Chapter 10: Something's Wrong

Story by Momchil the dragon slayer on SoFurry

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And looks like we have ANOTHER new character! See for yourself who and what it is!

Chapter 10: Something's Wrong

Seth and Mercy arrived at the camp after 2 hours of walking and talking. She learned that Seth had been on Earth since 2017. Now it was 2317 and that means that he was here for 300 years and nobody except Mercy had lived after seeing him. He said that now there was no point klling someone for seeing him. She also learned that his other two brothers died after their ship crashed because of a xenomorph which managed to get in. He almost survived after the crash and he was now old for his kind. He was now 367 years old and had killed over 100 people and xenomorphs. That scared Mercy a bit, knowing that she has been walking with a killer for two hours. But the fact that Seth had saved her life calmed her down. She didn't know if Xenan and Seth will get on well with each other. After all, they are a xenomorph and a predator. They may even kill each other, so mercy decided to tell Seth about Xenan. "Uum Seth?" - She started. "Yes, Mercy? Something wrong?" - Seth asked kindly, not wanting to scare her any way. "I want to tell you that there at the camp is a..." - She was interrupted at her speech when Seth finished the sentence for her - "A xenomorph. I know. I saw it going into the camp with a deer on it's shoulders. Don't worry, I said you that I won't hurt anybody, except someone tries to hurt me." "Oh, okay. That calmes me down. But how do you know that Xenan is in the camp? You spying or something?" "Yes I have been spying on you for 5 days already. Not on excactly you, but on random oomans and that xenomorph." - He said, finishing the conversation.

Xenan woke up, not feeling his mate, which made him sick worried. "Mercy? Where are you?! Mercy!" - He screached, thinking that he lost his mate. Actually he almost lost her. She almost died in the woods. He didn't know where she was, so he runned out of the tent, looking foe Erik and James. He saw Erik and ran at him in incredible speed. "Have you seen Mercy?!" - He asked him almost roaring. "Wow, wow, wow! Calm down I haven't seen her, but calm down. She is maybe in the woods for fruit or somewhere in the camp." - Erik tryed to calm down Xenan, but he failed in that and saw Xenan running and disappearing arond a corner of a tent. "Pht... xenos. Noone can understand them and the women. Noone..." - Erik said to himself. Xenan saw James with his periferic vision. He ran at him and got almost the same answer like Erik's when he asked if he has seen Mercy. Then Xenan saw her. He saw her with... a predator! Xenan started attacking but was stopped by Mercy. "Wait! He saved my life! Don't attack him!" "That is the xeno you call Xenan, I guess?" - Seth asked Mercy and she answered - "Yes, that's Xenan. Xenan, that's Seth and he saved my life from one of your kind. If it wasn't him, I was going to be dead. So, please don't attack him." Xenan looked at the predator, no more wanting to hurt him, but thank him. - "Thank you Seth for saving my mate!" "No problem. I hope we will get on with each other. As long as Mercy has no problem with you, I will not attack you." - Seth answered and the three of them continued to chat and walk around the camp.

"Mr. Weyland, you have a message from the second squad." - Hera said to her boss. "What's the message? They better cought xenomorps, or I will rip their heads off myself!" - Weyland said angry and curious. "You won't be pleased to hear that actually the xenomorphs cought them. Their last message was sent yesterday at 8 p.m. Then the xenomorphs attacked and killed them." - Hera answered. Weyland was stunned by the news and his brother suggested - "If we send another team, we may succeed this time. Who knows, we may even catch the queen." "Yes, yes, I will send another team, but I will need the best team for this thing and our best team has another job right now. I will wait for them to return and after that... we will have at least 30 xenos!" - Weyland answered and sent Hera to make him a coffee.

James was at the woods, hunting when he saw a xeno and quickly hid. He hoped for the best, but the xenomorph smelled his fear and ran at him. He shot it at the leg and it fell down on the ground, screaching from pain. James saw it trying to get up, but failed every time and he started getting sad for the xenomorph and offered his help, but got an angry screech in answer. He heard in his head "You shoot me and now offer your help! You are crazy! Get away from here before I kill you!" The voice was like a voice of a woman in her 20s and was VERY pissed off. He decided to help her and said "Look I am sorry. I know I shot you, but you scared me and you are lucky I didn't shoot you in the head. I am not a good shooter." He got her arm over his shoulder and as he did that she knocked him on the ground and said "Now you will die!" She got her tongue out but was stopped by Xenan, who pushed her off James and punched her. "Go away! Run!!!" - Xenan said, as James got up, but pushed Xenan and said "Don't fight her! I don't want you to kill her!" he got a claw in the leg by the female xeno and Xenan blacked them out by touching a spot on both of them, which instantly blackes you out. He got both of them on his shoulders and headed to the camp.

Seth was checking if his weapons are ready for any case and Mercy got in his new tent, which was made of cloth, as any other tent in the camp. In the nights may be cold, but Xenan kept her body warm by his protective hug. "Hey, Seth. I only want to thank you for saving my life from that xenomorph. It was a close call." "No problem, really. I only did what I think was right. I hate the xenos, Xenan is different from the others. He has a heart and loves you." - Seth replied, doing his kind of a smile, which was creepy for Mercy. "Well, yeah. I love him too. And he looks so cute, while sleeping." Then Mercy heard Xenan calling for her and he sounded very serious and worried. "Sorry, Xenan is calling for me. Talk to you later!" - She said, exiting the tent and headed towards Xenan.

End Of Chapter 10