Game Night (part seven)
#7 of Game night (series)
The Seventh part to my game night series, patr eight is on it's way ^-^
As I came to my door I turned and looked in the hallway it was empty, only I was there, I sighed and continued into my room,
I was relived to see it was just as I left it I looked to my bed with it's plushies and pillows, then to my desk and shelves I closed the door and
walked towards my bed My old fashioned wall clock was on the wall, I could see it was now around two thirty in the afternoon through the dusty glass
I slipped out of my jeans and yawned as I sunk into the bed I had been awake since 3 thirty am I was ready for a nap and I was pretty sure I could trust Tyler to
keep the place under control while I slept, I covered up with my big blue fuzzy blanket and snuggled my Pyro plushie, And I fell soundly to sleep,
I was awoken by a sudden sound My ear stuck up and I opened my eye and looked around the room the room was bathed in the red and orange glow of the setting sun.
I sat up and rubbed my eyes I could tell my hair was messed up because I could no longer see the purple screen over my left eye, with a quick stretch I hopped out of bed and walked over to my closet, I opened it with a slight creak, and sifted through the wardrobe and found my favorite pair of jeans and a pair of black underwear I grabbed a red T-shirt with white accents, and shut the closet, with a little hesitation I grabbed a hair clip from my night stand, then I poked my head out of my bedroom door, the house was silent and both Tyler and Jamie's doors were closed which probably indicated they were asleep, or busy, I headed towards the bathroom,