Kaja's Backstory, Chapter 3

Story by gre7g on SoFurry

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#3 of Kaja's Backstory

The children made up little stories and acted them out with their dolls. They played dress-up with Agra's clothes. They ate, bathed, slept, and spent every single moment together.

Within a month, Kaja seemed to emerge from her shell.

As she washed the family's clothes, Agra watched the children play at the edge of the pond. Kaja leapt fearlessly from stone to stone that peeked out above the water's surface. Grima copied her actions, but with more caution and less reckless abandon.

When she came to rocks that were too far apart to safely jump, Grima whimpered. She turned around, and worked her way back to shore. With each jump, she looked over her shoulder, hopefully, wishing that her big sister would rejoin her.

Kaja tried each leap, no matter how far.

With a giant splash, she slipped beneath the surface.

A moment passed, and sputtering, Kaja clawed her way to the surface.

She steadied herself atop her new perch, swung her arms, and made the next leap...