The Flame of Victory
#1 of The Flame of Victory
All proper and respectful rights go to Nintendo and all the other creators of Pokemon. All other characters belong to me. Please comment and tell me what I am doing wrong votes are also appreciated Thank you!
"Eeeeeeeveeeee," a small voice came from the foot of the new nineteen year olds bed. He groaned and ignored the sound trying to catch a few extra Z's. "EEVEE!" the sound was louder and more insistent this time, but still he ignored it. Something landed on his chest and he rolled hearing a thump on the floor as his Eevee was knocked off his bed. She did not like this and pounced on her trainer again jumping repeatedly on his chest. "All right Ruby I surrender." he said groggily. She continued to bounce on his chest until he sat up and hugged her.
Meet Bevan a six foot tall trainer with short fiery red hair and brown eyes. Today is his nineteenth birthday and the first day on his pokemon journey. Now I know nineteen is a late start for a trainer but he's a little different than most. For one he lives by Lake Verity with his father, a pokemon breeder. He doesn't know his mother that well because she works for Professor Rowan going on expeditions to unknown islands, jungles, caves etc. so she is gone a lot. When he was ten years old he rescued Ruby his Eevee as an egg from some pokemon thieves. He spent the next nine years training with Ruby under his father as well as helping out the local law enforcement.
"Hey Bevan! Are you up yet?" his father's voice called from downstairs. "Did you send Ruby up here?" he replied, and heard laughter as well as someone else's voice. "Hurry up and get dressed there's someone here to see you." his father called. Letting Ruby go he stood up and stretched as she disappeared into his half open closet. Putting on his black cargo pants and a red shirt he opened his closet door the rest of the way to be pounced upon by Ruby holding her red scarf in her mouth. He laughed after recovering from the shock of being thrown o the ground. Ruby pawed his cheek and he tied her scarf around her neck.
"Eeeee," Ruby cried as she ran over Bevan's face and out of his bedroom. "Hey!" he called as he got up grabbed her pokeball stuffing it in his pocket and chased her. Down the stairs she went Bevan right behind her almost tripping as he struggled to catch the fox like pokemon. He caught her right before hitting the linoleum kitchen floor and slid into the counter. "Ow that hurt," Ruby made a laughing sound and looked to see who was there, "Eevee," she exclaimed as she recognized the man sitting at the table with Bevan's dad. "Good morning professor Rowan."
"Good morning Bevan," the pokemon professor greeted him, "and happy birthday." Bevan sat down across from the old man. "Your father and I have gifts for you, and your mother as well." Ruby jumped up on the table "Ee?" Rowan chuckled "Yes I have something for you too." She turned in a circle and bent back on her hind legs in excitement. Rowan dug in his coat pockets until he pulled out a red stone with a symbol of fire on it. Both Bevan's and Ruby's eyes widened, "A fire stone," he breathed. Rowan set it down in the middle of the table and Ruby approached it slowly reaching a paw out to touch it. She was enveloped in a white light as the stone triggered her evolution. The temperature in the room rose sharply as the light faded leaving a flareon wearing a red scarf sitting on the table. "Flareon!" she exclaimed happily leaping off the table settling alongside her master.
Bevan scratched his new Flareon's head as she nuzzled his leg. "Now I have two things for you Bev, one's from me the other is from your mother, who can't be here because she has a hot lead to some Lucarios or so we think." The old man pulled out a red device from the inside of his coat, "This is my gift for you, a custom pokedex, it has all the features of my other models but is unique to you because it can also show your pokemon's stats." Bevan took it from him flipped it open and pointed it at Ruby, "A female Flareon," it said with an informative tone, "this is one of the evolved form of an Eevee it absorbs energy from the sun and it's body temperature can reach up to 1650 degrees Fahrenheit, to prevent over heating they fluff out their fur around their neck. They also have a flame sac inside their bodies that can heat inhaled air to 3000 degrees Fahrenheit, exhaling flames. This pokemon is registered to the trainer Bevan Lyal and was named Ruby." It also provided breeding habits and other detailed information in text form on the screen, right under a picture of a flareon.
