What can I say? I have weird dreams...
I had a dream about this, and wrote it out from memory as best as i could. I also dressed it up and added a little bit of detail to make it feel more like a correct short story. Enjoy!
MLP short story
I lowered my head in shame. I felt horrible. Someone as great as me, turning and killing innocent lives. I created a war, because I hated everything. But now I shall end this war. I shall end all of the pain that I caused due to my hatred, because one certain pony, showed me kindness... and forgiveness... Fluttershy was her name. That young adorable Pegasus. Her soft milk yellow coat and her pink mane. You just can't help but to adore this pony. Even though she was sent along with her five friends, to rid me of this land, I prepared for a final battle. But, I never expected what that one pony did instead. Now I lie here in a cell, humiliated by my past and wishing I had never hurt anyone. I shall tell you my story, of how the war, ended.
I stood there with my blade ready, growling through my teeth. I hated everything, and that included every pony as well. And yet, six ponies, fabled to wield the legendary six elements of harmony stood before me. I have to tell you, this only made me all the angrier. I had already gave them a message, telling them to leave me alone after I destroyed an entire city, killing every pony that lived within it. Mares and young alike, I killed them all. They came near my home, deep in the forests in the high mountains where few dared to think to go. But instead they came and built a city. And the day those young colts invaded my home, I snapped. First I killed the three colts, just using my bare claws. there were signs stating 'stay away' 'no trespassing', 'do not continue' or my personal favorite, 'leave or die', which came at the very end, yet they still came, while I was out collecting wood, for a fire in my home.
No doubt the princesses had sent these ponies to destroy me. After all, they did lose four battles altogether against me. If it wasn't these six, for sure it would have been the princess' themselves to seek my death personally. The one called rainbow dash was already in a fighting stance, ready to start when they first entered my old home castle. The one called pinkie pie, for some reason was... bouncing? With a cheerful smile on her face? I never could understand that a pony, even though she was sent to kill me, could be so cheerful? I shook my head in confusion and turned to look at the one called Rarity. She looked cleaned and her coat was pure white, like she was always clean. Two others, Applejack and the legendary princess twilight herself, all here to seek my demise.
I sighed and knew that what I was about to do would most likely end my life. But I knew it would be for the good. Everyone hated me, and wouldn't care but instead rejoice at my death. "This is the right thing to do. It will make all of Equestria a better place" I assured myself. I looked down at the city of Canterlot, shining in the night sky. It was just after sundown and I had my stealthier armor on with my blade on my back. I again sighed and looked to the ground. "Better do this while I still have the guts to." I jumped down off of a rock and began to run as a slow pace. I didn't want anyone to know I was coming. Hoping rock to rock down the large mountain that overlooked the grand city. It was actually a nice looking place I admit. When I was low enough to the city I jumped up into the air, opening my wings and taking off into the air. I held my wings open wide in a slow glide, silently infiltrating the city. While I was in the air I watched as two ponies lied on the grass together in a park, watching the stars. I sighed and shook my head. "If only I could have been a good pony, I might have been able to do the same thing one day." I thought to myself. I looked up to see my target. The castle.
As the castle came closer I began to take deep breaths. "Alright... here goes nothing..." I quickly twisted and aimed my wings down towards the ground, sending myself into a dive. Just before I hit the ground I pulled up and flew straight into an open window of the castle, closing my wings and missing the edges by mere inches. I looked around and I figured I was in the right place. "Alright, now I just need a guard." I thought in my head, trying to follow the plan I had created earlier, so he went ahead, walking through the castle looking for a guard. Almost instantly did I find a guard, standing next to a door in a long hallway. The guard was a white unicorn clad in steel like armor. "Perfect. A lower ranking guard."
I slowly without a sound inched towards the guard. He continued to look straight ahead of him like a statue. When I finally got close enough, I jumped him, easily overpowering him with my fighting skills and pinned him to the floor, covering his mouth so he couldn't speak. "Listen, I am not here to hurt you." I said to the guard as he continued to struggle. "I am about to make your rank go up a whole lot, so just listening to me. Finally after a little persuading and telling him my plan, I finally stood up and released him slowly. The guard moved his jaw around and adjusted himself before he looked at me. I sighed and turned around, holding my claws together, I let the guard apprehend me. "This was it..." I thought as the guard put its horn to my back and began to lead me through the halls of the castle. "Remember, ignore everyone else and just take me where I told you. I promise you that I will not go astray." the guard gave a quick nod as he continued my final journey through the castle.
as we continued we passed by a few guards of various types of pony, some there jaw dropping and their eyes going wide to see the noble guard have, 'The Great Destroyer' apprehended and walking down to the lower levels of the castle. By now, I was surrounded by multiple guards, some unicorns pointing their horns at me with growls and some just around me. Before entering the underground portion, we passed by a room where I spotted the princess Luna. Along with the recovering captain shining armor, in what looked like a strategy room. I stopped and watched them talk, not being able to hear them fully, but it sounded like idle chatter. Luna glanced back towards me and then back at shining armor when I saw her body freeze. She instantly turned back around with her mouth agape, most likely seeing my presence in the castle with the guards around me. Shining armor turned around as well, his eyes growing wide upon seeing my face. He then ran out towards me, yelling to the guards, "What is the meaning of this!" I took a deep breath before I simply said to him. "I will be in a cell, awaiting your judgement for death." before continuing on down underground, into the dungeon.
The dungeon was actually not as bad as one may think. It was still mostly cleaned and the cells even had a padded bed. And a room in the back that leads to a bathroom. Honestly, I was shocked at how nice it was. I turned my head down to my initial starting guard and asked, "Is there a more secure and less...maintained cell here? This is way too nice for me to even think I deserve." I asked him. "The guards around me gasped at me in a surprised way. The initial guard nodded and pushed his horn into me, continuing me down to a darker part of the dungeon, where there was no light. I sighed as they opened a heavily bared cell with a key. I took a deep breath. "Here we go. Final steps of my freedom." I stepped inside and they undid my bindings before they all backed away from me and quickly shut the door, locking to be what I counted was about three locks. "No turning back now." I said to myself as I sat on the stone cold floor. Soon after Luna and shining armor came down the steps and towards my cell. I turned my body and scooted into the corner of the cell, closing my eyes, knowing that this may be my last moment in Equestria.
I curled up in the darkest corner of the cell. I knew that they were most likely staring at me and had many questions on my arrival. "Why did you come here?" Luna had asked me. I said nothing, only deep in my thoughts. I stayed curled there in my position, not wanting to move. Only my judgment to come. Luna I am sure was very confused, the enemy of all of Equestria had just waltzed in and placed themselves in a jail cell and told her to judge him for what he had done. Wouldn't you be surprised? They continued to try to talk to me, asking many questions. I never answered. I never moved, so they finally gave up and walked out of the dungeon. Only when I was finally alone down there did I move. I broke down to an angry cry, wishing that this certain feeling of death would just end now.
I opened my eyes the next morning, still in the corner and with tear stains around my eyes. I sighed and curled back up from my body spreading out while I slept. I couldn't tell what time of the day it was, it was still dark in the deepest part of the dungeon. Only the light of the torches shed but a little glow where I was. I heard the sound of hoof steps coming from where the stairs were. I glanced over to see that it was Celestia, and her sister Luna, along with about a dozen guards. I looked away again and curled up tighter with a sniffle. "Here we go..."