his lap and started to suck on one. I moved to switch to the other one when he moved to get me off and I obliged.

"Please don't..... I don't feel comfortable with this." Will said

"Really? I'm sorry... I thought you liked it." I said pouting a little.

He sighed deeply.

"I-I do like it... It's just.... I don't know..." he said seeming to be angry with himself.

"Honey what's wrong?" I asked concerned.

Will looked sadly at me. He then sighed and hugged me close to him. I hugged him back and whispered in his ear.

"It's okay. If you don't want to tell me then you don't have to."

"It's nothing bad or anything..... It's just that.... I'm not ready for this yet....Plus I'm so big and you're so small......" He said.

I pulled away from him and looked him in the eyes with a hurt expression.

"Will...." I gazed into his eyes. "Please don't say that. I'm big enough for anything..... My size doesn't matter."

"I'm sorry honey. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. You are just the right size." He cooed into my ear.

I've always been a little sensitive about my size. Hearing Will talk about it was depressing. He was so much larger than me, I hoped that would never be an issue or even be thought of as one. Here he was bringing it up on the second day. A tear left my eye and I tried to wipe it away fast but he noticed. Will looked at me with concern all over his face and I just tried to look away.

Will hugged me tightly and tried to comfort me. He realized he had struck a nerve and I was trying to hold back the tears now. I didn't know why I was crying.... It seemed silly but the tears were just coming. They rolled down my muzzle and splashed against his scaled chest, where they rolled down his torso and into my chest fur. I could do nothing but lean against him and let the tears fall. I hugged him close for comfort even though he was the reason for my discomfort.

Will just sat silently and let me get through the fit of tears and rubbed a hand up and down through my back fur. He watched as I wiped the rest of the tears from my eyes and looked at him.

"I-I'm sorry." I said between sniffles. "I just really had hoped that you wouldn't care about the size difference..... I thought you would love me anyways...." My eyes started tearing up again.

Will looked hurt and squeezed me lightly.

"Drin..... I don't care about size.... I love you for who you are. You're the only fur I've ever felt this way for. I'm just worried that I would hurt you.... I wouldn't know what to do if I did....."

Will bit his lip and I just sat there looking at him. I wasn't sure what to do. Will seemed to be on the verge of tears and so was I. I decided to let the tears flow again. It would probably be best if we cried together. The tears rolled down my face again. This set Will off and he sobbed and bit his lip harder as he started crying too. 'What have I done?' I thought. Seeing Will cry nearly shattered my heart, especially since I knew I was the reason for it.

I hugged him as tightly as I could and let his tears fall onto my head and soak through my hair and fur. Will shook violently as he cried and I was no better. He hugged me closely, as if afraid to let go. I didn't complain. I finished crying but he wasn't just yet so I just waited for him to finish. Will kept crying, and with each new sob I felt a stab through my chest. I tried to comfort him but that only seemed to make it worse. Finally, after about 5 more minutes, Will's tears slowed and eventually stopped.

I was soaked but I looked up at him and kissed him. He kissed back without hesitation and seemed to feel slightly better. He now knew I wasn't angry with him anymore.

"I'm so sorry." We said in unison.

We were both shocked to hear it from the other.

"No.... It's not your fault.... I shouldn't have been so sensitive. I was just scared for a moment. You do realize that, like you, this is the first time I've had such strong feelings for another fur... I didn't want to hear that I was too small. I just want to hear you say that you want to be with me forever." I said as he ran his claws through my wet fur.

"Well I hadn't realized that your size had meant that much to you. Drin... I love you so much.... I wouldn't care if you were two feet tall or ten feet tall... as long as you were you I would love you." Will told me. "It's just like I said though. I can't stand the thought of causing you pain. I hurt when you hurt. I think it's obvious that I would die if we weren't together for the rest of our lives...."

Will pushed my hair aside and looked into my eyes. I looked back into his with love. He leaned over and gave me a lick on the forehead then laid us back down on the couch. I scooted up so that my head was right below his and licked his chin.

"I'll never let you go. I love you too much. Please remember this." Will almost begged of me.

"I'll never forget as long as you don't." I promised.

We laid there in our tears and slowly fell back to sleep.

The next morning when we woke up, we both knew that we loved each other more than ever.