A Story For Leena (Dawn Epilogue)

Story by Mediteral on SoFurry

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#2 of Dawn

A Story for Leena (Dawn Epilogue)


_"Daddy? Is that you?" Spoke a lost sounding little gryphon girl standing in a field of clouds. Her sky blue sundress blended in perfectly.

A larger gryphon appeared dressed in soldier gear. The brown feathered adult looked down to her and he removed his helmet.

"Yeah....I'm here Leena," He said.

Leena smiled a big smile, "Yay! I new we'd be together again." She ran up to him and hugged is legs tightly.

She looked up and she felt a little worried, "Daddy? Why are you crying?"

Daddy kneeled to her height and he hugged her, quietly sobbing, "Leena...We're always together...Mommy is with you always too..."

Leena kept hugging her father and she felt warm and fuzzy inside.

"Leena...you have so much ahead of you."

Leena looked up quizzically at her father.

"I love you always...Mommy loves you always...."

Leena smiled peacefully, "I love you always too daddy."

"....Could you do mommy and daddy a favor, sweetie?"

"What daddy?"

"Live happily...be happy everyday....cherish your friends...just be happy..."

With that request...Daddy disappeared.

"Daddy?" Leena asked softly as she looked around. She continued looking around for her daddy...but he was gone, but in her heart forever.

Clouds began to form over everything and became very bright...._


Like an alarm clock, a light shone in my eyes, waking me up. My eyelids fluttered open to see I was in a small garden. it was still kinda dark, just before the sunrise. I looked down to see Leena was missing. I gasped softly and stood up searching around hastily...until I was reminded that my paw was broken.

I examined it and noticed that my paw was wrapped in bandages. I then subsequently noticed the bandages around my body and snout.

"Calm down..." I herd a familiar stern yet feminine voice.

I did as such and searched for the source of the voice. At a doorway, I saw a blue anthro dragon with blonde hair...it was Talya. I took a deep breath and focused on her...

"Where's Leena?"

Talya sighed..."If you can speak with us, why didn't you do so with her father."

I felt like I just got punched in the gut...or slapped really hard at least when she said that. "I-I....I couldn't, or...I didn't know how..."

"What do you mean?"

"I wasn't always like this, Kaiser made me into a dragon...and he was prolly the only one who could change me back...but I don't care about that..."

"You want to know where Leena is?"

I nodded, feeling hopeful once again.

"She's fine, thanks to you.....in case you're wondering it was me who finished off Kaiser...it was a sniper shot." Though you'd think that would be something to be proud of, she seems rather regretful. "She want's to see you too.....you can find her in the other garden on the other side of this building..."

I nodded and I began to limp away....

"Leena's father..." Talya stopped me with her voice "...Even though she calls me Aunt Talya, I'm not actually related to her."

I looked back to her as she spoke.

"I was very good friends with him though...so we practically were siblings..." She shut her eyes to take a breath and then looked strait in my eyes, "You better do you damn best to take care of her...I'll be sure to help when I can............now go...." She motioned me to leave.

I nodded again and turned the corner....

I eventually came upon the other garden. Sitting on a bench was a pretty little girl with a leg cast....I felt my heart rise from the pit of sadness and worry it had been when i saw her. I felt like...I was able to save her after...I really could be her hero and protect her...

"Mow!" I called out. She looked around and she smile that pretty smile when she saw me....


"..and here I am...telling this story to you." The bandaged up hazel scaled dragon spoke telepathically to Leena.

With a soft grin, she said, "I loved it...you have great stories like my daddy."

"I'm...sorry......" He apologized, desperate to make sure she wouldn't be sad.

"It's okay, " Leena spoke with he same smile the dragon had grown to love. "...But..." She stood up carefully with her crutch.

"Be careful" He warned nervously.

Leena shambled to the dragon, who lowered his head for her to hug it.

The dragon smiled and his eyes watered up immediately...he began to cry softly, not in sorrow, but in joy. Like it was a dream come true and Leena was happy again...

Leena was crying now too, but the dragon couldn't tell if it was from happiness..."Please don't leave me..."

"I won't ever leave you Leena...never ever..."

With a sob, Leena spoke again, "I love you..."

The dragon had nothing to say except, "I'll be right back" He raised himself and he limped away into the trees.

Leena tilted her head to the side as she waited for the dragon to return.

He finally did return with a flower. He grinned softly when he offered the Dandy Rose to Leena, like so many times he had before.

Leena took it and held it with a smile. A thought came to her, "Hey, let's go watch the sunrise from the rainbow forest!" She suggested excitedly.

"um...." He wasn't too sure if we should be walking around in out conditions.....and he also cringed at the obvious cuteness of that sentence...but in the end, "Of course we can." he said.

He lowered himself and helped her climb onto his back. When she was ready, they made their way into the forest that glowed a soft green. It felt nice, to the dragon, to be in that forest again...it was like he was in another world and the colors shifted and flowed like water. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen...

They wandered through the trees, all the way until they reached the lake once again, stepping on fallen leaves and past colored trees. The lake was as calm as it was last time, various animal and fish would splash the surface. It was pleasing to all five senses...a nice feeling...

The sun was just beginning to rise over the mountains and reflect off the lake. The dragon sat on his haunches and with closed eyes, faced the sunrise. The sun was warm and re;axed his sore body. He still couldn't believe how close he had been to losing it all...but it all kinda worked out...He still felt regret over the death of Leena's father...he would for entire life, he figured...But as long as Leena was happy, he would be happy.

Leena hugged his neck and asked "Will you tell me another story?"

He looked back and grinned, "hehe...of course..." He kept his soft smile while he thought of a new story to tell her while under the warm and soft light of the new dawn; happy to be with the girl who showed him how to be brave...


The End