Good Friends Part Three
#2 of Good Friends
Good Friends
Part Three
I'm still sorry.
4:15 PM Friday, November 10th.
It was a beautiful fall evening. School had just ended and James could not
focus on anything but Joey. James needed to talk to him. He found himself
yearning for Joey's affection. He decided to call him, but Joey's phone went
straight to voicemail every time. James remembered that earlier Joey had told
him about seeing his girlfriend after school. The thought of her with Joey
sickened him.
Later James crashed down on his bed and began to think. He thought of
what she would wear, how she would act around him, how she had no idea who
Joey really was. James had known Joey for so long.. He knew everything about
him from the dreams he has, to the dreams he's lost. He knew more about him
than that girl, and yet she was the one who got to look into those blue eyes now.
Suddenly the thought came to him. Was Joey thinking about him now?
Was he unconsciously day dreaming about James, instead of his girlfriend? Did
he forget to pay attention to the things she was saying, because he was thinking
about the first time they kissed. More importantly, was he still denying the
feelings he felt for him? James swore. This tore him up inside.
James stayed in bed for the most of his afternoon. He drifted into a brief
sleep. For a moment he thought he might have been dreaming. Colors hazed in
front of him. He woke up gasping. He missed him. James began to cry. He was
trying so hard to keep his emotions in, to be strong like he's supposed to be. He
couldn't do this any longer.
10:23 PM Friday, November 11th.Joey was sitting on the couch with his girlfriend of only three days,Franie.
They were watching T.V. She was a nice girl, but he couldn't seem to look straight
at her. She told him it was about time to go home. Franie hugged him and left.
Joey lied down. With everything going on he only wanted to rest. He
thought to himself, I can do it. I can forget him and we can be best friends. Just like nothing
ever happened.
"Hey, um Peter?" Joey's mom asked. Joey looked up.
"Yeah, what?" Joey got up slowly.
"Your friend James is here.." She said. "He wants to talk with you, he says it's
Joey got up reluctantly. He was not looking forward to a serious
conversation again. He just wanted to relax and forget all his feelings, but he
went outside anyway. It was freezing outside and of course James was only
wearing a sweatshirt and shorts. Looking as cute as ever.
"Dude.. Come on.. Get inside, you look freezing." Joey told James.
They went inside and up to Joey's bedroom. Joey shut the door behind
them and locked it. James looked at him slightly confused.
"Hey.. I've been wanting to ta--" Joey shut him up by pinning him against the
door. James knew he couldn't control himself so he gave in.
Joey began violently kissing him. They grew breathless. Each movement
was perfect and starved. James put his arms around Joey's waist. His nails dug
into Joey's back."I..can't." James began to say. "I..we..shouldn't." He tried to speak in between
James wanted this just as bad as Joey did, but it didn't feel right. Joey's
hands moved lower as he pushed himself against James. James couldn't stop
himself from enjoying this sensation. Joey began kissing his neck rapidly. He bit
him gently. James muttered under his breath that he wanted him.
Joey touched his hips gently. He slowed down. Joey didn't want to go too
far with James.
"You can't have me, James." Joey whispered. He smirked.
"Don't tease me, Peter." James smiled back.
They kissed once more before there was a soft knock on the door. "Hey,
Peter?" Joey's mom asked kindly. "Does your friend wanna spend the night
here?" Joey tensed and opened the door.
"Yeah, okay mom." Joey responded. Although their faces were still red, she did
not seem to notice.
They went out of the room to get some sodas. Joey smirked at James and
joked with him. James barely talked he was blushing so much. When they went
back up to the room. James was half expecting Joey to pin him again.
Joey lied down on the floor. "I'm exhausted." He stared at the ceiling.
James didn't blame him. James sat down next to him. It was quiet, only the
sound of the autumn wind remained. They held hands and everything stayed that
way for a while. Joey always said he would forget him, but he could never stop
loving those piercing blue eyes.
James leaned down an sweetly kissed Joey. They smiled at each other.