"Well that explains why it's so hot all of a sudden," Bevan observed putting the pokedex down on the table. Ruby made an almost purring sound as he resumed scratching her head. "Now about your mom's gift," Rowan checked his watch, "one of my assistants should be bringing it here soon." Bevan pouted a little, "Then I guess it's my turn for a gift," his father said getting up, "why don't you get some breakfast I'll go get it." He left the kitchen at a fast walk almost jogging. Bevan fixed some cereal offering some to Professor Rowan who declined saying he ate already. Ruby went to her bowl on the floor and ate everything almost licking it clean before nudging Bevan's leg asking for more. He got her some and sat back down as his father entered holding a package.
"This I had specially made for you son," his father said handing the package over. Bevan wasted no time in tearing the brown heavy duty wrapping paper off revealing a black jacket with flames on the back and clips for six pokeballs centered down the left chest side. "It's some new kind of fabric that keeps you warm when it's cold and cool when it's hot, I knew what the professor's gift was so I had the flame added to the back." Bevan quickly tried it on "It fits perfectly," he confirmed it by stretching his arms over his head and brought them down in front of him the sleeves still covering his wrists. He then took Ruby's pokeball from his pocket and clipped it into the top slot of his jacket. "On the inside there's a spot to pin your badges as you earn them," his father continued.
Bevan was about to thank him when he heard a knock at the door. "I'll get it." he went to the door with Ruby on his heels opening it to reveal a rather winded male scientist carrying two suitcases. "Hello Bevan," he greeted "I believe these are yours." Bevan thanked him as he took the cases, they were rather light considering their size. The scientist excused himself claiming to be rather busy at the lab wishing Bevan a happy birthday as he left. "What are those?" his father wondered aloud as Bevan sat them on the table. There was a note on one of them, raising an eyebrow he took it off and read it out loud.
"Open this one first."
-Love Mom
He looked at his father who shrugged then Rowan and he shrugged too. "I guess I'll just have to open it," and he did. There sitting in the middle was a single pokeball and another note underneath it. He picked up the note and read it out loud like the first.
"I caught this guy when he was stealing some food from our camp. He didn't see me so he will think that it was you who caught him, also he is registered to you, and I didn't name him."
- Love Mom
Curious he pressed the release button and an abra sat on the table. -Greetings master, my name is Blane but you may call me something else if you wish- Bevan heard a voice in his head. "Did you just speak to me?" he asked it
-Is there another psychic pokemon around master?-
"Well no.... so your name is Blane right?"
-Yes master but that is the name given to me at birth you may rename me if you wish-
"Why change your name if you're used to the one you have?"
-I just thought you would, most trainers do- his voice trailed off in Bevan's head.
"Well Blane I'm not like most."
-I see that master-
He caught the looks of confusion on the older males faces. "He's talking to me in my head." His dad laughed and Rowan smiled. "I should've remembered abras are psychic pokemon," he said to himself. Bevan laughed and introduced Blane to everyone there.
After the greeting were exchanged and Bevan clipped Blane's pokeball underneath Ruby's the abra asked what was in the other case. Bevan unlocked the latches and the case hissed air as it was unsealed. His curiosity peaked and he opened the case slowly preparing for something to jump out at him but instead there were three items: yet another note, another pokeball and something new a pokemon egg. Pulling the note out and reading what it says he confirmed that the egg was indeed a pokemon's possibly a lucario's, and the pokeball was empty intended for the pokemon within the egg. There was a second note under the first addressed to professor Rowan who read it silently.
Hours later Rowan had left Blane was sleeping, Ruby was trying to touch the egg being held by Bevan who was chatting with his father about where to go first. After a while it was decided that he would go to Oreburgh for his first badge. Packing his things in his backpack sticking Blane, still asleep, into the main pouch holding onto the egg. After stepping out the door and saying farewell to his father Bevan started the adventure of his life.