When bark turns to bite- Hunted
#1 of When bark turns to bite.
The pair find them selves in a lot of trouble. New Readers, please note that this is the latest chapter in a story, So, pls read the others, though this chapter does stand on its own a bit, but the other chapters have smexing so they're fun. All Characters © ME. Except Drake, who is © AquaDwaggy. This story might and probably will Contain M/M yiff, love, relationships. If any of that disgusts you, then don't read. If you're underage, don't read it. A/N: WOW, It has been forever. Im done with schhol so, i hope to start writing a lot more, Thank you for everyone whos read and commented. * * *
- * * Drake had blood dripping out of his wounds as he pulled Risuke into an ally behind a large garbage bin. He breathed in and out, but put his finger to his mouth to mean be quiet. He listened as he heard some of the hunters very angrily. Two of them came near the ally and looked in, but were called back. "You Idiot!" one of them said. "You should have let me get the tracer in him before you opened fire. Now we won't be able to find him until he comes out of that apartment of his again. Lets hope the team there can get him if he shows up there." The other was cursing heavily. Once they were away Drake gave out the breathe he was holding. He then touched his wounds feeling the blood dripping. RIsuke blinked listening. more hunters were at the apartment.... He looked at the other really worried. He hoped the other was gonna be ok. Vampires could regenerate couldn't they? Drake sat there for a bit trying to calm down and get his regeneration underway, unfortunately something about the bullets was preventing it completely. The bleeding stopped, but there was a burning feeling around the wound holes that prevented closure. He listened to the hunters as they pulled out. He took Risuke's hand then and went down the ally way to the street at the other end. He felt weak and he knew they couldn't go back to the apartment. "You ok?" He asked. Risuke nodded looking at him. "Yea, I'm fine" He told him, in his panic He hadn't even realized that he had taken a bullet through his left ear. It didn't bleed much, but the top piece of his ear sort of flapped freely now. Drake looked Risuke over and saw his ear. "Your ear." he said touching it lightly. He stumbled a bit. "They must have put a uv chemical into the bullets. Its making me weak." He said getting back to his feet. "Lets go. There is only one place I know we can go that they can't get at us." Risuke winced when his ear was touched. "Its fine.." He said quickly as he took drakes arm to help him and let the other lead the way. Drake stumbled along as quickly as he could. He lead them down several streets until they got to a place that he thought Risuke didn't even know. Going up to an apartment building he knew off he used the buzzer to see if someone was in. A woman's voice came in over the line. "Yes?" Drake hit the respond button. "Its Drake. I've gotten into some trouble." There was a pause. "Get up here and make sure you aren't being followed." Drake didn't respond as he looked around and lead Risuke into the building and up the stairs. He nearly passed out then when they got to the door and a black cat woman let them into an apartment. "Bringing him over to the couch." She said to Risuke as she turned to the door saying a long series of words sealing it in a field of some sort. Risuke blinked a bit but struggled and heaved to bring drake to the couch laying him on it. HE looked between drake and the cat trying to figure out what exactly the fuck was going on. HE then sat at the end of the couch on the floor. The cat grabbed a bowl and some large metal tongs. "I'll need you to hold him down. This is going to be painful, but if I can't get those bullets out and get him an antidote he will slowly die or go into a comma." She bent over him ready to dig into the wounds to pull out the bullets. Risuke nodded and stood again. He leaned over the edge of the couch placing one paw between the dragons shoulders the other on his lower back above his tail. The woman nodded and got down to business. Drake shot up a couple times in pain as she went to work. There was blood and screams coming from Drake. Soon though she had 3 bullets, as there was a wound they hadn't seen, in the bowl. She then poured some liquid into glass of water. "Open his mouth if you can. I need him to drink this." She said. Risuke nodded as he moved to drakes head and ran his fingers along the others chin gently before taking hold of it and started to slowly pry his jaws open. The cat poured the liquid into his mouth and massaged his throat to get him to drink it down. Once down she stood up and said something to the bullets in the bowl setting them to burn. "Those Hunters sicken me." Risuke looked to the other but looked back down to the floor. He then sat down on the floor near the couch. Due to the guidelines drake had given him, The wolf couldn't speak without being spoke to. He sat gently stroking drakes arm. She turned to Risuke. "No need to follow the rules he gave you here." She said knowing exactly what was going on because of the collar and leash. "He would want you to talk to me and help me." She said. "I'm Diane by the way." She said. "Drake and me had the same Mage teacher." RIsuke looked up and nodded. "I'm Risuke." HE told her. "Is he gonna be ok?" HE asked, his tail twitching nervously. Diane nodded. "He should be fine now. His regeneration will kick in soon taking care of the wounds. He might be out cold though until tonight. He needs to regain a good amount of energy." She walked into the kitchen. "You are lucky though you got him here instead of leaving him on the street. Either he would have died or been caught. Can you tell me what happened?" RIsuke