Game Night (Part Six)
#6 of Game night (series)
Hope you like'd the sixth part to my GAME NIGHT series,
as always part seven wll be coming soon.
I walked into Tyler's room my eyes still locked on the stack of square discs, as I came up beside Tyler I said,
"Hey Lucy, what are these?" He stopped typing and turned to look at me then he looked at the discs and said,
"oh those are my new prototypes, for game night," he said turning back to his computer, "those too?" I asked pointing
to the stack of headsets. "yep." he said without looking at me. I picked up the top card and studied it, Just as I had thought
There it was plain as day the small circular logo of Team Fortress 2 was printed on the disc, I set it down and looked at the
next one, The second one from the stack had a Picture of PAC-MAN on it and the next one had an ink smudge over the logo so I couldn't see it.
The others were a few games I recognized. I set them all back in a neat stack and walked out of the room, once more heading to where I had left Jamie.
Her suitcase was in the room and she was on the bed with her laptop open she was laying flat on her stomach and when she saw me she said,
"Roxie thank goodness, what's your WIFI password?" she said smiling oh hold on I'll go ask Tyler, Then I walked back to Tyler's room he was just as I left him.
"Tyler," He looked at me startled "yeah?" "Jamie need the WIFI password," I said moving out of his way He stood up and I heard him grumble and say something
under his breath, I stopped him at the doorway and gave him a small kiss on his cheek, he smiled and walked out of his room.
I looked over at his desk and shook my head then I headed to my room.