INTERVIEW: Khyron Ares

Story by Ryuukiba on SoFurry

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#2 of AX

Khyron Ares is a researcher from the Animihlian Biological Weapons Association and she has got some things to say! READ NOW!

The following is a collaborative work done to accompany my upcoming Texas Furry Fiesta panel, Project Zenithium. Khyron Ares is going to be one of the faction leaders in my upcoming interactive roleplay experience (Project Zenithium) It is a collaboration with another artist who will be playing the part of the character during the game! This will be the panel for my book Sheath and Felix at Texas Furry Fiesta 2017.

Stay tuned folks!

Learn more about Sheath & Felix @


Art by: DrJoshFox

I have here with me today one of the premiere researchers of the ABWA! She has come to speak with us about the ongoing crisis following the dissolution of the Zenithium project in early Ehli last year.

So, can you tell me a little about yourself?


"My name is Khyron Ares and I am working on figuring out how to cure cancer by studying the genetic structure of the cells to understand how the tumors form in the first place."

How exactly did you become involved with the ABWA? They are an association focused on the production of weapons, yes?


"I was originally contracted to do cancer research for the government. After many years of hard work I eventually hit a brick wall in my research. Sometime in early 7697 I went to a conference discussing a new mineral that had entered the atmosphere on a meteor the year before."



"Yeah, at that conference I saw some interesting things, some scary things, and some very illegal experiments; but what I noted most of all was how the Zenithium had such amazing effects on the body and kinda went downhill from there."

I see, but that still doesn't explain how you started working with the ABWA


"Well, what most people don't know is that the ABWA actually has branches dedicated to research in fields other than weaponry. How else would we be making such leaps and bounds in medical technology?"

True, can you tell me why you decided to defect from the ABWA?


"I turned against them because I finally saw the things that were being created, and it wasn't good."

Can you elaborate?


"I'm sure you already know that we were using Zenithium to create super soldiers. These experiments were very helpful during the War of Diadact, but they have always been very dangerous. Many died In the process."



"Not to mention the two that ended up spontaneously exploding a few months after we started."

Oh my...


"And guess who had to mop out the room!"

That's a spectacle, um, so that's why you stopped?


"Yeah it was fine at first but it turned into a horror show and I decided it was wrong... it was so wrong."

I'm... sorry to hear that.


"Its fine, I mean it's not, but whatever."

So Khyron, knowing what you do, would you be comfortable saying that the ABWA is putting our country in danger by continuing these experiments off continent?


"Definitely yes."

What do you predict could happen in the future if this continues?


"Nothing good from what I've seen. If this were to really get out of hand we could be threatening more than just the country, likely the entire planet."

That's a very bleak outlook, how do you advise we go about preventing this?



I suppose that is the most obvious resolution.


"Yes, yes it is. Once the experiments stop everyone will be safe and I can go home with a healthy conscience."

Well, thank you Khyron for speaking with us today. Do you have any last words for the public?


"Consider this a warning people. If the government doesn't stop screwing with things they shouldn't, you will have to pay the price."

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