"Do you love me?" James said abruptly. Joey sat up quickly."James..I don't even know." Joey was confused. "I don't know how to love a boy..
I don't even love myself.." Joey's eyes fell to his hands.
"Joey.. You're amazing. Don't ever say that about yourself.." James
touched Joey's face. "I love you." James whispered.
"You do?" Joey glanced at James. His face reddened.
"Of course I do!" James grabbed Joey's face and kissed him again.
Joey pulled James on top of him, giggling. They smiled at each other. The
smiles faded as they kissed again. Joey bit his lip and pulled James in. The
subtle sound of kissing filled the room.
Butterflies filled James's stomach. He kissed Joey's neck and whispered
sweet things to Joey. James memorized every curve of Joey's body, he was
perfect. They kissed more intensely. Joey pulled back slowly.
"I don't want to take this too far, James." Joey searched James's face. The world
felt empty in that moment. Just him and James.
"I understand, dude." James got off of him and lied back on the floor. "Do
you ever think about why we are like this?" James pondered.
"I'm tired." Joey got up and went to bed, ignoring the question.
The night was growing and they both were already tired enough. They got
in bed and soon fell asleep.
4:33 AM Saturday, November 12th.
Joey woke up with a start, he immediately reached for James in fear that
he might be gone. He found his gentle sleeping face. Joey yawned and lied back
down. He was glad James was with him. He wrapped his arms around him andkissed his forehead. He seemed so precious in Joey's blanket. Joey didn't want
to forget that moment.
9:33 AM Saturday, November 12th.
James kissed Joey's sleeping lips. Joey looked up at him sleepily. They
kissed again. Joey felt so loved in that moment. They cuddled until they decided
to get up.
10:02 PM Monday, November 13th. //Mrs. Oakerson's Class//
Joey groaned loudly with boredom; he hated this class. He looked around
and there was James. James tried to jump over a desk and knocked over a few
baskets of whiteboard stuff onto the floor. This wasn't the first time. Of course
Joey laughed hysterically at James's plunder.
"Dude, have a nice trip?" Joey laughed.
"Yeah, shut up Peter." James blushed as he got back up.
Joey sat back in his seat. He could overhear some weirdo girls talking
about something.
"--Yeah, but he's totally a bottom." Said Jenaka
"TOP! YOU FAGGOT!" Shelby did the splits. Jenaka slowly agreed.
"But...he wants it in his a--" Jenaka began to say.
"YOU GUYS ARE SO GAY." Joey interrupted.
"Dude, you have no room to talk." James snickered."I'm not gay, James!" Joey replied.
"That's not what you said last night." James remarked.
"I SHIP IT." Jenaka and Shelby said simultaneously. They stared at each other
making weird faces and wiggling their eyebrows wildly.
The bell rang and everyone scrambled to get into their seat.
10:33 PM Monday, November 13th. //Mrs. Oakerson's Class//
This dumb class will soon be over, thought Joey. He glanced at James. Gosh
I'm so freaking bored.. Because of his sudden boredom, Joey pulled a rubber
band out of his pocket and a neatly folded wad of paper. Then he formed a
slingshot and promptly shot James in the face.
James was not amused and neither was mean old Mrs. Oakerson. She
warned Joey once before continuing to read 'The Outsiders'. The bell rang before
she could finish the sentence. Everyone ran out of the classroom eager for lunch.
"Ugh. I'm so hungry I could eat anything." Said James to Joey.
"What about me?" Joey flexed. They broke into laughter.
"Definitely." James went red. He wished they could be cute like this all the time.
He knew no one, other than the weirdest girls Jenaka and Shelby, would support
his love for Joey. He sighed, wishing to hold Joey's hand again.
7:35 PM Saturday, November 18th.\Joeys bedroom.(~???)~~? ? .??
James was once again being heavily teased by Joey. Joey stood in the
doorway of the room only wearing a pair of camo boxer briefs. James's face