Chapter 4: When They First Met

Story by Momchil the dragon slayer on SoFurry

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The first meeting between Mercy and Xenan.

Chapter 4: When They First Met

James ran out trying to shoot some of the three xenomorphs. He managed to shoot one of them in the leg, but that didn't do such a big problem for the xenomorph to hit James in the head and send him unconscious. They took him away with two other people.

"Haha, these hosts are easy to get." - one of the xenomorphs said to it's siblings. "Yeah, you are right, but they have weapons, as well." - The injured one answered. "You will be okay, don't worry, you weak peace of sh..." - The third one said, as it got scrached on the face by it's injured sibling. The wound of the scrach was big and painful. Now a fight began.

Mercy was able to get to them, while fighting. She was holding her brothers' pistol and aimed. She was a bad shooter, so she decided not to waste the bullets. Mercy got closer to her brother, who was thrown away when the fight began. She was able to wake him up and they started running. They went to town when they saw their mother worried sick. They knew that the xenomorphs probably were still fighting and won't stop soon. They heard screeching behind them and they turned behind and saw a massive xenomorph standing infront of them. It had bigger claws and was more muscular than the other xenomorphs. "RUN!!!" - Mercy screamed out as they started running as fast, as they could.

1 hour earlier

Xenan was trying to remove the knife from his shoulder, but it was getting worse. He roared out of pain and cursed the man, who stabbed him. "Heck, that hurts!" was all he could say now. He went to his queen and reported what just happened. "I killed him because he was trying to escape! Listen to me my queen, I know my mistake and I promise not to kill anymore hosts." - Xenan said. "Oh yes I guarantee you that, you won't! You are banished from the hive! You know that we aren't many! We are only 7 and yet you killed one of the hosts!" - The queen roared at Xenon. He just stood there not knowing what to do. After a while he got out and started running through the forest. He didn't know where he was running, but he ran as fast as he could and after a hour of running he saw Mercy and James. He heard a scream and saw the two figures running away, but he did not intended to kill or harm them.

Mercy sensed that the xenomorph wasn't running after them and she looked back and saw Xenon to stand where he was and doing nothing at all. She saw he had a wound on his shoulder. Wait a second... he? It's probably his body size. - She thought. Mercy stopped running and saw Xenon getting closer, slow, but he was getting closer to her. She then realised she was in a corner of a building, trapped she couldn't move as the xenomorph was already very close. Xenon hissed in what seemed was pain and put his hand on his shoulder. Mercy was afraid and raised the gun at him, but didn't shoot. He wasn't looking like he was going to hurt her. Then she was shocked to hear a deep voice "Put it down - I won't hurt you". "D-did you just speak?!" - Mercy said with scared voice. "Yeah, haven't you seen a xenomorph to talk before?". "Uuh, no. Are you okay? Your wound seems bad." - Mercy answered putting down the gun. "Let me check it." "Don't touch it! I have acid blood!" "Okay, okay I won't touch it. Anyway, why don't you kill me or attack me?" "There is no point anymore. I got banished from the hive."

"This human is different from the others." - Xenan thought to himself. "Perhaps she can somehow help me with the sharp thing in my shoulder." - He continued thinking, noticing that mercy is female.

End Of Chapter 4

I hope you enjoyed reading and please tell me if there something you don't like in the story or say something nice about it. Please review and follow! <3