nodded watching her. "We came out of a club a little ways away and as we came out of the alley, a couple guys drew guns and started shooting at us. Drake got hit a few times obviously" He told her forgetting about his ear again. "We hid behind some garbage and then came here once they left. They also said there were more people at our apartment." Diane nodded. "Sounds like they wanted to capture him instead of kill him. Someone must have slipped and fired on you instead." She moved towards Risuke and touched his ear saying some words. The hole healed up quickly with a tinkling feeling. The wolfs ear twitched lightly as it healed. "They also said that they weren't able to get a tracer in him." He told her. "Thanks." He said reaching up and touching his ear. Diane nodded. "Your welcome. You two are safe here. Stay as long as you want. I need to track down information on why they are after Drake." She stood up and headed to the door and waved a hand passing through a hole in the barrier before closing it she turned to Risuke. "Watch over him and get him some water if he wakes up. He always hated the taste of my potions." She closed the barrier and went out the door locking it as she went. Risuke nodded and watched the other go. He sat on the floor near the dragon just listening to his breathing. He sighed leaning his chin on the others arm. Hours seemed to slide by as Drake lay there sleeping. His wounds had healed up finally, but he didn't wake up. Diane returned in several hours looking very upset. Coming through the barrier she started cursing very upset. Risuke gasped waking as he heard the cats cursing. "What's wrong?" He asked looking at her. Diane was still swearing trying to calm down. Taking a deep breathe she finally was able to talk about it. "Drake does have a price on his head. A pretty big one in fact. It is all because of stuff he did while under being that bastards pet." She said. She swore some more. "I don't know how to get him out of any of this." She added. "Well currently anyways. They also know about you Risuke. So, you are in as much danger as he is." Risuke sighed. "Well this is a pickle." He commented. Went from him being killed cus he wasn't the others pet to being hunted cus he was. "Well... what can we do? We cant go back to the apartment." Risuke nodded to that. "Yeah I know. I have one thing I can do though which is go to the council about this. They will protect you and Drake. Hunters will back off with you two under protection. But, I think it is going to involve more bringing forward who hired them." RIsuke nodded. "Well if theres anything I can do at all." He told her. "Just tell me." He told her. Diane nodded. "Just stay near Drake. I'll take care of getting the right people on this. At this point this is all we can do." She went to the kitchen. "If you need anything you can get it in here." She said talking about the kitchen. "I need to go rest before I head out again." Risuke nodded and turned back towards drake leaning his head on the others arm. "Ok, thanks for everything." He told her taking drakes hand gently in his. Diane nodded heading back towards her room. It took a while before Drake began to stir as the sun went down. His eyes opened slowly looking at Risuke. He couldn't help smiling at the sight. Risuke had drifted off leaning on the other his tongue hanging out slightly as he slept leaning on his arm and the couch. Drake raised his free hand and ran it along Risuke cheek affectionately. He then rubbed the wolf's head and ear that was now healed smiling at the fact Risuke was ok. DRake shifted in his sleep as he was touched, his ear twitching. "NGh" He grumbled tiredly as his green eyes slowly opened. "DRake!!" HE yelled as he saw that the dragon was ok. He couldn't help but hug him tightly and kissed him deeply. Drake smiled. "Risuke." He said a bit tiredly. "I'm so happy you are ok." He hugged Risuke back and then kissed him right back. Seeing the wolf made him feel like everything was going to be ok. RIsuke murred happily and nuzzled the other affectionately. "YOu scared me." He accused him. Drake smiled sheepishly. "Sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I knew Diane would be able to make sure I made it." He said. He kissed Risuke softly. He licked his lips and gave a disgusted look. "I also see she gave me one of those disgusting potions of hers." He gave a grossed out face to emphasize how much he didn't like it. RIsuke nodded. "Yes she did." He told him as he stood and got a glass of water from the kitchen. "Here." He told him. Drake nodded his thanks and drank some of the water. "She has never been able to make a good tasting one. But, they certainly do their work." He drank some more and put the glass down. He then threw his arms around Risuke. "I never planned on any of this happening to you." RIsuke patted the others arm as he was pulled close. "I'm your pet, I'm with you to the end." He told him simply. Drake nodded sitting back and looking at Risuke. "I know that, but if you knew all this was happening before this you probably wouldn't have stuck out this long with it." His earflaps wiggled a bit when he heard Diane coming out of her room. "You are awake. That is one fear we need not worry about any more." She was wearing similar clothes to what she wore earlier. "I'm heading to the council. I'll be back soon." Drake nodded to her as there was a huge flash and she was gone with a popping sound. Risuke sighed. "Drake, look. If this wasn't meant to be then it wouldn't have happened." He said simply. "I am meant to be here, obviously." Drake nodded to that. "I know that. It is just one of the things I wouldn't wish on anyone. Especially you." He sighed. "Still I'm happy you are the one here with me." He ran a hand along Risuke's chin again.